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Posted: Fri 19 Dec 2008, 02:43
by wow
magerlab wrote:i also tryed to boot on EEE PC( wifi is recognized but tuochpad do not work properly)
Try to copy more input drivers from
Xorg-7.4-video-input-apps-i686.sfs/usr/X11R7/lib/xorg/modules/input to /usr/X11R7/lib/xorg/modules/input
Xorg-7.4-video-input-apps-i686.sfs/usr/X11R7/bin/* to /usr/X11R7/bin

Posted: Fri 19 Dec 2008, 08:40
by Sage
This one may be of interest:
also using the LXPanel? Will try it later.

Posted: Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:10
by capoverde
Installed Firefox with the .pet package manager: it starts only from the terminal although its icon appeared immediately in the menu (probably I should reboot, but I'm just doing a quick test now).

Changed background effortlessly, pic viewer works fine etc. -- but everything seems a little slower than with the regular Puppy; possibly lxde's fault?

Posted: Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:21
by MU
while I am away, I will try to make a pet or sfs with icewm.
So you can get a desktop that resembles Puppys standard desktop.
Then we also can compare the speed, too.
One thing to speed things up:
deactivate xcompmgr in the openbox configuration.
That is the tool that draws the shadows.
It really can slow things down on older computers like mine (Pentium 700).

Setting DPI

Posted: Fri 19 Dec 2008, 19:56
by techtype
I've got most everything working now, but how do you set the DPI after adding the nvidia drivers?

Edit: here is the answer-- edit xorg.conf as follows, by uncommenting the line that you want --

The formula for calculating the DisplaySize values is Width (in inches) x 25.4 / DPI and Height (in inches) x 25.4 / DPI. If you're running Xorg with a resolution of 1024x768 and want a DPI of 96, use 1024 x 25.4 / 96 and 768 x 25.4 / 96. Round numbers down. (xorg.conf expects width/height specifications to be given in milimeters. There are 25.4 milimeters per inch, thus the need to multiply by 25.4)

# calc: (x|y)pixels * 25.4 / dpi
# DisplaySize 168 126 # 96 DPI @ 640x480
# DisplaySize 210 157 # 96 DPI @ 800x600
# DisplaySize 269 201 # 96 DPI @ 1024x768
# DisplaySize 302 227 # 96 DPI @ 1152x864
# DisplaySize 336 252 # 96 DPI @ 1280x960
# DisplaySize 336 210 # 96 DPI @ 1280x800 (non 4:3 aspect)
# DisplaySize 339 271 # 96 DPI @ 1280x1024 (non 4:3 aspect)
# DisplaySize 370 277 # 96 DPI @ 1400x1050
# DisplaySize 380 238 # 96 DPI @ 1440x900 (non 4:3 aspect)
# DisplaySize 420 315 # 96 DPI @ 1600x1200
# DisplaySize 444 277 # 96 DPI @ 1680x1050 (non 4:3 aspect)
# DisplaySize 506 315 # 96 DPI @ 1920x1200 (non 4:3 aspect)

In case X ignores your DisplaySize setting (known bug) add the following line in the Device section.
Option "NoDDC" "true"

For nVidia drivers you may have to disable automatic detection of DPI to set it manually. There is also an easier way to set DPI on these cards. Either or both of the following lines can be set in the device section for your nVidia card.
Option "UseEdidDpi" "false"
Option "DPI" "96 x 96"

Posted: Sat 20 Dec 2008, 01:07
by wow
Here is a modified devx, add pyrex if you want to install Compiz Fusion from source:

[devx-Xorg7.4-gtk2.14.4-r1.sfs] [65.8 MB] compiling addon


Code: Select all

f283c4eaa4a0f4258ab5e00eb8fc95e8  devx-Xorg7.4-gtk+2.14.4-r1.sfs

Posted: Sat 20 Dec 2008, 11:16
by Lobster
ok Lobster, I updated the xara sfs
Thanks Mark - have not tried it in UP yet
but good news - I renamed the 4.11 part of the SFS to 4.12
and it is working in Puppy 4.1.2


Posted: Sat 20 Dec 2008, 14:45
by Sit Heel Speak
Now here is an interesting anomaly.


I booted wow's Puplet, live-CD, without specifying any puppy pfix parameter. Previously I had booted wow's live-CD using puppy pfix=ram without difficulty. Thanks, wow, for the new XOrg and Mesa!

There are eight assorted Puppies on this machine, including a frugal install of Puppy 4.11 on sda1 which has no pup_save.sfs of its own. It happens to carry a kernel which I grafted-in myself.

The sda1 frugal install of 4.11, is what came up, when I booted the wow's-Puplet live-CD with no pfix parameters.

Ehh, I must conclude that something ain't right with the init script. Unfortunately, as a bash scripting guru I am not yet gu enough to tackle this. sda1 is ext3, maybe that is a clue, maybe not.

Setting DPI

Posted: Sat 20 Dec 2008, 16:02
by techtype
Well, everything that I posted above about setting DPI should work ---- but does not for UltraPup. It seems that the setting for DPI in ~/.Xresources overrides all others. So change the line in that file to the DPI that you want: Xft.dpi: 96 does it for me. Finally!!!

Adding Themes

Posted: Sat 20 Dec 2008, 18:57
by techtype
I can find some nice blue GTK themes and put them in the "Themes" folder. They are then recognized and available to select. But picking different themes and applying them does not seem to change much, certainly not to any colors other than grey. Suggestions ??? shows some beautiful themes, but they don't work for me.

Menus and icons - for Wine-sfs-additions?

Posted: Sat 20 Dec 2008, 23:08
by davids45
Running this unnamed/ultra Pup as a frugal on a dual core desk top.
Very nice.
I had created a combined wine1.1.7+Excel+Word+Mailwasher+RootsMagic+PAF5+Ocad+7Zip sfs for use with all my frugals (needed for those Pups with just the 3 sfs options). This combined sfs runs quite well in U-Pup, except....

the U-Pup desktop displays the wine-generated Desktop directory of links to these Windows programs with text but blanks where the icons should be. If I click on the blank space above the text-line (that is, where the icon is normally), the program starts. The .xpm icons are there as images if I explore the wine-Desktop with Rox.

How can I get these icons to display on the desktop?

I have not been able to find where the data for the drop-down menus are. Winecfg and uninstall menu options are also without their mini-icons. And if I could, I would like to add these Windows-wine programs to the U-Pup menus - wherever they are hiding.

David S.

Posted: Sun 21 Dec 2008, 01:18
by wow
@Sit Heel Speak: If you boot any recent puppy version (x.xx) from CD it will search for pup_xxx.sfs on hard drive if available.

@techtype: You'll need more GTK+ engines (this iso has pixmap and murrine engines), there are some .pets in "Additional Software(pups 'n stuff)".
davids45 wrote:How can I get these icons to display on the desktop?
Try to add the full path to the icon, open any of those files with leafpad and edit it. To add icons to wine programs in my modified lxpanel's Menu copy the .desktop file to /usr/share/applications, open the file with any text editor and change the category to "Wine;"
Example, I moved "something.desktop" from the Desktop to the "/usr/share/applications/wine" folder and edited "something.desktop" with leafpad like this:

Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
To refresh the Main Menu wait few seconds or run this command in a terminal window:

Code: Select all


Posted: Sun 21 Dec 2008, 16:28
by techtype
wow wrote: @techtype: You'll need more GTK+ engines (this iso has pixmap and murrine engines), there are some .pets in "Additional Software(pups 'n stuff)".
Thanks, I just added the GTK Toolkit so far and that seemed to do it. I'll post a screenshot when I get all done.

Edit: the GTK toolkit destabilizes Ultrapup, it took a lot of testing before I identified it as it's subtle.

Posted: Sun 21 Dec 2008, 23:07
by davids45
G'day wow,
Thanks for the advice on modifying the menu to take the wine sfs programs.
All are now menued and working.
David S.


Posted: Mon 22 Dec 2008, 11:45
by logimax
Anyone tried to install wbar on UP? Im kinda noob, and can't get it to work.
Installed and a lib, placed the lib in my-applications/libs, and it seems to have found it, but now it complains about
/usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps/console48.png -> Image not found. Maybe using relative path.
i have browsed my fs, and the image is exactly on that place, but wbar seems to not see it...

Posted: Mon 22 Dec 2008, 16:51
by prit1

I used a stripped down version of Macgic that mostly just has wbar and a background and it worked. I think this version that you tried had an icon image for console that was not actually found. You can edit /root/.wbar and remove this line or fix this by changing it to a correct icon image location of console.

Mine looks like Macpup now. Attached screenshot.


Posted: Mon 22 Dec 2008, 21:40
by logimax
Thanks for Ur response prit1, but nope, it's not that, deleted the line, and it just complains on the next line. repeated and it complains about the next. I even moved the images to /root/ and changed the lines. ie i: /root/osxbarback.png and it is still complaining. It looks like it is not reading t/point me in the right direction, thanks!

Posted: Tue 23 Dec 2008, 06:09
by prit1

I think you would have to check if all the paths for the icons and other paths mentioned in /root/.wbar are existing and valid. You can post your .wbar here and we can take a look.

Posted: Tue 23 Dec 2008, 19:10
by MU
Bugfix concerning Muppyfiler/Gtkbasic:

You must install also: ...

The reason is, that wows Puplet contains an older version (2.5) of puppybasic.
Because it is the top layer, the newer one in my sfs is not used.
The PET fixes that.

I also will release a new sfs next year, that automatically solves this issue.

I made some more SFS:
- Icewm
- Gtk-Themeselector with themes
- Mplayer with required libraries in an own subfolder to avoid conflicts.

I currently write from an internet cafe, where I cannot upload files.
So they must wait until january.

I also work on a simplified version of "Muppywmchooser".
This "Desktopchooser" lets you switch from lxde to icewm on the fly, without restarting X.
I'll also add support for other Desktop combinations.
Like this you also can run Icewm without the Icewm-taskbar, but with lxpanel instead (which loads the menu much faster).

The concept is simple:
you do not run the windowmanager directly, but a small script, that loops endlessly.
Then the windowmanager runs as backgroundprocess.
To switch, you kill the wm, and start another one.
As a desktop contains more services, I use "startlxde" and "stoplxde", or "starticewm" and "stopicewm".
The "stop" scripts shut down all tools belonging to a desktop, like "kill -9 `pidof icedock`".

These scripts are accessable by a simple program with some buttons for each desktop.

I also tried to make a SFS of the VLC mediaplayer.
But it depends on wxGtk 2.6, that does not work with the Gtk in wows puplet.
I have to recompile it, once I find an opportunity to download wows new development files.
The wxGtk (wxWidgets) also were the problem we had above with XaraLx.
It has those libs statically compiled.
I also tried now a version from Ubuntu Intrepid, where wxGtk is used as shared library.
That also does not work, but is more "informative" to find the errors.
Errors can be shown like this:
gdb xara

Happy Christmas :)


Posted: Tue 23 Dec 2008, 21:09
by techtype
MU wrote:Bugfix concerning Muppyfiler/Gtkbasic:

You must install also: ...

The reason is, that wows Puplet contains an older version (2.5) of puppybasic.
Because it is the top layer, the newer one in my sfs is not used.
The PET fixes that.

I also will release a new sfs next year, that automatically solves this issue.

I made some more SFS:
- Icewm
- Gtk-Themeselector with themes
- Mplayer with required libraries in an own subfolder to avoid conflicts.

I currently write from an internet cafe, where I cannot upload files.
So they must wait until january.

I also work on a simplified version of "Muppywmchooser".
This "Desktopchooser" lets you switch from lxde to icewm on the fly, without restarting X.
I'll also add support for other Desktop combinations.
Like this you also can run Icewm without the Icewm-taskbar, but with lxpanel instead (which loads the menu much faster).

Happy Christmas :)

Thanks Mark, this seems to fix some bugs with Quickmount also. Prior to this, it seemed to mount some NTFS directories read-only.

Here is my current Ultrapup screenshot. It's still a work in progress.
