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Posted: Fri 10 Sep 2010, 17:25
by zigbert
Russian updated

Posted: Mon 06 Dec 2010, 10:08
by charlie6
Bonjour Sigmund !
thanks for this 3.3.1 !
running on Puppy 4.20 Xtreme v1.0 (previous 3.2.9 was running well).

I rename the file
as I got a file not found error

Now I get:

Code: Select all

# pburn 
/root/.pburn/pburnhlp-french: line 167: export: `projet',  souvent utilisée par les
gestionnaires de fichiers pour définir les disques.
  ': not a valid identifier
/root/.pburn/pburnhlp-french: line 179: span: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type
/root/.pburn/pburnhlp-french: line 191: syntax error near unexpected token `<'
/root/.pburn/pburnhlp-french: line 191: ` onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"></span>buffer'
I've attached the /root/.pburn/pburnhlp-french script as pburnhlp-french.

I believe pburn can work without translation.

Thanks for any answer
Cheers, Charlie.

Posted: Mon 06 Dec 2010, 17:36
by zigbert

The attached file seems to be corrupted, as I am not able to unzip it.

You are not supposed to manually do anything with /root/.pburn/pburnhlp-fr_FR:french. This file is generated during first-run installation.

The error shows '&nbsp' which indicates that the translation was done in a html-editor rather than a text-editor (as recommended).

On the other hand, - you have pointed out a bug: Pburn uses the LANG variable, even if you specify another language in the preferences. To get it going with french translation, execute this line in a terminal.

Code: Select all

export LANG=fr_FR; pburn


Posted: Tue 07 Dec 2010, 08:30
by charlie6
Hi Sigmund,
thanks a lot !
have done:

Code: Select all

# export LANG=fr_FR; pburn

(gtkdialog3:22842): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
        Using the fallback 'C' locale.
can not set locale properly

(gtkdialog3:22931): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
        Using the fallback 'C' locale.
/root/.pburn/pburnhlp-fr_FR:french: line 167: export: `projet',&nbsp; souvent utilisée par les
gestionnaires de fichiers pour définir les disques.
  ': not a valid identifier
/root/.pburn/pburnhlp-fr_FR:french: line 179: span: No such file or directory
/root/.pburn/pburnhlp-fr_FR:french: line 191: syntax error near unexpected token `<'
/root/.pburn/pburnhlp-fr_FR:french: line 191: ` onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"></span>buffer'
Then I get the pburn GUI desktop translated in french.

About the .tar.gz attachment in my previous post:
indeed cannot be uncompressed using tar -xzvf;
See now gzipped pburnhlp-french.gz.

ps: I forgot to mention in my previous post that, together with, I had installed
...BUT... I doubt about this last pet being properly installed as: neither the PPM dialog box «Install / Abort », nor the PetGet dialog box telling «Successfully installed» did not get displayed. Moreover is not listed in the PetGet PPM's installed packages list.

Cheers, Charlie

Posted: Wed 08 Dec 2010, 18:10
by zigbert
I tried to download/install the NLS pet, and everything installed just fine. It has also been registered by 'Puppy petget manager'.

About the syntax errors in the french file, I have to be strict :) - I do not have the resources or knowledge to verify the translation files. SORRY!!! esmourguit has done the french translation, and I am sure he is interested in feedback....... else you could update the help-file, and I will uploaded it.


pburn 3.3.3 French translations

Posted: Thu 24 Feb 2011, 15:12
by Argolance
... Here are the '/usr/local/pburn/locals/fr_FR_french' (has to be renamed as 'fr_FR:french') and /usr/share/doc/pburn/fr_FR_french_html (has to be renamed as 'fr_FR:french.html') files. This seems to run quite well and have been entirely revised from esmourguit works. Hope you'll find them fine and am waiting for feedbacks...


Posted: Mon 28 Feb 2011, 09:01
by zigbert
French updated


I used the help-file in the PM. Is that correct?


Posted: Mon 28 Feb 2011, 11:02
by Argolance
Hello zigbert,
... Yes, it is!
(I uploaded this version above too...)


Posted: Thu 08 Sep 2011, 06:32
by zigbert
French updated

Posted: Sat 01 Oct 2011, 15:24
by zigbert
French updated

Posted: Sat 29 Oct 2011, 03:44
by Pro
russian translation for 3.4.1 version

Please test it. may be sintax error.

Posted: Sun 30 Oct 2011, 14:53
by zigbert
Russian updated

Posted: Sun 06 Nov 2011, 07:45
by Pro
fixed russian help file for 3.4.1 version

" " convert to ' '

Posted: Mon 07 Nov 2011, 17:24
by zigbert
Russian updated

Posted: Mon 13 Aug 2012, 09:22
by zigbert
All old NLS files are converted to gettext

Thanks to L18L

Posted: Mon 13 Aug 2012, 10:57
by Argolance
This is great!
But where could we find the Pburn translation po file(s)?


Posted: Mon 13 Aug 2012, 11:12
by zigbert
You probably want to check out this.


Posted: Sat 01 Sep 2012, 23:03
by vicmz
Here's the updated Spanish locale.
Remember the .mo file is the one to use, the .po file is included for reference.
I'll post the help file translation when it's ready.

Posted: Mon 03 Sep 2012, 15:36
by zigbert
Spanish updated

Posted: Mon 11 Feb 2013, 21:23
by zigbert
Finnish is added