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Posted: Thu 25 Jan 2007, 23:37
by plinej
Here's some more help with flac:

To decode:
flac -d input.flac
To encode:
flac -6 input.wav
(The six could be any number 1 thru 8, the higher the more compression)
You can also have your output files output to a different directory by adding the output-prefix switch:
flac -6 input.wav --output-prefix=/mnt/sda1/
One other thing is you can use the asterik for multiple input files:
flac -6 *.wav

As for testing for a ffmpeg package that supports wma, I'm not sure. PBcdripper will try to encode to wma if it's selected and if it fails there will be a Xdialog popup telling the user to upgrade ffmpeg.

Posted: Thu 25 Jan 2007, 23:40
by plinej
You should be able to do this:

ffmpeg -formats | grep wma

If there's a D than decoding is supported
an E and encoding is supported

The only thing is for my ffmpeg package there's no E but it does encode so I'm not sure what that's all about.

I haven't tried this with the stock ffmpeg so I'm unsure if it shows up under that too. The thing is I know the stock ffmpeg doesn't encode wma (can't remember if it decodes).

Posted: Thu 25 Jan 2007, 23:52
by Nathan F
Many thanks. I'm just now sitting down to get to work on Grafburn again and the help is muich appreciated.


Posted: Fri 26 Jan 2007, 00:01
by plinej
As far as removing the files in the selected temp directory you could just create a directory inside the selected temp directory like grafburn-temp or something. Then just remove it and re-make it when grafburn starts.

Posted: Fri 26 Jan 2007, 00:07
by plinej
If you need any more help you can look at the code from my PupLosslessAudioTool which is at: ... 68&t=13777

It will transcode between wav, shn, flac, ape, and mp3 (lossy of course).

Posted: Fri 26 Jan 2007, 00:21
by Nathan F
Fantastic idea for the temp directory, much cleaner than what I was going to do.


Posted: Fri 26 Jan 2007, 00:32
by plinej
I was looking at soxgui and I noticed m4a is a supported format in sox.

Posted: Fri 26 Jan 2007, 00:38
by Nathan F
I made the change in the temp directory for audio encoding. Potential catastrophies averted.

I checked and neither ffmpeg will handle m4a. So for now I'll work on wma, mac, and flac. I should be able to get this up by tomorrow sometime.

Thanks for all your help.


Posted: Fri 26 Jan 2007, 00:41
by plinej
look above,

sox supports m4a

Posted: Fri 26 Jan 2007, 04:47
by Nathan F

Code: Select all

sh-3.00# sox "03 - Time In A Bottle.m4a" "Time in a Bottle.wav"
sox: Failed reading 03 - Time In A Bottle.m4a: Do not understand format type: m4a

That's my output in Puppy-2.13, trying to convert an m4a file. All of the files I have in that format suffer the same fate, I'm afraid.


Posted: Fri 26 Jan 2007, 15:21
by plinej
Yep, my mistake. I put it in soxgui because I was under the impression ffmpeg would decode that format due to documentation I had read. Yours may have some type of drm which make them non-decodeable.

Posted: Fri 26 Jan 2007, 19:14
by Nathan F
I just uploaded version 0.7. This release fixes a potentially severe bug in the audio encoding stage and I recommend that you upgrade for that reason. I also overhauled that portion of the gui so it now only pops up one terminal window for the entire encoding stage, and added support for the flac and mac (.ape files) codecs, if the required binaries are installed on your system. Support for wma is coming sometime but has not been written.

For those wishing to take advantage of the flac or mac codecs, PlineJ posted links to packages that will install the required support.

Note that when creating an audio cd, the directory you are creating it from can have any combination of .ogg, .mp3, .wav, .flac, or .ape files and they will be encoded to the desired output format. Other formats will just be ignored, or extra files. Both ogg and mp3 are lossy formats, meaning they actually discard some of the audo data in order to achieve their extreme compression. It is generally not a good idea to go from ogg to mp3 or vice versa, as quality will be degraded. Wav is uncompressed audio, and both flac and mac are lossless codecs. My personal recommendation for high quality audio is to use flac, or wav if you want a cd that can be played on any cd player.

This may slow down a bit for a while now, but there are still a few things I can think to do with Grafburn. I'd like to implement an easy way to copy directly from one cd or dvd to another. I'd also like to expand the preference settings even more, to allow the user more control over how a cd is created.


Posted: Fri 26 Jan 2007, 19:51
by plinej
lookin' good Nathan. I'll do some testing over the weekend.

Posted: Sat 03 Feb 2007, 22:55
by zigbert
I've just released a searh tool and I hoped to complete the option to move search-files into grafburn. I wonder if it would be hard to make an import function to grafburn. I guess you use graftpoints, and if so, it would be easy to export a graftpoints-file from Pfinds searchresult.

Posted: Mon 05 Feb 2007, 20:16
by Nathan F
It could be done now by moving the searched files into Grafburn's temp directory and then starting Grafburn. Grafburn just burns whatever is inside the temp directory (specified in it's config file and user configurable) rather than generating a list of files. You would have to have your program read the config file to find the location of the temp file:

Code: Select all

TMPDIR=`cat $HOME/.config/grafburnrc | grep -v '#' | grep TMPDIR | cut -f 2 -d '='`
That would do it in bash. Then you copy your files to that directory and can launch Grafburn like this:

Code: Select all

/usr/local/apps/Grafburn/AppRun -n
The -n option specifies to create a new iso. In future releases you will not have to specify the path to AppRun, but will instead be able just type "grafburn [option]". I made the mistake of just making /usr/local/bin/grafburn a symlink, when I should have made it a small wrapper script that calls AppRun with arguments, which will be fixed in version 0.8 that I am uploading in a few minutes. For now, if you want a list of options it will accept take a look at the AppInfo.xml file inside /usr/local/apps/Grafburn.


Posted: Mon 05 Feb 2007, 20:51
by Nathan F
Version-0.8 is available, but is only for Puppy-2.14 unless you also install Plinej's upgraded ffmpeg package.
from the changelog:
0.8 -
* Added decoding support for mp4 and m4a via faad2
* Added decoding for wma format
* Simplified the existing code in the audio encoding stage
* Removed the rox popup window from the audio cd creation stage
* Updated some dialog windows and main help
* Now packaged in PET format
I also fixed one or two other small bugs. You can now call grafburn from the command line, which was broken before (the main window would appear, but would not do anything else). During audio conversion, if one of the files does not decode or encode properly the source file will be retained, where is was deleted in previous versions. If you want to try out the m4a and mp4 support you will have to install faad2. Check elsewhere in the forum, there are a couple of different packages available for it. I was going to add support for aac decoding also but it failed with all of the aac files I tried, let me know if there are any failueres with mp4 or m4a.


Posted: Mon 05 Feb 2007, 23:20
by zigbert
Nathan. Thanks for your reply. I'll check it out.


Posted: Fri 16 Feb 2007, 18:22
by Nathan F
Somewher along the line I introduced a bug in the burning and blanking dialogs, so I have to release a bugfix. The bug, found by Yogi here on the forum, causes Grafburn to complain that the drive is already mounted, because it cannot find the correct drive. I also made one or two minor improvements while at it but nothing earth shaking.

Note that this bug is reproducable 100% of the time in the 0.8 version so if you have any intention of using Grafburn you must upgrade.


small enhancement

Posted: Fri 23 Feb 2007, 03:35
by kevs
Tried new version in 2.14 - most impressed. Simple interface and I could make an audio CD easily from wav file.

Pleasing feature coud set speed for CD to 48x and got a fast repro.

SMALL REQUEST - could the DVD speed chooser be enlarged please to 8x and maybe 16x to allow for the new disks and drives My DVD can write at 8x given suitable disks.

This looks and feels like the burner I have been looking for.

Thanks for the excellent work.

Posted: Fri 23 Feb 2007, 04:36
by Nathan F
could the DVD speed chooser be enlarged please to 8x and maybe 16x
Yes, that's an easy one to implement. For now you could add it to your configuration manually byt editing $HOME/.config/grafburnrc and replacing whatever speed setting is there with the one you want.

I've been working on a lot of other things lately but am still tinkering a bit here and there with Grafburn. The latest work involves direct copy from one disk drive to another, but it will take some doing to get it right because there is no one command line tool that can do this right in every case. It requires cdrdao to copy an audio cd, which is not in Puppy, so I have to set it up to determine what is on the disk and react accordingly. Without cdrdao you will have to rip the disk to wav first. Data cd's are not so much of a problem.

Anyway, when I do upload a new version I will include the additional speed settings.
