Create Debian 9 (Stretch) minimal ISO similar to DebianDog

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#61 Post by oui »

it is the same as or ?

Ok, you are welcome with that!

That dog was beautiful but the announcement was bad (real Puppy fans don't really look was happens else in the micro informatic world! They live in thei own Puppy bubble! If you announce a Deepin bubble, you have to inform, what is it! I did really miss such an introduction...).

Stretch with Deepin is really good! I am happy, it starts again!

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#62 Post by dancytron »

fredx181 wrote:Hi Everyone,

I've been thinking some more about this being a "project" and came to this:
I'm interested in what's your list of installed packages, I have no experience with a system e.g. without running X
Can you share? See below: MINI_INSTALL

Here's some possible (very basic concept) form, so that a user can choose from different setups by commenting or uncommenting one or more variables.
(later in time this can change in the form of questions while running the script, of course)

Code: Select all

############# uncomment or comment below #############
# different variables may have duplicates, should not be a problem when using together
# apt-get will then just filter out the duplicate packages

# Absolutely minimal, basic software, no X, e.g. : wget net-tools busybox sysvinit-core, psmisc, some console apps, and e.g. midnight-commander, links2
export MINI_INSTALL="....."

# Basic, X included, e.g. xserver-xorg and other packages to provide graphical desktop
# include MINI_INSTALL

# Openbox with pcmanfm, lxpanel, lxappearance, synaptic, midori or other browser ...
export OB_INSTALL="....."

# JWM with rox, synaptic ....
# export JWM_INSTALL="....."

# Basic dog applications, e.g. remaster scripts, apt2sfs, sfsload, filemnt etc...
export DOG_APPS_INSTALL="....."

# Extra dog applications, e.g. mpv, gnome-mplayer, dogradio, youtube-get ...
# export EXTRA_DOG_APPS_INSTALL="....."

# apt-get install (in chroot) what's not commented out
Really not sure about this, just idea...


I like it. The only issue I can see is that they have to be hierarchical. In other words, is it easy to make $JWM_INSTALL work with $OB_INSTALL installed underneath it? Or maybe organize it or put some notes so people know not to use $JWM_INSTALL and $OB_INSTALL at the same time?

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#63 Post by recobayu »

Have someone created an .iso using this way? I want to download it. :D

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#64 Post by AndresC2 »

Hello Fred :D

First I New Baby in Linux only learning so....

In Wheezy build with debootstrap I installed:

live-boot makedev apt-utils pciutils usbutils ntfsprogs
rsync dosfstools syslinux mc pmount squashfs-tools aufs-tools
ifupdown netbase net-tools isc-dhcp-client
zip unzip bzip2 p7zip-full whiptail sudo links2.

Install Xvesa in Jessie or stretch, No anymoore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

beacause: ... 6f1#963411

Now is Fun Building Debootstrap Time!!!

Thanks. :D
this is my xorg delete atachament .zip
(48.09 KiB) Downloaded 157 times
Last edited by AndresC2 on Mon 07 Aug 2017, 07:26, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Create Debian 9 (Stretch) minimal ISO similar to DebianDog

#65 Post by jd7654 »

fredx181 wrote:...
Should work running from any Debian based OS, I tested on Stretch Dog 32 and 64 bit.
Tried with what I had on hand.
AntiX64 - failed, many errors, did not produce ISO output.
DebianDog64-Jessie - completed and produced 162MB ISO, but won't boot.

Looked around for and installed what was said to work DebianDog-Stretch - that produced 164MB ISO, but also won't boot, either the ISO on USB or from frugal installed /live files on HD. Gets stuck in boot/init with same error as DD64:

Code: Select all

searching for stretch-x86_64.sgn file
from= cheatcode is incorrect
Tried various changes to try and make it work, but figure something must be corrupted in created init.

Not sure what it is with my setup that conflicts with the script, the DD64 and DD-Stretch are working fine on drive with porteus boot and changes persistence.
Below is grub entries:

Code: Select all

title DebianDog64 Jessie (sda5/DebianDog-Jessie)
  rootnoverify (hd0,4)
  kernel /DebianDog-Jessie/live/vmlinuz1 noauto from=/DebianDog-Jessie changes=/DebianDog-Jessie/live/
  initrd /DebianDog-Jessie/live/initrd1.xz

title DebianDog Stretch (sda5/DebianDog-Stretch)
  rootnoverify (hd0,4)
  kernel /DebianDog-Stretch/live/vmlinuz1 noauto from=/DebianDog-Stretch changes=/DebianDog-Stretch/live/
  initrd /DebianDog-Stretch/live/initrd1.xz

title DebLive Stretch (sda5/DebLive-Stretch)
  rootnoverify (hd0,4)
  kernel /DebLive-Stretch/live/vmlinuz1 noauto from=/DebLive-Stretch changes=/DebLive-Stretch/live/
  initrd /DebLive-Stretch/live/initrd1.xz

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#66 Post by AndresC2 »

Hello belham2
P.S. How in heck did Andres get an 85mb filesystem.squashfs?! That's awesome!! Hope he shares.

From /var/lib/apt/lists and /var/lib/apt/lists/partial remove the files bigger than 1 Mb
remove locales. etc..

thanks tony and JBV. :D

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#67 Post by backi »

jd7654 wrote :
Looked around for and installed what was said to work DebianDog-Stretch - that produced 164MB ISO, but also won't boot, either the ISO on USB or from frugal installed /live files on HD. Gets stuck in boot/init with same error as DD64:
searching for stretch-x86_64.sgn file
from= cheatcode is incorrect
Same for me .

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#68 Post by dancytron »

backi wrote:jd7654 wrote :
Looked around for and installed what was said to work DebianDog-Stretch - that produced 164MB ISO, but also won't boot, either the ISO on USB or from frugal installed /live files on HD. Gets stuck in boot/init with same error as DD64:
searching for stretch-x86_64.sgn file
from= cheatcode is incorrect
Same for me .
Is there a stretch-x86_64.sgn file in the /live folder?

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#69 Post by backi »

Hi dancytron !


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Re: Create Debian 9 (Stretch) minimal ISO similar to DebianDog

#70 Post by jd7654 »

jd7654 wrote:
fredx181 wrote:...
Should work running from any Debian based OS, I tested on Stretch Dog 32 and 64 bit.
Looked around for and installed what was said to work DebianDog-Stretch
Whoops, looks like I grabbed the wrong Dog. :wink:
(I'm vaguely aware of, but don't know all the issues about the Dog vs Dog drama, not sure I want to...or the Dog vs Puppy drama...)

Anyway, I found StretchDog64 and installed that and then the script ran fine and produced successful bootable ISO and frugal HD install files. DebLive-Stretch boots up fine now with same procedure and grub config as before.

So I guess the script is a bit more particular about the underlying Debian.
So in summary:

AntiX64 - Failed
DebianDog64-Jessie - completed, but live output not bootable, init issue
DebianDog-Stretch - completed, but live output not bootable, init issue
StretchDog64 - SUCCESS!
Last edited by jd7654 on Sat 05 Aug 2017, 07:23, edited 3 times in total.

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#71 Post by jd7654 »

backi wrote:
Same for me .
Glad I wasn't the only one. Changed Dog distro (see above) and then it worked. Same size files, just something corrupted in init.

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#72 Post by belham2 »

backi wrote:jd7654 wrote :
Looked around for and installed what was said to work DebianDog-Stretch - that produced 164MB ISO, but also won't boot, either the ISO on USB or from frugal installed /live files on HD. Gets stuck in boot/init with same error as DD64:
searching for stretch-x86_64.sgn file
from= cheatcode is incorrect
Same for me .

Hi Backi!

Hope you are doing well my friend, Fred is keeping us busy with his crazy, wild scripting skills 8) . Now we are building from them, peeking inside them and trying little adjustments/additions here & there and hoping it all works. I imagine pretty soon he is going to be having us download scripts that themselves build scripts which are then further used to build more scripts which are then......hahahahahha, I think you get the picture :lol:

The reason I am writing is this. I am wondering how I am getting so many successes using this build script and it is failing for you? Hmmmm.... Can I make some observations? First, know that I have now used 4 different versions of Fred's Dogs and they all allowed the builds to go great provided I followed everything below:

1) Very important, create a "separate" partition that is formatted EXT4. It only has to be the size of 3GB or 4GB max.

2) I know this sounds crazy, but download the script to this new partition. Do not download it to the Debian OS (and/or partition it is running on). I made this mistake, and each time I did it, making the chroot modifications to the file on that DebianDog OS partition running, my builds with resulting ISOs ended up failing to boot. How can this be possible?? I do not understand why it matters where the darn script is located?? Confusing!!!!! To the OS running, it should not matter. Still, builds done this way "failed to boot" every time.

3) So, once your script is on this new partition, make the necessary chroot changes Fred tells us too, and then run the script. It will do its things for ~20 mins and build everything you need (as you have probably already seen). Important: make sure you do not close the script early, as this is possible since the script stops near the end, even flashes a message like it is done, but it is not. It still has things to do.

4) Now, here comes the crazy and even more weird voodoo part. Do not try to boot that ISO from that 3-4GB partition if you are doing a "frugal" install. It will not work. I've tried it numerous time, copying the new ISO somewhere else (another partition and/or USB), then deleting everything on the build partition, and then making this build partition a grub4dos boot-controlled "frugal" install. Not once would this work! If someone can explain this voodoo behavior, then by all means jump in.

5) So, allowing that voodoo exists, take your new ISO, copy it somewhere else (preferably to the "frugal" partition you already have set up and running other Ddogs & Pups), and then make the "frugal" folder and your grub4dos entry for it. I recommend using the exact same grub4dos entry you use for one of the porteus-live frugal installs of the Ddogs. In fact, the entries on the Trinity Stretch are perfect.

I believe if you follow all the unexplainable voodoo above, you will get a working "frugal" install. I've done quite a few builds now the past few days, and also messing with script, and I haven't had a failure to boot yet---provided I did everything above as stated and followed the unexplainable voodoo building procedures. :twisted:

P.S. Hope the above helps. Also, at the least, if you're not getting a "frugal" boot working, then make sure you are running the build script on DebianDog OS (preferably one of the new Trinity versions) and make sure there is a "swap" partition set up with it if you are using 2GB of RAM or less. 4GB of RAM is better, 8GB+ of RAM is primo. Match the "swap" partition to the exact size of your RAM and make sure the Debian OS knows it is there.

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#73 Post by belham2 »

jd7654 wrote:
backi wrote:
Same for me .
Glad I wasn't the only one. Changed Dog distro (see above) and then it worked. Same size files, just something corrupted in init.

I have not had any Dog distro fail yet, provided I followed some voodoo (explained in previous post). I've tried 4 different Dog distros so far, and all were successes (about 10-12 builds so far). This is all weird that it is failing for some, and not others. Maybe my voodoo is useless and it is all down to lady luck, which would, lol, make more sense to me :lol:

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#74 Post by jd7654 »

belham2 wrote:
I have not had any Dog distro fail yet, provided I followed some voodoo (explained in previous post). I've tried 4 different Dog distros so far, and all were successes (about 10-12 builds so far). This is all weird that it is failing for some, and not others. Maybe my voodoo is useless and it is all down to lady luck, which would, lol, make more sense to me :lol:
I only tried once or twice each, so I can't say that I have any definitive solution either.

But I followed the same identical procedure each time:
On sda5 Linux partition with Ext4, with about 4GB free, and laptop has 4GB RAM and 4GB swap.
Dogs are all installed and run in subdirectories: /DebianDog-Jessie, /DebianDog-Stretch, /StretchDog64.
Script is run in another subdirectory: /DebLive-Stretch.
Resultant ISO was put into Easy2Boot USB drive, and the /live files were moved up to a few layers to /DebLive-Stretch/live

Script run in /DebianDog-Jessie and /DebianDog-Stretch produced all the files with correct sizes but would not boot. But the one run from /StretchDog64 produced bootable iso and frugal files.

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#75 Post by fredx181 »

Hi jd7654, belham, all,

Thanks for the reports!
I did some more testing now and my conclusion so far is that the script works well only running from Stretch host with the kernel 4.9.3.
Can't figure out why yet but the initrd files creating fails when running from another OS than Stretch.
This is a BIG bug in the script, and I'll try to fix it, thanks again !!
Have to run now, will get back later today.


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#76 Post by backi »

Fred wrote :
I did some more testing now and my conclusion so far is that the script works well only running from Stretch host with the kernel 4.9.3.
Could be the reason why it failed for me cause i did run the script in Deb-Dog-Jessie .........will try in Trinity Dog again .

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#77 Post by belham2 »

backi wrote:Fred wrote :
I did some more testing now and my conclusion so far is that the script works well only running from Stretch host with the kernel 4.9.3.
Could be the reason why it failed for me cause i did run the script in Deb-Dog-Jessie .........will try in Trinity Dog again .

It's nice to know I don't need my perceived "voodoo" steps anymore. Just checked and all 4 versions of DDogs I used (that were successful in building "frugal" bootable ISOs) were 2 of Stretch-Trinity-versions and 2 of the DebianDog64-Stretch versions. Now I know why some failed in the beginning----a few times at the beginning I used Trinity-Jessie (I think) and/or definitely used my old, trusty DebianDog32-Jessie. Those failed, which I attributed to how I set things up. I would have never guessed a build-script's success was related to and/or dependent upon the kernel version & which Dog was/is used. I am still scratching my head wondering why this is so.......:? Fred must be waving his magic beads with that one.... :lol:

Oh well. Voodoo-build-steps be gone now. Is nice.

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#78 Post by backi »

Hi belham !

Strange things happened .
Tested make-live-script again with Trinity Stretch .........all of a sudden all those dark shadows of doubt :roll: :roll: vanished into the night.......

Works :idea: :lol:

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#79 Post by belham2 »

backi wrote:Hi belham !

Strange things happened .
Tested make-live-script again with Trinity Stretch .........all of a sudden all those dark shadows of doubt :roll: :roll: vanished into the night.......

Works :idea: :lol:

Awesome, backi!!

Post us a pic after you get yours all tweaked and set (took me awhile 1st time) to your likings. First one I did, holy cow, the thing was so bare--~163mb----that it was NAKED 8) Fred spoiled us with all the other Ddogs where he includes almost everything possible and the Out house sink, and it all works! :lol:

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#80 Post by fredx181 »

backi wrote: Tested make-live-script again with Trinity Stretch .........all of a sudden all those dark shadows of doubt :roll: :roll: vanished into the night.......

Works :idea: :lol:
Very, very sorry backi, belham and all who tested on Jessie and therefore had "the dark shadows of doubt" ! :roll:
My bad, I should have tested on Jessie earlier :oops:

Found a fix now (in fact very simple, just a one line edit), to make it work for Jessie also
To explain:
I expected that inside the chroot the "uname -r" command (output of kernel version) should give the version of the just installed kernel in the chroot.
Wrong, "uname -r" in chroot gives the host (e.g. jessie) kernel version, so therefore creating initrd.img in chroot/boot failed because of not finding the right version.

Btw, I hoped with this last fix that it would work on Xenialdog also, but it doesn't.
(fails already at the (early) debootstrap stage)

Still testing... will EDIT this post for more info and upload new version of mklive-stretch later.


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