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Posted: Tue 09 Aug 2016, 04:47
by learnhow2code
Sailor Enceladus wrote:Saying bad things about Linux users in a Puppy forum calls for a beheading I think.
some despot toyed with the idea of doing that to bullwinkle once, and decided "no, that wont hurt him..." they opted to throw him into a CORBA* pit.

* in that case, the punishment would fit the crime!

* rocky: "thats 'astronaut'!" bullwinkle: "funnier my way!"

Posted: Tue 09 Aug 2016, 10:38
by Burn_IT
I agree with TyroBGinner.
This used to be a sensible forum capable of discussing things rationally.

It has degenerated into a pathetic tirade against Windows.

There are many cases where Linux or Windows is the better tool to use and anybody that does not recognise that is being foolish to say the least.

Posted: Tue 09 Aug 2016, 10:57
by learnhow2code
I agree with TyroBGinner.
This used to be a sensible forum capable of discussing things rationally.
*you* used to be a sensible forum capable of discussing things rationally... youre probably still capable, you just dont care. we obviously arent worth your time. case in point:
There are many cases where Linux or Windows is the better tool to use and anybody that does not recognise that is being foolish to say the least.
thats a conclusion backed up with an insult, posing as a rational argument. in my experience, thats mostly what you do. if i thought it was just at me, ive seen you pick less obvious targets-- some that more or less prove youre only out to lose credibility.

your summary of this forum, let alone this thread, is severely lacking-- but thats so obvious its barely worth mentioning. you are merely trumping up your personal bias-- which is exactly what you did the last time windows came up. your concept of "discussing things rationally" obviously means accepting your conclusion as our premise-- you never did offer the "argument" or respond (directly) to anyone elses points. and you didnt on the previous occasion.

Posted: Tue 09 Aug 2016, 11:42
by Burn_IT
Well it seems that you can only use personal attacks as arguments - as I was saying degenerated.

Posted: Tue 09 Aug 2016, 11:50
by learnhow2code
Well it seems that you can only use personal attacks as arguments
* IF one takes a thread you summarized entirely with a generalized insult,

* AND they ignore most of that thread,

* THEN yes-- your response could be one of a person that has at least some integrity.

* BUT... youre taking a lot for granted if you think that is the way it will turn out. youre hurting your case with these tactics. be my guest. why you think its so necessary for not only you-- but the rest of us to defend the merits of windows (in a thread asking if linux is used exclusively, on a forum about linux, in a subforum specifically for promoting puppy) and why you think that need is so "rational" is a detail youve chosen to keep to yourself.

Posted: Tue 09 Aug 2016, 17:25
by Sailor Enceladus
Burn_IT is a well-known established Microsoft Windows lover/MVP (source). No use trying to talk sense into them :lol:
Burn_IT wrote:I agree with TyroBGinner.
Of course you do, because they are saying good things about Windows and stereotyping/bashing Puppy users. This is obvious because you have chosen to take sides, when learnhow2code has not said anything "degenerative" at all (and you can't point out even one instance otherwise, that doesn't sound like you are contributing anything rational to the conversation at all).

This conversation started "degenerating" when you and TyroBGinner showed up, imo, it was going along just fine beforehand.

Posted: Tue 09 Aug 2016, 18:38
by Burn_IT
Well i have also been a Puppy user since it was first built, but you lot are certainly turning me off the current forum users.

Posted: Tue 09 Aug 2016, 18:43
by Sailor Enceladus
Burn_IT wrote:Well i have also been a Puppy user since it was first built, but you lot are certainly turning me off the current forum users.
Well I'm sorry if I don't have any great things to say about MS and bad things to say about Puppy users like TyroBGinner does.

Posted: Tue 09 Aug 2016, 18:49
by Burn_IT
It has nothing to do with your attack on MS. That can be expected.

It has a lot to do with vicious personal attacks on people.

Posted: Tue 09 Aug 2016, 18:54
by Sailor Enceladus
Oh well, for every seemingly vicious person (I think we both could fit into that category) there is always someone rational like learnhow2code to put things back in order for us I guess. ;)

Posted: Tue 09 Aug 2016, 19:07
by learnhow2code
Sailor Enceladus wrote:there is always someone rational
people arent very rational anyway, but avoiding responding to points by calling everyone else irrational is a ridiculous ad hom attack itself.

but some people can dish out ad hom to everyone and not take it from anyone, as youve noticed :)

windows fans demanding equal consideration in a "puppy power" thread reminds me of creationists wanting to edit the science curriculum in schools. (granted, weve done it to them. it wouldnt stay on the microsoft website, but im not calling for censorship just a valid comparison.)

so the question is: exactly what percentage of the time do we have to "prefer" windows for a task, in order to be rational? because im told that objectively, it is simply "better" sometimes, whether i like it or not. im sure theres a commercial in there somewhere. "microsoft: you can hate it, its still better if youre rational." thats b*ll*cks-- and such a cheap, cheap, cheap, cheap shot.

what people are celebrating when theyre windows-free is probably not elitism so much as not having to ever deal with a company that decides when to switch/reinstall their operating system for them. not having to put up with that kind of arrogance is a feature. unfortunately microsoft made it a feature you can only get by avoiding microsoft-- thats their problem.

as if that were the limits of microsofts arrogance-- just read their coordinated, secret (leaked) plans to systematically destroy linux. (their authenticity is verified.) but if we are rational we should overlook all that, because being in bed with hardware oems has its privileges and HEY LOOK! RIBBON MENU! i suppose if i were rational id give a cr*p.

Posted: Tue 09 Aug 2016, 21:33
by Burn_IT
It seems that the general computing world must be wrong then if Puppy is so good and Windows is so useless.

In all the time I spent working in the commercial computing world, I never once saw Puppy being used for business use.

I also never met a more conceited person than learnhow2code is coming across as.

Anyway I have said all I am going to say on this,

Goodniight and Goodbye!

Posted: Tue 09 Aug 2016, 21:43
by learnhow2code
I also never met a more conceited person than learnhow2code is coming across as.
claim unsupported by any points that you made, a simple matter of opinion-- youre entitled to it.
It seems that the general computing world must be wrong then if Puppy is so good and Windows is so useless.
that is likely the case-- still a matter of opinion/personal take, which is why its so funny that you try to make it about rationality.

obviously when we say puppy is better, we mean its better for us and for other things-- whatever windows is better for, those of us who have gone to the effort of avoiding it are clearly not interested in whatever "those things" are. but then again, you never did mention them-- you simply insisted we are foolish for not giving credit to whatever you were alluding to. have fun.

Posted: Wed 10 Aug 2016, 02:40
by Sailor Enceladus
learnhow2code wrote:windows fans demanding equal consideration in a "puppy power" thread reminds me of creationists wanting to edit the science curriculum in schools. (granted, weve done it to them. it wouldnt stay on the microsoft website, but im not calling for censorship just a valid comparison.)

so the question is: exactly what percentage of the time do we have to "prefer" windows for a task, in order to be rational? because im told that objectively, it is simply "better" sometimes, whether i like it or not. im sure theres a commercial in there somewhere. "microsoft: you can hate it, its still better if youre rational." thats b*ll*cks-- and such a cheap, cheap, cheap, cheap shot.

what people are celebrating when theyre windows-free is probably not elitism so much as not having to ever deal with a company that decides when to switch/reinstall their operating system for them. not having to put up with that kind of arrogance is a feature. unfortunately microsoft made it a feature you can only get by avoiding microsoft-- thats their problem.

as if that were the limits of microsofts arrogance-- just read their coordinated, secret (leaked) plans to systematically destroy linux. (their authenticity is verified.) but if we are rational we should overlook all that, because being in bed with hardware oems has its privileges and HEY LOOK! RIBBON MENU! i suppose if i were rational id give a cr*p.
Thanks learnhow2code. Your message really made me chuckle (in a good way). :D

Posted: Wed 10 Aug 2016, 10:25
by anikin
I love Puppy, I love Linux but I'm not a Windows hater.
I'm my own man. I can draw my own conclusions on whether Windows is good or evil and whether I should love Puppy more than other distros. And I don't want anyone's views imposed on me. You guys, sailor and learnhow2code have overplayed your hand in this petty, overblown and totally manufactured "Windows trolls" issue.

Posted: Wed 10 Aug 2016, 10:50
by learnhow2code
anikin wrote:I don't want anyone's views imposed on me.
this is a classic.

no one has said you have to hate windows-- the exact opposite has probably been said.

but by saying "i dont want anyones views imposed on me," then naming two people you dont agree with, youre implying that someone has tried to "impose" their pov just by HAVING ONE of their own.

in other words, if we dont stfu about our pov then we arent letting you have yours-- even if we say you can (as if its really up to us anyway, when every person here including us knows it isnt.)

You guys, sailor and learnhow2code have overplayed your hand in this petty, overblown and totally manufactured "Windows trolls" issue.
and on what basis do you make this claim?

right, you dont make it on any basis at all. you dont say what we did to "overplay our hand," just throw out an accusation and see what sticks.

do you too really need our permission to like something other than linux, and do you really need that validation here, in THIS thread? we didnt think so.

you guys have successfully made a linux thread on a linux forum almost entirely about windows.

i honestly think they should pay you for this level of support. at least some free swag or something.

Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2016, 02:17
by TyroBGinner
It seems I ruffled a few feathers...or tugged on a few tails.

In fact, for a long while now, I have thought about starting a topic entitled "Windows is better than Puppy Linux", but I figured that would cause people to physically track me down and *actually* decapitate me rather than only innocuously propose such an act here in this forum.

My motivation for such a provocative title is to have a frank discussion about the merits of the various OSes. The view here is pretty one-sided, and I was hoping to give voice to other perspectives. For me, at least, Windows really does best Puppy Linux in a number of ways - a fact that is almost never expressed here. I am often surprised when people say that their old computer has "new life" when running a Linux distro. Maybe that really does happen, and my case is unusual. It would be intresting to look at several of these cases to find an explanation.

Praise for (and the positives of) Puppy Linux are all over here. I said what I said mainly because I had not seen it expressed much otherwise. I was simply challenging the extreme view that Windows is all evil and Puppy Linux is superior in every regard. Say what you want, that is the tone seen here all the time. It seems that it would mislead new users, and is just wearisome when you see it come up constantly.

What I said was critical of Linux and the culture here and elsewhere, but I did not suggest that either is bad. I was giving voice to an underrepresented view. In short, don't take this personally - it is not an attack. It would violate self-preservation. I use various Linuxes, and the unique virtues of Puppy Linux have been of huge advantage to me. Of course there is much to recommend Linux...and Windows too.

Sent from my iPad

Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2016, 02:32
by Sailor Enceladus
TyroBGinner wrote:In fact, for a long while now, I have thought about starting a topic entitled "Windows is better than Puppy Linux",
You can start one, but I don't know if you would have anything to write in it, that couldn't be proven wrong by someone later.

Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2016, 02:42
by TyroBGinner
It would be a pointless back-and-forth, it seems.

Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2016, 02:45
by Sailor Enceladus
Exactly! Out of sight, out of mind. :lol: