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Posted: Wed 01 Jul 2009, 09:16
by ttuuxxx
Here's hardinfo hardware information, I edited the source code and renamed/repeated most of the icons so it would reduce the amount of icons needed, it went from 236kb in icons to 20kb in icons and still looks good :)

Posted: Wed 01 Jul 2009, 09:52
by davesurrey
Some feedback once again:

1. clarf's suggestion to do

Code: Select all

export LC_ALL=C 
eliminates the GTK and GDK warnings "locale not supported by C lib" certainly for xsane, gtkam and gtkhash but only while I am in terminal. If I go out of terminal and then back in and "gtkhash" for example the error messages return.

I tried adding "export LC_ALL=C" to /root/.initrc as suggested by MHHT but that didn't work. So I guess the question is where can it go to be persistent. Also I checked that /etc/profile line 73 had

Code: Select all

which it did.

2. Even with this in terminal I get a further error message with gtkhash
gtk-warning: failed to set property gtk toolbar.icon-size to GTK_ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR. could not parse integer.
3. As MHHT reported the change to /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc resolves a lot of the issues with jwm_config_mngr


Posted: Wed 01 Jul 2009, 10:19
by davesurrey
Just installed HardInfo, and the Xfburn/Ristretto/Screenshot trio and all are working. Many thanks.

We now have two inserts in Menu>Graphics namely
"Screenshot" and "Take Screenshot".
Can I assume if you are going to keep both then you will rename them to ident them easier.
eg Simple and Advanced Screenshot or Even Screenshot-mtpaint.


Posted: Wed 01 Jul 2009, 14:52
by esmourguit
Bonjour à tous,

Hello ttuxxx,
Just installed HardInfo, and the Xfburn/Ristretto/Screenshot trio but there is one problem with ristretto, see picture below. I'm with the fr-FR locale.
Thank you for that version.
Cordialement ;)

Posted: Wed 01 Jul 2009, 15:02
by davesurrey
Bonjour esmourguit:
Go'day ttuuxx:

Yes I have the same error message when I run Ristretto from terminal. Well not as verbose; it just says
DEBUG: xfdesktop is not running
I am running locale=en_UK.
However it seems to work okay either from the terminal or Menu.


Posted: Wed 01 Jul 2009, 15:09
by clarf
davesurrey wrote:Some feedback once again:

1. clarf's suggestion to do

Code: Select all

export LC_ALL=C 
eliminates the GTK and GDK warnings "locale not supported by C lib" certainly for xsane, gtkam and gtkhash but only while I am in terminal. If I go out of terminal and then back in and "gtkhash" for example the error messages return.

I tried adding "export LC_ALL=C" to /root/.initrc as suggested by MHHT but that didn't work. So I guess the question is where can it go to be persistent. Also I checked that /etc/profile line 73 had

Code: Select all

which it did.
davesurrey, I don´t understand your post. You could make it persistent or not?.

I must clarify that any environment variable could be set in /etc/profile and it makes changes persistent, in this file you must change your LANG=en_GB to LANG=C or LANG=POSIX. Excuse me if I wasn´t clear enough before...

You can check your actual locale for each format setting using:

Code: Select all

For supported localization use:

Code: Select all

locale -a
You also can check all your environment setting using:

Code: Select all


Posted: Wed 01 Jul 2009, 15:17
by ttuuxxx
esmourguit wrote:Bonjour à tous,

Hello ttuxxx,
Just installed HardInfo, and the Xfburn/Ristretto/Screenshot trio but there is one problem with ristretto, see picture below. I'm with the fr-FR locale.
Thank you for that version.
Cordialement ;)
Hi probably you didn't restart x-server, because that will start dbus, or you could click on /root/.xinitrc and that will start it also.
and the second message is to be ignored because xfce isn't running, jwm is, Its the way I hacked them together so we wouldn't be stuck using xfce, just there programs, its better that way :) well for size and resources, ristretto even had thunar as a dependency and that is very large, So I only used the lib from it.

Posted: Wed 01 Jul 2009, 15:26
by ttuuxxx
davesurrey wrote:ttuuxxx;
Just installed HardInfo, and the Xfburn/Ristretto/Screenshot trio and all are working. Many thanks.

We now have two inserts in Menu>Graphics namely
"Screenshot" and "Take Screenshot".
Can I assume if you are going to keep both then you will rename them to ident them easier.
eg Simple and Advanced Screenshot or Even Screenshot-mtpaint.

Hi Dave I'm just going to remove the older one, no need to have 2 screenshot utilities :) That new one is great isn't it ? lol Funny how small things like that can really make a persons day..

Posted: Wed 01 Jul 2009, 18:13
by davesurrey
clarf wrote
davesurrey, I don´t understand your post. You could make it persistent or not?.
Sorry clarf, no I couldn't.
I did say
If I go out of terminal and then back in and "gtkhash" for example the error messages return.
but I can see it might not have been clear what followed.

Anyway now that I understand what needs to be put in /etc/profile I have changed line 73 to "LANG=C" in place of LANG=en_GB and it is persistent.

Thank you for your help.
Much appreciated.

Posted: Wed 01 Jul 2009, 18:17
by davesurrey
Hi ttuuxxx,
Yes the new screenshot app is much nicer. I agree, it doesn't need two of them!!

Posted: Wed 01 Jul 2009, 18:41
by MinHundHettePerro
Hello, all!
Sorry, for my outcry with joy, a bit prematurely perhaps, that the 'C'-fallback-error-message-thingy-bug had vanished :( :oops: :) . Upon reboot, there it was again. Have tried now to make it foolproof, so as to always have LANG=C set in /etc/profile, as well as exported.
This is what I now put in .xinitrc, which ensures that LANG is set back to (and exported as) C, even if locale is set with the chooselocale-script, or otherwise entered in /etc/profile (nicked it from chooselocale, modified it slightly). Insert before #exec $CURRENTWM in /root/.xinitrc:

Code: Select all

# Brute force LANG_profile_workaround/over-rider by MHHP 2009; makes sure that, if a locale is chosen,
# or by other means is set, the choice is overridden and LANG is set back to "C"
LANG_set=`set|grep 'LANG'|grep 'LANG='|cut -f 2 -d '='`
if [ "$LANG_set" != "C" ];then
CURRENTLOCALE="`cat /etc/profile | grep "LANG=" | cut -f 2 -d '=' | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | cut -f 1`"
cat /etc/profile | sed -e "s/${OLDLANG}/${NEWLANG}/" > /tmp/profile
cp -f /tmp/profile /etc/profile
rm -rf /tmp/.X0-lock
exec restartwm $CURRENTWM
export LC_ALL=C
It's like disabling chooselocale, while at the same time keeping it for the future, should someone come up with a permanent fix.
This fixes the problem for me but, then again, I never usually set the locale (don't know what it's good for), I just set my keyboard to se, and the timezone to +1, and then I feel localised :) .
Don't know if this is any help for users that need to set the locale, though :? .


Posted: Wed 01 Jul 2009, 19:12
by ttuuxxx
I've been following the forums advice, but also been adding locales to my system, 15MB compressed, lol utf8 etc
also I've ported puppy 4 series chooselocale script and matching files.
and so far this is how far I got. If I can figure out "LC_ALL="
then it would be good to go.

Posted: Wed 01 Jul 2009, 20:19
by ttuuxxx
ok now I have it so that it sets everything to C local but the LANG=en_AU gets changed when I change it with the language selector.
That works pretty good. Still get a fallback C warning.
PS I did the C change by adding to the root/.bashrc

#. /etc/profile
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
alias mkdir='mkdir -p'
alias dir='ls'
export LC_ALL=C
#v1.0.5 need to override TERM setting in /etc/profile...
#export TERM=xterm
# ...v2.13 removed.

#export HISTFILESIZE=2000
#export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups
#...v2.13 removed.

Posted: Wed 01 Jul 2009, 21:12
by clarf
Hi ttuuxxx, just for the record I tested

I have some problems with ristretto.

After restart x-server I can use ristretto, open files and directories and view related images. But It crash right after you open a directory or file and click in File - Properties.

attached error.

Posted: Thu 02 Jul 2009, 01:22
by ttuuxxx
clarf wrote:Hi ttuuxxx, just for the record I tested

I have some problems with ristretto.

After restart x-server I can use ristretto, open files and directories and view related images. But It crash right after you open a directory or file and click in File - Properties.

attached error.
Thanks clarf, I edited the source code and removed Properties, really its not an actual needed it, so when you open it, there's no 'Properties' to select, lol

Posted: Thu 02 Jul 2009, 05:46
by ttuuxxx
Hi Guys I'm trying fixup the loose ends, well basically put the next release together. As for the JWM Config manager, is there anything else I should add to it, I changed the icons and now it looks much better.

Posted: Thu 02 Jul 2009, 07:07
by davesurrey
ttuuxxx wrote
As for the JWM Config manager, is there anything else I should add to it,
taskbar ??

Posted: Thu 02 Jul 2009, 07:39
by ttuuxxx
Good Idea, the number of virtual desktops wasn't working so I grabbed the script from series 4 and now it is :)

Posted: Thu 02 Jul 2009, 08:52
by ttuuxxx
Ok thats done and I removed the restart JWM button, because I added fresh menus as soon as you click ok and also added the fresh menus to all the taskbar applets. So its automated now :) I did that to keep the height under control for small screens and also to make it simpler.

Posted: Thu 02 Jul 2009, 12:37
by esmourguit
Bonjour à tous,
Hello ttuuxxx,
I restarted X and ristretto works OK, with no problem.
Is it possible to get the french (and others) locale files for this little progs if they exist? Thank you.
I would like to say i have no message "locale not supported by C library". I use fr-FR locale. I just have in /etc/profile this line 73 : LANG=fr_FR
Cordialement ;)