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Posted: Mon 06 Sep 2010, 00:39
by playdayz
nice that you squezed midori in and still have same iso size as 5.1!
technosaurus compiled a 2.5MB pet of midori (without ssl).

Posted: Mon 06 Sep 2010, 02:10
by James C
Just thought I'd mention that Opera 10.61 works fine with doesn't exhibit any of the multimedia problems that occur with the Opera/JWM combination.

Posted: Mon 06 Sep 2010, 02:33
by paulhomebus
Um - just wondering is there .delta files available from 5.1 for this?

Posted: Mon 06 Sep 2010, 03:23
by 01micko
Um - just wondering is there .delta files available from 5.1 for this?
Yep :wink: ... 10M

# md5sum


Posted: Mon 06 Sep 2010, 09:03
by cthisbear

How about listing Tronkels Teamviewer pet in quickpets?

Fab software - great 4 rescues.


teamviewer_wine Downloaded 77 times

File: Size: 17.75 MB


I even altered different Lucid ISOs to have

Teamviewer and Opera or Teamviewer and Seamonkey.


Posted: Mon 06 Sep 2010, 13:29
by pemasu
In honor of pemasu, the Puppy Package Manager puppy-lucid repo now includes F-Prot-6-Lucid, a well-respected command line virus scanner. ...
I am honored and grateful. Thank you playdayz !!!

Launch from /opt/f-prot/ (in terminal) and it makes symlinks to use it from terminal straight.
Works fine. Even better from commandline than using XF-Prot GUI. Use it to check viruses and trojans in windows files.

Usage: fpscan --disinfect (--deleteall) /mnt/sd**. Use --deleteall with care and it needs --disinfect option also with it. Fpscan -h for more options and description.

Updating virus definition database: /opt/f-prot/fpupdate. It makes also entry to crontab to update periodically every 25 minutes if there is something to update.

Posted: Mon 06 Sep 2010, 15:37
by playdayz
Firefox 4.0 beta 4 is now linked in Lupu News. ...

Posted: Mon 06 Sep 2010, 15:57
by bigpup
Clean install Lucid 5.1.1
Still have these problems.
bigpup wrote: At first boot:

Welcome to Lucid Puppy Screen:

1. Recommends wrong video driver for my card(Nvidia NV37GL Quadro PCI-E). Recommends xorg_high. Should be a Nvidia driver. The Nvidia 173 one works for me.

2. If select change resolution. The info screen, that comes up after selecting the resolution, does not stay up long enough to read and make a selection as to what to do. About the time you read it and think, it is gone. (should stay until you select something)
Also when selecting the second button "Connect to the Internet"
It works ok in setting up connection, but does not do anything about a firewall. Does not set one up or warn that you need too.

Posted: Mon 06 Sep 2010, 16:33
by playdayz
2. If select change resolution. The info screen, that comes up after selecting the resolution, does not stay up long enough to read and make a selection as to what to do. About the time you read it and think, it is gone. (should stay until you select something)

Also when selecting the second button "Connect to the Internet"
It works ok in setting up connection, but does not do anything about a firewall. Does not set one up or warn that you need too.
1. That is the colored screen with Permanent and session in the lower left?

2. If you establish a wireless connection, then Simple Network Setup offers to install the Firewall but not for an ethernet connection.--that was Barry's choice.

Posted: Mon 06 Sep 2010, 22:01
by bigpup
Welcome to Lucid Puppy Screen:
2. If select change resolution. The info screen, that comes up after selecting the resolution, does not stay up long enough to read and make a selection as to what to do. About the time you read it and think, it is gone. (should stay until you select something)
playdayz wrote:1. That is the colored screen with Permanent and session in the lower left?
Yes that one.

Posted: Mon 06 Sep 2010, 22:11
by bigpup
playdayz wrote:2. If you establish a wireless connection, then Simple Network Setup offers to install the Firewall but not for an ethernet connection.--that was Barry's choice.
If the program firewallstate was part of Lucid Puppy and loaded on startup it would warn about this no firewall installed.

silly q no 186

Posted: Tue 07 Sep 2010, 06:02
by scsijon
um, how do I use the delta file?

brain just out of gear at present for some reason. :oops:


Lupu-511 and Huawei E169G

Posted: Tue 07 Sep 2010, 10:01
by alec78
Hi all,
First thank you mick01 for the delta file.
Next the ongoing saga of the Huawei E169G 3G modem.
Installed lupu-511 to a dongle then inserted the E169G, and went through the usual set up routine and again failed as for luci-222. I looked at the installed modules and noted that the option module was not loaded. Ran "modprobe option" and then ran the set up wizard again and all worked. Posting this now from lupu-511.


Posted: Tue 07 Sep 2010, 10:55
by yorkiesnorkie

I seem to have lost my last post somewhere. Well, I got turned around somewhere here, wasn't there a very long 200+ post list for the RC? At any rate I can't find that. Moving on...

I downloaded the RC using a link in that post. The live CD won't boot on my IBM 380 XD. I get an "uncompression" error. I had the same error with 2.1.4X by the way and here's what I did.

So, the workaround was to create a new folder puppy511 along side of my existing puppy431 installation. I copied the relevant files from the CD and the existing ATAHD file from the 431 installation. I manually edited the grub menu list copied the grub entry for 431 and changed all the references to 511.

On rebooting, and choosing my new 511 Frugal entry it booted nicely. However I did run into problems with the wireless.

I have a Dlink 802.11g USB device and an older pcmcia card rtl8180l. (no I'm not using both at the same time) To make a long story short the 98/xp era inf file I'd been using in 431 to run the Dlink isn't accepted. I got some kind of superseded modprobe error. I tried the old wireless tool as well but it just hangs. FUBAR! That was a showstopper. However, I rebooted to start over and the new wireless connection tool did find the old 802.11b rtl8180l just fine. I was able to get a connection with that very easily. There are far less hoops to jump through with the new wireless tool so I was very impressed with it, rating it three out of four stars for ease of use.

Impressions so far, I like quickpet. I added Opera, Inkscape, Gimp, Cinelerra, and PDFedit all very easily and quickly. So, I'm impressed with that tool.

I'll use 511rc for a bit and let you know how it goes. Overall, a very nice effort by everyone. :)

My only real question, is there any real difference between the RC and the current version? I just want to know if I should immediately upgrade.


Posted: Tue 07 Sep 2010, 12:46
by 01micko

Lost ability to connect!

Posted: Tue 07 Sep 2010, 17:27
by gortonc
Clean install of 5.1.1, md5 sum good. USB gsm modem not detected. Created save file rebooted, still no joy. Reboot using savefile of prerelease candidate (had worked fine), still no luck. Savefile was updated so no going back. Slapped in 5.10 CD booted on upgraded? savefile. No connection, but showing ttyusb0 (nothing found on previous tries) erase, probe- shows ttyusb1 - connects???

Any Ideas? Can't use 5.1.1 if no internet :cry:

Thanks for any help.


Posted: Tue 07 Sep 2010, 17:32
by rcrsn51
Boot off the CD that worked for you. At the short initial pause, type

Code: Select all

puppy pfix=ram
That will ignore the old pupsave file when it boots.

If you can get your modem working OK, open the Puppy partition and delete the old pupsave file. Then shut down and create a new one.

Posted: Tue 07 Sep 2010, 18:36
by tronkel
Just tried the Valaide program in 5.1.1. It bombs out with a segfault if you try to create a new Vala project. Works OK in Wary 5

Also noticed that Vala programs won't compile at all in 5.1.1, most likely because of missing dependencies in the GTK installation.

I built a Vala program in Wary 5 with the 2.6.30 kernel. The program built and ran OK here and also ran in 5.1.1. To summarise then, Vala compiling is not working in in 5.1.1 at the moment.

The Glade interface designer does work in 5.1.1 though as far as I can see.

5.1.1 breaks modem

Posted: Tue 07 Sep 2010, 19:07
by gortonc
Thanks rcrsn51,
My initial boot into 5.1.1 was pfix=ram. As noted above I already was able to revert to 5.10 and get it working with the updated save file.

I saw on BK's blog that there was a problem with pdial on quirky so I tried his fix-pet, no joy after restart, so I removed it. Copied working wdialconfig, to 511 but still no joy.

What seems weird to me is that in 510 with the savefile upgraded to 511, pupdial shows ttyUSB1 as the modem, but wdialconfig shows it as ttyUSB0, as does /dev/modem.

Since I cannot connect with a pfix=ram installx of 511, am I out of luck? With the working wdialconfig from 510 copied to 511, clicking connect gives no such device ttyUSB0 error get the same for USB1 when I specify it :cry:

Grace & peace


5.1.1 breaks modem

Posted: Tue 07 Sep 2010, 20:38
by gortonc

This seems to be the crux of the matter: What has changed between the release candidate and the final release that would break my modem? All previous versions since 5.1 have worked fine with pfix=ram installs (always booting off CD). Now 5.1.1 cannot find my modem. Any ideas?

Grace & peace
