Page 28 of 260

Posted: Mon 29 Jun 2009, 08:34
by vg1

my vote goes to xmms, with plugins. Comparing like with like, the two would be about equal in size with all the plugins [see Tempestuous' post above]

MinHundHettePerro -

shift your entry from the present position:

Code: Select all

<Tray  autohide="false" insert="right" x="0" y="-1" height="30" >
<!-- Additional TrayButton attribute: label -->
<TrayButton icon="kugar.png" popup="Menu">root:3</TrayButton>
<TrayButton popup="Show desktop" icon="desktop2.png">showdesktop</TrayButton>
<TrayButton popup="Valhalla-radio"  icon="/mnt/home/p/valhalla_radio/mjölner2.png">exec:/mnt/home/p/valhalla_radio/valhalla</TrayButton>
further down to:

Code: Select all

<!-- Additional Swallow attribute: height -->

<Swallow name="Valhalla-radio">/mnt/home/p/valhalla_radio/valhalla</Swallow>

<Swallow name="blinky">
blinkydelayed -bg "#313840"
</Swallow><Swallow name="asmix">nice -19 asmix -shape -exec xmessage hello</Swallow>
<Swallow name="freememapplet">freememapplet</Swallow>
<Clock format="%R ">minixcal</Clock>
This is where the entry should go to appear where you want it to. I don't have the app to try it myself and don't know if it will actually work like that. If not try to vary the entry until you get it working.


Posted: Mon 29 Jun 2009, 08:46
by MinHundHettePerro
My vote goes to tempestuous'

Thanks, I'll try that.


Posted: Mon 29 Jun 2009, 08:59
by DaveS
Man this looks like a load of work............. :D

Posted: Mon 29 Jun 2009, 09:11
by tempestuous
After some testing with the BMP source code, I see that it's not necessary to recompile BMP with the extra codecs enabled, but simply compile and add the necessary extra plugins.

So for those who prefer to stick with the BMP version in Puppy214X4, I now attach the FLAC/AAC/WMA plugins as a dotpet.
I have attached a screenshot of how the BMP Plugins > Input menu will look after installation.

NOTE: if you want to be able to use both BMP and XMMS, you must install the XMMS dotpet first -
then install the extra BMP plugins from this post, second.
If you install these two dotpets in the reverse order, FLAC playback will be broken in BMP.

Posted: Mon 29 Jun 2009, 09:42
by ttuuxxx
thanks tempestuous , now you've really made it hard to decide, lol
I like bmp because i've always found it really stable on this version of puppy. The main skin I could do without, I might just add your plugins and give it a skin change, maybe something like the original Winamp, or the sony retro. etc

Posted: Mon 29 Jun 2009, 10:00
by tempestuous
I won't sway the decision!

But I suggest everyone interested should compare both applications to get a hands-on feel for both ...
... and check the CPU usage of both.

Posted: Mon 29 Jun 2009, 10:05
by tempestuous
Oh, regarding the "Analog VUmeter" plugin -
this was originally written for XMMS and GTK1. At one stage I tested a version that had been hacked for BMP and GTK2 ...
but the plugin generated a lot of GTK2 errors, and might well be expected to crash.

So if you go with BMP, forget about the VUmeter plugin.

Posted: Mon 29 Jun 2009, 10:42
by ttuuxxx
Hi tempestuous

You know how puppy and abs volume never worked on my 2 identical motherboards with different soundcards and videocards right? we talked about it over a year ago, well today for the first time ever I have a fully functional working mixer, I compiled Gstreamer for Xfburn, and spent the past 2 days messing around with xfce applications on 4.15, So I figured might as well compile the xfce mixer and give it a shot, WOW if found my soundcard by name and gave me a list of different volume controls, like pcm,mic etc and they all worked!!! and its a nice gui to boot :)
Man is this ever a nice mixer, clean and modern looking. Blows away alsamixer by a landslide, well with this motherboard, too bad its only a short term thing, lol, well its not like I'm going to include Gstreamer on 2.14.1X thats like 4MB with the 3 plugin packs.

ps the really cool thing about the mixer, when I raise the pcm volume, the actual volume on Gxines moves also, the mixer controls Gxine volume fully, it moves, how strange.

Posted: Mon 29 Jun 2009, 13:00
by ttuuxxx
just booted up 2.14.1.x and boy is it nice to boot it up again, I was working on 4.15 and didn't notice the change until I came back :)
I'll be spending the next few days on 2.14.1X, probably start rereading from when I released the last version and continue wit the updates, If anybody has a clue on how to fix the locales warning messages we get, I'm all ears, It doesn't matter if I have to compile 10+ programs, it would be nice to get it fixed.

Posted: Mon 29 Jun 2009, 13:23
by clarf
ttuuxxx wrote: I haven't seen anyone post if the xmms package on the last page should be in or out, it will add around 400-500kb extra, also I have 2 new apps that I'll be including also, for the next release.
Hi ttuuxxx, hey man you missed my post. I already voted for XMMS without some plugins, see previous page...

Posted: Mon 29 Jun 2009, 13:29
by ttuuxxx
clarf wrote:
ttuuxxx wrote: I haven't seen anyone post if the xmms package on the last page should be in or out, it will add around 400-500kb extra, also I have 2 new apps that I'll be including also, for the next release.
Hi ttuuxxx, hey man you missed my post. I already voted for XMMS without some plugins, see previous page...
Just watching these guys taste beer, lol They also have some linux videos,

Posted: Mon 29 Jun 2009, 14:29
by clarf
ttuuxxx wrote:Just watching these guys taste beer, lol They also have some linux videos,
hmmmm, educational videos.

Posted: Mon 29 Jun 2009, 15:30
by davesurrey
Can we have both, if not I vote for Xmms.

Posted: Mon 29 Jun 2009, 15:32
by davesurrey
well its not like I'm going to include Gstreamer on 2.14.1X thats like 4MB with the 3 plugin packs.
Understand but how about a pet?

Posted: Mon 29 Jun 2009, 21:14
by ttuuxxx
Another forum member shifted from 2 series to 4 series because it didn't have hiawatha, well I've never used hiawatha and don't really have the time to learn the ins and outs, So anyways I did compile and reused all of the series 4 scripts and settings from the package. So any testers ?

Update on my slightly off-topic question from one page back

Posted: Tue 30 Jun 2009, 00:06
by MinHundHettePerro
My, a bit off-topic, question from one page back is solved! :)
Thanks, ttuuxxx and vg1 for offered help.
It seems like my problem was imaginary, too many mis-conceptions brought in from XP. In XP there's this difference between the quick-launch field and the tray, which is not carried over into JWM-Puppy :D. It's perfectly legitimate to mix in "<TrayButton ...>...</TrayButton>!-lines amidst the "<Swallow ...>...</Swallow>"-lines, to get any placement on the taskbar that you wish for your app :) 8) , sorry for littering this thread with my mis-conceptions :oops: :) 8) .

On topic, though, as time goes by, and I boot into my other main installations (P3.01, P4.12, P4.21, WinXP (not to mention all the other ones)), it's really beginning to feel like 214Xx is a major upgrade (with my slightly dated hardware) from those.

If you can pin-point the "C lib locale - falling back to ... "-error, since this affects so many built-in gtkdialogx-scripts, you'll have a real winner :D.


Posted: Tue 30 Jun 2009, 00:23
by ttuuxxx
Hi Guys been working on Firefox, So far I've added
- a direct link to a online to freenode #puppylinux chat.
- FlashBlock
-Simple Mail

the thing I've been doing with simple mail is, well I'm trying to build a script, So it can be launch from the menu or desktop, As plugins go, this is somewhat a first, I've looked for online documentation and haven't found any, So I'm winging it. :) I've managed to get 80% working after about 2hrs of trying, lol not bad for something totally experimental.
But can you imagine how great it could be? Games,ftp client, wysiwyg, etc all from the regular menu or desktop and at a fraction of regular apps sizes, plus they autoupdate, how cool is that.
I'll spend another hour or so and see how far this gets. It might not be possible with simple mail, but I can see it working with other applications.
ps this is the code I have for simple mail so far. And what it looks like.

exec firefox --chrome chrome://simplemail/content/main/main.xul

Posted: Tue 30 Jun 2009, 00:42
by prit1
Thanks Ttuuxxx. I will test and post back.

Posted: Tue 30 Jun 2009, 02:30
by ttuuxxx
I just compiled up Xsane and gtkam and combined its a 3.9MB pet package after everything is stripped and devs removed, etc. I guess it will be a addon :)

Posted: Tue 30 Jun 2009, 03:42
by ttuuxxx
Ok here we go, if you want Gtkam for your digital camera install the following 3 packages ... ... ...

If you want Xsane for your Scanner, Install the following 3 packages ... ... ...

and please let me know how it works out :)