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Posted: Fri 05 Jun 2020, 11:50
by gyro

My desktop looked more "normal", when I used a fresh savefolder for this new version, rather than the savefolder from the previous version .


Slacko 6.3.2 Dpup Stretch conflict

Posted: Sun 07 Jun 2020, 23:10
by cretsiah
wasnt sure whether to post issue here or just point you to my thread

so decided to add link

it covers some issues incounted and a potential fix (at least for DPup).

issues such as

vmalloc, kthread, nosemaphore

and to get DPup stretch working screws up Slacko 6.3.2 (after having no issues with Slacko 6.3.2

a sort of frugal install

files in folder are:

- help folder
- vesamenu.c32
- vmlinuz
- initrd.gz
- puppy_slacko_6.3.2.sfs
- zdrv_slacko_6.3.2.sfs

incase its important Grub from 2.14R or 2.14X was used in MBR mode on EXT3

Slacko 700 rc3

Posted: Tue 23 Jun 2020, 18:47
by yr1945
Just playing around with an old OS. I noticed you have no options when in preferences-advanced-data choices..... usually you can check boxes to prevent firefox from collecting data. Not so on this OS. Does anyone know why? Anyways, my guess is that firefox does collects data even when you tell them not to collect your data? Any thoughts? Thank you.

Posted: Tue 23 Jun 2020, 23:55
by bigpup
What specific version of Firefox?

If you are talking about the Firefox ESR version.
Being an ESR version.
They already have all the info they need.
ESR versions are suppose to be well tested and stable.
Plus most people using ESR versions are businesses and major companies.
Firefox Extended Support Release (ESR) is an official version of Firefox developed for large organizations like universities and businesses that need to set up and maintain Firefox on a large scale. Firefox ESR does not come with the latest features but it has the latest security and stability fixes

Posted: Wed 24 Jun 2020, 13:58
by yr1945
Thank you for responding... it is ESR 52.1.2

Posted: Sun 28 Jun 2020, 19:16
by foxpup
Sailor Enceladus wrote:It looks like 01micko added some changes/fixes recently to slacko 14.2 in woof-CE so I tried a new slacko64 build.
Hi Sailor

I am using slacko64- works really well.
I monitor it with htop and it is very gentle on the limited resources of this 12 year old laptop.
Thank you Sailor. Thank you 01micko.

In your mediafire map is devx_slacko_6.9.9.9.sfs
It is 10 days older than the iso.
Is it the right devx for

new2dir installs immediately

Posted: Thu 02 Jul 2020, 09:20
by foxpup
I have been compiling.
I have found that new2dir creates the directory to make a .pet,
but it installs on the system as well.
That is not nice. PPM does not know about it.

Re: new2dir installs immediately

Posted: Mon 06 Jul 2020, 20:19
by gyro
foxpup wrote:I have been compiling.
I have found that new2dir creates the directory to make a .pet,
but it installs on the system as well.
That is not nice. PPM does not know about it.
Yes, 'new2dir' has always done that.

You can take a backup of your savefolder before running 'new2dir'.
Then after running 'dir2pet', make sure the ".pet" is not in the savefolder and restore the savefolder to pre-new2dir.

The idea is to be in a situation where you can discard the savefolder that is in place at the time of running 'new2dir'.


Re: new2dir installs immediately

Posted: Tue 07 Jul 2020, 08:02
by foxpup
gyro wrote:Yes, 'new2dir' has always done that.
Sure about that? There are no versions that do not install?
Anyway, I now compile starting up without savefile.
If all went well, I install with the .pet in my startup with with savefile.

Posted: Tue 07 Jul 2020, 08:40
by OscarTalks
Hi foxpup,

In my experience, running new2dir make install will always do 2 things, create the new dir (from which you can make the .pet) and also install into system. This is because you are running make install. Not sure if it is possible to run new2dir on its own as I have never tried.

Normally I compile in a clean, fresh pfix=ram boot as you are now doing, since other installed libs can change what gets linked against. Packages for distribution should be compatible with the original .iso although occasionally I will create a savefile of a modified build environment and retain it for building future versions of some specific package.

One thing you can do if you want to retain the new dir, but remove all the installed files of that package from system is run make uninstall in the source directory.

Posted: Tue 07 Jul 2020, 09:33
by foxpup
Thank you for the good advice, dear pupplers (what is the word? like slackers).

Here are the .pets I've compiled in slacko64 r8085 from Sailor Enceladus ... sp=sharing

- fltk
(start icewm2 preferably)
.xfe 'suite'
- fox toolkit

This Slacko is very nice, I highly recommend it.