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Re: FirstRUN (Personalized Settings) bug/oversight

Posted: Thu 30 Jul 2015, 17:30
by rcrsn51
gcmartin wrote:with obvious implications.
What would those implications be?

Have the latest configuration arrangement put into effect by

Posted: Fri 14 Aug 2015, 00:51
by gjuhasz
Sylvander wrote:Would it be possible to have the latest configuration arrangement put into effect by default, after a short [5 second?] timeout?
And the "blank slate" arrangement only put into effect if chosen?
So the user need do nothing to get their personalizations.
Sorry for the late response. I am on vacation.
Puli 6.0.3 will be announced in a few weeks. It is ready except the Help file.
By then, for users who need to have their latest configuration arrangement put into effect by default, I propose to open their

<boot device>/profiles/Common/usr/bin/patch

file and change it as follows:

Code: Select all

bootdev=`cat /etc/rc.d/PUPSTATE |grep PUPSFS |cut -f1 -d "," |cut -f2 -d "'"`
killall -9 abiword
killall -9 gnumeric
killall -9 textmaker
killall -9 planmaker
killall -9 presentations
killall -9 soffice
killall -9 scalc
killall -9 simpress
killall -9 swriter
killall -9 xchat
killall -9 evince1
killall -9 google-chrome
killall -9 chromiumb
killall -9 chromiumv
killall -9 firefox
killall -9 opera
killall -9 skype
killall -9 gtkdialog3
killall -9 vlc
echo -n hihi > valami
while [ ! `cat valami |grep argument` ]; do 
sleep 1
umount /mnt/$bootdev 2>valami
killall -9 yaf-splash
/usr/local/apps/Connect/AppRun --connect
rm valami
cim=`/etc/rc.d/rc.firewall save`; vancim=`echo $cim |grep -c addresses`; csaklokal=`echo $vancim |grep -c` 
if [ $vancim == 0 ] || [ $csaklokal == 1 ]; then 

for INTERFACE in $INTERFACES #exs: wlan0 eth0
# ------------ last trial with eth0
 [ -d /sys/class/net/${INTERFACE}/wireless ] && continue #only want wired.

 ifconfig eth0 up > /tmp/sns_wired_log 2>&1
 [ $? -ne 0 ] && continue

 if ! ifplugstatus-0.18 "eth0" | grep -F -q 'link beat detected' ;then
  sleep 1
  if ! ifplugstatus "eth0" | grep -F -q 'link beat detected' ;then
   sleep 1
   if ! ifplugstatus-0.18 "eth0" | grep -F -q 'link beat detected' ;then
    sleep 1
    if ! ifplugstatus "eth0" | grep -F -q 'link beat detected' ;then
     sleep 1
     if ! ethtool "eth0" | grep -Fq 'Link detected: yes' ; then
      ifconfig eth0 down
      continue #no network.

 MACADDRESS="`ifconfig -a eth0 | grep -o 'HWaddr .*' | cut -f 2 -d ' '`"
 DHCPCDFIX="`grep "$maPATTERN" /tmp/sns_connections_wired | head -n 1 | cut -f 7 -d '|'`" #100325 ex: -I ''

 MODTIME1="`stat --format=%Y /etc/resolv.conf`"
 dhcpcd $DHCPCDFIX eth0 >> /tmp/sns_wired_log 2>&1
 MODTIME2="`stat --format=%Y /etc/resolv.conf`"
 [ "`grep -v '^#' /etc/resolv.conf`" == "" ] && MODTIME2=$MODTIME1 #fail.
chown -Rf spot:spot /root/spot/
 if [ "$MODTIME2" != "$MODTIME1" ];then
  echo "eth0" > /tmp/sns_interface_success #100325
  /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall save
  ifconfig eth0 down
  dhcpcd --release eth0 2>/dev/null
  ip route flush dev eth0 #100703
  killall -9 yaf-splash 
  touch /root/spot/aktual
  yaf-splash -bg ref -close box -icon /usr/share/pixmaps/puli.png -timeout 10 -text "No network found!!!" &
#restoring latestbackup begins here
mount /dev/$bootdev /mnt/$bootdev 
sleep 1
ls -1 /mnt/$bootdev/backups/Puli_backup_* > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
	latest=`ls -t /mnt/$bootdev/backups/Puli_backup_* | head -1`
	sleep 1
	/usr/bin/Resto $latest
	sleep 1
umount /mnt/$bootdev 
sleep 1
yaf-splash -bg green -close never -fontsize large -timeout 5 -text "Now you can safely unplug the USB drive" &
#restoring latestbackup ends here
Have fun!



Posted: Fri 14 Aug 2015, 01:50
by Sylvander
You said:
"By then, for users who need to have their latest configuration arrangement put into effect by default, I propose to open their"

From what I take to be its meaning, I would word it as follows:
Until then, for users who need to have their latest configuration arrangement put into effect by default, I propose they should open their
Have I understood correctly?
Therefore, is my wording correct?

I have made this change.
i.e. I've replaced all of the content of the file with the new code you posted.
So far I see no obvious change/difference.
I assume I would see the difference if I understood its workings.

Restore latest backup

Posted: Fri 14 Aug 2015, 10:56
by gjuhasz
Sylvander wrote:I've replaced all of the content of the file with the new code you posted.
So far I see no obvious change/difference.
I assume I would see the difference if I understood its workings.
The default name of a backup file is


e.g., Puli_backup_2015_08_14_12_26.tar.gz

Their default place is on the boot device, in the /backups folder,

so the full path is like


You may rename your backup files, however. Modifying the following lines allows the above script to find the latest backup file even if it has been renamed:

Change from

Code: Select all

ls -1 /mnt/$bootdev/backups/Puli_backup_* > /dev/null 2>&1 
if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then 
   latest=`ls -t /mnt/$bootdev/backups/Puli_backup_* | head -1` 

Code: Select all

ls -1 /mnt/$bootdev/backups/*.tar.gz > /dev/null 2>&1 
if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then 
   latest=`ls -t /mnt/$bootdev/backups/*.tar.gz | head -1` 

Please also check if you have a


file on your boot device. If yes, this is possibly an ancient copy, so please simply delete the file (not the /patch folder) or update it as proposed above.

Have fun!



Posted: Fri 14 Aug 2015, 14:00
by Sylvander
1. "/mnt/sdb1/backups/Puli_backup_2015_08_14_12_26.tar.gz"
I have a backup file in this location, with a name of this form.
I'm guessing that the code within the /mnt/sdb1/profiles/Common/usr/bin/patch file auto-restores the /mnt/sdb1/backups/Puli_backup_<YYYY>_<MM>_<DD>_<HH>_<MM>.tar.gz file, right?
Hence, I should now see the effect of this backup being auto-restored as the desktop is reached during startup, right?
Well...I now see the dialog come up on screen that asks if I want to restore my backup file, which is NICE. :D
It only displays AFTER I manually make the few remaining configuration choices in the welcome dialog. :(
And then it is SLOW to display after this. :(

2. "Modifying the following lines allows the above script to find the latest backup file even if it has been renamed:"
Within the file /mnt/sdb1/profiles/Common/usr/bin/patch, I changed those lines of code as you specified.

3. "Please also check if you have a
file on your boot device.
I don't even have a /mnt/sdb1/patch/usr/bin folder, therefore I have no /mnt/sdb1/patch/usr/bin/patch file.

Slow to display

Posted: Sun 16 Aug 2015, 21:40
by gjuhasz
Sylvander wrote:It only displays AFTER I manually make the few remaining configuration choices in the welcome dialog. :(
And then it is SLOW to display after this. :(
Please let me know the configuration choices you still need to make there.
Puli 6.0.3 displays much faster...

Have fun!



Re: Slow to display

Posted: Mon 17 Aug 2015, 09:01
by Sylvander
gjuhasz wrote:Please let me know the configuration choices you still need to make there.
Numlock and Set Time.

Posted: Sun 30 Aug 2015, 09:40
by Sylvander

When is Puli-6.0.3 going to be released?

6.0.3 uploading

Posted: Sun 13 Sep 2015, 22:31
by gjuhasz
Sylvander wrote:When is Puli-6.0.3 going to be released?

Have fun!



Puli 6.0.2, released March 2015

Posted: Mon 14 Sep 2015, 00:33
by Billtoo
I prepared a 32gb flash drive with gparted, ext4 and set the boot flag.
I downloaded the Puli-6.0.3_install.tar.gz, extracted it to a hold
directory,copied all the file to the flash drive then ran grub4dos.
I added kdegames from PPM,also arandr and gkrellm.

Seems to be working fine so far, need to read how to save this.

# report-video
VIDEO REPORT: puli, version 6.0.3

Chip description:
VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Redwood PRO [Radeon HD 5550/5570/5630/6510/6610/7570]

Requested by /etc/X11/xorg.conf:
Resolution (widthxheight, in pixels): 1920x1080
Depth (bits, or planes): 24
Modules requested to be loaded: dbe

Probing Xorg startup log file (/var/log/Xorg.0.log):
Driver loaded (and currently in use): ati
Loaded modules: dbe dri2 exa extmod fb glx kbd mouse radeon ramdac

Actual rendering on monitor:
Resolution: 3840x1080 pixels (1013x285 millimeters)
Depth: 24 planes

...the above also recorded in /tmp/report-video

Re: Puli 6.0.2, released March 2015

Posted: Mon 14 Sep 2015, 08:56
by gjuhasz
Billtoo wrote:I prepared a 32gb flash drive with gparted, ext4 and set the boot flag.
I downloaded the Puli-6.0.3_install.tar.gz, extracted it to a hold
directory,copied all the file to the flash drive then ran grub4dos.
I added kdegames from PPM,also arandr and gkrellm.

Seems to be working fine so far, need to read how to save this.
Dear Billtoo,

Thanks for testing the new Puli version before its announcement.

I propose to use as a quick guide until I finish with administration and change the first post here in the forum.

Have fun!



Announcement: Puli 6.0.3, released September 2015

Posted: Mon 14 Sep 2015, 16:49
by gjuhasz
Let me proudly announce the new Puli 6.0.3

Available at

See details in the first post.

* Some updates kindly applied from Tahrpup 6.0.3 CE - kudos to 666philb and CE Team.
* Major change: you can select the best appropriate one from many smartload configurations simply by hitting a key during boot time. Examples in the install kit.
* New comfort feature: you can auto-restore the latest backup at boot time (controlled by the smartload file)
* Unique in Puli: You can restore more than one backups on top of each other, regardless of the machine(s) they were created in.
* Minor bugfixes
* Smaller footprint

Have fun!



Re: Announcement: Puli 6.0.3, released September 2015

Posted: Wed 16 Sep 2015, 23:21
by gjuhasz
Dear Puli 6.0.3 Users,

I found a couple of typos in the new 6.0.3 release.
Fortunately, it is easy to correct them. On the boot pendrive, you have folders named /profiles/2-crazy and /profiles/3-lazy.

Both include one hidden icon (mis)named .Diricon - please rename them to .DirIcon one-by-one (change the second "i" from lower case to upper case "I".
It's a bit strange that ROX does not allow us to capitalize letters in a filename in one step :cry: so rename each file first to, e.g., ".Diracon" then to ".DirIcon" that will be accepted.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Have fun!



Cumulated backups

Posted: Sat 19 Sep 2015, 11:35
by gjuhasz
gjuhasz wrote:Unique in Puli: You can restore more than one backups on top of each other, regardless of the machine(s) they were created in.
To a user question: In this Puli version, it is recommended that the involved backups reference to the same security profile.

I am working on accepting any backups in the next Puli.

Have fun!



Posted: Sat 19 Sep 2015, 12:40
by Sylvander
Hello there, finally I'm posting a reply. :D

I made 2 bootable Puli Flash Drive installs, with the following as my number-1:
1. The latest is on my 4GB Lexar with a single partition formatted ext4, with the boot flag set, the Puli files copied to the partition, and "Grub4Dos bootloader config" used to install the bootloader.
It booted OK at 1st attempt.
Seems to be running OK.
a. I'm struggling to fully understand all of the features of Puli, and how to operate it.
b. I tried reading your readme at, but conceded defeat before reaching the end. :(
Just too long/complex for me.
But I feel it's worth persevering.
c. Copied into the /mnt/packages folder the following:
d. Also made the necessary edit of the content of /mnt/sdb1/profiles/Common/smartload file to have both wine and xfe loaded at startup.
Both appear to be working in addition to the other default auto-loaded packages.
e. Still having trouble with "Backup" and "Save: smart".
Is it OK to "Backup" during the session, then "Save: smart" at shutdown/reboot?
I fail to grasp the difference between these; exactly what each does, and do they conflict in any way?
e.g. I made config changes to the display of time, and auto-sync of time.
Not sure if the time really is auto-syncing, and the time display change was lost at reboot.
f. Is a "Backup" auto-restored by default at startup?
And if it is, how should it be by-passed if needed?

2. My number-2 is an 8 GB Flash drive formatted as FAT-32 and using your installation instructions.
I see no difference in the operation of Puli Flash Drives 1 & 2.

Restore latest backup

Posted: Sun 20 Sep 2015, 21:41
by gjuhasz
Sylvander wrote:Is a "Backup" auto-restored by default at startup?
And if it is, how should it be by-passed if needed?
1. To restore the latest backup, you need to download the ... package (e.g., to the /packages folder of your pendrive) then reference it in your smartload file as you did for wine and xfe. So, your smartload file should look like this:

Code: Select all

2. To bypass auto-restoration, you need to create a /mnt/sdb1/profiles/Common/smartloadn file with the same content as the above smartload, except that here, the restore_latest row starts with a minus sign:

Code: Select all

3. You can decide how Puli should boot:
a) if you hit the "a" key when the boot process asks you (yellow text), no backups will be auto-restored for this session.
b) if you don't hit any key, the latest backup will be restored if exists.
c) if you hit Space, neither the above listed packages nor the latest backup will be auto-loaded.

You can download other packages from and you can configure any boot combination of them in different smartload<x> files.

See more smartload examples in the uploaded Puli 6.0.3 package.

Have fun!



Posted: Mon 21 Sep 2015, 01:30
by Sylvander
a. Followed your instructions above, whilst working from Slacko, on the Puli files on the mounted partition on the Flash Drive.

b. Rebooted [from Slacko] into Puli.
Accepted the default boot.
Reading the text on screen, I could see restore_latest being loaded, and also the backup being applied.

c. At the desktop, the new desktop wallpaper was displayed; changes to the display of time had been applied.
SUCCESS! :D Or so it seemed.

d. The Welcome Dialog was displayed needing changes to English language, and numlock and time-sync...
And when I OK'd those, restartX caused the wallpaper and time display to revert to the old settings. :(
So, not a complete success.
How to stop the need for a display of the welcome dialog?
...And retain the changes/configurations saved-in and restored-using the backup?
Aren't the welcome-dialog-settings saved in the backup?

e. Oh...and by-the-way...
When I try to manually restore the backup [by dragging it onto the "Restore" icon]...
It begins to go through the motions, but doesn't complete the restore [no notification of completion, no change of the wallpaper etc].

f. I see that the files now inside the /usr/share/backgrounds folder, include the original files (I had DELETED all but the one named default), PLUS the extra files I copied into it [I'd then made a backup of the changes].

g. Tried to show my wife how to use Puli for online banking [she knows how to do it using Puppy=Tahrpup multi-session DVD-RW].
There were so many difficulties using Puli we gave up trying.
Too many things didn't "just work"; some things that aught to have been simple were NOT. :(

More comfort features in Puli

Posted: Wed 23 Sep 2015, 11:37
by gjuhasz
Sylvander wrote:SUCCESS! :D Or so it seemed. But...

d. The Welcome Dialog was displayed needing changes to English language, and numlock and time-sync...
And when I OK'd those, restartX caused the wallpaper and time display to revert to the old settings. :(
So, not a complete success.
How to stop the need for a display of the welcome dialog?
...And retain the changes/configurations saved-in and restored-using the backup?
Aren't the welcome-dialog-settings saved in the backup?
They are saved but (in this release intentionally) not used for restoration. Note that in Puli, QuickSetup provides only info and offers only session-level settings/changes. As far as I know, all features you set here session-by-session (time sync etc.) can be carved in stone in the config files of Puli.

In the planned Bark2 release, on the one hand, I will rename this dialog to "Session Setup" and change its Help accordingly; on the other hand, I add some comfort features to auto-apply the changes at the next bootup.

e. Oh...and by-the-way...
When I try to manually restore the backup [by dragging it onto the "Restore" icon]...
It begins to go through the motions, but doesn't complete the restore [no notification of completion, no change of the wallpaper etc.
Maybe you are restoring an older backup. Will be fixed in the planned Bark 2 version.
Tried to show my wife how to use Puli for online banking [she knows how to do it using Puppy=Tahrpup multi-session DVD-RW].
There were so many difficulties using Puli we gave up trying.
Too many things didn't "just work"; some things that aught to have been simple were NOT. :(
There will be no hiccup if, instead of /root you set /root/My Documents for your data in the HomeBank app (see its Settings dialog). Actually, the My Documents folder is saved also during SmartSave.

I plan to issue a mod release next week (I consider changing the version name to Puli 6.0.3 Bark 2) that provides more comfort to Puli users.

For example,
  • * Support restoring backups from earlier Pulis
    * Auto-restore a selected backup (not only the latest one)
    * Restore backups created in any security profile
    * Involve some internal apps to SmartSave (why not, I will include the HomeBank app :) )
    * Introduce the above mentioned changes in QuickSetup.
Have fun!



Posted: Thu 24 Sep 2015, 09:57
by Sylvander
1. In order to make the Puli bootable Flash Drive...
I unpacked the Puli-6.0.3_install.tar.gz file within [a folder on] an NTFS formatted partition [on my USB connected external HDD].
Now I read that Symlinks are not supported on NTFS, and conclude that if there are any Symlinks within the contents of the Puli-6.0.3_install.tar.gz file, then those would be broken.
Might this explain [some of] what is going wrong for me?

2. "...features you set here session-by-session (time sync etc.) can be carved in stone in the config files of Puli."
Which config files, where?
Could you list the addresses of these, and which settings they specify, so I can do the necessary?

3. "...on the other hand, I add some comfort features to auto-apply the changes at the next bootup."
Sounds good. :D

4. "Maybe you are restoring an older backup."
No, not so, I deleted the backup and made a new one [after yet again making all the changes I wanted].
I wondered if the Symlink problem might be causing this misbehavior.

5. "There will be no hiccup if, instead of /root you set /root/My Documents for your data in the HomeBank app..."
The problem wasn't with the online banking...
We didn't get so far as to be dong that...
It was the lead-up to it in the Puli OS.
...And [ design] we don't save ANY data when doing online banking.

6. "I plan to issue a mod release next week (I consider changing the version name to Puli 6.0.3 Bark 2) that provides more comfort to Puli users."
Sounds good. :D

7. "I will include the HomeBank app"
I don't normally use such a thing, but it might be interesting to take a look.
Some years back, when running only Windows, I tried to get and use a banking program that would work WITH my online banking [extract info from my online banksite, and use it to display graphs etc]...
Contacted my bank, and asked about it, but there wasn't one available that my bank supported.
Perhaps it's too risky anyway.

Puli 6.0.3 Bark2

Posted: Thu 24 Sep 2015, 22:31
by gjuhasz
Sylvander wrote:Sounds good. :D
Dear Sylvander,

Re links: There are no links on the boot device. I use 4 ... 8 GB pendrives with FAT32 that do not allow links, either.

Re online banking vs HomeBank: It seems that I misunderstood your latest post. I have no problems with online banking. As far as I know, some banks use cookies, others do not like the firewall on the client machines. Try to (temporarliy) disable the firewall by issuing

Code: Select all

/etc/rc.d/rc.firewall stop
in a terminal window.

Code: Select all

/etc/rc.d/rc.firewall start
activates the firewall again.

Re Puli 6.0.3. Bark 2: I will upload a beta on the weekend. All promised features are in place. Now I attach a screenshot about the Session Setup dialog (ex-QuickSetup). Of course, the info there refers to Bark 2.

Have fun!

