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Live-snapshot and snapshot-make for live-boot-2x

Posted: Tue 17 Jun 2014, 09:30
by saintless
Added in DebianDog after 16.06.2014:
It is only for live-boot-2x persistent method.
Live-snapshot + snap-make + desktop icon inside this archive: ... ake.tar.gz

snap-make is moded version of live-make from Sfs (sfslinux). We need only the snapshot function since we have save file GUI utility. So I removed much options to make it only for create and refresh live-sn.
The refresh function is added as button but it works also from terminal:

Code: Select all

live-snapshot -f

Code: Select all

live-snapshot --refresh

Live-snapshot does not support deleted (wh) files that are in the main module (uninstalling programs for example). But it keeps all other changes, including changed files from the main module.
live-sn.cpio.gz is read-write compressed save file only few k in size and it changes its size depending of the changes you make. It is perfect for saving system settings on flash-drive for example. And you can keep many different name small files with different settings for different machines and load the one you need only. You can also use live-sn with live-rw save file or partition at the same time.

I will add more information after testing live-snapshot better.

Posted: Thu 19 Jun 2014, 22:26
by fredx181
Hi All,
Here's a setup for conky transparent on JWM version.
The configuration is the same as included in openbox_xfce version.
First do in terminal:

Code: Select all

apt-get update # If needed
apt-get install conky xli
Then extract attached conky-setup.tar.gz
Copy then the contents of extracted folder "conky-setup" to / (these are just some config files and script conky-start (in ~/Startup) , should work for user root and puppy.
Log out and back in again.
This should give transparent view when using default wallpaper.
If you change wallpaper, the path to the wallpaper should also be changed in ~/Startup/conky-start.
For example if you change path to wallpaper to "/opt/docs/pictures/02.jpg then change path in ~/Startup/conky-start from:

Code: Select all

if [ -f /mnt/live/tmp/modules ]; then
xli -fillscreen -onroot /opt/docs/pictures/01.jpg & conky -d -c ~/.conkyrc-port
xli -fillscreen -onroot /opt/docs/pictures/01.jpg & conky -d -c ~/.conkyrc-live

Code: Select all

if [ -f /mnt/live/tmp/modules ]; then
xli -fillscreen -onroot /opt/docs/pictures/02.jpg & conky -d -c ~/.conkyrc-port
xli -fillscreen -onroot /opt/docs/pictures/02.jpg & conky -d -c ~/.conkyrc-live

Posted: Sat 09 Aug 2014, 01:30
by sunburnt
Hi Toni & guys; I asked Oscar in his Skype thread to make a new Skype complete with all that`s needed for it to run in Precise.

Toni; Is the new available from Debian in any way possible?
I ask as Olga needs it to talk to her son Sergey in Russia, it`s all he has.

Many thanks for all everyone has done... Terry

Posted: Sat 09 Aug 2014, 03:10
by saintless
Hi, Terry :)

Boot DebianDog with save file.

Code: Select all

apt-get update
Download latest Skype: ... e=debian32
Install it with right click option Install deb or from terminal:

Code: Select all

dpkg -i /path/to/deb-package
Fix the missing dependencies:

Code: Select all

apt-get -f install
Then install pulseaudio:

Code: Select all

apt-get install pulseaudio
Run pulseaudio from terminal (there will be warning you are running as root but it will work):

Code: Select all

pulseaudio --start
Run Skype from menu entry or terminal.

If you use internal microphone it should work now. If you use usb Camera + mic it may need some settings. Better write in the development thread about this: ... 011#793011

In case your mic does not work here is the quick way to run older skype instead on top of latest one:

1. Launch skype 4.3 (no need to type pulseaudio --start this time): set autologin and no update control (in Advanced Options). Quit Skype 4.3
Kill pulseaudio just in case:

Code: Select all

killall pulseaudio
2 Download this archive: ... pkg.tar.xz and extract it.

3. Move /usr/lib/skype/skype (from the extracted tar.xz) to /opt/bin/skype-old (in your running system).

4. Type skype-old in terminal and you will autologin in your account with older Skype 4.2 using Alsa again.


Posted: Sat 09 Aug 2014, 17:58
by sunburnt
Thanks Toni; I kinda figured you`d have a solution for this. I`ll give it a go...

I find it interesting that the old skype will still work if the new one is setup.

Posted: Wed 13 Aug 2014, 16:24
by fredx181
Hi Terry, good to see you here again!

In case you're interested, I made Skype 4.3 portable-sfs for DebianDog, see here: ... 578#794578


Posted: Wed 13 Aug 2014, 17:48
by sunburnt
Thanks Fred; I`ll let you know how it goes.

Olga will be pleased when I get her Skype working, haven`t had any time for it so far.

Posted: Tue 30 Sep 2014, 17:58
by saintless
Crypt Save Utility (move-in-crypt):
You need to create encrypted save file with Make Save File first to use it.

Debian package: ... 1_i386.deb
Start it from Utility -> Crypt Save Utility and make your choice.

Option 1 - copy the content from no-encrypted unmounted save file inside empty encrypted save file. persistence.conf for full persistent for live-boot-3x will be auto-created:

Option 2 - copy the current session (/live/cow) inside encrypted save file. Loaded squashfs files will be excluded. Save file in use will be included. persistence.conf for full persistent for live-boot-3x will be auto-created:

Option 3 - mount encrypted save file to add or delete files.

Posted: Thu 29 Jan 2015, 21:29
by saintless
Accidental "quote" instead "edit" next changes post... Sorry...

Posted: Mon 02 Mar 2015, 12:09
by fredx181
Hi All,

*** YouTube-Get ***
A simple YouTube downloader.
Well, simple compared to other YouTube utilities like youtube-dl or youtube-viewer, the advantage is that this is a shell script, no python, perl or anything required, just bash.

Basically inspired by the great idea of Dr. Mark Humphrys, see here: ... utube.html
And took as base the shell script as shared here: ... be_videos/

Depends on yad, wget
- Choice of quality, High, Medium, Low
- Checkbox to download from list of available qualities/formats
- Multiple url's can be entered for download
(if a https:// address doesn't work, try changing it to http://)
See screenshots below.
HD Video's (above 720p quality) cannot be dowloaded with this program.
The reason is that YouTube divided these in two separate streams (video and audio).

Attached youtube-get_0.1.0_i386.deb.tar (remove dummy .tar extension)

Edit: Turns out that titles in non-english, e.g. russian won't download, attached new .deb with workaround. It's still in progress though.

Edit2: 2015 march 3, New .deb uploaded, with changes:
- Added checking for non-printable characters, caused by non-english title, e.g. russian,
if there are any of these in the title (and locale is not configured yet), then switch to video ID name, e.g. "OuSdU8tbcHY.mp4"
- Added Information button, with info about when downloading titles in e.g. russian or chinese language.
(having the 'locales' package installed and the default locale configured, non-english title names will work properly, see "Information")

Edit3: Youtube-Get is now added to the DebianDog repository, so it can be installed now by using synaptic or from terminal:

Code: Select all

apt-get install youtube-get

Posted: Mon 09 Mar 2015, 19:00
by fredx181
Hi All,

Continuing youtube-get with very different setup:
I've found that youtube-get (from previous post) downloads most video's but not all (I'm not sure why though) I have been further exploring what's the best and found it: youtube-dl .

Info about youtube-dl:

Download here YouTube-Get v2, much more advanced, it's a shell script using yad as frontend for youtube-dl:
Edit: link removed, see next post for latest version with fixes.

Edit: See below Edit3 and Edit4 for new version.
The archive youtube_get2.tar.gz contains:
- youtube-get2_0.1.0_i386.deb, for installing (latest youtube-dl included, depends on python, takes 15MB of disk space)
- YouTube-Get-v2 , a portable appimage, has all (youtube-dl, python + the required python modules included, 6.5 Mb)
(has the disadvantage that youtube-dl can only be updated if it's installed on the system and python is installed)

YouTube-Get v2 has the following options:
- enter (multiple) url(s) for download, e.g. ....
- enter a playlist url (a list will appear to choose from the containing video's)
- enter a youtube username, e.g. ytuser:puppylinuxworld (a list will appear to choose from the containing video's)
- search for YouTube video's (a list will show to choose from, to download multiple video's)
- choice of quality
- button for to update youtube-dl
Also there's option to download audio-only streams.
See screenshots below.

Edit: New version, upgrade to 0.1.1
[Edit: link removed, see next post for latest version with fixes.

Basically the same: Options are still: url, playlist, user and search but completely changed the interface
First window gives choice of options to show GUI for each
Can also be run from commandline like this:

Code: Select all

 - youtube-get2 (without any arguments, brings up the GUI with choices)
 - youtube-get2 url (enter url(s))
 - youtube-get2 playlist (enter playlist url)
 - youtube-get2 user (download from specified user uploads)
 - youtube-get2 search (download from search items)
My goal was to make the interface less confusing, more clear which options there are.
No appimage included, couldn't get it to work.
Updated the screenshots according to this newer version.

Edit2: Portable Appimage (inside .zip archive) for new version here:
Edit: link removed, see next post for latest version with fixes.

Edit3: Some more new and updated YouTube applications here: ... s/YouTube/
see 'ReadMe-youtube-stuff' inside for more info

Edit4: Upgrade of YouTube-Get v2 to version 0.1.3
New in folder from above link (Edit3):
- youtube-get2_0.1.3_i386.deb
- (portable appimage)
- gtk-youtube-viewer_youtube-get2-1.1.3.squashfs (for activating with SFS-load)
- Some bugfixes (sometimes crashed on titles including special characters)
- multi-progress bar for dowloads (see screenshot)

Also there's a windows setup.exe but it's in dutch language only.
(it's bit of a crazy experiment, in fact it installs a small linux environment containing bash.exe, busybox.exe, gtk2 libs, yad.exe etc...)

Edit5: See here for gtk-youtube-viewer version 3.1.2 deb packages for Wheezy and Jessie/Sid: ... 097#840097


Posted: Fri 24 Apr 2015, 17:12
by fredx181
Hi All,

Here's new YouTube-Get v2 version 0.1.4.
(see also previous post, I thought better to make a new post as the previous got a bit messed up by all the editing)

In previous versions the search function is broken caused by a YouTube upgrade, fixed now in 0.1.4.
Download here: (removed all previous versions before 0.1.4) ... s/YouTube/
- youtube-get2_0.1.4_i386.deb
- (zipped portable appimage)
- gtk-youtube-viewer_youtube-get2-1.1.4.squashfs (for activating with SFS-load)

Edit: Again Youtube changed things, previous versions removed, see here for latest: ... s/YouTube/
- (portable appimage)
- youtube-get2_0.1.5_i386.deb (includes latest youtube-dl)
- youtube-viewer_3.1.5-jessie_all.deb
All previous versions of youtube-get2 and youtube-viewer won't work properly anymore.


Some further notes about xhippo

Posted: Sun 26 Apr 2015, 21:38
by mcewanw

xhippo is a very resource-efficient versatile and extensible media player both in terms of its tiny installation size and in its RAM usage.

In its original form, as far as I know, the core xhippo program was first introduced to Puppy forum many years ago by forum member tempestuous. In its current form the included backends and recording frontend were created on DebianDog, where the overall system is used as a simple but effective core media player/recording application.

xhippo itself is written in C (not gtkdialog) and in practice uses less system resources than any gtkdialog-based media player, so works nicely on low-powered systems, but is nice to have on any system in my opinion. Some reasons are provided below.

xhippo is a generic playlist manager program/process control program (source in C).

With the included backends: xhplay, and xhrecord, it can play all sorts of audio and video media (the playlist can contain a mix of audio and video types) and also record audio (mp3, wav, ogg, aac, and flac) via the included xhrecord (with xrecord gui frontend) assuming the appropriate commandline encoders are available.

It can also save and load playlists, and play streaming media such as Internet radio streams.

General usage

The easiest way to try xhippo is simply to drag and drop a folder containing media tracks onto its open window.

If Xfe, Rox, or your other filemanager is appropriately configured, you can also right-click on any folder or media file in the filemanager and immediately send it to play in xhippo (thanks to shinobar's examples of how to arrange that in Rox configs).

You can also add directories or individual media tracks to the active playlist by using that right-click on xhippo open window method (using 'Add directory' or 'Add song'). And you can clear the active playlist, at any time, from the same right-click dropdown menu. Note well, however, that the right-click menu option 'Preferences' only applies to the current active session. Any preferences you temporarily set are not saved in the current version of xhippo.

Hovering the mouse over the xhippo buttons provides a summary of their function.

Using with media playlists including Internet Radio/TV

Alternatively, right-click on xhippo's open window and select "Load playlist". By default, a streaming media (radio) playlist is provided called 0.default.d.xplist; just select that and Open it by double-clicking it or pressing OK button and you can then play any of the radio stations provided.

You can easily create your own playlists.

The included commandline utility make-xhippo-playlist is a radio playlist converter script for xhippo. It converts common playlists to the format xhippo/new_xhplay uses. The converted playlist is automatically stored in the correct default ${HOME}/.xhippo/playlists folder no matter where your to-be-converted playlist is stored.

If you wish, you can use DoMyFile as a GUI interface to make-xhippo-playlist:

JWM -> Multimedia -> DoMyFile, which is a simple/flexible gtkdialog GUI for driving the make-xhippo-playlist script (and more).

Alternatively, it is very simple to use make-xhippo-playlist from the commandline. For usage help, just enter:

Code: Select all

make-xhippo-playlist --help
You can find lots of radio playlists that this program can easily convert for xhippo use, in the Simple GTK Radio thread here: ... 267#752267

It can also directly convert Simple GTK Radio playlist format, which uses | as a URL/playlist_name field separator, as well as formats that use # as the separator. Similarly, it can also directly convert Pmusic playlists to xhippo playlist format.

Note that since xhippo doesn't include a streaming media playlist search facility, it is advised to keep such playlists reasonably short (you can easily do so by editing any of the many large playlists you can find on the Internet, prior to running the result through the make-xhippo-playlist converter). Of course if you want a streaming radio program that includes a playlist search facility, I would recommend 'Simple GTK Radio', which is a nice little gtkdialog program, by puppy forum member Dejan, created especially for streaming radio playing/recording. However, for short to medium length playlists, xhippo/xhplay does a pretty reasonable job and uses less resources than any gtkdialog-based player.

The DebianDog installed xhippo subsystem also includes:

1. xhplay, which is the backend script/commandline utility used here by xhippo for playing all sorts of media files, including audio and video. Note that xhplay can also be run straight from the commandline (albeit then without the start, stop, pause etc controls provided by xhippo). For commandline usage instructions enter: xhplay --help

2. xhrecord, which is the backend script used here by xhippo for recording audio. Note that xhrecord can also be run straight from the commandline (albeit then without the start, stop, pause etc controls provided by xhippo). For commandline usage instructions enter: xhrecord --help

3. xrecord, a frontend gtkdialog gui (similar to Precord but without the start, stop, pause buttons) for recording via xhippo (which provides the control functionality). Xrecord is provided with a desktop file for the desktop menu and/or desktop inclusion. The first time xrecord is run it copies some config files from /etc/xrecord to $HOME/.xrecord and similary the first time xhrecord is run it copies some config files from /etc/xhrecord to $HOME/.xhrecord. Note that, xrecord simply sets up the recording parameters for xhrecord, and uses xhippo to provide the start, stop, pause etc controls. The xrecord gtkdialog gui immediately terminates when recording begins, so the recording system is extremely resource efficient (though running xhrecord backend on its own via the commandline is even more resource efficient of course). Note further that during a recording, xhippo, somewhat confusingly, indicates that a recording is taking place by stating that it is "Playing with xhrecord". The wording is just a result of xhippo originally being intended for audio playing only, despite the fact it is really a very useful generic process control program.

The source code for this modified version of xhippo control executable itself (including some patches provided by puppy forum member goingnuts and other patches by myself) can currently be downloading from here: ... ent.tar.gz


For full functionality, xhplay and xhrecord (and thus this xhippo media player system) depend on the following underlying commandline encoding/decoding utilities/apps (though will work with less functionality if some of these are not on your system; most are in Puppy by default):


Depends on:
lame and aplay for mp3; aplay for wav;
vorbis-tools else mplayer else ffmpeg for ogg;
flac else vorbis-tools else mplayer else ffmpeg for flac;
ffmpeg else mplayer for aac;
mplayer for anything else including video and streaming media (such as Internet radio).


Depends on:
arecord and lame for mp3; arecord for wav;
vorbis-tools else ffmpeg for ogg;
flac else ffmpeg for flac;
ffmpeg for aac.

If you wish mplayer to always start fullscreen you can add the mplayer option fs=yes to /root/.mplayer/config

Mplayer itself can also be controlled via the keyboard. For example, use keyboard key F to toggle in and out of fullscreen mode), P to Pause, and the Left and Right cursor keys to jump back and forwards in increments through a video. Please refer to mplayer man page for other options and keyboard control keys: ... %20CONTROL


NOTE: A version (dotpet) of xhippo (including the enhancements/additions described above) for Puppy Linux systems is available here:

A version of DoMyFile for Puppy Linux is here:

Posted: Sun 03 May 2015, 19:48
by saintless
Wrong thread post, sorry...

Posted: Tue 07 Jul 2015, 16:03
by fredx181
*** Dog-Radio ***

Yet another internet radio stream program, this one uses yad with icons GUI and tray-icon.

It started as a request from a friend who has touch screen and wanted easy 'touch' any icon to play a radio stream of choice and displaying the metadata, e.g. artist - title, through a ticker or/and popup.
For me it was an experience to learn more about the 'yad magic' and I like the final result, so I thought to share it, but any suggestions to improve are welcome!
Only mplayer, yad and conky are required to run it.
The 'ticker' requires to have conky installed, right-click on the tray-icon for settings, e.g. enable/disable ticker or foreground/background color, or 'conky ticker settings' to enable/disable on-top, transparency, border etc...
(see also for more info through the 'Information' button from the main GUI)
Some presets are included, which can be removed ( button Add/Remove, also to add new items).
A directory ~/.dogradio will be created when running first time from menu "DogRadio' with these presets (.desktop files) in ~/.dogradio/data

Attached: dogradio_0.0.1_i386.deb.tar (remove fake .tar extension)

Edit: New version 0.0.2, Info/changes:

Major change is the choice of many radiostations to add (which was lacking in first version) by 'Add/Remove' > Add,

Inspired by 'simple-gtk-radio', see here:
for e.g: format: 'playlist.<Category>' to load different categories to play/add.

If the file ~/.dogradio/v0.0.2 exists the ~/.dogradio directory will not be replaced.
If it doesn't exist, ~/.dogradio from an earlier version needs to be replaced because of many changes in the structure of v 0.0.2.

Changes in v 0.0.2:

- Added 'playlist' folder with different category files named playlist.* listing many different radio stations.
(these can be added (multiple items) to the main GUI by Add/Remove > Add, streams can be played by double-clicking an item from the list displaying from a category)
The playlist 'playlist.RadioSure' has more then 28000 streams, not all will play though, and it's to large to load as one of the category-playlist.
However the search option (see below) will search inside it, so in fact there's choice of around 20000 stations!

- The .desktop launchers in ~/.radiodog/data are named now after the radio station (in previous version these had a random numbered name)

- Conky ticker displays now also name of the radio station

- More playlists extensions are supported now, these are now: .m3u, .pls, asx, .ram, .asp, .pls?id=* (shoutcast)

- Added simple search option (Add/Remove > Add > fill in search keyword(s))
A new category-playlist can be created from the search results by clicking 'Save'

Recommended is to install the latest yad (version 0.28 now)

Mostly because of the added playlist files the .deb became much larger (700Kb, install size 3Mb) so it can't be attached here, download from here:
<Removed link see Edit6 for latest version>

Edit1: Re-uploaded with very small fix, for correct icon when adding from search.

Edit2: New version uploaded v. 0.0.3 with changes/additions:

- Search has been improved, when typing multiple words, e.g. 'jazz canada' will give now only results for 'jazz' AND 'canada' in a station name (not 'jazz' OR 'canada'.
To clarify: In previous version it gave all results for 'jazz' in a name and also all results for 'canada' in a name.
- Added button 'Update Index', (for search index, containing more than 20000 stations) that will download the latest database from "" and convert to dogradio compatible format. Add/Remove > Add > Update-Index
- Added url that's now playing to Stream Info (right-click on tray-icon > Stream Info URL : ...)
<Removed link see Edit6 for latest version>

Or to install latest version from DD repository from terminal:

Code: Select all

apt-get update
apt-get install dogradio
Or with synaptic package manager

New version 0.0.4:
- Supports non-english locale characters now, e.g. russian or e.g. greek characters will display in category or search list, if package 'locales' is installed and the locale has been set, or when UTF-8 is supported by the system in any other way.
(the search index may need to be updated for that: 'Add/Remove' > 'New' > 'Update Index')
- Choice for themed interface (or no themed interface, using system theme), light or dark color theme, smaller font. Choose from right-clicking tray-icon menu > Theme Settings.
(see below screenshot, using dark theme, conky-ticker on-top, no-border and color adjusted to the theme color)
(small dependency 'gtk2-engines-murrine' added to the package for providing the theme choices)
- Pressing the 'Add/Remove' button gives a item list at first view now instead of a drop down box. (a little more intuitive maybe?)
- Bugfixes:
-- now station names containing quotes in the name will work also (by filtering out the quotes in the name), previously they gave error.
-- now ampersand (&) character shows properly in list names.
-- Cancel button in conky-ticker-settings window works now. (was previously wrong; disabled the conky-ticker)
<Removed link see Edit6 for latest version>

Available from DebianDog and MintPup repositories, install latest version from terminal:

Code: Select all

apt-get update
apt-get install dogradio
Or with synaptic package manager

New version 0.0.5, only change: Added Stream ripping option, from tray-icon right-click > Stream Ripping. Extra dependency: small package 'streamripper'
(see also below screenshot)
<Removed link see Edit6 for latest version>

Edit6: New version 0.0.6, changes:
- Improved refreshing tray icon (when switching stations). (it could be a bit of a problem on Jwm, so recommended to use icons with exactly the same height as width)
- Added 'Play' button to the main GUI to resume playing the last played stream if stopped. ... lk0blFHTDQ

Edit7: New version 0.0.7, some small changes:
- Fixed buggy search (previously worked well only when dogradio was restarted after one search)
- removed/replaced dead stationS on the main GUI
- Updated database (Radiosure.playlist) ... b_i386.deb
Youtube Demo (my first demo, so forgive me for being amateuristic please :)) :

Edit8: New version 0.0.8, see topic here for info, download .pet and .deb packages:

Removed all links to previous dogradio versions in this post


Posted: Mon 20 Jul 2015, 06:31
by dancytron
Tried DogRadio in Openbox Jessie. Worked well. No problem adding Custom Stations (local NPR Stations) or Stations from off the list (BBC World News).

Very nice.

Posted: Tue 21 Jul 2015, 21:03
by fredx181
Thanks for the feedback, Dan!
Glad you like it.
For a more polished version, 0.0.3, see my previous post (Edit2) ... 507#854507


Posted: Tue 08 Sep 2015, 16:36
by fredx181
**** DogRadio new version ****

Edited my post (Edit3 and Edit4) in this thread, here: ... 507#854507


Posted: Mon 16 Nov 2015, 22:17
by fredx181
Hi All,

*** Conky-Clock ***

Choose analog clock to display on the desktop, using yad GUI.

Perhaps a bit overdone to make a special app for choosing a clock display, but it was fun for me to make and to explore more of the 'yad' options.
Partly taken from here:
Thanks very much to battleshooter and the one(s) who created the clock.lua script and the beautiful "clock_face" images, there's lots to choose from. :)

Note: Requires yad version 0.26 or higher.
Other dependencies: wmctrl , hsetroot (wmctrl to check which window manager is active, e.g. JWM, special treatment using hsetroot for transparency) , liblua and conky-all.

Removed conkyclock_0.0.1_all.deb, see Edit below for newer (fixed) version 0.0.2

Install from terminal in directory from where inside is the downloaded file: conkyclock_0.0.2_all.deb:

Code: Select all

dpkg -i conkyclock_0.0.2_all.deb
apt-get -f install # force installing extra required dependencies
Run from Menu> Utility (JWM) or Menu> Accessories (Openbox-xfce)

Edit: New version 0.0.2, fixed checking for the right yad version number, see next post from Stemsee ... .2_all.deb


Posted: Tue 17 Nov 2015, 10:48
by stemsee
I tried installing your deb on wheezy and this