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Posted: Tue 20 Nov 2012, 19:50
by pemasu
Download vlc media player sfs, qt libs sfs from my repo and test vlc. It might work better. If not...I dont have much more options to offer.
If I get reports that other people have problems I start to hunt some broken package.

I havent changed any of the default Barry Kauler specs in this build regarding to the multimedia backends, libs or dependencies.

So....I wait for other reports next.

Posted: Tue 20 Nov 2012, 20:41
by tater
Greetings pemasu,

It appears that installing the nvidia driver breaks mplayer. I confirmed this by starting over with a fresh frugal install and mplayer works fine using the nouveau driver.

I'll search the web and see if there's a solution to this nvidia issue.

Thanks for you help.

Posted: Tue 20 Nov 2012, 22:53
by don570
I compiled a special version of mhwaveedit in precise
that will accept plugins. It also will open retrovol even if there
is no config file. ... 981#665981


Posted: Wed 21 Nov 2012, 09:03
by nooby
Does spotify works best on Dpup Exprimo or Upup Precise?
I refer to these files

I guess this part says they are for Dpup?

I tested on Lupu 528-005 but failed so maybe did something wrong.
I will test later again today or tomorrow.

Posted: Wed 21 Nov 2012, 09:42
by pemasu
Nooby. There were enough references to what distro those pets were meant to.
You can experiment with pets and sfs meant to squeeze dpup, but it is up to you how they work or does not work in Upup Precise or other distro outside Dpup Exprimo.
I wont test them for users in Upup Precise. Use and test them at your own risk.


Posted: Wed 21 Nov 2012, 09:43
by peebee
Frisbee network manager for Upup Precise: ... &start=100

Posted: Thu 22 Nov 2012, 20:34
by pemasu
Spotify sfs uploaded to the upup repo. It needs qt sfs because it is qt app.

Posted: Sun 25 Nov 2012, 10:38
by pemasu
Upup Precise 5.4.X.4 has been uploaded. I used latest woof with all fixes through it.

PPM package manager should check if dependencies are up to date, if asks to update ubuntu databases.Which updates now really fast.
Above is needed because precise update repos are available and the packages are updated there frequently. So you also get some updated core - system files from this build.

For example usable Firefox-17.0 was there, tested it and worked fine.

The repos have been configured to use fastest one first, at least for me. I got firefox-17 in about 10 seconds from PPM.

Pburn and Pmusic updated, Mhwaveedit updated, supports ladspa plugins now. Type ladspa in PPM and you get multiple plugin choices to choose. Don570 has also created a pet from one large plugin set.

Xchat has now unigue default name string so that puppylinux users are not confused from changing username.

This build is still quite near of the official Precise Puppy. I would call it PuP build: Pemasubly unofficial

Download link: ... ecise54X4/

Posted: Sun 25 Nov 2012, 15:11
by James C
Just finished getting updated to 5.4.X.3 and I'm behind again..... :lol: Anyway,no problems from 5.4.X.3 now I'll upgrade to the latest and report back a bit later.

Posted: Mon 26 Nov 2012, 10:02
by charlie6
Hi Pemasu,
on Precise 5.4.X.4 installed on Dell620 laptop:
something strange i cannot reproduce ...
while working with gnumeric on a file stored on a USB memory stick (stick i'm using since ca. 4 years), the stick suddenly has been seen as "read only" with an "input/output error" message when saving to / or deleting a file.
The files name had no accent nor «exotic» character in it ...?? :shock:

I have also to report that just before I accidentaly closed the lid of the laptop getting it to «sleep mode»; opening the lid resumed to previous mode, with gnumeric running again on the currently opened file.

Restarting X fixed it; but opening the usb stick with rox file manager showed filenames coloured in red with exclamation mark mini-icons.

Have then unmounted the usb stick and opened it on another PC (running Exprimo 3.6.2), and there all OK.

No further result to report as I am now at job ... other priorities to deal with ... :)

Cheers, Charlie

Upup Precise 54X4 using latest woof

Posted: Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:06
by Billtoo
Manual frugal install to hard drive.
Installed proprietary nvidia driver+openbox+tint2

Processor 6x AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1045T Processor
Memory 8310MB (282MB used)
Operating System Unknown distribution
User Name root (root)
Date/Time Mon 26 Nov 2012 08:52:06 AM EST
Resolution 3200x1080 pixels
OpenGL Renderer GeForce GT 430/PCIe/SSE2/3DNOW!
X11 Vendor The X.Org Foundation
Vendor NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer GeForce GT 430/PCIe/SSE2/3DNOW!
Version 4.3.0 NVIDIA 310.19
Direct Rendering Yes
I installed several applications from ppm,vlc,kdegames,firefox17,and pokerth.
It's working okay so far.

..input/output error on USB memory stick (solved)

Posted: Mon 26 Nov 2012, 19:25
by charlie6
charlie6 wrote:...the stick suddenly has been seen as "read only" with an "input/output error" message ... but opening the usb stick with rox file manager showed filenames coloured in red with exclamation mark mini-icons.
1. filesystem well corrupted :?
2. at first, didn't know what happened; afterwards might be not enough memory space left although Partview reported then about 20Mo free ... :x
3. cause is external to Precise (see 2. above)

:idea: Solution: succeeded in recovery of ca. 3,5 GB files (except images) using TestDisk :P

last edited:
images recovered using PhotoRec ... :D
cheers, charlie

bug in categories

Posted: Wed 28 Nov 2012, 20:08
by don570
There's a strange bug in the categories of the start menu

While making the Imagination 3.0 pet package I found that I couldn't
make the name show on the start menu.

I tried several multimedia categories but it was hopeless to
get Imagination to show. Slacko and Barry Kauler's Precise doesn't
have this problem.

The good news is that Imagination 3.0 does run nicely if you launch it
from the terminal.


Posted: Wed 28 Nov 2012, 20:11
by pemasu
Menu Categories has gone big upgrades with latest woof commits. They might affect. Audiovideo category should always work.

Posted: Wed 28 Nov 2012, 20:13
by don570
I did try Categories=AudioVideo
....but it didn't work. :cry:


Posted: Wed 28 Nov 2012, 20:26
by pemasu
AudioVideo worked for me with Imagination. There was though problem to update menu. fixmenus && jwm -reload didnt make it to show. But restart X did.
Hmm.....I thought that bug was fixed. Lets see how it goes with other pets.

Posted: Wed 28 Nov 2012, 21:26
by don570
I should try adding a file to pet package

with commands like

jwm -reload
jwm -restart

and see if that helps.....


T22 IBM Thinkpad

Posted: Thu 29 Nov 2012, 02:40
by sszindian
New testing Upup_Precise-5.4.X.4:

IBM T22 Thinkpad

Live CD:
Results: 5.4.X.4 loaded and ran without any problems however as with previous version, CD could not be removed during run-time.

Did a Frugal Install, everything loaded-saved like it should. CD is now open to use for data, graphic etc., files. 'Nice' - Grub4DOS was the only version that set boot-load from the Grub menu up properly... regular GRUB couldn't cut it!

Everything tested in 5.4.X.4 ran without a single issue so far and it is a very pleasing addition to this OLD Thinkpad. I have an Exprimo-5.X.2.9 that runs also very nice (Live CD only with a savefile to HDD) on this machine but could not get versions beyond that to work?

I highly recommend 5.4.X.4 for old machines with at least the (mentioned above) configuration of my IBM T22... could be that lesser configurations will also work... be interesting to hear!

rcrsn51... Many a time you have saved my skin on this forum but on your statement that old puppy's are for older computers, I have to totally disagree as I see what has happened here with a T22 and Upup-Precise. :wink:

'As always... Nice piece of work pemasu'


Re: T22 IBM Thinkpad

Posted: Thu 29 Nov 2012, 03:37
by rcrsn51
sszindian wrote:rcrsn51... Many a time you have saved my skin on this forum but on your statement that old puppy's are for older computers, I have to totally disagree as I see what has happened here with a T22 and Upup-Precise
Umm.... My comment was in reference to your complaints about running off the Live CD on low-memory machines. Once you do an install and get to a "pfix=nocopy" environment, the situation changes, of course.

Posted: Thu 29 Nov 2012, 05:01
by charlie6
Hugh sszindian,
if i good remember (see Slacko story from beginning) you'd be one of those (...happy?) Brookdale 82845G video chip featured PC user ...would'nt you ?
If the case, welcome to the club! :wink:
just to report that 54X4 (currently X version 1.11.3 + intel driver version 2.17.0) works OOTB without X black screen at X restart on such machine .
Also Exprimo runs nice after done an rollback to version 2.11.0...see here or disregard if irrelevant ... 116#647116
<---have fun---<< :D
Cheers, Charlie