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Posted: Tue 14 Feb 2012, 16:07
by zomzilla
hi igu: i'm having a run-through by just making the default slackware puppy

but 1download stops because it cannot find busybox on

can i override/fix this?


Posted: Tue 14 Feb 2012, 16:37
by Payoon
I have the same problem. The slackware packages are read well and when starting with subito it stops at busybox. The roar-ng thing is in it's early stages and I hope later we'll get some more "howto" documentation.
All in all very very interesting. My dream: a selftaylored distro for my machine with exactly the software that I need.

Posted: Tue 14 Feb 2012, 19:22
by zomzilla
:D another who dreams of portage-powered puppy?

Posted: Thu 16 Feb 2012, 22:23
by Iguleder
Good news - currently running a stable version of roar-ng, with many improvements. Looks good so far - it's much faster than the old version in the first post and seems to be more stable.

Notable changes:
- Moved everything under /opt to /usr.
- Added many bug fixes to the new Builder.
- Fixed the bugs in the new strippkg; now it does not perform recursive optimization, since it takes too long. It won't optimize the contents of archives.
- Moved all custom configuration and Subito-specific stuff from build scripts to the skeleton, to make the result packages more generic.
- Removed CenterIM from Subito - development of the 4.x branch halted this week. The only alternative it has is Finch (Pidgin's console interface), but I don't like it.
- Replaced some packages built using build scripts with Slackware ones, to ease maintenance.

EDIT: more features!
- Detection of the current window manager, desktop background, etc' in desksetup
- Many bug fixes
- Removed all console application menu entries
- Code cleanups
- Replaced source hacks with configuration files in the skeleton
- Automatic creation of save files without having to reboot to use them

Subito changes:
- Added dbus-glib, so Firefox works now out-of-the-box
- Replaced some packages with Slackware ones, to ease development
- Some updates

Posted: Fri 17 Feb 2012, 22:08
by MinHundHettePerro
Hello, Iguleder :)!

Is your new version of roar-ng in shape to share?
Eagerly awaiting .............. :)/ MHHP

Posted: Sat 18 Feb 2012, 09:59
by Iguleder
After some testing, I'm currently building the first alpha 1. I'm also uploading the packages and their sources - this time it's the new package format, which is smaller.

Once it seems stable enough, I'm gonna upload the new roar-ng.

EDIT: uploaded; Subito GNU/Linux Alpha 1 looks good, much better than my expectations :)

New features:
- The init script now set the console font and the keyboard map
- Everything in /opt was moved to /usr
- The new rxz package format, which is smaller and simpler than PET; the XZ compression should provide about 30% smaller packages
- hpm (Humble Package Manager) was rerwritten and supports only the rxz package format, to make it simpler.
- Builder was rewritten and merged into roar-ng.
- Added support for Nouveau
- Implemented automatic save file creation
- Some updates
- Many bug fixes in the init scripts.
- Many bug fixes and speed improvements in roar-ng.
- CenterIM was removed, since it was declared deprecated, in favor of CenterIM 5, which is still in early development stages.
- Fixed the kernel KMS bug and reduced its verbosity level.
- Some code and package clean up.

Posted: Sat 18 Feb 2012, 12:11
by nooby
EDIT: uploaded; Subito GNU/Linux Alpha 1 looks good, much better than my expectations
Any link to the Subito.iso Would be cool to test it. Yes I have a 64bit
machine too even if the one I write from is just32 bit :)

Posted: Sat 18 Feb 2012, 12:46
by Iguleder
Nope, not yet. I'll fix this issue today, hopefully :wink:

EDIT: re-uploaded roar-ng with a bug fix for strippkg.

Error in 1download

Posted: Sat 18 Feb 2012, 14:42
by Payoon
Hi folks,
when runnung the sricpts 0setup and 1download work like a breeze.
But when I run 3builddistro I get the following message:

./createpackages: ./skeleton/devx/package_tools/usr/bin/strippkg: /bin/dash:bad interpreter: no such file or directory
Error: failed to optimize acl

Who knows what went wrong or what is missing. :?:
Currently I am running slacko with devx.sfs and python installed.

Greetings Payoon

Posted: Sat 18 Feb 2012, 14:47
by Iguleder
The solution is simple:

Code: Select all

ln -s bash /bin/dash
It happens because you don't have DASH installed. Any script written for this shell is also compatible with Bash, so you can do this.

EDIT: uploading a ready build of alpha 1, with the version number 0.9.0. It features Linux 3.0.21 and all the goodies mentioned above.

EDIT 2: I've started working on build scripts for Xfce. I want to see if it's possible to build a "desktop" flavor of Subito with Xfce, some major web browser (e.g Firefox) and assorted lightweight GTK applications (e.g Geany, mhWaveEdit, mtPaint, DeaDBeeF, GNOME-MPlayer, etc') based on the normal one.

Posted: Sat 18 Feb 2012, 17:21
by nooby
Thanks, felt cool to be able to boot it.
Then my lack of knowledge got obvious.

I have no idea how to tell it to get internet. Sorry

No need to solve this for my sake.
Most likely I can find out using google
or something or read your documents.

Another thing. Is it still 64-bit? The iirss something
take 50% of CPU resources when looking at Desktop.
Oops I am on Acer D255 an Atom N450 IIRC double core?

Is it the 64bit thing that makes it impossible to look
at my internal harddisk? Or does one have to know
how to mount the sda2 using cli?

Heheh I even fail to know how to close such a black box
apart from doing ctrl+alt-backspace

As I said only comment this if it feels important to you.
I am happy that it works this far. Felt great to be able to boot.

Posted: Sat 18 Feb 2012, 17:24
by Payoon
Hi folks, hi Iguleder
My report about creation of subito 0.9 starting from slacko
Installed Python and Slacko_dev.sfs
Change to /roar-ng-003
>#./0setup => OK
>#./1download => OK
>#./2createpackages => Error: ./skeleton/devx/package_tools/usr/bin/strippkg: /bin/dash:bad interpreter: no such file or directory
solved by > ln -s bash /bin/dash < thanks to Iguleders help.

>#Error: optipng: no such command => installed optipng
>#Error: advpng: no such command => installed advancecomp-1.15
(for those who haven't this two commands installed I have attached the pets)

#>Error: hangs when processing python => deleted python dir in processed-packages outcommented python in /conf/packages_list

Started again with
>#./2createpackages => OK
>#./3builddistro => OK

created subito folder in /mnt/home
added the following lines to /mnt/home/boot/grub/menu.lst

#Linux bootable partition config begins (for 2nd partition)
title Puppy Linux subito frugal in sda2 dir subito
kernel (hd0,1)/subito/vmlinuz boot=fll quiet vga=791 fromiso=/subito/subito-0.9.0.iso
initrd (hd0,1)/subito/initrd.gz
# Linux bootable partition config ends

copied the following files from /roar-ng-003/sandbox3/build to /mnt/home/subito
- initrd.gz
- vmlinuz
copied the following file from /roar-ng-003/sandbox3/dist to mnt/home/subito

- subito-0.9.0.iso

It works and is amazingly fast.

Thanks Iguleder. In fact with roar-ng You have somehow created a distro with only 60 kb in size. Fantastic!


Posted: Sat 18 Feb 2012, 17:52
by Iguleder
nooby wrote:I have no idea how to tell it to get internet. Sorry
My motto says - I'm a superhero and I can do anything ... unless I don't learn how to.
nooby wrote:Another thing. Is it still 64-bit?
Yes, but now it's even easier to port it - the infrastructure used to port it from i486 to x86_64 is integrated into roar-ng in the form of 4buildpackage.
nooby wrote:The iirss something
take 50% of CPU resources when looking at Desktop.
Irssi is fairly lightweight.
nooby wrote:Oops I am on Acer D255 an Atom N450 IIRC double core?
Posting this from Subito on Asus Eee PC 1001PX, very similar - same processor. :wink:
nooby wrote:Is it the 64bit thing that makes it impossible to look
at my internal harddisk? Or does one have to know
how to mount the sda2 using cli?
You'll have to mount your hard drive's partitions to see its contents, of course.
nooby wrote:Heheh I even fail to know how to close such a black box
apart from doing ctrl+alt-backspace
See that "first run wizard"? It has a button for the window manager's documentation.

Payoon wrote:#>Error: hangs when processing python => deleted python dir in processed-packages outcommented python in /conf/packages_list
Fixed this bug.
Payoon wrote: REBOOT!
It works and is amazingly fast.

Yay! Thanks for the report! :D
Payoon wrote:Thanks Iguleder. In fact with roar-ng You have somehow created a distro with only 60 kb in size. Fantastic!
Thank YOU! :)

Posted: Sat 18 Feb 2012, 19:41
by nooby
Thanks I don't want to take up more of your precious time
so I'm looking forward to the evolution of your roar-ng and Subito.
It is very interesting to follow your dev efforts. Keep it coming


Posted: Sat 18 Feb 2012, 21:04
by Jim1911
What is login and password for subito-0.9.0? :oops:


Posted: Sat 18 Feb 2012, 21:26
by nooby
I tested with root and then just hit enter and it did not need any password
or used one that Iguleder has given it? Just work with root and enter.
Boots real fast.

title subito
find --set-root --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd /subito/initrd.gz
kernel /subito/vmlinuz vga=791
initrd /subito/initrd.gz

or iso boot. Place the iso in the subito directory. But my first choice
boot without having the iso on the partition. You only need to put
the files in the directory.

title subito
rootnoverify (hd0,1)
kernel /subito/vmlinuz boot=fll vga=791 fromiso=/subito/subito-0.9.0.iso
initrd /subito/initrd.gz

I don't know what the boot=fll refers to.

The build seems to lack ntfs-3g so how does one add that one or
if it is there how does one activate it?

Posted: Sat 18 Feb 2012, 21:55
by Jim1911
Hi nooby,

That worked and like you said it's fast, however, the desktop is too confusing for me also and I'm unable to get on the internet too. I need to wait until it's evolved further, of course it may not ever get down to my level.


Posted: Mon 20 Feb 2012, 11:15
by nooby
Jim1911 wrote:Hi nooby,
... the desktop is too confusing for me also and I'm unable to get on the internet too. ...

I don't want to take up Iguleder's time with my lack of knowledge
so if somebody else that know how to get the LAN or WAN going
and how one get used to the Window Manager being so different?
I also need to learn how to get the NTFS ntfs-3g going and how
one mount the sda1 or sad2 or whatever NTFS that I booted on.

How does one do a dd of the iso image over to a flash memory?
I prefer that Iguleder spen exciting time on the dev instead of
answering my naive questions. So what do you guys say?

Share your knowledge. here or maybe a new thread?

Posted: Mon 20 Feb 2012, 22:23
by Iguleder
Regarding your internet connection - it varies between connection types. You'll have to use all the command-line tools that ship with the distro for this - just read how to get it workin'. It's extremely easy once you do it once.

Regarding ntfs-3g, just get a Slackware package or build one yourself, you don't need my help for this. C'mon, you're so much smarter than that. :)

Posted: Tue 21 Feb 2012, 23:21
by MinHundHettePerro
Hello, Iguleder :)!

Building 32-bit varieties of subito (yes, still a bit behind the bleeding edge, technology-wise) using roar-ng-003.

I must say, I really appreciate that once 3builddistro has been successfully run, it's possible to directly continue with 4buildpackage to build needed packages (had to use a few re-packaged .pet's for a 32-bit pre-build).

One thing about the builder, though;
when building e.g. xpad, using the provided build-script, the build-process trips at the sources download protocol being https (the wget-option --no-check-certificate fixes downloading manually).

Now, to my question;
would adding the wget-option --no-check-certificate to the download_file-function of skeleton/devx/package_tools/usr/sbin/buildpkg bork downloading with standard http?
Doesn't seem to, but I only checked with "--spider" as of yet, since I'm busy building ... :) (yet, again :oops: )

Thanks for a very good woof-contender build-tool (I'll still tweak it to build a semi-puppy/semi-subito thingy).

Cheers :)/ MHHP