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Posted: Sun 12 Feb 2006, 11:35
by costal martignier
hi paul..

ok, these questions are not really belong to my webenvironment, these are generic questions, and you will find answers normaly in the web for setting mysql passwords...

here are all answers to the password question: ... leges.html

in short (do this in the terminal/shell):

Code: Select all

mysqladmin -u root password PASS
mysqladmin -u root -h HOST password PASS 
replace PASS with the password, and HOST with your puppy hostname!
after the second command it asks you about a password, its the one you set before..

your webroot (where you put your files) is located in /root/www/ (but this is allready mentioned in the README of my dotpup)

after changing/setting the mysqlpassword you need to change the config file for phpmyadmin, this is located in /etc/myadmin.conf (also mentioned in the README)

when you only run your phproject localy, and dont access it from outside of your local network, you can leave the passwort for mysql empty, and therfore use the puppy firewall to prevent access from outside of your local network..

also the php files get only exeuted when they are in the webserver webroot, outside you will only see the xcripttext like you mentioned

perhaps it's better first to uninstall de webenv.pup totaly (rerun installation and select uninstall) because you changed the mysql database the wrong way...

hope this helps


Posted: Sun 12 Feb 2006, 17:52
by raffy
I've been trying to find php.ini, but perhaps I should learn how to do a better search :(

It concerns the use of large files for reloadable content in education, which are uploaded via PHP scripts. The default file size is perhaps 2 MB (or is this being set via lighttpd?). A larger file upload size is needed.

A note about PHP_SELF - in Apache, the GET parameters (that is, after index.php) seem to be ignored, but in lighttpd, the GET parameters are included in the next click. Anyway, just a nuisance to lazy coders like me :)

Posted: Sun 12 Feb 2006, 18:25
by costal martignier
hy raffy..

when you have installed my latest dotpup (and you really should, but first complete delete the old one) you will see in my defaulthomepage some help. there is mentioned that php uses complete defaults compiled in. when you want to change the php.ini you can create one in /etc/php.ini..

hope this helps


Submit gives blank page

Posted: Tue 14 Feb 2006, 14:31
by raffy
Submitting the editing form in DokeOS (in platform admin - configure homepage) gives a blank page. This happens in hard disk install in both versions 0.3 and 0.4. However, the changes in the form were saved. Here is the last URL before and after the submission:


(DokeOS is easy to install as it is automatically launched from index.php.)


Posted: Tue 21 Feb 2006, 17:20
by MU
Installed version 0.4 in KDE-3.5.0-Puppy107 from KlhR.
Right after installation I had to reboot, as some applications stopped working.
But this is not critical, that can happen when installing to /root/.usr

After the reboot, PHP worked great. I had no look at mySql yet.

This Site I created in your webenv:

It ran on the productive Apache-Server immedeatly without any changes.

Very good :P

Thanks for this nice Dotpup, it is really nice to have such a small PHP-capable Webserver.
This may give me back interest in trying things out in PHP.

Posted: Tue 21 Feb 2006, 18:07
by costal martignier
nice to hear that the webenvironment is usefull for you...

but please take a look at your programming style...
it took me 1 minute to figure out a way to get all files i want from your server...

never, i repeat never iclude files from variable that can be changed from someone outside..

bad bad bad :)

check this links: ... etc/passwd ... tc/inittab

have a nice day

Posted: Tue 21 Feb 2006, 18:09
by MU

will correct that, thanks for the hint.

--edit-- better ?

Posted: Tue 21 Feb 2006, 18:42
by Owl

I tried to install the package (version 0.4), downloaded ok, install went sort of ok untill I saw the message below. The requested directory: /usr/local/libexec/mysqld doesn't exist, nor can I find the file that is mentioned to install. Then nothing happens anymore
Using a 1.07 Live CD.

I am not really good at this, but thought it was cool to get some experience with php.

Any help is appreciated,

his is the output of the startscript:

create mountpoint /.webenv
create new loop device /dev/loop7
mount /root/usr_webenv.sfs on /dev/loop7
mount /dev/loop7 on /.webenv
create webroot on /root/www
cp default webroot content to /root/www/
create mysql datadir /root/db
copy mysql default tables to /root/db
added /usr/local/lib to /etc/
run ldconfig and update /etc/
create default webserver config to /etc/lighttpd.conf
create default mysql config to /etc/my.cnf
start mysql (as root for the moment, sorry 4 that)
start webserver with php
webenvironment startet
The file /usr/local/libexec/mysqld doesn't exist or is not executable
Please do a cd to the mysql installation directory and restart
this script from there as follows:
See for more

Posted: Tue 21 Feb 2006, 19:01
by costal martignier

mutch better :)
this is a common beginner failure, so no need to shame :)


hmmm, never had this problem...
i think the webenv.sfs is not mounted correctly...

do a

Code: Select all

unionctl /usr --list 
in a console and post me the output...

Posted: Tue 21 Feb 2006, 19:10
by MU
I also don't have

But in /usr/local/bin are all the other mysql -executables.
"ps" shows no mysql running.

But as I said, I have KDE-Puppy(frugal install).

In Puppy 107 + webenv 0.3 MySql was running.

Code: Select all

# unionctl /usr --list
        /root/.usr (rw)
        /.usr_devx (r-)
        /.usr_cram (r-)
        /.webenv (r-)
# ls -al /.webenv/local/libexec/
-rwxr--r--    1 root     root      2651688 Feb  8 04:19 mysqld
-rw-------    1 root     root            0 Feb  8 04:19 .wh.__dir_opaque
# ls -al /usr/local/libexec
drwxr-xr-x    4 root     root         1024 Feb 12 03:17 .
drwxr-xr-x   49 root     root         1024 Feb 18 15:17 ..
drwxr-xr-x    3 root     root         1024 Feb 10 09:38 fvwm
drwxr-xr-x    3 root     root         1024 Feb 12 03:17 fvwm-insitu


Posted: Tue 21 Feb 2006, 19:47
by Owl
Hi Costal, here is the requested output.

unionctl /usr --list
/root/.usr (rw)
/.usr_devx (r-)
/.usr_more (r-)
/.usr_cram (r-)
/.webenv (r-)
In the mean time I have played a little:
after a first reboot I was able to create a little .php file that worked.

Then I tried to download a full .php package (sample website). After unpacking it to the www directory and start Dillo at http://localhost a setup screen comes up, but it seems as if mysql doesn't work properly, I can't get past the configuration screen.

I thought I'd better reboot again, but then the computer completely frooze up at the killing process screen with the message:
killall: mysqld: no process killed.

I then had to unplug the powercord to reboot (!). My first time ever under Linux, luckily an old habit under Win$.

After reboot the same problems.
Additional info: my system has the same directory structure as mentioned in MU's last mail,

Additional info:
processes running and just for the fun, typing mysql at console (just trying. . . )
PID Uid VmSize Stat Command
1 root 572 S init
2 root SW [keventd]
3 root SWN [ksoftirqd_CPU0]
4 root SW [kswapd]
5 root SW [bdflush]
6 root SW [kupdated]
7 root SW< [mdrecoveryd]
133 root SW [khubd]
173 root 572 S syslogd -m 0
180 root 568 S klogd
329 root SW [loop1]
415 root SW [loop0]
428 root SW [loop3]
436 root SW [loop4]
1015 root 1772 S /usr/sbin/cupsd
1054 root SW [loop7]
1098 root 1068 S /usr/local/bin/lighttpd -f /etc/lighttpd.conf
1100 root 2060 S /usr/local/bin/php
1114 root 452 S /sbin/getty 38400 tty2
1131 root 2060 S /usr/local/bin/php
1166 root 2060 S /usr/local/bin/php
1179 root 2060 S /usr/local/bin/php
1200 root 2064 S /usr/local/bin/php
1201 root 2064 S /usr/local/bin/php
1202 root 2064 S /usr/local/bin/php
1203 root 4284 S /usr/local/bin/php
1253 root 732 S -sh
1313 root 668 S /bin/sh /usr/X11R6/bin/xwin
1335 root 620 S /usr/X11R6/bin/xinit /root/.xinitrc --
1336 root 10748 R < X :0
1340 root 4440 S icewm
1355 root 1436 S /usr/bin/autocutsel
1402 root 4588 S /usr/local/apps/ROX-Filer/Linux-ix86/ROX-Filer -o -p
1403 root 19740 S /usr/local/bin/dillo
1405 root 19740 S /usr/local/bin/dillo
1406 root 19740 S /usr/local/bin/dillo
1407 root 19740 S /usr/local/bin/dillo
1411 root 33636 R /usr/lib/mozilla/mozilla-bin
1421 root 33636 S /usr/lib/mozilla/mozilla-bin
1422 root 33636 S /usr/lib/mozilla/mozilla-bin
1424 root 33636 S /usr/lib/mozilla/mozilla-bin
1426 root 1264 S rxvt -sl 999
1427 root 1632 S bash
1488 root 33636 S /usr/lib/mozilla/mozilla-bin
1489 root 728 R ps
# mysql
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)

Any help is appreciated .


Posted: Tue 21 Feb 2006, 19:52
by MU
Owl, one thing you might try (don't check it myself, as I go asleep now):
copy /.webenv/local/libexec/mysqld to /usr/local/libexec/

Then reboot.But just a guess, no idea if it works.

Posted: Tue 21 Feb 2006, 19:54
by costal martignier
hey mark and owl...

you have both the kde thing installed... i really don't like kde, so i never tested my webenv with the kde stuff for puppy...

without the kde stuff there where never such problems...
ive uploaded a new version, please first uninstall the webenv completly befor installing the new one..

you can uninstall it by clicking the new dotpup, and select uninstall...
after that run the dotpup again, and then install it..

i have no clue if this release fixes your problems, but i found some files releated to unionfs in the webenv.sfs that perhaps caused the problems of missing mysql...

as i allways said, i'm quite a bad scripter, and the webenv is allways to be consaidered as beta...

i had not sufficient feedback to really debug the webenv.pup...

please test the new one and tell me if the mysqld is now located in the libexec dir...


Posted: Tue 21 Feb 2006, 19:59
by Owl
Hi, after some googling I found that the following help on mysqlforums:

Check if the file mysqld.sock is located where requested ('/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock)
If not, make a virtual link to this file in the '/var/run/mysqld/' directory using the "ln -s" command

This file doesn't exist. I am not sure if this is really the reason or not. I don't know how to use the ln -s command but that is my next search . . .

does this make any sense to you ?

Oh, and by the way I just read your last mail and I don't use KDE. I do have the mega .sfs file installed in order to use OO0 2.0 and Java.


Posted: Tue 21 Feb 2006, 20:05
by costal martignier
please try the new webenv version, and follow my instructions in my previous message...

i think its the same problem with the usr_mor.sfs as with the kde thing...
i also don't have this so i can't try and debug/test with this...

but i think the new one will work fine...

(hope so)

Posted: Tue 21 Feb 2006, 20:17
by Owl

uninstall went fine, install went fine, then the error message that I earlier posted didn't come up again, so far so good.

However, I rebooted and again mysql made the computer hang.
And the ps doesn't show mysql,
and the install utility mentions again it cannot find mysql server.

So I am kind of stuck here,

Posted: Tue 21 Feb 2006, 20:20
by MU
clicked on webenv0.5,and "uninstall".
This told me it might take some second,and another message.
After 1 minute nothing else came.
So I started it again,and chose "install".

After installation reboot,because all applications freeze.
Still no /usr/local/libexec/mysqld

So I copy it over from /.webenv/local/libexec and reboot.
Voila- mysql runs.
I think a symlink should be sufficient to save space:
ln -s /.webenv/local/libexec/mysqld /usr/local/libexec/mysqld

But not tested - go to bed now.

Will look closer tomorrow :-).


Posted: Tue 21 Feb 2006, 20:23
by costal martignier
the uninstall should work, if not you must remove all files manually, i create a list tommorow...

the freezing is caused because of the unionfs...
i dont get it why this is so...

perhaps i give up my webenv project...
to heavy for my small knowledge...

but lets see tomorrow...


Posted: Tue 21 Feb 2006, 20:25
by costal martignier
it's really strange that i can't reproduce your erros..

'm using a fresh puppy live cd and a fresh puppy install (both 1.0.7)

everything is fine....

so perhaps weben will never reach productive state, because of my lacking knwoledge about unionfs problems


Posted: Tue 21 Feb 2006, 20:28
by MU
No, don't give up :)
As I said, 0.4 worked ok for me (PHP).
And mysql can be solved with a simple symlink on my KDE-Puppy.

So that is ok, isn't it?
To fix this would be "a nice to have", but already now you can use it.
Much better than installing 80 MB of Xampp...

Good night, Mark