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Posted: Sun 08 Aug 2010, 17:12
by amigo
The program is all scripts using gtkdialog -no source code.

Posted: Mon 13 Jun 2016, 14:13
by trio
itzme yet again,

I came across Wbar Configuration Centre developed by trio, which I installed into NOP 431, it don't work using the installer, if the pet file is used it will wreck the " .xinitrc " so this is how to do it so that it functions correctly.

Download the file from here ... h&id=26303 then it needs to be converted to a tar.gz , using pet2tar, I did this on the desktop as it don't work to far from the root directory, extract the tar.gz somewhere and copy the contents by dragging the " usr " folder to file system " / ", this will copy all the files into their appropriate folders.

Now to configure it so that it runs, in the XFCE Setting manager go to session and startup, then application autostart, then add, name the app wbar then add the path by pasting this " /usr/local/wbarcc/wbarexec & " into the path input then press ok.

Next, edit (only if you want to) the " Wbar Configuration Centre " menu entry, in " /usr/share/applications " change it so it reads " Categories=Settings " .

Thats it if you don't have pwidgets, but if you do and want it to refresh on wallpaper changes then the " fixwidgets " script in " /usr/sbin " needs to be edited to look like this.
Code: -wallpaper_setter)
#kill wbar
killall wbar
# echo "Syncing wallpaper and widgets..." > $HOME/.pwidgets/tmp/pwidgets-splashtext
# echo 0 > $HOME/.pwidgets/tmp/pwidgets-splash #reset progress bar
# /usr/local/pwidgets/box_splash &
# Xdialog --infobox "Syncing wallpaper and widgets...Please wait\n\n\nSigmund Berglund - 2009" 12 40 &
IMAGE_STYLE=`xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -p /backdrop/screen0/monitor0/image-style`
if [ "$IMAGE_STYLE" = "3" ]; then
#resize background to fit conky-background
resizepng "$WALLPAPER" /usr/share/backgrounds/Pwidgets_background $X_PIXELS $Y_PIXELS 50

# restart wbar
exec /usr/local/wbarcc/wbarexecapply &
sleep 0.5


The " #kill wbar
killall wbar "
" # restart wbar
exec /usr/local/wbarcc/wbarexecapply & "

need to be added in the appropriate place, this will allow wbar to be refreshed with the wallpaper setter, but is bypassed on widget changes, I did use " wbarexec " in the script but found that if the wallpaper was selected to quickly before wbar had time to run through the first cycle it would overlay another wbar over the top, wbarexec has a sleep statement in the script where wbarexecapply does not

Well that's it , if anyone tries it please let me know how it go's, so far I've only had the one problem but all seems to be working ok now .
