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Rainbow prescription

Posted: Wed 01 Feb 2006, 15:48
by Lobster
can you please send me some of that medication you are on

First you will need this certificate

Then go here and think of rainbows

My team of interdimensional trained astral dolphin psychiatrists
will soon turn up with the required formula . . .
Using the medication I was able to remember the password to my blogg . . .

Posted: Thu 02 Feb 2006, 14:56
by Guest
would you accept a Ferengi among you :lol:
btw don't let any of your ""Brothers in faith"" know U reverting from islam or your head will fly.
isn't ironic that ""they"" like\admire klingons ...........maybe because they have so much in common ........... :P oops

Posted: Thu 02 Feb 2006, 15:19
by Lobster
I have already lost my head:

I have declared on separate occasions to be the Koran, Mohamad and Allah - this was during Ramadan - so far I seem to be OK - I tend to hang out with Ishmailis and Sufis - who are all bonkers . . . for example in about 1910 the then Agha Khan said that if one had only the money to educate a daughter and a son, the daughter should be educated - to redress the societal imbalance. No wonder they are a persecuted minority sect . . .
Personally this is too advanced for me and I prefer the Ferengi attitude to women . . .

. . . and now back to Puppy - an alpha release for 10/11 Feb - only a week away. I am panting and straining at the leash already . . .

meanwhile here is music for all of you who have been working like a dog . . . ... ysNight.rm
From the incredible talent known as "Mrs Miller"
and if you enjoyed that try the old beatle classic sung by dogs


Posted: Thu 02 Feb 2006, 16:25
by guest10000
So, there is a lot of hype about puppy-2.0 Does that mean we are skipping 1.0.8 & 1.0.9 :lol:

Thought I'd ask, since there has been no talk of it.

Posted: Thu 02 Feb 2006, 16:47
by costal martignier
hmmm, i hope not...

with the linux kernel it's the same, there 2.2 2.4 are mainained continously altough 2.6 is there allready...

i like to see that puppy's 1.X series will maintained further...

but first let's see how compatible 2.0 is with 1.X, i think this is the point of success for puppy 2.0...


Posted: Sun 12 Feb 2006, 10:21
by tempestuous
I only just noticed on the news page that Puppy 2 will have a 2.4.31 kernel. Can I suggest that early in the testing phase ndiswrapper, MADWiFi and Ralink wifi drivers should be tried with this new kernel, because these drivers are all failing with DamnSmallLinux's 2.4.31 kernel. DSL used this kernel for versions 2.0 and 2.1, and they experienced a few other problems too ... like PCMCIA I think.
DSL has just reverted to the 2.4.26 kernel for version 2.2 for these reasons.

Posted: Sun 12 Feb 2006, 12:24
by BarryK
tempestuous wrote:Barry,
I only just noticed on the news page that Puppy 2 will have a 2.4.31 kernel. Can I suggest that early in the testing phase ndiswrapper, MADWiFi and Ralink wifi drivers should be tried with this new kernel, because these drivers are all failing with DamnSmallLinux's 2.4.31 kernel. DSL used this kernel for versions 2.0 and 2.1, and they experienced a few other problems too ... like PCMCIA I think.
DSL has just reverted to the 2.4.26 kernel for version 2.2 for these reasons.
Yeah, I read about that to, I was surprised that they jumped so far back.

Well, puppy2-alpha will be out in a couple of days, so we can test out ndiswrapper etc.
I haven't done anything in the wireless department, so when 2-alpha is out
we can have a good look at that, and also I'll catch up on what rarsa has been
We can target improved wireless support for the beta release
...hopefully the 2.4.31 kernel will be up to it!
(it is possible that DSL have a patch in their 2.4.31 kernel that is causing
the trouble? ...dunno, well, we'll find out)

Posted: Sun 12 Feb 2006, 13:41
by tempestuous
Yeah, a different kernel configuration can make all the difference.

DSL went back to 2.4.26 because that was tried-and-trusted with their earlier releases. Sadly, this kernel didn't play well with certain drivers either, notably the Intel PRO/Wireless ipw2200.
When complaints were increasing on their forum I was going to suggest they change to the 2.4.29 kernel because it works so well with Puppy ... but I didn't wish to be undiplomatic.