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Posted: Fri 18 Aug 2006, 04:13
by MU
no, there only is a untested version for Puppy 109 CE: ... WindowsXP/

I have not adapted it to Puppy2 yet.

Search the forums for "frugal" to find infos how to install Puppy2 without a CD.


Posted: Fri 18 Aug 2006, 04:58
by raffy
And i need the answer in less then 24 Hours :X
- searching here will give you the answer in less than 24 seconds. :D

or experiment replacing the files with those from version 2.01r2.

For 2.02, try this one:

2.02 writes to NTFS so there is perhaps no point installing to HD if you have a CD or DVD drive, even USB flash drive.

Just bringing the good news. :)

Posted: Sat 23 Sep 2006, 22:40
by Mets
Hey, not sure if this is still being supported anymore, I thought I'd ask anyway. I downloaded the program and it worked fine - it decompressed Puppy, installed Grub, etc. However, after I rebooted, when I selected booting Puppy at the boot menu, Grub gave me an "Error 17 - cannot mount" when I tried to get it to run. Any ideas on how to fix this?

Posted: Sat 23 Sep 2006, 23:18
by MU
If the patched image.gz does not fix it, I have no idea.

I currently have a XP-System on an old computer, where it does not work either.
I finally installed Mandriva-Linux in addition, just to get a working version of Grub.

To this grub, I added puppy manually, works fine now.
I chose during installation, to use a small 100 MB-partition for the folder "/boot" (where Grub stores the configurationfiles), like this I even keep Grub, if I delete the rest of Mandriva-Linux.


Posted: Fri 06 Oct 2006, 06:21
by richard.a
MU wrote:Other NTs: I think someone tried it with Win 2k or ME.
Try at own risk, Do backup.

Mark, WindowsMe is not an NT. It is a Win98 derivative (version 3 of Win98 actually) which pretends to be like 2000, with no obvious DOS it sits upon (although there is an underlying DOS concealed from those who don't know where to look), and a menu construction and theme that is Win2000-like.

Win2000 is NT 5.0 and XP is NT 5.1 afaik - my forgettory is better than my memory :)

IMHO it is a pig of an OS although I have two machines with native Me on them, which seem to work quite well after attacking them with sledgehammers and pneumatic drills :)

Networking can present problems because it appears (from MS trained engineers I know) that the MS philosophy at the time was "this is a machine for home use, so we'll provide networking but don't really expect anyone to use it" lol.

From what I've been told it appears that Me was designed as the "home version" of 2000, like the "home version" of XP has a bunch of (different) dumb (imho) features crippled :(

Thought I'd clarify, hope you didn't mind.

BTW have you seen the spoof flash promo for "WindowsRG" ?
Supposedly that means "Windows Really Good".
It's an swf made by a bunch of guys. I saw it the other day and then lost the url, so I saved a copy out of my cache here

Richard downunder in Oz

Download troubles

Posted: Sun 11 Feb 2007, 22:11
by stig
I just learned about PuppyLinux, and am not an experienced Linux user. However, I have an old PC (128 MB RAM) with windows XP, that I would like to try PuppyLinux on, without having to repartition my harddisk - just to see what Linux is all about......

So I tried downloading the installer. However, when I ran the installer I got the following message:

"downloading: ... ozilla.iso

ERROR, could not download puppy-1.0.7-mozilla.iso

are you online?"

This is not really surprising, since I do not find an isofile by that name at Actually, the isofiles placed there are called:

puppy-2.13-seamonkey-fulldrivers.iso and

I suspect I want the first one, however, how do I change the search for a file with the -mozilla.iso extension, to a file with an -seamonkey-fulldrivers.iso extension?

Sincerely Stig

Posted: Sun 11 Feb 2007, 22:36
by Prio
Hi Stig,
If you want to get the latest puppy, try this link: ... rivers.iso

After downloading the file, burn the ISO onto a CD. Then boot up your computer with the CD. Booting by CD won't affect any of your partitions, or write anything onto your hard-drive, so it's perfect if you want to check out puppy linux without modifying your computer.

For more info check out:

Good Luck

Re: Download troubles

Posted: Sun 11 Feb 2007, 22:40
by richard.a
stig wrote:I just learned about PuppyLinux, and am not an experienced Linux user. However, I have an old PC (128 MB RAM) with windows XP, that I would like to try PuppyLinux on, without having to repartitioning my harddisk - just to see what Linux is all about......


puppy-2.13-seamonkey-fulldrivers.iso and

I suspect I want the first one, however, how do I change the search for a file with the -mozilla.iso extension, to a file with an -seamonkey-fulldrivers.iso extension?

Sincerely Stig
Welcome here my friend :)

We all are inexperienced at some time in different things we tackle as a new project.

Okay I would suggest you go to this address, taken from your post...

Then click on both of the files you have mentioned. The .iso is the file you burn as a disk image. The other one is only a few bytes long, and this carries the "checksum" you can make sure you got the whole file correctly, not losing any parts in transit :)

Version 2.13 is the latest version, although some of the version 1 series are beiong improved on by some die-hard developers here :)

Puppy can run just as fast from the CD as it can installed. So when you have burned the CD, try it like that. There is a tutorial made by one of the community called lobster.

Installing - if you decided to do it - is not difficult. Even I have done it :D :)

Puppy is different from many other versions of Linux in the way it does things. It also does not have "bloat" like some do, it is small and slick. Please explore the websites, the wiki, the forums... and ask questions.

Your computer sounds it will work well. I have run Puppy on a Pentium 100 with 64Mb of old, not fast, RAM and a very small swap file.

If your XP is on an NTFS directory, and it may be, you may need to make a new partition to run Puppy Live really well.

Hope you enjoy Puppy. it is great :)

Thanks for the help

Posted: Tue 13 Feb 2007, 12:37
by stig
Thank you for helping me out. Puppy is now up and running from the CD. Obviously, I am not a certified dog-trainer, but I have noticed the following:

I can run Puppy for about 5 times as long as Windows2000, without the battery dying on me..... :idea:

Puppy is fast..... :lol:

Puppy is quiet! 8) Most of the time the ventilator is not even running, because of the low energy consumption....

It turns out, that some of my close relatives have 4 old computers they have given up on, because they are too old and slow. I have given a short intro to Puppy - it has generated some interest here in Denmark. So when I figure out how to configure Puppy like I want it to be, I will have to move on - some of the children in the family will soon get their own "old" PC (thanks to Puppy). :wink:

Anyway - I cant figure out how to get my wireless internet connection up and running (Linksys, Cisco). I also need to figure out how to change the icons on the desktop. As soon as my internet connection is up and running, I will probably try the pupget feature. However, my LAN connection is broken, so it is mandatory, that I figure out how to access my wireless connection.... :roll:

Sincerely Stig

Re: Thanks for the help

Posted: Tue 13 Feb 2007, 19:14
by richard.a
stig wrote:Thank you for helping me out. Puppy is now up and running from the CD. Obviously, I am not a certified dog-trainer, but I have noticed the following:

I can run Puppy for about 5 times as long as Windows2000, without the battery dying on me..... :idea:

Puppy is fast..... :lol:

Puppy is quiet! 8) Most of the time the ventilator is not even running, because of the low energy consumption....
Congratulations! You will find it is amazingly fast. I can run it on a pentium 100/64Mb RAM as fast as (approx) Win2000 on a P2 with 128Mb RAM

Re dog training, I used to run an obedience school, 30 years ago :)

stig wrote:It turns out, that some of my close relatives have 4 old computers they have given up on, because they are too old and slow. I have given a short intro to Puppy - it has generated some interest here in Denmark. So when I figure out how to configure Puppy like I want it to be, I will have to move on - some of the children in the family will soon get their own "old" PC (thanks to Puppy). :wink:
Good. Good experience for you and them, compared with Windows, configuration uses human language not machine language :)

stig wrote:Anyway - I cant figure out how to get my wireless internet connection up and running (Linksys, Cisco). I also need to figure out how to change the icons on the desktop. As soon as my internet connection is up and running, I will probably try the pupget feature. However, my LAN connection is broken, so it is mandatory, that I figure out how to access my wireless connection.... :roll:

Sincerely Stig
My friend, if your LAN is working, but not with puppy, you need to use the network configuration wizard.

I know nothing about wireless.

Desktop icons are stored in their own directory off the file system root (/)

You can change the desktop icons by right clicking, and easiest is to put your preferred icons in the /root directory and drag them to the dialogue that opens for icon change.

The ones I change are Kopete to Gaim, the beercan to Audacity real icon, and a couple of others. I do it this way. I also make a shortcut to the desktop of the network file manager.

Enjoy. Please ask more if you need to :)

Richard in Australia

install linux puppy on eeepc erasing windows xp

Posted: Fri 01 Oct 2010, 19:51
by Fée
hi everybody
i bought an eeepc 4g a year ago, i was running on linux, but i wanted to try to run on xp, i installed it thanks to a usb bootable. but my eeepc became very slow and i couldn't neither watch movies nor easily play songs on it... whatever, today i thought about restoring linux but the CD offer with my Asus didn't correctly run and i couldn't create a usb boot, i knew that linux puppy was quiet good so i downloaded the .iso and made an usb bootable everything worked correctly exept the fact that it was running on the usb and windows xp was still present filling the disk space...
my question is how can i erase windows xp and completely install linux puppy. :roll:

Posted: Fri 01 Oct 2010, 22:46
by rcrsn51
To erase Windows, look at the Gparted partition management tool in the System menu.

Then look at the Puppy Universal Installer in the Setup menu.