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Posted: Sun 27 Dec 2009, 16:30
by PupGeek
Peter, Puppy 4.3 has a .sfs converter to convert older squashfs files to the newer version. My biggest moan is how many libraries and dependencies are not present in 4.3 that were in 4.2. But in 4.3's defense, it does have the faad package for decoding mp4 files that 4.2 doesn't have by default.

Posted: Thu 14 Jan 2010, 00:26
by ravensrest
I first tried running both kdenlive and avidemux under puppy 4.0. Neither would run. I then tried running both kdenlive and avidemux under puppy 4.1.2 (mediapup). Avidemux worked great. Kdenlive started and then disappeared after a few seconds. I then renamed both kdenlive.roxfs and avidemux.roxfs (roxfs -- > sfs) and converted them using the sfs3 to sfs4 converter in Puppy 4.3.1 and then renamed the sfs back to roxfs. Neither would run under Puppy 4.3.1.

I subsequently expanded and saved the avidemux directory structure in 4.1.2 and then created a new squashed file in 4.3.1 from it and loaded it into 4.3.1 at boot time. Then ran avidemux2_gtk from rxvt and discovered there a dependencies (libxcbxxxx for some) missing from 4.3.1 that are present in 4.1.2

If someone can tell me all the dependencies, I will hunt them up and produce a working sfs for 4.3.1.

Meanwhile, ny chance of you uploading versions set to go under 4.3.1?


Posted: Thu 14 Jan 2010, 03:36
by ravensrest
I now have a roxapp that runs avidemux in Puppy 4.3.1, but it is too large to post here.

Mu, PupGeek if you would like to add it to your collection of downloads, please let me know and I shall be happy to send it to you.

In the meantime, if anyone else wants it, send me an email.


Just thanks

Posted: Wed 24 Mar 2010, 21:05
by mimeini
I just want to thank for this apps. Especially kdenlive but actually the whole concept it is very clean and can i say beautiful.. yes i think so.


Just thanks

Posted: Wed 24 Mar 2010, 21:07
by mimeini
sorry postet two times. Don't think I can remove this again???

More hassle-free roxapps available!!

Posted: Mon 06 Sep 2010, 16:11
by PupGeek
For those who are using Ubuntu Studio Puppy Edition (LuPu 5.10), I have uploaded some hassle free roxapps. Two versions of Blender (2.49 and 2.53) and Kdenlive. They are the downloads featuring the word "lucid" in their names. The others were made for Puppy 4.2.1 and my ProducerPup. They will not work on Ubuntu Studio Puppy Edition.

Posted: Sun 11 Sep 2011, 22:44
by sunburnt
Why are they called RoxApp?

Does Rox have a loader script that runs AppRun?
Or is it mime?

I see that in the dirs. properties: Type: Rox application.
I assume that this is how Rox identifies the dir. as a RoxApp ?

With a loader, they`ll run from any file browser or cli, right?

I heard that AppBuilder makes these types of files.
# Where can I get AppBuilder at?

NOTE: Wouldn`t it just be easier to put it all inside the Squash file?
Mime it to mount the Squash file and then run AppRun.
Instead of AppRun doing all the work.

This is the setup I devised, " AppName-Ver.sq4 "
.sq4 so the Squash file version is known, the extension should tell the file type.

And it`s "run" file that`s left "hanging" is less than 30 bytes.
The RoxApp Avidemux AppRun "hanging" file is 1130 bytes!
My loader script does all the work except run the app. and the loader again.

Posted: Mon 12 Sep 2011, 00:07
by big_bass
the last post there will let you auto generate any new rox app easily
and explains how to build them

dnd_trash ... 183b818a84


Posted: Mon 12 Sep 2011, 07:10
by amigo
Rox knows that it is an AppDir because it is a directory with an executable(script usually) named 'AppRun'. It also looks to see if their is a hidden file named '.DirIcon' which should be a png or xpm image file which will be shown as the icon for that directory. You can change the icon independently -but it's the AppRun which makes it behave like an AppDir.

OS-X has a similar concept -'bundles'.