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Posted: Fri 05 Mar 2010, 20:16
by ninoid
I try many diferent versions of Linux and Puppy derivates and find Boxpup is best because work fine on old computers, is small, fast, stable and have better software (Thunar is better of ROXFiler, FirePup is better of Seamonkey etc.). But, it is too lightly on my ATI Radeon 9600 AGP and I try many diferent drivers and it not work (Catalyst freeze my Boxpup).
How driver I can use?

Use Xorg driver for old ATI card and DRI driver for OpenGL.

Posted: Sat 06 Mar 2010, 08:49
by Colonel Panic
I downloaded it and tried it out but sadly I had a couple of crashes in Firefox and had to switch to a different Puplet. Pity, because it still looks good.

Posted: Tue 23 Mar 2010, 06:03
by Q5sys
What type of tray does this use? I think its LXPanel, but does anyone know?
And where would I find the config files for it? I'm trying to figure out how how the bar has transparency not only for itself, but for each item on the bar (see attached image)

Also... I know that the drive bar thing is just a copied version of wbar, renamed to vbar and that the config for it is /etc/hotbar/hdbar

But what I dont know is A) how or what in the system auto adds drives to the hdbar file B) how or what is changing the icons in the hdbar file according to whether a drive is mounted or not C) how or what is giving me the dialog box when I click on a drive to mount or dismount or open.

What allows it to auto update itself ? There has to be something somewhere that edits the hdbar file.

And I have yet to be able to figure out how thats working. Can anyone clue me in?

Posted: Tue 23 Mar 2010, 19:40
by stu90
I believe that is the 'tint2' panel

If you go to root folder>view>show hidden files then .config > tint2 then open tint2rc with leafpad.

Posted: Tue 23 Mar 2010, 20:46
by Q5sys
stu90 wrote:Q5sys:
I believe that is the 'tint2' panel

If you go to root folder>view>show hidden files then .config > tint2 then open tint2rc with leafpad.
Sweet, thanks alot! Any ideas on the wbar thing for the drives?

I did a bit more digging, and heres what ive come up with so far...

I think that the hdbar file (/etc/hotbar/hdbar)is being written to once pmount is run. I figured this out by editing the file and removing a device or two from the list. Adding a new device and then the new device only would be added to the hdbar. But the ones that were there were before were not re-added. Actually i have no idea how to trip the system into re-adding them other than to remove them from the system and re-attach them.

So its at the point of the device being attached to the system that its being added to the hdbar.
So I thought I'd look through the Pmount stuff and see what I could find. I read through the following and found no reference to the hdbar file. So these arent writing to the file directly.
In fact the only files I could saw being directly written were

then lastly I checked
/bin/mount and /bin/umount

in /bin/mount I found:

Code: Select all

#v4.02 if there is a desktop icon (see pup_eventd), then refresh it...
if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 -a "$DISPLAY" != "" ];then
 DEVNAME="`busybox mount | tail -n 1 | grep '^/dev/' | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | cut -f 3 -d '/'`"
 if [ "$DEVNAME" != "" ];then
  DRVNAME="`echo -n "$DEVNAME" | cut -c 1-3`"
  #special case, SD card /dev/mmcblk0p1...
  [ "$DRVNAME" = "mmc" ] && DRVNAME="`echo -n "$DEVNAME" | sed -e 's/p[0-9]$//'`"
  devDISPLAYD=`grep "${DEVNAME} " /etc/hotbar/hdbar`
  [ ! "$devDISPLAYD" = "" ] && DRVNAME="$DEVNAME" #icon for each partition.
  drvDISPLAYD=`grep "${DRVNAME} " /etc/hotbar/hdbar`
  if [ ! "$drvDISPLAYD" = "" ];then
   case $DRVNAME in #v407
     DRV_CATEGORY="`probedisk2 | grep "$dnPATTERN" | cut -f 2 -d '|'`"
   icon_mounted_func $DRVNAME $DRV_CATEGORY #see functions4puppy4
and in bin/umount I found:

Code: Select all

#v403 if there is a desktop icon (see pup_eventd), then refresh it...
if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ];then
 #find which device has been unmounted... v406 add hd*... v407 add fd*...
 MNTDDEVS2="`busybox mount | grep '^/dev/[smhf]' | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | cut -f 3 -d '/'`" #v403 sd, sr, mmc
 if [ "$MNTDDEVS2" = "" ];then
  DEVNAME="`echo "$MNTDDEVS1" | head -n 1`" #head is a precaution.
  DEVNAME="`echo "${MNTDDEVS1}
${MNTDDEVS2}" | sort | uniq -u | head -n 1`" #head is a precaution.
 if [ "$DEVNAME" != "" -a "$DISPLAY" != "" ];then
  DRVNAME="`echo -n "$DEVNAME" | cut -b 1-3`"
  #special case, SD card /dev/mmcblk0p1...
  [ "$DRVNAME" = "mmc" ] && DRVNAME="`echo -n "$DEVNAME" | sed -e 's/p[0-9]$//'`"
  devDISPLAYD=`grep "${DEVNAME} " /etc/hotbar/hdbar`
  [ ! "$devDISPLAYD" = "" ] && DRVNAME="$DEVNAME" #icon for each partition.
  drvDISPLAYD=`grep "${DRVNAME} " /etc/hotbar/hdbar`
  if [ ! "$drvDISPLAYD" = "" ];then
   case $DRVNAME in #v407
     DRV_CATEGORY="`probedisk2 | grep "$dnPATTERN" | cut -f 2 -d '|'`"
   #if any partitions still mounted, leave "MNTD" on icon...
   drvPATTERN='^/dev/'"${DRVNAME}" #important, no space on end.
   #"MNTD" text is intended as a reminder to user that drive needs to be unmounted,
   #   but partitions in use by Puppy cannot be unmounted.
   if [ "`df | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 1,6 -d ' ' | grep "$drvPATTERN" | grep -v ' /initrd/' | grep -v ' /$'`" = "" ];then
    if [ "`df | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 1,6 -d ' ' | grep "$drvPATTERN" | grep -E ' /initrd/| /$'`" != "" ];then
     #only a partition left mntd that is in use by puppy, change green->yellow...
     icon_mounted_func $DRVNAME $DRV_CATEGORY #see functions4puppy4
     #redraw icon without "MNTD" text...
     icon_unmounted_func $DRVNAME $DRV_CATEGORY #see functions4puppy4
Is that what im looking for?

Posted: Sat 08 May 2010, 18:48
by Colonel Panic
Hi. I'm testing 4.31 Boxpup out now and it's a very solid distro in most ways but I can't get the widgets (the clock and calendar in particular) to work.

Can anyone tell me what's going wrong, since the same thing happened in 4.20 SUE as well? It's not a deal breaker for me since Gkrellm works well in Puppy, but it'd be nice to know.


CP .

Posted: Tue 11 May 2010, 16:25
by Roy
Colonel Panic,

I should be able to help you out on this one. Assuming that the problem is only a fresh install that does not have the Pwidgets started by default, bring up your menu, scroll to desktop and select Pwidgets tiny desktop apps. Then take a look at my attached screenshot to see how to get them started.

Now, if my initial assumption of your problem is wrong, please let me know. Seriously, I can probably help you out in most cases with this one. I have been using this as my everyday netbook system for awhile, and have tried to fix/adapt all along the journey....


Posted: Tue 11 May 2010, 17:03
by Colonel Panic
Thanks Roy, but I did try to do things that way and it made no difference, I couldn't get the widgets to work.

Posted: Tue 11 May 2010, 21:50
by Roy
Colonel Panic,

If I understand you correctly, you are unable to get Pwidgets started at all? I have not run into that problem, myself, but offer yet another screenshot to compare my filesystem with the one you currently have.

Notice gtkdialog3 in my /usr/sbin/ (which I'm pretty sure you already have) and compare my files located in /usr/local/pwidgets/ to what you have.... I am really wondering if your filesystem is complete at this point.

I am willing to do whatever I must to compare notes but -- as I said -- this is a new one on me.


EDIT: We can compare the hidden files in root next, if you think it might do some good.

Posted: Wed 12 May 2010, 12:34
by Colonel Panic
Roy wrote:Colonel Panic,

If I understand you correctly, you are unable to get Pwidgets started at all? I have not run into that problem, myself, but offer yet another screenshot to compare my filesystem with the one you currently have.

Notice gtkdialog3 in my /usr/sbin/ (which I'm pretty sure you already have) and compare my files located in /usr/local/pwidgets/ to what you have.... I am really wondering if your filesystem is complete at this point.

I am willing to do whatever I must to compare notes but -- as I said -- this is a new one on me.


EDIT: We can compare the hidden files in root next, if you think it might do some good.
Dear Roy,

I'm not posting from home atm so I can't compare notes directly, but you are correct; I wasn't able to get PWidgets started in the first place. It works OK in 4.20 and 4.21 though, so it can't just be my machine.


CP .

Posted: Thu 13 May 2010, 20:13
by Colonel Panic
Roy wrote:Colonel Panic,

If I understand you correctly, you are unable to get Pwidgets started at all? I have not run into that problem, myself, but offer yet another screenshot to compare my filesystem with the one you currently have.

Notice gtkdialog3 in my /usr/sbin/ (which I'm pretty sure you already have) and compare my files located in /usr/local/pwidgets/ to what you have.... I am really wondering if your filesystem is complete at this point.

I am willing to do whatever I must to compare notes but -- as I said -- this is a new one on me.


EDIT: We can compare the hidden files in root next, if you think it might do some good.
A quick update; I've carried out these checks snd I'm still mystified. gtkdialog3 does exist in /usr/sbin, there aren't any hidden files in my root directory as far as I can see, and the files I have in /usr/local/pwidgets are the same as in yours.

I'm not really that bothered about going to a lot of trouble, or asking you to, trying to sort it out. I'm posting from 4.21 which works well, widgets and all, and 4.31 Boxpup is OK too if you don't need the widgets (which I don't, it's nice to have them but gkrellm does all I need in the system info, time and date department).

Thanks for your concern anyway,

CP .

Posted: Fri 14 May 2010, 03:28
by Roy
there aren't any hidden files in my root directory as far as I can see
There should be (see attached screenshot). If .pwidgets is missing from your root directory, that would explain why your widgets aren't working.


vbox guest additions

Posted: Fri 14 May 2010, 07:48
by moB
Have asked a question in another topic/thread, so don't wish to repeat too much. See post here: ... 4&start=24

My trouble is that the guest additions don't work when rebooted.

Something is not linked correctly or saved incompletely?

Anyone else have this trouble--and perhaps a solution?

Wish I had more time to try things out, but not so at this time :cry:

Have been making Puppy-based virtual appliances for the ms-win crowd. Mostly to incomprehension...until viruses strike. Then I get a call.



"See! Moby Dick seeks thee not.
It is thou, thou, that madly seekest him!"
H. Melville, The Whale (Moby Dick), 1851

Posted: Fri 14 May 2010, 10:35
by Colonel Panic
Roy wrote:
there aren't any hidden files in my root directory as far as I can see
There should be (see attached screenshot). If .pwidgets is missing from your root directory, that would explain why your widgets aren't working.

Thanks for replying Roy. It's there, here are the contents of /root/.pwidgets;


BTW, Midnight Commmander shows up all the hidden directories that Rox filer doesn't (at least by default).

Posted: Sat 15 May 2010, 13:46
by Roy
Colonel Panic,

That is the same list of directories & files I am showing in /root/.pwidgets, too. Might I suggest that you PM me to set up an e-mail exchange to troubleshoot further? If we find the problem / fix, we can then post it to the forum.

I'm willing to stick by your side on this.... Boxpup 4.31 does run very well on my netbook (widgets and all) and is a good effort by Gray. (I will note that some of the coding in PWidgets need some additional polish which I gleaned from other posts scattered thoughout this forum, but these two or three things were minor and did not prevent pwidgets from running.)


I have zero experience with virtual box or multi-user puplets, but your problem might be with Thunar file manager (Pretty much a standard with the OpenBox window manager -- both in Boxpup). Other Puppy versions (without the "Box" reference to OpenBox) use ROX as a file manager, which supports symlinks. Thunar file manager, in my limited understanding, does not support symlinks by default. Hence, any programming symlinks added might not be persistent if they are made at all. This is only a best-guess from me -- a non-coding Puppy Linux end-user.


Posted: Sat 15 May 2010, 17:55
by Colonel Panic
Roy wrote:Colonel Panic,

That is the same list of directories & files I am showing in /root/.pwidgets, too. Might I suggest that you PM me to set up an e-mail exchange to troubleshoot further? If we find the problem / fix, we can then post it to the forum.

I'm willing to stick by your side on this.... Boxpup 4.31 does run very well on my netbook (widgets and all) and is a good effort by Gray. (I will note that some of the coding in PWidgets need some additional polish which I gleaned from other posts scattered thoughout this forum, but these two or three things were minor and did not prevent pwidgets from running.)

Sure, feel free to PM me. Provided it's reasonably easy to sort out I'm happy to go along with this.

Thanks for your interest,

CP .

Posted: Sat 15 May 2010, 20:23
by moB
Roy wrote:Colonel Panic,

That is the same list of directories & files I am showing in /root/.pwidgets, too. Might I suggest that you PM me to set up an e-mail exchange to troubleshoot further? If we find the problem / fix, we can then post it to the forum.

I'm willing to stick by your side on this.... Boxpup 4.31 does run very well on my netbook (widgets and all) and is a good effort by Gray. (I will note that some of the coding in PWidgets need some additional polish which I gleaned from other posts scattered thoughout this forum, but these two or three things were minor and did not prevent pwidgets from running.)
Sorry to be of no use on this -- pwidgets are working perfectly here. My son simply enabled and then chose which to display... perplexing puzzle.

Looks as though your guide Roy is your best bet to get to the bottom of this. Keep us posted!

Roy wrote: moB,

I have zero experience with virtual box or multi-user puplets, but your problem might be with Thunar file manager (Pretty much a standard with the OpenBox window manager -- both in Boxpup). Other Puppy versions (without the "Box" reference to OpenBox) use ROX as a file manager, which supports symlinks. Thunar file manager, in my limited understanding, does not support symlinks by default. Hence, any programming symlinks added might not be persistent if they are made at all. This is only a best-guess from me -- a non-coding Puppy Linux end-user.

Yes Thunar is a bit different than Rox or other FM's but works well under NOP (also by Gray, with Thunar FM).

I also had troubles with VBox guest additions with DPup--but not with Debian or Puppy (straight-up). Odd...
Still working on K-9 and others.

Would be good to have access to kernel headers--the ones the compiler was made against, not the one running.
Linus T had 2.4 headers installed on his 2.6.x OS as this was what the GCC was copiled against, for example.

Oh! I'm running away from the thread. Sorry...

For multi-user, the easiest way is to use more than one pupsave file.
Boot pfix=ram then save session with a new name, one for each user.
Puppy will offer the options on boot.

Otherwise try multi-user from Pizzasgood, I believe.

You're a king among men Roy!


"not too late is it, even now..."
Melville, Moby Dick (The Whale)

pcmanfm problems

Posted: Thu 20 May 2010, 07:58
by moB
Boxpup 431 uses PCMANFM, not Thunar.
This file manager has known problems and is undergoing a major revision by the author.
Perhaps this is the source of the trouble I am experiencing?

We'll have to wait for the new version to see.

Optionally I could try to replace PCMAN with Thunar... or skip Boxpup in Virtual Appliances for the time being :( That's too bad as it looks to be highly usable for ms-Win accustomed users.

The sfs version of gues additions works the same as the pet version.
It allows me to have only one copy per drive, instead of each puppy instance needing its own. My test drive has five or six Puppies on it...

Posted: Thu 20 May 2010, 11:59
by Colonel Panic
A quick update; having made a save file from Boxpup 4.31, I replaced it in my CD/DVD drive with a copy of Puppy standard 4.31 and then installed Conky 1.7.0 and PWidgets 2.2.4 from the pet files.

The result, on restarting X Windows; success! I now have PWidgets up and working on my machine. The only problem, a minor one, is that I have two clocks on my desktop for some reason...

Thanks to you both for your interest anyway.

Posted: Mon 07 Jun 2010, 08:37
by yhorn
Hi everybody,

I would like to download boxpup 431, but the link does not work (the file does not appear on the web page) with internet explorer 7 (I'm a windows user...).
Do you know another link to download this iso (google does'nt find) ?
Thank you for your help.
