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Posted: Thu 18 Feb 2010, 13:16
by sidders

I have been looking and poking around in Busybox, after poking around in the kernel with Bootsplash (shelved). May have a crack at fbsplash formerly known as gensplash.

Configure and make busybox with fbsplash from scratch and including what is already in the puppy busybox seems straight forward, ticking the required applets. Am i right?. There is something nagging me about headers and the like.

Initrd and fbsplash can wait for the moment.

I will get going again with HSB, just need to get this out of my system.

Posted: Thu 18 Feb 2010, 17:50
by technosaurus
That would be OK in tinycore, but not Puppy - gnu libc is not in the initrd so you would actually need a uclibc setup of some kind - they used to have a wrapper, but now you need something like buildroot or your busybox will be roughly double the size because it will link with gnu libc. The reason it will work in tinycore is that they just go ahead and keep the init and the gnu libc for system use rather than trashing it after the pivotroot like most distros do (puppy only keeps the kernel modules as far as I know) I'm sorry if it got you on a wild goose chase. The 4.2.1 version had something set up but I always do a manual frugal install so I never see these things.

Posted: Thu 18 Feb 2010, 18:44
by sidders
Thanks Technosaurus. At least i had a good look at Busybox and now know what its about.

Posted: Thu 25 Feb 2010, 04:53
by yarddog
I am currently using the iso version without the sfs setting up games for my grandchildren. This is working extremely well .
I would like to add some swf games and run in a HTML Viewer such as Puppy HTML Viewer. I want to eliminate any possibility of their getting into areas that would cause problems.
Using your CTRL-H , CTRL-D helps, but using the Firepup browser to run the swf games, they still see the bar with File, Edit, View , Go, Bookmarks, etc and their inquisitive minds could create problems.
Can the HTML viewer be added to this version? Is there a pet for it?
Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

Posted: Thu 25 Feb 2010, 04:59
by technosaurus
there is a kiosk mode for opera, but you should be able to use

bareview /path/to/game.swf

also F11 will go full screen without the file edit view

or use this plugin if you want it permanent

Posted: Thu 25 Feb 2010, 23:54
by yarddog

Posted: Fri 26 Feb 2010, 01:21
by technosaurus
it is usually in the /usr/lib/seamonkey (or firefox) directory

you could try the webkit gtk or midori (webkit based) browser that I built out of svn a while back - they work with flash as well

Midori - 2.5MB ...

or the basic webkit browser ... gtk.tar.gz
(I could probably hack out the code )

but you may need this updated glib too (maybe more if puppyversion is less than 4.3) ...

Posted: Fri 26 Feb 2010, 01:49
by yarddog
Again, thanks for quick response
Will try these and report back on outcome

Posted: Sat 27 Feb 2010, 01:26
by yarddog
deleted - dumb questions on my part

Posted: Sat 27 Feb 2010, 05:59
by technosaurus
delete /root/.midori (or was it /root/.config/midori) and it will reset back to normal without the fail screen, but normally you should be able to reset... hmmm - that was an svn build & it seems there has since been a stable release

Posted: Sat 27 Feb 2010, 22:38
by yarddog
deleted - more dumb questions on my part

Posted: Sat 27 Feb 2010, 23:33
by technosaurus
if you have seamonkey installed those libraries should be in its directory - you can place the bareview binaries there, but to run it you will need the full path (/usr/lib/seamonkey-1.1.14/bareview mygame.swf)

Posted: Mon 01 Mar 2010, 05:39
by yarddog
At long last, I am now able to use bareview to run swf games without actually running in firefox or seamonkey web browser.

Thanks again for all your help - you have been a tremendous help to a very, very dumb linux user

Posted: Mon 01 Mar 2010, 17:46
by technosaurus
No problem

I almost totally forgot adobe's standalone flash player ... dev.tar.gz

Edit: I posted version 9 because while there is a slightly more stable version 10, it requires libraries that are normally provided by mozilla (they can be separate, but have never been that way in Puppy)... in that case the flash plugin makes more sense.

Posted: Fri 05 Mar 2010, 21:02
by yarddog
ok - now have swf games and have added childs play

I now want to remaster this with my new changes to be set it up like the kiosk version...

my remastered copy should allow user to boot cd, play the games and shutdown - nothingelse

I know how to remaster the cd, change it where it does not ask to save on shutdown but cannot figure out how to remove other stuff so it works like the kiosk

again, any help will be greatly appreciedte

Posted: Fri 05 Mar 2010, 21:19
by technosaurus
to remove the tray delete /root/.jwmrc-tray
more info for jwm kiosk related stuff here:

I haven't used it in a while so I have forgotten what all else I removed when I did it - anything specific?

Posted: Sat 06 Mar 2010, 04:17
by yarddog
OK, I am getting closer
my remaining problem is when I press CTRL+ALT+D to disable right click on mouse
then remaster the cd
right click on mouse is back

How do I disable the Right Click on the Mouse and retain it when I remaster the CD?

Can you advise where this function is stored and maybe I can figure it out

appreciate all your help and patience

Posted: Sat 06 Mar 2010, 07:19
by sidders

When the key combo is pressed to disable the right mouse a line is written to xorg.conf (using SED). I have that in one of the startup scripts. Once i have a little time away from my rugrats, i will give you the exact details.

Posted: Sat 06 Mar 2010, 14:03
by technosaurus
rather than disable the right mouse click all together you can edit the jwmrc template where it says onroot="3"
change it to onroot="{0,4-9}"

(1,2, and 3 are left middle and right mouse click)

then if you just rename your tray instead of deleting it you can change the corresponding root:#
<TrayButton label="Menu" icon="mini-dog.xpm">root:3</TrayButton>

(I am assuming you may need the right mouse click at some point - Gcompris has a mouse learning module that uses it)

Posted: Sat 06 Mar 2010, 22:26
by sidders
This is the way i did it in the kiosk versions


Between the lines

#echo "Probing the video card and monitor..."

I adjusted some code to

Code: Select all

#v2.21 quick hack...added buttonmapping to disable right mouse sidders
sed -e 's%/dev/input/mice%/dev/mouse%'  /etc/X11/xorg.conf > /tmp/xorgconfmousefix
sed  '/ZAxisMapping/ a\
    Option      "ButtonMapping" "1 1 1"' /tmp/xorgconfmousefix > /etc/X11/xorg.conf
rm /tmp/xorgconfmousefix
As Technosaurus says there is no way back unless you edit the file. It also doesnt work with laptop touchpads.