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Posted: Sun 12 Jun 2011, 08:56
by rhadon

Code: Select all

sh-3.00# luvcview
luvcview 0.2.4

SDL information:
  Video driver: x11
  A window manager is available
Device information:
  Device path:  /dev/video0
Stream settings:
  Frame format: YUYV (MJPG is not supported by device)
  Frame size:   640x480
  Frame rate:   30 fps
Luvcview is only a viewer, not a driver.
You should see uvcvideo in Menu->System->PupScan (should be visible, if you open the first line).

After every boot you need to "modprobe uvcvideo" or you have to write it in rc.local as CatDude mentioned.

I remember vague that uvcvideo has 3 or 4 dependencies, one was something with v4l. But this shouldn't be your problem because I've not installed anything else and it works (I mean luvcview)..

As far as I remember, everything about webcam, which worked or worked not for Eee900 also worked or worked not for 701. I remember 3.01, eeetiger and ripple (good ol' times btw.).

I have not tested wifi with Eee and 2.16 (first step for me is to get webcam working). I remember, I needed the madwifi driver from tempestuous in 3.01. I think, you also need this one for 2.16.

I tried wifi with my Gericom but no go. I need rt2500pci driver but can't find it. So if I get the rest working, maybe I would take the occasion to try it by my own, or more likely, I would ask tempestuous friendly for help.

Muppy webcam also doesn't work for me.



BTW, did you install it on usbflash? I was not able to do it there. It allways comlpained about pmedia=usbflash . Must install it on my internal chips. :evil:

Posted: Sun 12 Jun 2011, 08:59
by aarf
ok got it now from ... 4.4.tar.gz
going to play in dpup and or lupu.
earlier debian and ubuntu specific at

Posted: Sun 12 Jun 2011, 09:04
by aarf
rhadon wrote:

BTW, did you install it on usbflash? I was not able to do it there. It allways comlpained about pmedia=usbflash . Must install it on my internal chips. :evil:
have it on sdcard in mnt/sdb1/ .

Posted: Sun 12 Jun 2011, 09:10
by rhadon
Aarf wrote:anyone able to download this? ... 4.4.tar.gz
Also doesn't work for me. :wink:

I installed zoneminder in lupu 5.25 from PPM. A lot of dependencies, and some are still missing. Maybe I could find.

The real problem for me seems to be that I'm a complete noob about apache, mysql and ZoneMinder itself :oops: . No glue, which program to run first, how to set up and so on. It seems to be a never ending story to me.


Posted: Sun 12 Jun 2011, 11:02
by aarf
zonemider documentation at
havent read it yet, if necessary i plan to use xampp to do the apache/mysql and php stuff as i have had xampp up and running before in puppy.

Posted: Mon 13 Jun 2011, 18:50
by aarf
looks like first you need a pupsave of around at least 256 MB.and to install this XAMPP Linux 1.7.3a install info at to do apache/mysql.
there is this sfs i pefer to do it from the tar.gz myself cant remember if it will do the needed perl scripts.

then watchdog after that. have decide it will be lupu525 for me.

Posted: Wed 31 Aug 2011, 01:42
by edoc
Just read this thread and besides becoming dizzy trying to sift through the jumping around from Watchdog, Motion, and Zoneminder I was about to download Watchdog and realized that it was for USB cameras.

I recently acquired an IP camera ($49. USD) that connects to the RJ-45 port. It is generic, no manufacturer or model number, and came with a MS windows-only mini-CD.

What app might I use to access this, please?

Posted: Wed 31 Aug 2011, 06:50
by rhadon
I don't know about IP-cameras, but you should look here. I think there's a better chance to get it working in Wary than in Puppy 2.x


Posted: Thu 01 Sep 2011, 02:02
by edoc
I loaded the PET for Palantir but received the following when I ran it:

[quote]# palantir
Aug 31 22:17:03 [config] Default config file `/usr/local/share/palantir/palantir .conf' not found
Aug 31 22:17:03 [main] -- palantir 2.7 starting --
Aug 31 22:17:03 [main] Definitions for 0 devices found
Aug 31 22:17:03 [main] No serial port specified
Aug 31 22:17:03 [main] No named pipe specified
Aug 31 22:17:03 [video] GCAP: Invalid argument
Aug 31 22:17:03 [video] Capabilities: -1215759512 (overlay clipping frameram m onochrome subcapture mpeg_encoder mjpeg_decoder mjpeg_encoder Å· (null) /dev/vi deo0 èÇ /dev/video0 (null) (null) Àt

Posted: Thu 01 Sep 2011, 02:04
by edoc
rhadon wrote:I don't know about IP-cameras, but you should look here. I think there's a better chance to get it working in Wary than in Puppy 2.x
I saw that - and noticed that it was an .iso - is it a self-contained Puplet?

Posted: Thu 01 Sep 2011, 06:20
by rhadon
edoc wrote:I saw that - and noticed that it was an .iso - is it a self-contained Puplet?
Yes :)


Posted: Thu 01 Sep 2011, 15:47
by edoc
OK, I roller-clicked the wget (see following) into Console and am downloading it.

I am leery of a dedicated Puppy as the odds of it handling all of the hardware out there is poor - and the upkeep of yet another Puplet is a burden on the creator of it. (I have located the few Puplets that are generally compatible, with some quirks - with our laptops and netbooks.)

Is there a reason this could not be a SFS that one adds to a known-compatible Puplet on their hardware?

BTW: For others who have not done the Forum-to-Console transfer, in order to cut & paste, rather than manually type text, one needs to either right&left click at the same time or click the center roller on a mouse to grab the highlighted text, then repeat that in Console. (Apparently roller-click or right&left click places the text in a different buffer, one which Console recognizes, than that which is used by the usual Copy.)
wget -4c --http-user=puppy --http-password=linux ... .32.28.iso

Posted: Sun 04 Sep 2011, 14:26
by PaulBx1
I think a dedicated puplet for this makes sense. No need to install anything, just burn the iso. I guess the point is, this is likely to be used in some old dedicated laptop or other system that is used for surveillance only, not in your main system. Throw the CD in the drawer and boot it. If it runs, cool; otherwise no great amount of time has been wasted.

Posted: Sat 10 Sep 2011, 17:22
by edoc
I have loaded WaryWatcher on my Samsung Netbook NB30

It loads OK but cannot "see" an IP Camera that wants ActiveX.

So far I have not located a Linux app that has a functional work-around that is also available in Puppy.

Note: The site that sold these $49. IP cameras never mentioned that they were dependent on a proprietary MS app. Sigh.

watchdog version's

Posted: Sun 11 Sep 2011, 02:24
by singlshot

In reading this I'm wondering if anyone knows wher to get version 1.1
as version 2 is I belive debaine and version 1.1 i think worked.
this thred is for version 1. there is a thred to version 2

thanks .

Posted: Sun 11 Sep 2011, 07:29
by CatDude

@ edoc
edoc wrote:I have loaded WaryWatcher on my Samsung Netbook NB30

It loads OK but cannot "see" an IP Camera that wants ActiveX.
Sorry mate,
but i have no experience at all of using IP cameras.

If it does indeed require ActiveX, then you may well be out of luck.

Have you had a look at this page:

@ singlshot
singlshot wrote:In reading this I'm wondering if anyone knows wher to get version 1.1
Take a look here
I suggest that you read this entire thread as it may help you get things working.



Posted: Wed 26 Oct 2011, 01:45
by singlshot

thank you . I'm sorry for the slow responce . I have found wellminded puppy search . hopefully I will not need to ask again

thank you

compiling zoneminder???

Posted: Mon 07 Nov 2011, 00:06
by mung
I wanted to use an old geode based system as a video surveilance system, and I did not want to spend hours setting it up.

Never used puppy before this weekend, but it looks like it is now the best of the small(ish) linux (even though it is not really small).

Well done for to everyone for continuing development, it seems you done a good job.

Unfortunatly it is not a fast setup :(

I thought I would give a rough outline of what has taken me about 4 hours
in case anyone else wants to try......

download and install the the following puppy packs on your test devel vmware machine: ... ry_5.2.sfs ... 4.4.tar.gz ... ... ... ...

GET XAMPP and follow install instructions:

and follow the install instructions

once you have installed xampp try the following:

mount the devx .sfs ackage with the file manager (click on it)
cd /mnt/{wherever the .sfs file is mounted}
cp -a --remove-destination ./* /
cd ~
mkdir oldtrash
mv /usr/lib/perl5 oldtrash/
mv /usr/bin/perl* oldtrash
ln -sf /opt/lampp/lib/perl5 /usr/lib/perl5
cp /opt/lampp/bin/perl* /usr/bin/
cp /opt/lampp/lib/*.a /usr/lib/


tar xzf ZoneMinder-1.24.4.tar.gz
cd ZoneMinder-1.24.4
mv ./configure configure.old
./configure --with-webdir=/opt/lampp/htdocs --with-cgidir=/opt/lampp/cgi --with-mysql=/opt/lampp/lib/ ZM_SSL_LIB=openssl

now you will get some errors from missing perl modules each time the configure stops read the error something like:
checking for perl module DBI::
"ERROR: DBI missing required"

so run perl and install the required module as follows:
perl -MCPAN -e shell
install modulename

then run configure and repeat for all missing modules

once you have done this configure will complete

now you can compile zoneminder with make:


let me know if you get on okay, I may have missed some steps as my memory fails.

Posted: Mon 07 Nov 2011, 00:20
by edoc
What, please, is a "geode based system"?

Is the video-stream ip-type or usb or rgb or vga or ??

This can get confusing as I try to sort it all out.

zoneminder configuration not working??

Posted: Mon 07 Nov 2011, 14:33
by mung
I think I am doing something wrong, as I am now trying to configure and the webcam is not displayed by zoneminder???

I have tested the webcam in mplayer:

mplayer -tv driver=v4l2:height=240:width=320 -vo jpeg tv://

it dumps lots of nice jpegs to the current directory so the cam is working!

I have setup the cam in zone minder and it shows it recognised.
set OPT_USE_AUTH enabled and logged in using admin:admin
restarted apache and zoneminder in /etc/rc.d/init.d/zoneminder start ....

when I click on
'Name' Monitor-1 in the zm console it pops up a window showing controls but the image is not displayed.

the location of the image is shown as:
http://localhost/cgi-bin/zm/zms?mode=jp ... &scale=100........

has anyone got this working??

Any help would be appreciated, thought maybe I should re read back through this thread(which I will now do :? )

This is the basic watcher 511 iso full install to a vmware image for test purposes.

a geode is a type of AMD computer chip, I'm sure you can search it on google if you are interested but it is really irrellevant to the current subject.