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Posted: Wed 18 Jul 2007, 02:22
by John Doe
PaulBx1 wrote:I don't think 2.17B has that yet? Please put it in 2.17 if you can...
Barry had the latest version that I had posted at the time of the 2.17b release. I'm guessing he'll drop the latest (that I just posted an hour ago) in the final.

in fact it's still at 0 downloads. paul, if you wanted to grab the latest and give a try that would be cool. i fine tuned a few things and dropped that loglevel option in there for custom boots.

Posted: Wed 18 Jul 2007, 02:39
by PaulBx1
I can try it. I posted my experience about it on that thread of yours. BTW you need to fix your example "dd" command in that post by removing the "/"...

One thing there that looked like it might be a problem not with wakepup2 but with the init script in /initrd, is that I can boot using flash from my computer's USB 1.1 port, but not from the 2.0 port on my pcmcia card. It hangs on the "Loading kernel modules..." step.

Posted: Wed 18 Jul 2007, 11:19
by jamesbond
test on nforce 405:
1. boot - ok
2. sound - ok
3. video - needs editing. Choosing xorg at startup causes failure to go to GUI. Checked xorg.conf, xorgwizard choose "nvidia" driver - which does not exist. Changed that to "nv", still not working. Changed that to "vesa" - and we have a go.
4. gxine DVD playback - ok
5. wired onboard network - ok (using forcedeth)
6. test with linksys wusb54g - the rt73 based usb wifi. Manually load the driver from network wizard (I plugged the stick after puppy was up and running), got the wlan0 interface, but WPA setup always fails. Running wpa_supplicant directly from terminal gives me this error message:

Code: Select all

ioctl[SIOCSIWPMKSA]: Network is down
ioctl[SIOCSIWMODE]: Network is down
Could not configure driver to use managed mode
ioctl[SIOCSIWAUTH]: Operation not supported
WEXT auth param 7 value 0x1 - ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT]: Operation not supported
ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT]: Operation not supported
ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT]: Operation not supported
ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT]: Operation not supported
ioctl[SIOCSIWAUTH]: Operation not supported
WEXT auth param 4 value 0x0 - ioctl[SIOCSIWAUTH]: Operation not supported
WEXT auth param 5 value 0x1 - Trying to associate with SSID 'jbnet'
ioctl[SIOCSIWAUTH]: Operation not supported
WEXT auth param 6 value 0x1 - ioctl[SIOCSIWAUTH]: Operation not supported
WEXT auth param 5 value 0x1 - ioctl[SIOCSIWGENIE]: Operation not supported
ioctl[SIOCSIWAUTH]: Operation not supported
WEXT auth param 0 value 0x2 - ioctl[SIOCSIWAUTH]: Operation not supported
WEXT auth param 1 value 0x4 - ioctl[SIOCSIWAUTH]: Operation not supported
WEXT auth param 2 value 0x4 - ioctl[SIOCSIWAUTH]: Operation not supported
WEXT auth param 3 value 0x2 - ioctl[SIOCSIWAUTH]: Operation not supported
WEXT auth param 10 value 0x1 - ioctl[SIOCSIWAUTH]: Operation not supported
WEXT auth param 8 value 0x0 - Association request to the driver failed
7. printer - not tested, I know it's a tough one to setup (pixma MP 1500)
8. I have softmodem but it's not detected. Cant' tell you much since lspci also doesn't list it --- there are a few unknown devices there.

(3) is a known problem - it happened in 2.16 at least (and probably earlier version as well).
(6) is also a known problem (from 2.13 days), in the past this forced me to use ndiswrapper. I thought this ... =468853927has been merged with 2.17beta and would have solved it? I also tried this (trying to load the wlan_* modules manually) ... 6&start=15 with no success

Posted: Wed 18 Jul 2007, 18:57
by tempestuous
Puppy 2.17 contains the very latest rt73 module compiled from CVS source. This new rt73 now creates an interface called "wlan0", where it previously created an interface called "rausb0", and maybe this has broken compatibility with wpa_supplicant.
Can you confirm that the command you ran was this -

wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -D ralink -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -dd

Two requests for 2.17 final

Posted: Wed 18 Jul 2007, 20:03
by jcoder24
Having either of these implemented would be greatly appreciated.

1) Xrun command line be moved from menu->utilities->Xrun to menu->Xrun

I prefer to just type a command in the run dialog that having to search/na the menu. Having to go all the way up to Utilities and then all the way down to Xrun is a bit too much for the frequency of use it gets IMO.

2) Show desktop button. This is for the one or two items that I use frequently that I have on the desktop.

heavy encryption

Posted: Wed 18 Jul 2007, 20:51
by willhunt
the heavy encryption is working great for me and really does not bog on me I love it now me and pinky can finish our plans for world conquest!

Posted: Wed 18 Jul 2007, 23:27
by jamesbond
tempestuous wrote:jamesbond,
Puppy 2.17 contains the very latest rt73 module compiled from CVS source. This new rt73 now creates an interface called "wlan0", where it previously created an interface called "rausb0", and maybe this has broken compatibility with wpa_supplicant.
Can you confirm that the command you ran was this -

wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -D ralink -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -dd
The command used by both network wizard (took a peek with ps-aef) and myself was using -D wext. I will try again with -D ralink tonight.

Posted: Thu 19 Jul 2007, 02:36
by kirk
Mr. Bond,
ioctl[SIOCSIWPMKSA]: Network is down
Might want to try doing a "ifconfig wlan0 up" too.

Posted: Thu 19 Jul 2007, 05:35
by PaulBx1
I was trying the new wakepup2 in this thread: ... 1&start=15

The flash drive was plugged into a usb 2.0 port on a pcmcia card. I hang in the step "USB-Storage: Detecting connected device(s)..."

That is in the function usbstoragecompletionfunc. If I read that loop right it should grep from dmesg every second, and if it does not find every device it waits, printing out an incrementing $SLPCNT every second. I never see that printed out.

Maybe that "continue" statement is being executed, which would short-circuit any printing, and also any possibility of a timeout. Anyway apparently it can't see the flash on a pcmcia card. I wonder if wakepup2 should be using another boot parameter, like one for pcmcia? I can boot the flash off the laptop's default USB 1.1 port.

Posted: Thu 19 Jul 2007, 09:38
by jamesbond
jamesbond wrote:
tempestuous wrote:jamesbond,
Puppy 2.17 contains the very latest rt73 module compiled from CVS source. This new rt73 now creates an interface called "wlan0", where it previously created an interface called "rausb0", and maybe this has broken compatibility with wpa_supplicant.
Can you confirm that the command you ran was this -

wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -D ralink -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -dd
The command used by both network wizard (took a peek with ps-aef) and myself was using -D wext. I will try again with -D ralink tonight.
That does it. -D ralink is the charms - it works straight away. I can confirm however, that network wizard still try to run it with -D wext instead. I'm posting this with my rt73 now.
Kirk, thanks, I tried - running "ifconfig wlan0 up" doesn't make any difference.

Posted: Thu 19 Jul 2007, 13:55
by tempestuous
jamesbond wrote:I can confirm however, that network wizard still try to run it with -D wext
OK, thanks for reporting.
Obviously wpa_supplicant is fine, it's the Wizard which can't deal with the rt73's new "wlan0" interface name.
I will pass this on to Dougal, who is currently revising and improving the Wizard.

kirk, I just came across your post here - ... 059#119059
which talks about making wifi setup more reliable by splitting the iwconfig parameters into separate commands.
While we're refining the Wizard, I think we should adopt this technique.
Also you talk about "open" versus "restricted" WEP authentication, which is obviously an important setting, so we need to add this option to the Wizard.
In your opinion, which should be the default WEP setting in the Wizard, open or restricted?

Posted: Thu 19 Jul 2007, 19:32
by John Doe
tempestuous wrote:...which talks about making wifi setup more reliable by splitting the iwconfig parameters into separate commands.
While we're refining the Wizard, I think we should adopt this technique.
I've mentioned that before also and concur that it seems to work better.

Even to the point of being required on one of my cards.

Posted: Thu 19 Jul 2007, 21:11
by PaulBx1
OK, I looked at what might be causing the hang I was experiencing when booting my flash drive from a pcmcia card USB 2.0 port, and decided the way the code is written in usbstoragecompletionfunc of the init script could cause an infinite loop. So, I rearranged the code to look like this (sorry for the line wrap):

Code: Select all

#v2.10 jesse... v2.17 PaulBx1 rearranged to eliminate endless loop
usbstoragecompletionfunc() {
 if [ ! "`lsmod | grep "^usb_storage"`" = "" ];then #precaution.
  echo -n "USB-Storage: Detecting connected device(s)..."
  while true;do
   sleep 1  
   SLPCNT=`expr $SLPCNT + 1`
   echo -n " $SLPCNT"
   if [ $SLPCNT -gt $TIMEOUTUSB ]; then
    echo "USB-Storage: Device scan time-out $SLPCNT secs, found $AVAILABLEUSBSTORAGES of $USBSTORAGES device(s)."
   #v2.15 busybox 1.4.1 grep not accept -o option....
   #USBSTORAGES=`/bin/dmesg | grep -o "usb-storage: device found at.*" | wc -l | sed -e 's/ //g'`
   USBSTORAGES=`/bin/dmesg | grep "usb-storage: device found at" | wc -l | sed -e 's/ //g'`
   AVAILABLEUSBSTORAGES=`/bin/dmesg | grep "usb-storage: device scan complete" | wc -l | sed -e 's/ //g'`
    #v2.10r1 booting from usb...
    if [ ! "`echo -n "$PMEDIA" | grep "usb"`" = "" ];then
     if [ $AVAILABLEUSBSTORAGES -eq 0 ];then #0 not acceptable
    echo "USB-Storage: Device scan complete for all $AVAILABLEUSBSTORAGES devices"
} #end usbstoragecompletionfunc
I believe this will make it timeout one second earlier, so at the places where this is called, maybe the timeout should be bumped by one second.

Anyway I tried to build a new initrd and put it on a new CD. However when I boot it I get the message "Bummer, cannot run /etc/init.d/rcS, no such file or directory". :? I'm guessing that the edit-initrd rox application that was put together a few revisions back does not work any more, or something like that. Anyway I have not been able to test this code. If someone wants to give me a new initrd for the 2.17B iso, I will test it and see if it times out as expected, rather than sitting in an endless loop.

Posted: Fri 20 Jul 2007, 08:20
by Jesse

I've just tried out the Puppy 2.17beta, on a multisession CD, just to try things out, and I have noticed what seems to be a problem.
I run the network wizard and setup networking ok.
I run the ALSA wizard and select the usb-sound module, and sound works, but this setting is not kept through a reboot, where I saved the session, even though the networking option was kept.

The motherboard has a c-media audio card on it, but no speakers attached, perhaps there is a conflict? or the c-media overrides the usb-audio for some reason?
