Page 22 of 25

Posted: Sat 04 Feb 2012, 20:05
by jemimah
willem1940NLD wrote:Pidgin 2.7.5w5 works in racy 5.2.2 but the pidgin icon in tray bottom right in screen looks like a document with a red "X".

Tried an older version of Pidgin and the right icon popped in, but that pidgin did not work, could not be opened.

Re-installed pidgin 2.7.5w5 without uninstalling the old one; pidgin working alright but still with the dummy icon.
Pidgin needs to be compiled with --enable-trayicon-compat or you will have this problem.

Posted: Sat 04 Feb 2012, 20:15
by npierce
Hi Karl,

Thanks for looking at my code.
Karl Godt wrote:If i issue

setxkbmap -rules xorg -model pc102 -layout us,de -variant ",alt-intl" -option grp:rwin_toggle,lv3:ralt_switch
in terminal
i get
Error loading new keyboard description
The order of the variant list is important. It needs to be in the same order as the layout list. The initial comma in ",alt-intl" indicates that the first field is empty. So no variant is assigned to the first layout. The second variant is assigned to the second layout.

So setxkbmap tries to assign the alt-intl variant to the de layout. But there is no such variant defined for the de layout, so you get an error message.
Karl Godt wrote:setxkbmap -rules xorg -model pc102 -layout us,de -variant "alt-intl" -option grp:rwin_toggle,lv3:ralt_switch
works ok .
Yes. Now setxkbmap tries to assign the alt-intl variant to the us layout, which is a valid combination, so it succeeds.

Using -layout de,us -variant ",alt-intl" is also legal.

Karl Godt wrote:+++ new/XkbLayoutConfig

probably needs to be

Code: Select all

+        VARIANTS=`echo "$VARIANTS" | sed 's/^,//;s/,$//'`
The purpose of that line is only to remove a trailing comma that gets added as a result of the echo command in the previous line. This code is adapted from a line in XkbVariantConfig. In theory, I could have eliminated the need for this line by using echo -n instead of echo, but the original author left a warning in the code:
#the last sed is since we need to cut off the last , (echo -n doesn't work well)
So I decided to heed that warning.

Anyway, no extra comma is added at the start of the list, so there is no need for the s/^,// here.

Karl Godt wrote:

"intl" variant should have been removed from "XkbVariant" line.

Don't know if it should have been removed
The steps listed for reproducing bug #3, using the original XkbLayoutConfig results in these lines being placed in xorg.conf:

Code: Select all

	Option      "XkbLayout" "be" #xkeymap0
	Option      "XkbVariant" "intl,"
The intl variant was assigned to the us layout, but the us layout has been removed, so its variant should be removed as well. When XkbApplyNow passes those two lists to setxkbmap, that utility will be unhappy with the trailing comma because this makes the variant list have two fields while the layout list has only one field. No variant will be loaded.

Even if setxkbmap wasn't unhappy with that comma, it would be unhappy with trying to assign a variant named "intl" to the layout named "be", because there is no "intl" variant for the "be" layout.

Karl Godt wrote:but to toggle
Option "XkbOptions" "lv3:ralt_switch,grp:rwin_toggle"

the keyboard layout
Option "XkbLayout" "de,us" #xkeymap0

does not work having two variants here
Option "XkbVariant" "deadgraveacute,alt-intl"
Oh, that's interesting.

I haven't been able to test with grp:rwin_toggle, since I don't have a right Windows key on my laptop, but when I test with grp:lwin_toggle I do have trouble.

For me it loads the German layout OK, and pressing the left Windows key does, in fact, switch to the US layout. But it will not switch back again if I press the key again. Is that the same symptom that you had?

Anyway, the symptom I see doesn't seem to be related to the variants. It acts the same if I don't load any variants at all.

The funny thing is that it is happy if I reverse the order of the layouts and variants, like so:

Code: Select all

        Option      "XkbLayout" "us,de" #xkeymap0             
        Option      "XkbVariant" "alt-intl,deadgraveacute"         
        Option          "XkbOptions"   "lv3:ralt_switch,grp:lwin_toggle"
Also, setting the left Ctrl+Shift keys for toggling the group works with the original order:

Code: Select all

        Option      "XkbLayout" "de,us" #xkeymap0             
        Option      "XkbVariant" "deadgraveacute,alt-intl"    
        Option          "XkbOptions"   "lv3:ralt_switch,grp:ctrl_shift_toggle"
And using the left Windows key as a temporary switch, not a toggle, also responds properly:

Code: Select all

	Option      "XkbLayout" "de,us" #xkeymap0
	Option      "XkbVariant" "deadgraveacute,alt-intl"
	Option 		"XkbOptions"   "lv3:ralt_switch,grp:lwin_switch"
(Rember to switch your keyboard group back to the first layout before removing a group toggle. If you don't you will be stuck in another layout until you add a new group toggle.)

Things are a bit flaky. When I first tried grp:lwin_switch, it worked fine. When I tried later it didn't work until I tried grp:win_switch. Then grp:lwin_switch worked again. And grp:lwin_toggle no longer lets me toggle even once, as it did when I first tried it.

Anyway, you have clearly found a bug (assuming I am seeing the same symptom as you). Since I am able to reproduce it by using setxkbmap without involving the XKB Configuration Manager, it would seem that the bug is not in the XKB Configuration Manager, but further downstream (possibly in xkbcomp, the keyboard definition files, or the X server itself).

Thanks again for taking the time for looking at this.

P.S. Karl, I just saw a new reply from you come in. Thanks for testing. Glad the diffs worked for you. I'll read your new message over and get back to you later.

Posted: Sat 04 Feb 2012, 20:41
by willem1940NLD
jemimah wrote:
willem1940NLD wrote:Pidgin 2.7.5w5 works in racy 5.2.2 but the pidgin icon in tray bottom right in screen looks like a document with a red "X".

Tried an older version of Pidgin and the right icon popped in, but that pidgin did not work, could not be opened.

Re-installed pidgin 2.7.5w5 without uninstalling the old one; pidgin working alright but still with the dummy icon.
Pidgin needs to be compiled with --enable-trayicon-compat or you will have this problem.
Great consolation to a non-technical user.

Posted: Sat 04 Feb 2012, 20:41
by Karl Godt
Things are a bit flaky. When I first tried grp:lwin_switch, it worked fine. When I tried later it didn't work until I tried grp:win_switch. Then grp:lwin_switch worked again. And grp:lwin_toggle no longer lets me toggle even once, as it did when I first tried it.

that's true !

setxkbmap worked setting it for geany once but not typing into sakura terminal emulator .

Then i changed a lot and next time it worked perfectly .

Most of the times it worked ok as i can remember .

As a side note : Maybe xkbconfigmanager coded with arrays
instead of many ^ echo "$LIST" | grep "$WHATEVER" ^
would work also .

Posted: Sun 05 Feb 2012, 14:10
by Karl Godt
That's my XkbVariantConfig of today :

Detected there was a fault in my previous diff in case several country layouts with same layoutvariant name like 'nodeadkeys' .

I added two more tags to the TMPLIST=/tmp/XkbVariantList
+ echo "\"${SINDEX}: $ALAY ${INDEX}: $TAG\" \""$INFO"\""
which would stand for SuperINDEX and ALAYOUT .

Code: Select all

--- /Downloads/XkbVariantConfig	2012-02-04 10:04:03.000000000 -0100
+++ /usr/local/apps/XkbConfigurationManager/XkbVariantConfig	2012-02-05 14:52:40.000000000 -0100
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
 #20120201 npierce: Corrected calculation of $POS.
 #20120202 npierce: Pad $OLD to give it same number of fields as $LAYOUTS.
 #20120203 npierce: Corrected window title.
+#20120205 Karl Reimer Godt : added possibility to use one variantname like nodeadkeys for several country layouts .
+#20120205 Karl Reimer Godt : changed the original code by Dougal to create lists to be easier to debug .
@@ -21,49 +23,62 @@ LIST="/etc/X11/xkb/rules/xorg.lst"
 ORIGINAL=`fgrep '"XkbVariant"' $INFILE | grep -v '^#'`
 LAYOUTSLINE=`fgrep '"XkbLayout"' $INFILE | grep -v '^#'`
 [ "$ORIGINAL" = "" ] && NEWLINE="yes"
 #find current variants and layouts:
 CURRENT=`echo "$ORIGINAL" | cut -d'"' -f4`
 OLD="$CURRENT" #needed if line exists but nothing in it
 LAYOUTS=`echo "$LAYOUTSLINE" | cut -d'"' -f4`
 # create list of variants available for our layouts:
-if [ ! `echo "$CURRENT" | tr -d ','` = "" ]; then
-	EXIST=$(echo "$CURRENT" | tr ',' '\n' | while read AVAR ;do
+VARLIST=`echo "$CURRENT" |tr ',' '\n' | sed 's/^$/NONE/'`
+for AVAR in $VARLIST;do
 POS=$(( $POS + 1 ))   #20120201
-[ "$AVAR" = "" ] && continue
-MYLAY=`echo "$LAYOUTS" | cut -d',' -f$POS`
-fgrep " $AVAR " $LIST | fgrep -w "$MYLAY:"
-	MESSAGE="You are currently using the following variants:
+if [ "$AVAR" = "" ];then
+AVAR=' (not set yet)'
+elif [ "$AVAR" = 'NONE' ];then
+AVAR=' (not set yet)'
+MYLAY=`echo "$LAYOUTS" | cut -d',' -f $POS 2>/dev/null`
+[ ! "$MYLAY" ] && MYLAY='ERROR'
+DESCRIPTION=`grep " $AVAR " $LIST | grep -w "${MYLAY}:" |cut -f2 -d:`
+[ ! "$DESCRIPTION" ] && DESCRIPTION=' (none)'
+MESSAGE="You are currently using the following variants:
 To remove a variant, select it in the list below and press OK.
 To add a new one, select it and press OK.
 NOTE: if you select a variant for a layout that already has one,
  the new one will replace the old."
-	OLD=`echo "$LAYOUTS" | tr -d 'a-zA-Z_/'`
-	MESSAGE='Please select the variant you would like to add, then press OK.'
 # Pad $OLD to give it same number of fields as $LAYOUTS.   #20120202
-LAYOUTCOUNT=`echo "$LAYOUTS" | tr ',' '\n' | wc -l #grep -c ".*"`
-VARIANTCOUNT=`echo "$OLD" | tr ',' '\n' | grep -c ".*"`
+LAYOUTCOUNT=`echo "$LAYOUTS" | tr ',' '\n' | wc -l`
+VARIANTCOUNT=`echo "$OLD" | tr ',' '\n' | wc -l`
 while test "$DIFFERENCE" -gt "0" ; do
 # create list of available variants:
 echo "$LAYOUTS" | tr ',' '\n' | while read ALAY;
-do fgrep " $ALAY:" $LIST | tr -s ' ' ; done | while read AVAR ; do
+SINDEX=`expr $SINDEX + 1`
+fgrep " $ALAY:" $LIST | tr -s ' ' | while read AVAR
 	TAG=`echo "$AVAR" |cut -d' ' -f1`
 	INFO=`echo "$AVAR" |cut -d' ' -f2-`
-	echo "\"$INDEX: $TAG\" \""$INFO"\""; INDEX=`expr $INDEX + 1` ; done > $TMPLIST
+	echo "\"${SINDEX}: $ALAY ${INDEX}: $TAG\" \""$INFO"\""
+	INDEX=`expr $INDEX + 1`
+done >> $TMPLIST
 # create dialog with all options (in temp file)
 echo -n '#!/bin/sh
@@ -75,19 +90,22 @@ chmod 755 $TMPDIALOG
 # run dialog and get choice
 [ "$CHOICE" = "" ] && echo "cancelled" && exit
-echo "$CHOICE"
+echo "CHOICE='$CHOICE'"
 # find the variant chosen and its position
-NEWVAR=`fgrep "$CHOICE" $TMPLIST | cut -d'"' -f2 | cut -d' ' -f2`
-ITSLAY=`fgrep "$CHOICE" $TMPLIST | cut -d'"' -f4 | cut -d: -f1`
-ITSPOS=`echo "$LAYOUTS" | tr ',' '\n' | fgrep -n "$ITSLAY" | cut -d: -f1`
+#KARL REIMER GODT :commented the lines by npierce ,
+#using more tags for this SINDEX and ALAY
+#NEWVAR=`fgrep -w "$CHOICE" $TMPLIST | cut -d'"' -f2 | cut -d' ' -f2`
+NEWVAR=`echo "$CHOICE" |awk '{print $4}'`
+#ITSLAY=`fgrep -w -m1 "$CHOICE" $TMPLIST | cut -d'"' -f4 | cut -d: -f1`
+ITSLAY=`echo "$CHOICE" |awk '{print $2}'`
+#ITSPOS=`echo "$LAYOUTS" | tr ',' '\n' | fgrep -n "$ITSLAY" | cut -d: -f1`
+ITSPOS=`echo "$CHOICE" |awk '{print $1}'| tr -d ':'`
 #the last sed is since we need to cut off the last , (echo -n doesn't work well)
-NEW=`echo "$OLD" | tr ',' '\n' | sed "${ITSPOS}s/.*/$NEWVAR/" | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$//'`
+NEW=`echo "$OLD" | tr ',' '\n' | sed "${ITSPOS} s/.*/$NEWVAR/" | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$//'`
 # if old is same as new: remove
-[ "$NEW" = "$OLD" ] && NEW=`echo "$OLD" | tr ',' '\n' | sed "${ITSPOS}s/.*//" | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$//'`
+[ "$NEW" = "$OLD" ] && NEW=`echo "$OLD" | tr ',' '\n' | sed "${ITSPOS} s/.*//" | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$//'`
 # add new variant to line, or entire line, if it doesn't exist:
 if [ "$NEWLINE" = "yes" ] ;then
@@ -107,4 +125,4 @@ else
 	eval $SUCCESS
\ No newline at end of file

Posted: Sun 05 Feb 2012, 23:19
by BarryK
Thanks for the all the feedback and fixes guys. I am busy with Momanager and other internationalization issues in Woof right now, want to keep the momentum going on that. I will get back to this forum thread, and others, in a couple of days probably.

Posted: Mon 06 Feb 2012, 15:59
by jemimah
Here's an enhancement for This is intended warn users when they attempt to install pets that clobber system files.

Code: Select all

---	2012-02-06 10:45:48.528775229 -0500
+++	2012-02-06 10:42:51.087762415 -0500
@@ -43,10 +43,32 @@
 DLPKG_BASE="`basename $DLPKG`" #ex: scite-1.77-i686-2as.tgz
 DLPKG_PATH="`dirname $DLPKG`"  #ex: /root
+	FILELIST="`cat /root/.packages/${DLPKG_NAME}.files`"
+	rm /tmp/petget-fileclobber
+	for FILE in $FILELIST ; do
+		FILE="/`echo $FILE|cut -d/ -f2-`"
+		[[ "$FILE" =~ "/root/.packages/.*" ]] && continue 
+		[ -f "$FILE" ] && echo "$FILE" >> /tmp/petget-fileclobber
+	done
+	if [ -s /tmp/petget-fileclobber ] ; then
+		grep "/lib" /tmp/petget-fileclobber
+		[ $? = 0 ] && WARN="This may cause system problems if this is not an intentional upgrade.\n\n"
+		yad --title "Confirm File Clobber" --button=Proceed:0 --button=Cancel:1 --text "The following files will be overwritten by this package:\n\n<b>$(cat /tmp/petget-fileclobber |head -n 20) </b>\n\n<b><span foreground='red'>This package may already be installed.\nChoose Proceed only if this is an upgrade.\n\n${WARN}These files will be deleted if the package is uninstalled so if you proceed\nwith installation be aware that uninstallation of this package is not\nrecommended.</span></b>"
+		[ $? = 0 ] && return 0
+		  rm -f "$FILELIST" 
+		  rm /tmp/petget-fileclobber
+          exit 1
+    fi
+    rm /tmp/petget-fileclobber
+    return 0	
 # 6sep10 shinobar: installing files under /mnt is danger
 install_path_check() {
-  [ -s "$FILELIST" ] || retuen 0
+  [ -s "$FILELIST" ] || return 0
   grep -q '^/mnt' "$FILELIST" || return 0
   MNTDIRS=$(cat "$FILELIST" | grep '^/mnt/.*/$' | cut -d'/' -f1-3  | tail -n 1)
@@ -128,12 +150,14 @@
    echo "$PETFILES" | sed -e "$pPATTERN" > /root/.packages/${DLPKG_NAME}.files
+   clobber_check
    tar -z -x --strip=2 --directory=${DIRECTSAVEPATH}/ -f ${DLPKG_MAIN}.tar.gz
    #new2dir and tgz2pet creates them this way...
    echo "$PETFILES" | sed -e "$pPATTERN" > /root/.packages/${DLPKG_NAME}.files
+   clobber_check
    tar -z -x --strip=1 --directory=${DIRECTSAVEPATH}/ -f ${DLPKG_MAIN}.tar.gz
@@ -143,6 +167,7 @@
   [ $? -ne 0 ] && exit 1
   echo "$PFILES" > /root/.packages/${DLPKG_NAME}.files
+  clobber_check
   if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
    rm -f /root/.packages/${DLPKG_NAME}.files
@@ -158,6 +183,7 @@
   [ $? -ne 0 ] && exit 1
   echo "$PFILES" > /root/.packages/${DLPKG_NAME}.files
+  clobber_check
   tar -z -x --directory=${DIRECTSAVEPATH}/ -f $DLPKG_BASE
  *.txz) #100616
@@ -169,6 +195,7 @@
   [ $? -ne 0 ] && exit 1
   echo "$PFILES" > /root/.packages/${DLPKG_NAME}.files
+  clobber_check
   tar -J -x --directory=${DIRECTSAVEPATH}/ -f $DLPKG_BASE
@@ -179,6 +206,7 @@
   [ $? -ne 0 ] && exit 1
   echo "$PFILES" > /root/.packages/${DLPKG_NAME}.files
+  clobber_check
   tar -z -x --directory=${DIRECTSAVEPATH}/ -f $DLPKG_BASE
  *.tar.bz2) #100110
@@ -189,6 +217,7 @@
   [ $? -ne 0 ] && exit 1
   echo "$PFILES" > /root/.packages/${DLPKG_NAME}.files
+  clobber_check
   tar -j -x --directory=${DIRECTSAVEPATH}/ -f $DLPKG_BASE
  *.rpm) #110523
@@ -199,6 +228,7 @@
   [ $? -ne 0 ] && exit 1
   echo "$PFILES" > /root/.packages/${DLPKG_NAME}.files
+  clobber_check
   #110705 rpm -i does not work for mageia pkgs...
   #busybox rpm -i $DLPKG_BASE
   exploderpm -i $DLPKG_BASE

Posted: Mon 06 Feb 2012, 16:26
by Karl Godt
jemimah , interesting feature


WHY only for lib files ?

tar has got the

options , would be interesting to add it to petget

in that case ppm while uninstalling would be able to restore things .

Posted: Mon 06 Feb 2012, 20:14
by Karl Godt
bash-3.2# tar-orig --version
tar (GNU tar) 1.19
from Puppy 4.3
does not make backups on files inside the tar archive that do not have a dot extension like most executable files in linux have while extracting .

bash-3.2# tar-racy --version
tar (GNU tar) 1.26
from Racy 5.2.2
seems to be OK on this AND works in puppy 4.3 though lesser glibc .

a diff would look like >

Code: Select all

--- /mnt/sda9/usr/local/petget/	2011-12-24 16:13:36.689981247 -0100
+++ /usr/local/petget/	2012-02-06 20:39:26.000000000 -0100
  [ "$EXIT" != "OK" ] && exit
 if [ -f /root/.packages/${DB_pkgname}.files ];then
  cat /root/.packages/${DB_pkgname}.files |
  while read ONESPEC
@@ -61,8 +61,14 @@ if [ -f /root/.packages/${DB_pkgname}.fi
     #that hides the original file. what we want is to remove the installed file, and
     #restore the original pristine file...
     cp -a --remove-destination "/initrd/pup_ro2$ONESPEC" "$ONESPEC"
+    if [ -e "${ONESPEC}.$SUF" ];then
+    mv "${ONESPEC}.$SUF" "$ONESPEC"
+    fi
     rm -f "$ONESPEC"
+    if [ -e "${ONESPEC}.$SUF" ];then
+    mv "${ONESPEC}.$SUF" "$ONESPEC"
+    fi

Code: Select all

--- /mnt/sda9/usr/local/petget/	2011-12-24 16:13:36.683314581 -0100
+++ /usr/local/petget/	2012-02-06 21:02:15.000000000 -0100

-   tar -z -x --strip=2 --directory=${DIRECTSAVEPATH}/ -f ${DLPKG_MAIN}.tar.gz
+   tar -z -x --backup=simple --suffix=".${DLPKG_MAIN}~" --strip=2 --directory=${DIRECTSAVEPATH}/ -f ${DLPKG_MAIN}.tar.gz
NOTE 1> the second diff is shorthand for all the several tar extraction commands in

While i was working on the above diffs i used a by GustavoVz which gave me an error at

Code: Select all

DB_version="`echo -n "$PKGNAME" | grep -o '\\-[0-9].*' | sed -e 's%^\-%%'`"
in /usr/local/petget/petget

could make it work with

Code: Select all

DB_version="`echo -n "$PKGNAME" | grep -o '[_-][0-9].*' | sed -e 's%^\-%%'`"  ##+2012-02-06 changed \\- to [-_]

Posted: Mon 06 Feb 2012, 20:51
by jemimah
Karl Godt wrote:jemimah , interesting feature


WHY only for lib files ?

tar has got the

options , would be interesting to add it to petget

in that case ppm while uninstalling would be able to restore things .
With lib files you just get an extra warning. This message comes up if any files get clobbered.

The backup idea is good, but we'd need to figure out a storage location and fix any remastering scripts to not copy in the backups.

Posted: Mon 06 Feb 2012, 21:43
by willem1940NLD
Guvcview from package manager cannot work, because of missing dependencies. This has been handled in the forum and I followed the there given direct links to get both and, together working fine now.


Puzzle: instead of the dead Libreoffice_sfs offered in "install/package manager" I found an old made by Coolpup which works fine .... in my harddisk installation. I am now installing another racy 5.2.2 to USB stick for an old (yes, older than me .... he's 80) internet friend; everything working fine except the very openoffice, no matter the number of re-installs, purgings or reboots.


Very old bug in all Pidgins: browser default setting "desktop default" does not open a browser for me, I have to scroll and select the exact browser.


More recent bug in all Pidgins: MSN (saved) password must be repeated to start a tedious dialogue finally opening hotmail inbox. Obviously this is due to MSN's doing.
Hotmail inbox opens without question when using browser only, after once the password has been saved in browser.


Like in all distros I had on board, keyboard setting (var) USA-alt-int often gets lost, must be re-selected. Sometimes even the source window gets lost, being replaced by a lot of text ..... then have to use CD startup, F2, purge; nauseating. This seems to be a common Linux bug, I experienced the same in more than 10 distros, not puppy only. I happen to need this setting, with the many quick diacritics/accents for some languages, without the need to use extra keys.

JWM multiple root MENUS problem with Wary/Racy 5.2

Posted: Tue 07 Feb 2012, 13:33
by Argolance

Posted: Tue 07 Feb 2012, 14:07
by willem1940NLD
Quoting myself:
.... Puzzle: instead of the dead Libreoffice_sfs offered in "install/package manager" I found an old made by Coolpup which works fine .... in my harddisk installation. I am now installing another racy 5.2.2 to USB stick for an old (yes, older than me .... he's 80) internet friend; everything working fine except the very openoffice, no matter the number of re-installs, purgings or reboots.
It seems I solved it and this may at least to me be quite instructive: 2 more apps got into danger and suddenly it struck me, that the icon of the USB-stick at single-click mounting .... and were I had placed a folder "extra software" .... called itself intermittently
/initrd/mnt/dev-save or
Of course this cannot be real but I lack technical insight.

Formatted an extra partition for that software-folder and totally re-installed clean racy 522 in boot partition. For the moment, seems stable and also old (made by Coolpup) working.

Posted: Tue 07 Feb 2012, 20:49
by Karl Godt
jemimah wrote:
With lib files you just get an extra warning. This message comes up if any files get clobbered.

The backup idea is good, but we'd need to figure out a storage location and fix any remastering scripts to not copy in the backups.
I really start to like the patch and have come up with something like this :

Code: Select all

# diff -up /initrd/pup_ro2/usr/local/petget/petget /usr/local/petget/petget
--- /initrd/pup_ro2/usr/local/petget/petget     2009-08-19 14:19:56.000000000 +0100
+++ /usr/local/petget/petget    2012-02-07 21:14:22.076250487 +0100
@@ -192,10 +192,14 @@ rm -f $PKGPATH/${PKGNAME}.tar.gz 2>/dev/
 #announce result...
 if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 -o ! -s /tmp/petget-installed-pkgs-log ];then
+case $RETVAL in
+151)ERRMSG="<text use-markup="true"><label>"<b>Stopped installintion of ${FULLPKGNAME}  </b>"</label></text>";; 
+1|*|"")ERRMSG="<text use-markup="true"><label>"<b>Error, package ${FULLPKGNAME} failed to install.</b>"</label></text>";;
  export FAIL_DIALOG="<window title="Puppy Package Manager" icon-name="gtk-about">
   <pixmap><input file>/usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps/error.xpm</input></pixmap>
-   <text use-markup="true"><label>"<b>Error, package ${FULLPKGNAME} failed to install.</b>"</label></text>
     <button ok></button>
@@ -229,6 +233,25 @@ export INSTALL_DIALOG="<window title="P
 gtkdialog3 --program=INSTALL_DIALOG
+echo ".${PKGNAME}~"
+DIRES=`ls -1 / |grep -vE 'initrd|mnt|proc|sys|tmp'`
+for dire in $DIRES;do
+find /$dire \( -type f -o -type l \) -name "*.${PKGNAME}~"
+backfiles=`find /$dire \( -type f -o -type l \) -name "*.${PKGNAME}~"`
+backupfiles=`echo "$backupfiles" |sed '/^$/d'`
+if [ "$backupfiles" ];then
+xmessage -buttons "KEEP :140, REMOVE:141" "These backupfiles were made:
+if [ "$?" = '141' ];then
+for file in $backupfiles;do
+rm -f $file
 RESTARTMSG="Please wait, updating help page and menu..."
 [ "`pidof jwm`" != "" ] && RESTARTMSG="Please wait, updating help page and menu (the screen will flicker!)..." #w482
 [ "$INSTALLEDCAT" = "none" ] && RESTARTMSG="Please wait, updating help page..."

Code: Select all

# diff -up /initrd/pup_ro2/usr/local/petget/ /usr/local/petget/
--- /initrd/pup_ro2/usr/local/petget/      2009-09-09 12:40:44.000000000 +0100
+++ /usr/local/petget/     2012-02-07 20:53:36.260760778 +0100
@@ -45,8 +45,35 @@ if [ $PUPMODE -eq 3 -o $PUPMODE -eq 7 -o
+   FILELIST="`cat /root/.packages/${DLPKG_NAME}.files`"
+   rm /tmp/petget-fileclobber
+   for FILE in $FILELIST ; do
+      FILE="/`echo $FILE|cut -d/ -f2-`"
+      [[ "$FILE" =~ "/root/.packages/.*" ]] && continue
+      [ -f "$FILE" ] && echo "$FILE" >> /tmp/petget-fileclobber
+   done
+   if [ -s /tmp/petget-fileclobber ] ; then
+      grep -E '/lib|^/bin|/sbin|/etc|/var' /tmp/petget-fileclobber
+      [ $? = 0 ] && WARN="This may cause system problems if this is not an intentional upgrade.\n\n"
+      #yad --title "Confirm File Clobber" --button=Proceed:0 --button=Cancel:1 --text "The following files will be overwritten by this package:\n\n<b>$(cat /tmp/petget-fileclobber |head -n 20) </b>\n\n<b><span foreground='red'>This package may already be installed.\nChoose Proceed only if this is an upgrade.\n\n${WARN}These files will be deleted if the package is uninstalled so if you proceed\nwith installation be aware that uninstallation of this package is not\nrecommended.</span></b>"
+      xmessage -buttons "Proceed:140,Cancel:141" "The following files will be overwritten by this package:
+`cat /tmp/petget-fileclobber`
+Note : The file list is in /tmp/petget-fileclobber .
+      [ $? = 140 ] && return 0
+        rm -f "$FILELIST"
+        #rm /tmp/petget-fileclobber
+          exit 151
+    fi
+    #rm /tmp/petget-fileclobber
+    return 0   
+[ -s /root/.packages/${DLPKG_NAME}.files ] && IMSG='NOTE:This package may already be installed.'
 case $DLPKG_BASE in
   DLPKG_MAIN="`basename $DLPKG_BASE .pet`"
Note > Real raw ware using xmessage .. would need to be translated to gtkdialog .

The remasterpup2 line is something like this :

Code: Select all

mksquashfs / $WKGMNTPT/puppylivecdbuild/${DISTRO_FILE_PREFIX}-${DISTRO_VERSION}.sfs -e /etc /proc /initrd /var /tmp /archive /mnt /root /puppylivecdbuild $DIRHOME $DIRSYS $DIRLOST /${DISTRO_FILE_PREFIX}-${DISTRO_VERSION}.sfs ${INITRDMODS}
and accordingly to mksqashfs4 --help
-ef <exclude_file> list of exclude dirs/files. One per line
-wildcards Allow extended shell wildcards (globbing) to be used in exclude dirs/files
it could look like

Code: Select all

mksquashfs / $WKGMNTPT/puppylivecdbuild/${DISTRO_FILE_PREFIX}-${DISTRO_VERSION}.sfs -wildcards -e "*.*~" "*.wh.*" -e /etc /proc /initrd /var /tmp /archive /mnt /root /puppylivecdbuild $DIRHOME $DIRSYS $DIRLOST
The remaster part i haven't tested yet , added exclution of aufs whiteout files if it hasn't already been done in newer remaster scripts . Racy uses unionfs but some derivates might still come with aufs .

The storage problem could be already be cared by the dialog to ask to keep or to remove in the above petget diff , but a backup layer /initrd/pup_back might be a good solution too with a second mounted save file underneath the /initrd/pup_ro1(pupmode13)||/initrd/pup_rw(pupmode12)

Posted: Tue 07 Feb 2012, 23:18
by pemasu
The remaster part i haven't tested yet , added exclution of aufs whiteout files if it hasn't already been done in newer remaster scripts . Racy uses unionfs but some derivates might still come with aufs .
I still use aufs: ... 813#602813

Posted: Wed 08 Feb 2012, 01:08
by willem1940NLD
An old Office pet I already mentioned, works in my racy 522 on Harddisk ..... but keeps crashing in 2 rather new and cleanly installed USB sticks.

Apart from the seeming HD/usbStick difference, does somebody happen to know a newer Office that works in racy? I need Presentation for pps/ppt files. The sfs offered in package manager I cannot get to work.

Posted: Wed 08 Feb 2012, 17:58
by npierce
Karl Godt wrote:setxkbmap worked setting it for geany once but not typing into sakura terminal emulator .

Then i changed a lot and next time it worked perfectly .

Most of the times it worked ok as i can remember .
Being GTK applications, geany and sakura may not always honor your keyboard settings. GTK likes to add its own layers of complication to things.

For instance, using the default Racy 5.2.2 locale, en_US, and setting the intl variant of the us keyboard layout, hitting the key left of Enter (the apostrophe key on the us layout) followed by hitting c generates "ccedilla" (ç). If you test this with xev, it will correctly report:

Code: Select all

XmbLookupString gives 1 bytes: (e7) "ç"
And when using urxvt the proper character is entered.

But in geany 0.19.1, the character entered is "cacute" (ć), and in sakura 2.3.8, the character entered is "c" (c).

When GTK first introduced this "feature", there was quite a bit of traffic on various forums from people in Brazil who were using US keyboards. Suddenly they had to learn where ç had moved to, and then retrain their fingers to break a lifetime habit of hitting ' and c to get ç. Not only that, but their fingers had to remember which applications used the new placement, and which applications still honored the keyboard settings they had defined.

Alternatively, they had to use a work-around, like setting a GTK input method.

Two input methods that work for this particular case can be set like this (using geany as an example):

Code: Select all

GTK_IM_MODULE=cedilla geany

Code: Select all

GTK_IM_MODULE=xim geany
The first corrects the cedilla problem while retaining other features of the default GTK input method (like direct entry of Unicode values). The second should honor all codes sent by X.

These commands will work for sakura as well, or you can use the sakura menu item Options -> Input methods.

I am of the opinion that if a user sets up a her keyboard settings a certain way, an application should honor those settings unless she specifies the --gtk-go-ahead-GTK-please-scramble-my-keyboard option. :)

Posted: Wed 08 Feb 2012, 18:55
by willem1940NLD


Your charms seem to work in geany only, not here in my posting?

I experience(d) the same problem in various non-puppy distros and I happen to need USA-(alt)-int getting rid of the nuisance.

(sakura: not found)

Posted: Wed 08 Feb 2012, 19:43
by npierce
willem1940NLD wrote:. . .work in geany only, not here in my posting?
For seamonkey in Racy 5.2.2, quit completely from seamonkey (all seamonkey windows should close), and try this command:

Code: Select all

GTK_IM_MODULE=xim seamonkey
If you enter that command before quitting, seamonkey doesn't actually start a new instance, just opens a new window, and continues to use the default input method.

willem1940NLD wrote:(sakura: not found)
Sakura Terminal Emulator

Posted: Wed 08 Feb 2012, 20:10
by willem1940NLD

I tested the "cedilla" command on firefox and office (525 pup this moment).

Thx, I see now; but the command does not stick, just lasts for the session that opens in reaction.

Anyhow, interesting to see that apps obey for the moment, openoffice as well (libreoffice in 5.2.5 puppy) but useless for durable repairs.