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Posted: Fri 29 Apr 2016, 08:15
by Robin2
Thanks for your reply. I did not see that boot menu at all.

I have booted from the USB stick in legacy mode.

I suspect my question may have been overtaken by events. Last night I was trying to implement the lin'n'win system and I seem to have screwed up the disk. GParted now reports the entire SolidState drive as "unallocated" I have now fixed this with a program called gdisk.

In case it is any help I did not see any sign that your Installer made any changes to the BCD file. The command bcdedit /v produced the same result before and after.

I have made progress with the lin'n'win instructions and have got menu options but it is not completely working yet with grub.


Posted: Fri 29 Apr 2016, 21:47
by noryb009
In case it is any help I did not see any sign that your Installer made any changes to the BCD file
To confirm, this was after the ISO was installed, not lick itself, correct? (you can have the same effect by going to "file" > "install/uninstall bootloader")

The lin'n'win method doesn't yet actually support UEFI - you probably get an error similar to this.

Anyway, here is the UEFI-compatible instructions that lick more or less performs. You can go through them and see what parts don't work:
# disable fast boot in an admin command prompt
powercfg -h off
# mount your UEFI partition as the z:/ drive (note this won't show up in windows explorer, but you can run `Z:` to go to the Z drive):
mountvol z: /S

# Next, download grub2 for windows, and unzip it somewhere. Next, run:
path/to/grub2/grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --bootloader-id=LICK --efi-directory=z: --boot-directory=z:/EFI/LICK --recheck

# Set the default grub.cfg file to read a grub.cfg file on your C drive for easier editing. In an admin command prompt, run:
notepad Z:/EFI/LICK/grub/grub.cfg
And paste in:

Code: Select all

insmod part_gpt
insmod part_msdos
insmod ntfs
search --set=root --file /lickgrub.cfg
configfile ($root)/lickgrub.cfg
# Next, open up (or create the text file) C:/lickgrub.cfg, and paste in the contents here.
Now try to reboot, and you should see different screen when you boot (the only thing in it will be Windows, but we can add puppy to it later). If you run into any issues in the process, please post whatever errors you get. If you get through everything and it still doesn't work, post the output of running

Code: Select all

bcdedit enum /all

Posted: Fri 29 Apr 2016, 22:31
by Robin2
Thanks. That is very helpful.

Your image seems to be the exact error I was getting with another approach to dual boot. I have tried 4 different ones today so I am a bit confused. With LICK I did not see any menu to allow me to select anything - Win10 just booted as if I had never tried LICK

Yes, I was talking about the absence of changes to the BCD file after the ISO was installed.

I am a bit wary of your suggestion "mount your UEFI partition" - and a bit confused. Win10 itself seems to use 3 partitions and I have added 3 more for Linux. Which partition do you mean? and if it is one of the Win10 partitions will it cause trouble.

Earlier today I came across this Blog entry for UEFI boot
and it seems very simple and nearly works with TahrPup64 (there is a problem with graphics even though the same TahrPup works fine with legacy boot and syslinux). If I can get the graphics working I suspect it would fit well with BCD - now that I think I know how to use BCD Edit.

I will think more about your suggested solution tomorrow - time for bed now.

Thanks again


Posted: Fri 29 Apr 2016, 22:39
by noryb009
Robin2: The "/S" flag given to mountvol automatically selects the UEFI drive. It doesn't matter which partition it actually is.

Posted: Fri 29 Apr 2016, 22:45
by Robin2
I edited my earlier reply while you were posting - I did NOT get your image when using LICK.

Sorry for being slow and completely out of touch with Windows but I don't understand how a drive could be (for example) both C: and Z:

I don't want to screw up Windows a second time.


Have you turned off Fast Boot?

Posted: Fri 29 Apr 2016, 23:04
by mikeslr
Robin2 posted, " With LICK I did not see any menu to allow me to select anything - Win10 just booted as if I had never tried LICK."

Are you aware that when you turn off a Window's 10 computer with its default settings, it doesn't shut-down? Rather, they are factory set to "hibernate" so that they will boot to desktop faster. Ergo, you never get a boot menu.

In order to get a boot menu, you have to turn off "Fast-Startup/Fast-boot". See Step 1 on this thread:


Posted: Fri 29 Apr 2016, 23:08
by noryb009
Robin2: Ya, that image is what you get with using lin'n'win with UEFI. Lick shouldn't lead to that error (but should present a menu :P).

The UEFI drive is, AFAIK, never automatically mounted on Windows. If it already is, that command will give you an error, but it won't do anything bad.

Anyway, follow the instructions above when you have time and see how far you get.

mikeslr: Good observation, however fast boot is disabled during lick installation, and I made sure to include the command to disable it in the instructions above.

Posted: Sat 30 Apr 2016, 06:18
by Robin2
Just to confirm that I have had fast-boot / hibernate turned off.

If you try to legacy boot from a USB stick with it turned on it is very obvious - Puppy reports that it can't mount the Windows partitions.

Thanks again. I will spend more time on this today.

I reckon if I have not figured it out before I go to bed toning I will probably just wipe Win10 completely. But its an interesting excercise and I would like to figure it out.

What I like about the Lin'n'Win system is that the instructions are very transparent. It would be great if there was a similar explanation of what LICK is trying to do. If I understood that I could also review/verify the "output" it produces.


Wiping Windows 10

Posted: Sat 30 Apr 2016, 14:04
by mikeslr
Hi Robin2,

Just a bit of advice. Before you wipe Windows 10 --which works (sort of)-- from your computer, make certain you can run something else. Anything else. If not a Puppy, try Zorin -- a more or less tamed Ubuntu.

As your problem is being able to boot Puppy, being able to boot anything is better than owning a large paper-weight.


Posted: Sat 30 Apr 2016, 16:26
by Robin2
I have no problem booting Puppy from a USB stick in legacy mode.

Hopefully it will do the same thing from the SSD drive if I wipe Win10.


Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2016, 16:32
by kerl
Which Puppy distros can be installed from Lick, apart from the official ones?
Can DebianDog be installed this way? What about old Precise Puppy versions?

Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2016, 16:40
by noryb009
Hey kerl,

I believe any puppy made using woof/woof2/woof-ce will work (as long as there hasn't been major changes to the boot process).

Precise is compatible.

I haven't tried DebianDog, but it may need some manual tweaking - it appears as though there are multiple initrds, while Lick takes a random one. You may need to swap the one with another one, to your liking. Additionally, you might need to modify lickgrub.conf (in the root of C: after installing)

Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2016, 18:50
by kerl
Thanks noryb009
Could you recommend some distro compatible with .deb apps which does not ask for partitioning?

Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2016, 19:01
by noryb009
I believe DPup will have deb-compaibility - it is based on Debian.

You can also look into pupplets based on Ubuntu - Xenialpup and Tahrpup should have deb-compatibility (there might be another puplet or two for a Ubuntu version in between these two).

Running Puppy in Windows

Posted: Wed 28 Sep 2016, 14:17
by avatar-man
Hello all. Isn't/wasn't there a puppy version that could be installed and run as a windows program? Not dual boot, but actual icon in windows that let you run puppy from within the widows OS?

I have been searching and not coming up with it.

Any help - especially a link to it would be muchly appreciated!!

I wanna install it to use it for a WINE application on an old 16bit word processing program.

Jim in Chicago

Posted: Wed 28 Sep 2016, 15:27
by ally

Posted: Thu 29 Sep 2016, 00:58
by noryb009
avatar-man: Your best bet is to look into using DOSBox. If that doesn't work, you can use a Puppy Linux in a Virtual Box.

Just-Lighthouse64 604 can't access tty

Posted: Sat 04 Feb 2017, 15:35
by PenguinPupLin
I use LICK in Win10 and WinXP to install puppy linux Just-Lighthouse64 604 but it hangs at loading main file and session file...JL64-604.sfs not found...can't access tty...

I noticed it was trying to search the Lighthouse sfs in usb when that happened, no idea if it has tried searching the harddisk d: drive where I installed the said puppy linux iso on. My boot drive/partition is c: and I've also tried installing it on the said drive/partition but also to no avail.

By the way, both the PCs I worked on are running legacy BIOS , not UEFI, which shouldn't be a problem I thought and, most importantly,I already have other puppy linux versions installed, eg slacko64-6.3.2, tahrpup 6.0.5 CE and Fatdog64-710, all working fine.

Thinking Just-Lighthouse could be incompatible with LICK, also tried the older Lighthouse 64- 6.02 Beta 2 , on both occasions checking md5sum for file integrity just to make sure, but, alas, the same problem occurred - JLH64.sfs not found; can't access tty.

What gives, any advice appreciated. As I'm barely out of the beginner stage in Puppy Linux, I'd be most grateful for a detailed step-by-step description or instruction on how to resolve the problem.

Posted: Sun 05 Feb 2017, 20:20
by noryb009
Hey PenguinPupLin,

Sorry about taking a while to get back to you.

In the root of your C drive (maybe a different drive?) there should be a file "lickmenu.lst". Here, you should see a line that looks something like:

Code: Select all

kernel /Lighthouse-version/vmlinuz pfix=fsck psubdir=/Lighthouse-version
Remove the leading slash on psubdir, like so:

Code: Select all

kernel /Lighthouse-version/vmlinuz pfix=fsck psubdir=Lighthouse-version
You will need to do this in 2 locations for each time you installed Lighthouse in a different location (each time you see "psubdir=Lighthouse-version").

For a "why" this happened, see this bug report I created. I should get around to fixing this when I have some free time.

Thanks for letting me know about the bug!

Puppy Linux Windows Installer - LICK

Posted: Mon 06 Feb 2017, 10:43
by PenguinPupLin
Yay, that works , you make my day, noryb009. Thank you so much.

Puppy Linux rocks even more, thanks to norby's LICK.