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Posted: Mon 23 Aug 2010, 10:35
by neurino
This is a libglade-related question but maybe gtkdialod works the same with the syntax explained here...

I want my dialog to commit an action then close itself after a certain button is pressed so I put two actions (signals for libglade) in sequence:

Code: Select all

<signal name="clicked" handler="my_function"/>
<signal name="clicked" handler="EXIT:OK"/>
but the dialog exits before my_function gets executed, I know it because if I remove the EXIT:OK part the function executes flawlessly.

Does this happen with <action>s too?
Is there a turnaround or something for this?


Posted: Mon 23 Aug 2010, 14:12
by zigbert
<actions> is executed in the order you put them into your code, so it would execute my_function and then exit. It seems that signals have an internal order.....


Posted: Mon 23 Aug 2010, 14:14
by neurino
sob, unluckily this is not in glade code, I put my_func tag before EXIT but it's not enough

Any ideas or link to refer?

Posted: Mon 23 Aug 2010, 14:38
by technosaurus
I don't know if it will work but if you just need them in order maybe something like?
my_function1 && my_function2 && ...
or possibly
`my_function1 && my_function2 && ...`
'`my_function1 && my_function2 && ...`'
"`my_function1 && my_function2 && ...`"
(depending on how you write the code quotes may need a "\" before them as well)

hopefully one of those works
(if they don't need to be completed in order, just started in order use a single & instead of the double &&)

Posted: Mon 23 Aug 2010, 16:19
by neurino
technosaurus wrote:I don't know if it will work but if you just need them in order maybe something like?
my_function1 && my_function2 && ...
Ok but I don't need 2 functions but a function THEN EXIT:

Code: Select all

my_func && EXIT:OK
sadly won't work... :?

Posted: Mon 23 Aug 2010, 17:56
by technosaurus
hmmm that would be bad since just having a function that would
killall <program_name>
would prevent being able to use any variables that gtkdialog would return

I wonder if it is possible to export the variables first by:
my_function && export var1 var2 ... && killall <my_program>

there is a way to give your program a name so that it doesn't kill other gtkdialog programs but I don't remember off hand ... could just make a symlink for it so that the name is different.

Posted: Mon 23 Aug 2010, 19:10
by seaside

Perhaps put the Exit inside my_func , as the last command.

Just a possible guess, since I haven't tried Libglade. :D


Posted: Mon 23 Aug 2010, 19:29
by technosaurus
using exit in the function would exit the whole script... but you got me thinking... what if you use?
return EXIT:OK
and put the call to the function as discussed before

Posted: Tue 24 Aug 2010, 08:13
by neurino
technosaurus, thanks but it doesn't work (simply does not close dialog)

If you are sure using <action>s instead of <signal>s will act as expected I'll translate all XML code...

Posted: Fri 27 Aug 2010, 20:58
by zigbert
Here is an example that allows preview of images..... and you thought it wasn't possible :lol:

It requires another gtk-theme switcher that allows changing theme from commandline

Code: Select all

set -a
mkdir -p /tmp/gtk-theme/gtk-2.0
cp -f "$HOME/.gtkrc-2.0" "$HOME/.gtkrcbak"

#define working gtk-theme
TMP=`grep -F '/usr/' $HOME/.gtkrc-2.0 | awk -F'"' '{print $2}' | sed -e 's%//%/%g'` #'
TARGET_DIR=`dirname $TMP`
cp $TARGET_DIR/* /tmp/gtk-theme/gtk-2.0

#add our own special gtk-theme-extension with wallpaper definition
echo 'style "icon-style" {
stock["gtk-wallpaper"] = { 
{ "stock_wall.png", *, *, *}}}
class "GtkWidget" style "icon-style"' >> /tmp/gtk-theme/gtk-2.0/gtkrc

#build list for <tree> widget
ls -1 /usr/share/backgrounds > /tmp/wallpapers
while read I; do
done < /tmp/wallpapers

#switch image preview
preview() {
	cp -f /usr/share/backgrounds/"$WALLPAPER" /tmp/gtk-theme/gtk-2.0/stock_wall.png
	gtk-theme-switch2 /tmp/gtk-theme

#define default preview

export MAIN_DIALOG='<vbox height-request="250">
  <pixmap icon_size="6"><input file stock="gtk-wallpaper"></input></pixmap>
    <action signal="button-release-event">preview</action>
  <hbox><button ok></button></hbox>
gtkdialog3 -p MAIN_DIALOG

#clean up
rm -rf /tmp/gtk-theme
cp -f "$HOME/.gtkrcbak" "$HOME/.gtkrc-2.0"

Posted: Fri 27 Aug 2010, 21:56
by zigbert
Ok, this is might more useful... :D

A right click menu is sometimes nice.....

Code: Select all

set -a

	[ ! $BUTTON = 3 ] && exit
	#Try to fetch COLOR from gtk-theme
	TMP="/`grep '/usr/share/themes/' $HOME/.gtkrc-2.0 | cut -d/ -f2- | tr -d '"' | sed 's%//%/%g'`" #'
	COLOR="#`grep -A40 'default' "$TMP" | grep -F 'base[SELECTED]' | cut -d'#' -f2 | cut -d'"' -f1`" #'
	[ "$COLOR" = "#" ] && COLOR='#777777'
	#set gtk-theme
	echo 'style "menu" {
	  font_name				= "DejaVu Sans 12"
	  bg[NORMAL]			= "#cccccc"
	  base[NORMAL]			= "#cccccc"	
	  base[SELECTED]		= "'$COLOR'"
	  text[NORMAL]			= "#222222"
	  text[SELECTED]		= "#ffffff"
	  engine "pixmap" {
	    image {
	    function			= FOCUS
	    file				= "<none>"}}}
	class "*" style "menu"' > /tmp/gtkrc
	export GTK2_RC_FILES=/tmp/gtkrc 
	#show menu
	export menu='
	<window title="menu" decorated="false" skip_taskbar_hint="true" window_position="2">
	  <tree hover-selection="true" headers-visible="false">
	   <item stock="gtk-apply">Set theme</item>
	   <item stock="gtk-jump-to">Show JWM_switcher</item>
	   <item stock="gtk-quit">Quit</item>
	   <action signal="button-release-event">EXIT:exit</action>
	 <action signal="leave-notify-event">EXIT:exit</action>
	gtkdialog3 -p menu > /tmp/OUTPUT 2> /dev/null
	OUTPUT="`grep 'MENU=' /tmp/OUTPUT | cut -d '"' -f 2`" #'
	case $OUTPUT in
		'Set theme')
			cp -f /root/.jwm/themes/${JWM_THEME}-jwmrc /root/.jwm/jwmrc-theme
			cp -f /root/.jwm/themes/${JWM_THEME}-colors /root/.jwm/jwm_colors
			jwm -restart
		'Show JWM_switcher')
			for I in `ps | grep -w "MAIN_DIALOG" | awk '{print $1}'`; do kill -9 $I; done
			exit 0

#this builds the list for the <tree> widget
for THEME in `ls -1 /root/.jwm/themes/ | grep 'jwmrc' | sed -e 's/-jwmrc//' | tr '\n' ' '`; do
	THEME="`basename $THEME`"

MAIN_DIALOG='<vbox height-request="250">
  <text><label>Example of an right-click-menu with gtkdialog</label></text>
  <tree hover-selection="true">
    <label>JWM themes</label>
    <action signal="button-press-event">external_menu</action>
  <hbox><button ok></button></hbox>
export GTK2_RC_FILES=/root/.gtkrc-2.0
gtkdialog3 -p MAIN_DIALOG

Posted: Sat 28 Aug 2010, 00:34
by technosaurus
Excellent work Zigbert.

One step closer to eliminating that cursed curses dialog at startup.

Making a first run script:

Code: Select all

#bunch of scripting goes here
[ "`basename $0`" = "Script-firstrun" ] && rm -f $0
now just make a symlink called "Script-firstrun" in /root/Startup and it will run the next time X is started then delete only the symlink

there is an alternative to the delayed run script and I can get Xvesa + jwm to start in less than a second this way
Xvesa -br -screen `Xvesa -listmodes 2>&1 |grep 0x[123][246] |sort |cut -d " " -f 2|tr "\n" " "|cut -d " " -f 1` -shadow -mouse /dev/mouse -nolisten tcp -tst -I & jwm -display :0 && killall Xvesa
or simply
Xvesa & jwm -display :0 && killall Xvesa

jwm has a startup command function builtin - example:
<StartupCommand>rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin</StartupCommand>

but you don't even need to start a window manager at all - gtkdialog has a builtin method of attaching itself to a display just as a window manager does

Xvesa & gtkdialog3 -f <file> --display=:0 -c && killall Xvesa
#this can also be -p VARIABLE and can be part of a script

Posted: Sat 28 Aug 2010, 03:07
by big_bass
excellent stuff Zigbert

couldn't get the viewer up but the rest of the code worked
I am missing this bash: gtk-theme-switch2: command not found
It requires another gtk-theme switcher that allows changing theme from commandline

can someone post that script please or a diff
so I test the image viewer

thanks keep the good stuff coming


Posted: Sun 29 Aug 2010, 07:20
by zigbert
couldn't get the viewer up but the rest of the code worked
I am missing this bash: gtk-theme-switch2: command not found
Download gtk-theme-switch2 from 3 posts above. You missed a attachment :)


Posted: Sun 29 Aug 2010, 10:41
by 01micko

Cool stuff Sigmund... actually works in Xfce4 too, which I am experimenting with at the moment :wink:


Posted: Sun 29 Aug 2010, 19:26
by big_bass
Download gtk-theme-switch2 from 3 posts above. You missed a attachment Smile


Thanks Sigmund

now its working :D

*about two years ago I was working on an image viewer using imagelib and urxvt
yours is much better and lighter you may get some more formats to view with this

I made an image viewer using the using the terminal

I was looking for a light way to do this
thanks for posting your code


Re: GtkDialog - tips

Posted: Fri 24 Sep 2010, 02:02
by ken geometrics
zigbert wrote:GtkDialog
Patriot has released his Patriot-edition of the latest gtkdialog. - See chapter 'Gtkdialog - Patriot edition'.
What should I see if I say:
gtkdialog3 --version

I currently see
gtkdialog version 0.7.20 (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 by Laszlo Pere

I have found a handful of very serious bugs in it and want to be sure that I am using the latest version.

In the copy I have, the list_actions example does not work.

Posted: Fri 24 Sep 2010, 16:53
by Aitch

From the gtkdialog website,

the version you have IS the latest, though it was posted in April 2007, and development seems to have stopped, though the dev's email is on the site
As I understand it Patriot has made some changes for Puppy users adding *buntu patches ... 081#355081

Aitch :)

Posted: Sat 25 Sep 2010, 14:50
by ken geometrics
Aitch wrote:Ken

From the gtkdialog website,

the version you have IS the latest, though it was posted in April 2007, and development seems to have stopped, though the dev's email is on the site
As I understand it Patriot has made some changes for Puppy users adding *buntu patches ... 081#355081

Aitch :)
I think I must be running the Patriot version because I downloaded the pet for it and installed it.

Is there any interest in a less buggy version? I am trying to work up enough motivation to attack the problem.

The main bug I have found is that some valid descriptions involving the "<list>" construct do not display. They don't report an error but no dialog box comes up. The program hangs at that point until you ^C tp break out of it.

There are a few improvements that I am thinking of adding too.
One is to all things like this to work:

Code: Select all

....somewhere else..

If the <text> was an entry instead, the TEXT variable would get changed so the script could know what it generated last time.
As it is <text> seems to allow a <variable> but not ever update
its contents.

I figure this would be a matter to looking at how an entry did it and making the text one do the same.

One other change is to make the xalign="0" construct work for all widgets.

The other would be to make the parser generate a warning on unrecognized attributes. This would help to catch typos.

Posted: Tue 28 Sep 2010, 12:45
by 8-bit
I too would like to see the list option work right and have the same problem with it as you described.
But I am not enough of a programmer to troubleshoot it.
I do know that it fails even using the example in the gtkdialog3 examples.
So any help in improvements of gtkdialog3 would be most welcome.
The main thing is that a lot of scripts have been written for Puppy using it and any changes should be made so as to not break existing scripts.