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Posted: Thu 09 Jun 2011, 00:19
by Bruce B
It could be all problems are pretty well being taken care of with the formation of New Puppy Users Group started by puppyite

Gradually, people will discover what a sweet and wonderful place his forum is. Word will spread. Users will sign on. Eventually this forum will be displaced. Reckon?


Posted: Thu 09 Jun 2011, 00:21
by Caneri
Hell..I'll join.

PS..wait a minute...your a power broker now/inner circle ...I can't talk to you anymore Bruce...yea right...Well done Bruce as an admin..congrats..E

Posted: Thu 09 Jun 2011, 01:09
by shariebeth
Did you ever notice that just when a conversation starts to actually look like it might go somewhere civilly and productively, there's a bunch of people just waiting to jump in and derail it, if not turn it nonsensical enough to get it locked?

Thanks yet again, folks.

Posted: Thu 09 Jun 2011, 01:46
by Bruce B
shariebeth wrote:I do expect civil discussion. I expect discussion, period.
What triggers an "aggressive" attitude is when it's ignored, covered up, or I'm told to shut up and go away.
Maybe you are dealing with people who aren't normal, unless you consider people with a passion for software normal.

Some of the forum members not only have a passion for software, they are over fifty, have rough edges and strong opinions.

These ingredients can make for friction.

We even have a fine lady who gets an aggressive attitude triggered, on some occasions, when her expectations for a civil discussion aren't met.

And - I don't see a significant problem it.


Posted: Fri 10 Jun 2011, 17:47
by nitehawk
Bruce B wrote:
shariebeth wrote:I do expect civil discussion. I expect discussion, period.
What triggers an "aggressive" attitude is when it's ignored, covered up, or I'm told to shut up and go away.

Some of the forum members not only have a passion for software, they are over fifty, have rough edges and strong opinions.

These ingredients can make for friction.

We even have a fine lady who gets an aggressive attitude triggered, on some occasions, when her expectations for a civil discussion aren't met.

And - I don't see a significant problem it.

..I'm over 50. Got super rough edges. And I actually LIKE the "Off Topic" area.
plenty of forums don't have an off-topic area, but you should leave it up as it keeps lobster off the streets
..see,'s good for something.

Posted: Fri 10 Jun 2011, 18:32
by tlchost
Bruce B wrote: How about just warning people who post there to stay off-topic?
How about warning people who make posts insulting to nationalities, religions and OS other than Puppy that they may loose access?


Posted: Fri 10 Jun 2011, 18:34
by tlchost
shariebeth wrote:Did you ever notice that just when a conversation starts to actually look like it might go somewhere civilly and productively, there's a bunch of people just waiting to jump in and derail it, if not turn it nonsensical enough to get it locked?
Or have you noticed that many simple questions about policy and moderation are either not answered at all, or answered in such a way as to confuse the issue?

Posted: Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:54
by Caneri
Hi Thom, SB,

With the new admins and closer inspection of the threads, the "garbage" that happens can be put out of my misery faster..alas this happens every so often (seems like clockwork to me..but again it happened).

The new admins may not be so kind to personal attacks, as well as all 'round bad attitudes...Eric

Oh Dear oh dear...I better clean up...oh dear.

Posted: Sat 11 Jun 2011, 03:31
by Flash
A well-thought-out policy with posted rules would just give vandals a fixed target, and be the source of constant carping by jailhouse lawyers. :)

Posted: Sat 11 Jun 2011, 03:35
by puppyluvr
:D Hello,
"If you are unsure of the rules, use your best judgement...that way we get to see how much judgement you have...."

Posted: Sat 11 Jun 2011, 06:59
by nooby
puppyluvr wrote::D Hello,
"If you are unsure of the rules, use your best judgment...that way we get to see how much judgement you have...."
Whom did you quote there That was a rather cute thing to say. :)

Thanks puppyluvr,

I was too active on puppy forum, manic even.

So I did try to change behavior and post less and while being at it I tried to find other forums to be active in.

And I joined a forum and there saw someone post a link to something that to my best judgment maybe breached a rule so I told that poster openly in the thread "Oh maybe that is against some rule so better not put such links in posts. "

Haha the penalty for being kind to another poster was an instant infraction from an Admin. One was not allowed to tell others if them was breaching a rule. Read the fucking Rule he told me.

So now I try to find another forum. Not easy them where the biggest that I did find.

Posted: Sat 11 Jun 2011, 08:15
by Bruce B
tlchost wrote:
Bruce B wrote: How about just warning people who post there to stay off-topic?
How about warning people who make posts insulting to nationalities, religions and OS other than Puppy that they may loose access?

It might work. Take the idea for a test drive and I'll see how things go for you.



Posted: Sat 11 Jun 2011, 08:23
by Bruce B
nooby wrote:Haha the penalty for being kind to another poster was an instant infraction from an Admin. One was not allowed to tell others if them was breaching a rule. Read the fucking Rule he told me.

So now I try to find another forum. Not easy them where the biggest that I did find.
As I interpret , you didn't actually read the rule. You decided to find another forum.


Posted: Sat 11 Jun 2011, 11:17
by nooby
Bruce, the sad fact which I can not tell that Admin on the Big forum is that my ADHD makes me unable to understand rules. And usually them have so much text to read through that I drown in all the details.

So I never read rules because them never mean that which I read into them to refer to.

I would have no use of them because I would not know what them really referred to. I get surprised ever time when a Mod take action. Their interpretation and my interpretation are not on speaking terms.

Posted: Sat 11 Jun 2011, 11:38
by tlchost
Bruce B wrote:
tlchost wrote:
Bruce B wrote: How about just warning people who post there to stay off-topic?
How about warning people who make posts insulting to nationalities, religions and OS other than Puppy that they may loose access?

It might work. Take the idea for a test drive and I'll see how things go for you.


How can I take the idea for a test drive? I am not a moderator. Perhaps a moderator can try it....and then let us know how it goes for them.


Posted: Sat 11 Jun 2011, 11:42
by tlchost
Flash wrote:A well-thought-out policy with posted rules would just give vandals a fixed target, and be the source of constant carping by jailhouse lawyers. :)
You are not really serious, are you? With that type of logic we could close all hospitals and expect the population to be healthy.

Posted: Sat 11 Jun 2011, 12:49
by shariebeth
Flash wrote:A well-thought-out policy with posted rules would just give vandals a fixed target, and be the source of constant carping by jailhouse lawyers. :)
The carping comes when said rules are not evenly enforced. Nobody said there have to be a lot of rules but "use your common sense" really isn't working here, is it. I would be happy to post links to several posts that I'm confident would have been deleted or myself censured had I posted them, or even quoted them. (And these were not just in Off-Topic.)

Peace and harmony results when it is clear what is expected and allowed, and we can see what the moderators are doing and why, and that it's done fairly and without bias. I don't think the discord here is so much strict vs lax forum rules, but the fact it is appearing very selective and uneven what is allowed to stay and what isn't, who gets censured and who doesn't. And some of these were in high profile threads, with moderators and admins posting IN them, so we know they were seen. (And I am not referring to the jonyo and puppyite shenanigans, that is self-explanatory).

Even though nobody gets paid here, and everything is on a volunteer basis, it is still somewhat of a job if you accept the responsibility to be a moderator or administrator. If one is too busy to DO the job, one shouldn't have it. If one doesn't view it as a responsibility, one shouldn't accept it. And of course there should be enough that everything doesn't fall on one person's shoulders. That is just asking for burnout and a discouraged admin before he even starts. I've seen 2 of the 4 new admins active, thank you!

Posted: Sat 11 Jun 2011, 13:49
by bugman
shariebeth wrote:Peace and harmony results when it is clear what is expected and allowed, and we can see what the moderators are doing and why, and that it's done fairly and without bias.

peace and harmony results when everyone is afraid

[or medicated]

even then it doesn't last long . . .

Posted: Sat 11 Jun 2011, 14:07
by alienjeff
Flash wrote:A well-thought-out policy with posted rules would just give vandals a fixed target, and be the source of constant carping by jailhouse lawyers.
Talk about easy targets. Sheesh. That post, though few in words, speaks volumes about its author and possibly the forum hierarchy. I'm sure of the former, but hope it's not the case with the latter.

Posted: Sat 11 Jun 2011, 14:43
by nooby
Flash wrote:A well-thought-out policy with posted rules would just give vandals a fixed target, and be the source of constant carping by jailhouse lawyers. :)
Now I've been active here only a few years but my experience is that Flash is right on the money.

That is exactly what would happen.

And re how the Puppy Forum is run?

That is totally up to John de Murga.

I am not aware of that he has promised that this is a democracy where we have one vote on how it should be run. John decide on that.

I don't always agree with how it is run but AFAIK that is how life is.

The Owner decide on how to run things.