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Posted: Mon 26 Apr 2010, 21:29
by runtt21
nooby ,One thing that you can do is rename the stuff the you have on the ibar. It's not hard but it will involve several steps .

If you can find a fix for you modem in the 4.3.1 bug thread or anywhere else on the forum just install it.

Posted: Mon 26 Apr 2010, 21:32
by runtt21
Today is a good day , we are back in the top 10 at Distrowatch !!!

left-handed mouse

Posted: Mon 26 Apr 2010, 21:57
by dolphinsupernova
Thanks runtt21, I shall give this a go on a fresh install later in the week, otherwise am very pleased with O2.

At the end of the day this issue is not a deal breaker as I shall probably install it on my ancient laptop anyway and not bother too much about the mouse config.


Posted: Tue 27 Apr 2010, 00:53
by runtt21

Posted: Tue 27 Apr 2010, 05:18
by omskates
Using xvesa with good x set up, booting acpi=force. Sets up a pup_save for me but either doesn't save settings or doesn't catch the pup_save on reboot. This happens with and without acpi=force. Do I need to change another boot parameter?
**EDIT** Solved, I'm OK now :D

Posted: Tue 27 Apr 2010, 07:08
by nooby
Thanks Runt
so the Swedish has to be some Enlightenment thing added free of charge. Even you did not do anything to make it there?

Anyway my 80 year old neighbor like the graphics.

Posted: Tue 27 Apr 2010, 07:22
by omskates
omskates wrote: I noticed the individual desktops are assigned 0,0 and 0,1 etc. Can I set specific applications to launch to only one desktop specifically assigned. Such as Opera opens on desktop 0,0 and switches to that desktop on launch. This is nice for small 10" screens etc.
I was messing around with configurations and found these:

Settings >> Windows >> Window Display >> *tick* "Auto switch to desktop of new window."

Place your chosen application onto the virtual desktop that will become it's permanent home. Maximize it and drag beyond any shelves if you wish. Right click title bar >> More >> Remember >> Advanced >> *tick* "Window name and class" >> *tick* "Virtual Desktop", "Fullscreen state" or "position & size" if not fullscreen >> Apply >> Close

Have the window settings open your browser fullscreen without borders on its own desktop to maximize screen real estate.

If you have a 10" screen or smaller you can add more virtual desktops with E17 and assign favorite apps to open in their home desktops either fullscreen or sharing with others in whatever size/position you want. Set shelves to autohide. Recommend launch specific shelves to be placed on sides.

Also if you have opened several small puppy apps at the same time (many don't need or use fullscreen at all) go to Main >> Windows >> Cleanup Windows and you get a smart arrangement.

Congrats and another mirror..

Posted: Tue 27 Apr 2010, 07:34
by russoodle
Hi Runtt, Prit..

Congratulations on another well-received release...nice to read that good review and see this pup on the up-and-up at Distrowatch - when i looked just now, it's at #6, with 1126 downloads just from there, so that must be pretty encouraging :D

Mirror for this tail-wagger: ... Opera2.iso + MD5 link, default image etc. on my Macpups page.

User: puppy and Password: linux required to d/l from my site, as usual.


Posted: Tue 27 Apr 2010, 12:27
by songzi
runtt21 wrote:dolphinsupernova try setting it in both puppy ( wizard wizard) and e17 menu/settings/settings panel/input/mouse settings.

omskates & songzi try using xvesa first, But I think you may need to boot it using acpi=force .
using xvesa works for me. thanks.
btw, I am booting directly from the usb stick. how can I set booting with acpi=force?

Posted: Tue 27 Apr 2010, 12:57
by nooby
songzi wrote:
btw, I am booting directly from the usb stick. how can I set booting with acpi=force?

You can while booted up click on the SDx icon to open it up.
Depending on which program that made it the boot program is lilo or grub lagacy or grub4DOS and you find a Dir there that says boot and in that one another saying grub and in that one you have menu.lst and it looks a bit like this
title Elive Normal Mode
kernel /boot/vmlinuz- boot=eli quiet vga=788 resolution acpi=force
initrd /boot/initrd.img-
If it is lilo or isolinux or some other you have to ask them if they also accept acpi=force

Posted: Tue 27 Apr 2010, 13:58
by songzi
Thanks, nooby. Will try it out.

Posted: Tue 27 Apr 2010, 16:23
by joel
Thanks runtt, It is always something simple isnt it, it is kinda funny. Thanks for checking about the trash module. It just seems such a basic module since a trash is always standard fare. Strange its not more supported, but thanks anyhow and let me know what you find out.

Posted: Tue 27 Apr 2010, 19:20
by cgt_1991
runtt21 Hi, I found this internet looking enna media center, if possible not to be installed in macpup-opera-2, you may miss eina but do not know if this version if you have or do not know if it is possible that eina macpup can be added on after installed.

oficial website:

Posted: Tue 27 Apr 2010, 21:25
by runtt21
Russoodle 1126 is the number of page hits that the macpup announcement page at distrowatch got yesterday . We past 1126 downloads in the first 18 hrs Saturday.

cgt_1991 I haven' tried to build enna but several people on the fourm have and where not successful.

Just to let everyone know all the extra stuff that I built for opera061 like exhibit ,ect will work in O2.

Posted: Tue 27 Apr 2010, 23:01
by russoodle
runtt21 wrote:Russoodle 1126 is the number of page hits that the macpup announcement page at distrowatch got yesterday . We past 1126 downloads in the first 18 hrs Saturday.
Yep, you're quite right and surely i knew that by now....just means that those grey cells upstairs took off somewhere without me again when i posted :oops:

Posted: Wed 28 Apr 2010, 01:27
by runtt21
Sorry Joel , I dont have the trash module.

Posted: Wed 28 Apr 2010, 07:19
by joel
Thanks for looking anyhow

Posted: Wed 28 Apr 2010, 08:46
by cthisbear
Last 7 days...Distrowatch

Rank > 4 Macpup 1260>


Posted: Wed 28 Apr 2010, 21:20
by runtt21
Thank you Chris, Any day in the top 5 is a great day for both Macpup and puppylinux. ... eview.html

Posted: Thu 29 Apr 2010, 02:56
by joel

well just an update, I was able to take the battery and cpu modules from your older e17 Opera .61. So there is two more modules.