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Posted: Sat 08 Jan 2011, 12:56
by sc0ttman
dejan555 wrote:
sc0ttman wrote:I added the 'rxvt -e' because on Puppy 4.2 (TurboPup/PuppyArcade/Puplite) vlc will not load up or play anything otherwise..
Oh I don't remember you had to use it.
Maybe I'm just being stupid, but that is the only way I got the no_gui vlcs to *show* anything on my 4.2s :oops:
(But I know nothing of the 'dummy' interface, etc...)
dejan555 wrote:
sc0ttman wrote:The code came from dejan555
That lousy Xdialog window with only few options :roll:
Yours is much more advanced.
:lol: haha, not trying to blame you for any problems, by the way...


Also, about the on screen controls if anyone wants to give it a go:

The trick is getting xdotool to find and attach itself to the right window, the rest is easy...

But I found different versions of xdotool behave/work differently..
..and none worked perfectly as far as I could tell, unless I was using it wrong!! ;)

Posted: Sat 08 Jan 2011, 13:05
by dejan555
Hmm, so you're using some kind of mouse/kbd emulation for controls, it emulates keyboard shortcuts on vlc output window or similar?

I was searching to find out more about it's dbus interface but couldn't find much info/or understand but I think it's not well maintained anymore.
Too bad they're focusing on qt frontends now.

Posted: Sat 08 Jan 2011, 13:17
by sc0ttman
dejan555 wrote:Hmm, so you're using some kind of mouse/kbd emulation for controls, it emulates keyboard shortcuts on vlc output window or similar?
Yes, when you click a button in the on-screen controls gui, it makes xdotool send a key command to the chosen vlc window (ctrl+right, etc)..

(vlc-gtk also supports 'RejoystickCC' - a tool of mine found in Puppy Arcade - so you can use your joypad to control vlc during playback :D
... but its a separate thing from xdotool)

Posted: Sat 08 Jan 2011, 14:12
by grimoire
ttuuxxx wrote:also way back in the beginning of vlc there was a gtk version, I don't know if it would be possible to update it to a newer base or not, but just an idea.
I've just remember the gtk version of vlc during the release of 4.2 it's kind a buggy, lacks of codecs and crashes when you use skins. :D

Posted: Mon 10 Jan 2011, 02:54
by BarryK
I have fixed vlc-gtk so that it now works nicely in Wary, including the control panel. I also made some improvements to the two scripts. Blog announcement:

I gave it version number 2.2.1, and I separated xdotool out to its own package.

This should work in all modern puppies, but only tested in Wary 5.0. I tried to put in special testing for older vlc versions, as my version 1.1.5 has some differences from the older PETs linked earlier in this thread.

So it will be interesting to see if my scripts work with the older vlc versions.

Note, I have put my initials "BK" where I have made changes in the scripts.

Posted: Mon 10 Jan 2011, 10:39
by sc0ttman
Hi Barry,

I tested your new vlc-gtk (2.2.1), only briefly, but it seems that it works fine in Puplite (4.2) as well...
I used vlc-0.8.6h_commandline (from ttuuxxx)..

I just installed the pet, haven't got time to look at the changes right now, but it integrate them into a slight update that I had already made, but not yet posted.
My update also enables on screen controls for DVD and VCD, and has better icons.


very annoyed

Posted: Sat 15 Jan 2011, 14:44
by caieng
This thread is intimidating, at least to me.

I installed Wary 5.0, without problem.

Then, the adventure began, two hours later, still no success, hence this message.

yes, I am annoyed.

Yes, I do not think that a distro as SLICK, and obviously EXCELLENT, as is Wary 5.0, should present these kinds of problems to a naive user.

YES, I did search, the forum, and BK's home pages, and,
YES, I did download ttuuxx's VLC "pet" package.

YES, I do observe VLC when I invoke the multimedia drop down menu.


NO. It does not work. After rebooting, I invoke SeaMonkey, my browser of choice by the way, I click on OGG or aaC+ or MP3 icons at
and VLC not only doesn't appear, it isn't even offered as a choice for the user to select.

Thinking that I have done something wrong, I next investigate SeaMonkey "Preferences", and discover that there too, VLC is not offered to the user.



two choices:

a. the logical choice, put VLC where it belongs, into the CDROM used for installation.
(and get rid of the utterly useless, currently extant, streaming audio players)

This is the method employed by my current default distribution: CrunchBang XFCE, as well as by other, less performant distros, like Ultimate LXDE.


b. If BK and the rest of the developers want to continue to compel the user to do the work, instead, by demanding download of VLC from a central repository of preconfigured packages, as this community so irritatingly calls "pup",
THEN PLEASE produce a single file (not hidden in the LUCID repository, for heaven's sake, how annoying do you suppose that is, to go to the WARY repository, and NOT find it, but instead, discover that it is sequestered anonymously in the WRONG location). This is the method employed by my plan B, aka PCLinuxOS LXDE, another first rate distro, which compels use of synaptic package manager, which works VERY WELL, in my experience.

The third method, i.e. the one employed by WARY at present, compelling the user to figure it out, is a FAILURE.

I have no idea what in the world these comments mean:
To me, this may as well be written in Sanskrit.

One ought not require a doctorate in linuxology to enjoy the excellent performance of VLC running on Wary.

If Wary can't permit a user to make a single mouse click (WORST case) to enable VLC, instead of compelling the user to watch helplessly as the wretched streaming audio players on the naked version of Wary, stumble and fumble around, then, WARY joins the other coasters, along with suse, fedora, lint, ubuntu, and the rest of the junk that parades about as having a head on their shoulders. Of course, in the BEST case, WARY 5.1 will incorporate VLC, into the CDROM installation disk, just like CrunchBang and Ultimate, thereby obviating a need for the user to waste his/her time on this foolishness.....I hope someone, (that's you BK!!!) has a REASON for excluding VLC. I sure don't want to read any nonsense about "keeping the size of Wary small enough to fit on the CDROM")


CAI ENG PIII, 1.1GHz, S3 video 1280 x 1024, SATA 150.

Posted: Sat 15 Jan 2011, 22:34
by Bert
I downloaded and installed the VLC announced on Barry's blog, including its dependancies.
Playing back audio and video from HD is working fine, but how do I enable watching internet video streams? When I click 'play' after entering the URL, nothing happens.
This is in Lucid Puppy 5.2, with Cjromium 10 as browser.
Do I need to install something else?

Posted: Sat 15 Jan 2011, 22:39
by trapster
Which url?

Posted: Sat 15 Jan 2011, 22:43
by Bert
trapster wrote:Which url?
No matter what url.
Do you have 1 url that works for you?
Thanks :wink:

Posted: Sat 15 Jan 2011, 23:00
by sc0ttman
Bert wrote:
trapster wrote:Which url?
No matter what url.
Do you have 1 url that works for you?
Thanks :wink:
Did you put the URL into the 'URL' entry on the streams tab?
Do the URLs given in the favourites list work for you?

Posted: Sat 15 Jan 2011, 23:01
by 01micko

Set VLC as the player in pupradio.. see if that works, it's just a collection of ordinary web streams in various formats. Maybe some formats are failing?
(not meaning to be off topic, just to make sure it's not a vlc issue)


type vlc <whatever/the/url/is/here> in a terminal


Posted: Sat 15 Jan 2011, 23:47
by Bert
sc0ttman wrote:Did you put the URL into the 'URL' entry on the streams tab?
Do the URLs given in the favourites list work for you?
Yes, URL put into Url entry
No, none of the favourites work.

Posted: Sat 15 Jan 2011, 23:55
by Bert
01micko wrote:Bert

Set VLC as the player in pupradio.. see if that works, it's just a collection of ordinary web streams in various formats. Maybe some formats are failing?
(not meaning to be off topic, just to make sure it's not a vlc issue)


type vlc <whatever/the/url/is/here> in a terminal

In Pupradio 6 out of 8 preset channels work in Mplayer, none in VCL
In PupTelly, 5 out of 8 preset channels work in Mplayer, none in VCL.

In terminal, I get this:

Posted: Sun 16 Jan 2011, 00:05
by trapster
try "vlc"

Posted: Sun 16 Jan 2011, 00:12
by Bert
trapster wrote:try "vlc"
Ooops, :oops:

Thanks for waking me up, it's past midnight here :wink:

This is the terminal I get now:

Posted: Sun 16 Jan 2011, 00:26
by 01micko
Ok Bert, when you wake up you may want to ditch that vlc and use one made for lupu ( I think I read you're in lupu), I just tested sc0ttman's vlc-gtk in spup with vlc I compiled and the urls from pupradio work.

sc0ttman, not all streams are http: :wink: , I just tried mms, no problems :)


Posted: Mon 17 Jan 2011, 17:42
by sc0ttman
01micko wrote:sc0ttman, not all streams are http: :wink: , I just tried mms, no problems :)

I actually used to watch a LOAD of Muay Thai, live from Bangkok, on free mms streams...

But I realised as soon as I saw you people chatting about mms streams that vlc-gtk only checks for http://
(but only to quick check for a url on startup.. )
It's not critical, it doesnt stop any functionality, but will be updated..

Posted: Mon 17 Jan 2011, 22:56
by ttuuxxx
Bert wrote:
trapster wrote:try "vlc"
Ooops, :oops:

Thanks for waking me up, it's past midnight here :wink:

This is the terminal I get now:
well vlc is not a html browser, that's web page not a media link, Please next time post the link, its easier to copy and paste than to enter it manually, :)
try this
First radio link on the left hand side.

this is the second link

This is the third link

This is the forth link

this is the fifth link

this is the sixth link

this is the seventh link

this is the eighth link

this is the ninth link

and finally the tenth link
vlc mms:// ... en_11.html <-- web page

Posted: Tue 18 Jan 2011, 01:00
by ttuuxxx
I just tested all the links I posted with puppy 5.2 and all are working 100% with
vlc gtk 2.2 ... h&id=35571
and ... combined