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Posted: Sun 02 Dec 2007, 20:44
by vg1
Here is a theme that makes jwm look almost like icewm:

Posted: Sun 02 Dec 2007, 20:47
by vg1
the screenshot got deleted
here it is:

Posted: Sun 02 Dec 2007, 20:51
by vg1
here's the code:

TITLE: JWM-Vu-darkgray2
JWM ver: v2.1 - mod by vg


<Font>DejaVu Sans 13:bold</Font>
<!-- <Title>lightsteelblue1:gray35</Title> -->














Posted: Sun 02 Dec 2007, 22:52
by trapster
Absolutely gorgeous!!!

Posted: Sun 09 Dec 2007, 12:05
by ttuuxxx
Wow you guys are doing some excellent work to jwm Hmmmm I might just drop icewm after all, well we'll see :)

Posted: Tue 11 Dec 2007, 18:40
by melvix
Now in Russian (PuppyRus)


Posted: Fri 11 Jan 2008, 11:29
by ttuuxxx
Ok I started messing around with one of the ones posted here, By the time I was finished it looked nothing like the original one which is good :) But unfortunately when I was finished I did the "fixmenus" thing and it reverted back to the original, luckily I was smart enough to save a backup version :) So here's my Question:
Q:How Can I make my theme default so it never reverts back to the original? Probably something easy. I'll include a picture of it :) Tell me what you thing, It will more then likely be the next release of "Fire Hydrant JWM edition":)

Ps the 2 "FIRE HYDRANT" menu items will be removed , that was just a testing thing i was doing.


Posted: Fri 11 Jan 2008, 12:46
by jcoder24

I like!!! Will u be packaging it when you're done (with rox theme and desktop icons included)? If not where can I find the desktop and rox icons you used?

Posted: Fri 11 Jan 2008, 13:12
by ttuuxxx
jcoder24 wrote:ttuuxxx:

I like!!! Will u be packaging it when you're done (with rox theme and desktop icons included)? If not where can I find the desktop and rox icons you used?
The quicks way of getting all those icons would be ripping them out of one one of my fire hydrant distros, probably the jwm version i think the last one was 3.01c from the JWM theme is new and not on that one, as for the rox theme, that is part of MU's/WhoDo joint venture thing, MU made the theme selector and WhoDo made a package with a lot of stuff in it:) here's a link ... 169#166169
but i will be posting a theme which i have in my head.:)

The EZgtk-themes which changes rox, I found I needed 2 other small packages to get it running on JWM. They were getdir & gtklist from ... mechooser/
Once Installed it works like a charm,
Also I Might release a pet package when finished with just about everything installed :)

Posted: Sat 12 Jan 2008, 00:26
by WhoDo
ttuuxxx wrote:The EZgtk-themes which changes rox, I found I needed 2 other small packages to get it running on JWM. They were getdir & gtklist from ... mechooser/
I've just uploaded a revised to our mirrors. It now includes getdir and Gtklist and will install them if they aren't already there.

Hope that helps.

Posted: Sun 20 Jan 2008, 22:17
by Ordo
Quick question... I want to use a .ttf font for my menus, how do I go about that? And what folder do my .ttf fonts need to be in for them to be globally recognized by the OS?


Posted: Mon 21 Jan 2008, 00:20
by Eyes-Only
Just a very quick observation here: LOVE the Firefox icon that you've done Tux! That is one super-sharp, ultra-deluxe, snazzy, Firefox icon! I dare say the very best one I've ever seen!

Two thumbs and a smile from ear-to-ear on that beauty!! :D



(P/s: Gee whiz! Sitting here re-reading the above? One might get the idea I was kinda smitten with that icon, huh? LOL!)

Posted: Mon 21 Jan 2008, 07:14
by WhoDo
Ordo wrote:Quick question... I want to use a .ttf font for my menus, how do I go about that? And what folder do my .ttf fonts need to be in for them to be globally recognized by the OS?
/root/.fonts (note the dot makes it a hidden directory so you need to click the eye icon on the toolbar to make it visible.

Menu fonts are controlled by your Window Manager. If you are using JWM I've no idea, but in IceWM it is set in /root/.icewm/preferences and prefoverride files.

Hope that helps.

Posted: Sat 26 Jan 2008, 06:18
by wingruntled
Since my original post I have updated this theme so the active menu and windows have white text instead of the blue that is was. It's a lot easier on the eyes. The attachment has been updated also.
Enjoy :)
This is a JWM theme that I got off of the DSL forums. I did a couple of changes to it so it should work in any puppy version that has JWM ver:2
It does have gradients and I added bold text to the menu for us old half blind folks. :roll:
<!-- Visual Styles -->
<!-- evil blue glow -->



<!-- Additional TrayStyle attribute: insert -->






Posted: Sat 26 Jan 2008, 10:52
by BarryK
ttuuxxx wrote:Ok I started messing around with one of the ones posted here, By the time I was finished it looked nothing like the original one which is good :) But unfortunately when I was finished I did the "fixmenus" thing and it reverted back to the original, luckily I was smart enough to save a backup version :) So here's my Question:
Q:How Can I make my theme default so it never reverts back to the original? Probably something easy. I'll include a picture of it :) Tell me what you thing, It will more then likely be the next release of "Fire Hydrant JWM edition":)
The fixmenus script recreates ~/.jwmrc from a template file at /etc/xdg/templates, which you could edit. However that may get overwritten at a version updrade.
best thing is to place a theme into ~/.jwm/themes.

Posted: Sun 27 Jan 2008, 02:53
by ttuuxxx
also found this site with dsl jwm themes ... 34;t=19504

also I would like to see a JWM menu button changer which is easy in theory, Basically you would have a folder where you store your buttons and a application similar to the puppy background changer where you can select from a thumbnail, actually since they are so small to start with it could be a full size picture, and you click set and it automatically resets jwm with the newly change button showing.

Posted: Mon 25 Feb 2008, 10:24
by melvix
This is my black-grey-white ascetic theme

Code: Select all

TITLE: Ascetic
AUTHOR: melviX
Created: 13/02/2008
Version: 0.1.0
Updates: none: first release.
JWM ver: 2.0



<Font>DejaVu Sans-12</Font>





<Font>DejaVu Sans-12:bold</Font>

<Font>DejaVu Sans-12:bold</Font>

<Font>DejaVu Sans-15:bold</Font>





<Font>DejaVu Sans-12:bold</Font>


      <Font>DejaVu Sans-12:bold</Font>


And adds in .jwmrc-tray

Code: Select all

<!-- Additional Swallow attribute: height -->
		<Swallow name="blinky">
			blinkydelayed -bg gray10

		<Swallow name="mini-volume.tcl">
			mini-volume.tcl -bg gray10 -mixer pvolume-mixer.tcl
		<Swallow name="freememapplet" width="48">
			<!-- freememappletdelayed -->

		<Swallow name="xload" width="32">
			xload -nolabel -bg gray10 -fg white -hl white

Posted: Mon 24 Mar 2008, 19:26
by stevenbinion
Very nice work guys, I may just change my mind about JWM. It'll never be XFCE4. But when you NEED the light window manager, It's nice to know that JWM can be dressed up. and ttuuxxx loved your fire hydrants..

Posted: Mon 14 Apr 2008, 19:50
by DrNaBl
Hi, this is my first theme for JWM, it's a clone of Xfce, but without the same icon (I've just used the ones in the pixmaps folder). So as you guess, we have a taskbar on the top and a kind of dock in the bottom. Hope you will enjoy ;):


Here is the package: ...
Your comments are welcomed :P.

PS: I'm French so my English is not so good, sorry for the mistakes :oops:

Posted: Wed 16 Apr 2008, 20:58
by Eyes-Only
Salut Cher DrNaBl!

C'est vraiment tres magnifique ce que tu as fait pour nous! Moi-meme, je n'utilise pas souvent JWM mais beaucoup d'autres ici l'use. Je le voudrias user plus avec le theme comme-ci car il est si unique, tu sais?

Eh bien... encore: C'est vraiment tres magnifique et tu as bien fait! Merci mille fois mon ami "Puppien"! ;)

Vive Puppy!

"L'Peau-Rouge d'Acadie"