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Posted: Thu 29 Nov 2007, 07:56
by paulh177
How do I get previously installed .pets to appear in the right-click menus?
For instance, I installed slapt-get/gslapt before installing this xfce. Running jwm it appears in "setup", but under xfce there's no menu-entry.


Posted: Thu 29 Nov 2007, 12:28
by Béèm
I was in the other OS (ahum) when posting and the picture wasn't available.
Here goes:

Posted: Thu 29 Nov 2007, 17:42
by macadavy
It looks like Panel 1 is less than 100% - if you do the same for Panel 2 (along the top) i.e. make it less than 100% and select placement in the middle top wouldn't this work to keep them from overlapping? Alternately you could select a right side vertical placement for Panel 2 - that would be really different! :wink: I don't know how it would show program names in that case and you'd have to change your Conky placement as well...

Posted: Thu 29 Nov 2007, 23:12
by Béèm
Thank you.
I looked in the panel mgr again and I understand the idea now.

I did put the panel with the open applications on the bottom now and the panel with the start and other applets vertically on the top right (as in the picture)

In this way there is no overlapping.

Have just to get used at another Windows system.

Posted: Thu 29 Nov 2007, 23:23
by floborg
Another issue:

I had Opera 9.23 installed (official pet) prior to loading this sfs. Now, whenever I start Opera, it is immediately killed just prior to launching the GUI. I have to wait for it to go through the lengthy startup sequence (I have a large cache and a few urlfilters), see it die before the GUI starts, and then quickly launch it again. If I wait too long, it will die again.

problem with panel size

Posted: Fri 30 Nov 2007, 18:59
by cf13
First of all JB4x4 thanks a lot for your work. :D

I have a little problem with the panel size. When I'm trying to lower the size, only the icons get smaller, not the panel itself.

Another thing is that the gtk-theme of puppy gets over the xfce theme. I noticed with firefox and the puppy menu list.

I also need a tip for xfce taskbar, when I open an applications the window in the taskbar appears in the left of a previously opened applications, and I want it to appear in the right, lilke in jwm or windows.

Also, I've noticed that installing with a pet package is maybe a little bit faster than with the .sfs. I have 128 ram and a good swap partition, and I also load openoffice .sfs. Anyone notice it too?

Posted: Fri 30 Nov 2007, 19:30
by Béèm
In fact I attached toe Xfce sfs to an installation where EZpup (icewm) was done (in the pup_safe)

In order to gain some free memory I un-installed the EZpup.
But now when I start, I am in JWM and I don't see how I can switch to the Xfce desktop.
However, the filemanager Tunar is there, as is the Mousepad.

I tried xwin startxfce, but to no avail.

How can I start Xfce?
(in fact before un-installing EZpup, I had to go in start an choose the option: Start Xfce, which brought me the desktop then.)

Posted: Fri 30 Nov 2007, 21:17
by seaside
Béèm wrote: I tried xwin startxfce, but to no avail.

How can I start Xfce?
(in fact before un-installing EZpup, I had to go in start an choose the option: Start Xfce, which brought me the desktop then.)

Try "xwin startxfce4"


Posted: Fri 30 Nov 2007, 22:04
by Béèm
Great seaside.
I tried xwin startxfce, but didn't know the 4 had to be added.

Re: problem with panel size

Posted: Fri 30 Nov 2007, 22:25
by floborg
cf13 wrote: I have a little problem with the panel size. When I'm trying to lower the size, only the icons get smaller, not the panel itself.
Me too, but I found that the fspace monitor was the problem. It's font prevents the whole panel from shrinking once it gets down to a certain size. At first, I just decreased the font size, but I found a better appraoch. Just find the file and delete the line that echos "Free." This way, it will just show the # of MB remaining and will allow you to shrink the panel.
I also need a tip for xfce taskbar, when I open an applications the window in the taskbar appears in the left of a previously opened applications, and I want it to appear in the right, lilke in jwm or windows.
You're not alone on this one.

Posted: Fri 30 Nov 2007, 23:30
by JB4x4
The order of the task bar puzzles me too. I have noticed on my own installation, some apps open to the right of existing ones and some left.

After some googling, it appears this is a known XFCE bug that hasn't been looked at much.


Posted: Tue 04 Dec 2007, 11:42
by JB4x4

Please see first post.


Re: problem with panel size

Posted: Tue 04 Dec 2007, 20:12
by polygonal
cf13 wrote:
Another thing is that the gtk-theme of puppy gets over the xfce theme. I noticed with firefox and the puppy menu list.
That happens to me, too. I cannot find a way to change the puppy default look of tabs, radio buttons, and drop-down list no matter what theme I tried to put on. None of the theme engines I tried did the trick, and the bitmap based themes change nothing at all. Does anyone know how to fix it?

Posted: Tue 04 Dec 2007, 22:06
by floborg
JB4x4 wrote:NEW UPDATES----

Please see first post.

They just released Xfce 4.4.2.

Posted: Wed 05 Dec 2007, 03:16
by JB4x4
As I saw... Just thought I should finish this version up, so I can apply what I've learned in the future :)

Posted: Wed 05 Dec 2007, 19:29
by Béèm
I can't download the 4.41d.sfs
I get some weird message from a netfirms site.
Is there another place to get that sfs?

Posted: Wed 05 Dec 2007, 19:42
by Caneri
I just checked it and seems ok now..I was overloaded for a bit this morning

oops..I see what you mean now...holdon...

ok..fixed. It will work now..sorry 'bout that.

Posted: Wed 05 Dec 2007, 22:37
by floborg
PROBLEM: You have a small monitor and use Opera's Fit to Width function all the time. The problem is that the default Xfce keyboard shortcuts map ctrl+F11 to the selection of workspace #11. Who has that many workspaces?

SOLUTION: Add a new keyboard shortcut profile (Settings => Window Manager Settings => Keyboard Tab). The new one will start with all of the default mappings. Scoll down to Workspace 11. Double-click the entry and select No Shortcut on the dialogue that pops up. You can now use ctrl+F11 to take advantage of Opera's Fit to Width shortcut. Do the same for any other mappings that conflict with the shortcuts of your apps.

Posted: Wed 05 Dec 2007, 22:41
by Béèm
Thanks Caneri, downloading now.

Posted: Sun 09 Dec 2007, 21:50
by floborg
How do I get the panel/desktop to cover up the little gray square in the lower, right-hand corner of the screen?