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Posted: Fri 11 Nov 2005, 19:14
by lefty_crupps
should this be changed for wireless?
#Set the static IP address
ifconfig eth1 netmask broadcast up
to wlan0 instead of eth1?

Also, why is it that there are no loopback "lo wireless extensions" when I type "iwconfig" [enter]. Is this an issue?

Posted: Fri 11 Nov 2005, 20:10
by rarsa
lefty_crupps wrote:should this be changed for wireless?
Yes, check my parenthesis indicating that you should use the parameters appropriate to your network.

Not all wireless are wlan0, my wireless is identified as eth1 by the orinoco_cs driver. My other wireless that uses RT2500 drivers is identified as ra0.

If you are using 128 bit WEP you can in fact use iwconfig ... 02597.html
I still can't get this part (#4, above) to work at boot time (when i added those lines to rc.local they don't seem to work).
Please attach your rc.local file to your next post (of course, cloacking your wep key)

Posted: Fri 11 Nov 2005, 20:12
by rarsa
peppyy wrote:Could those configurations be managed in the WAG profiles to simplify things?
Right now I am studying all the networking efforts: Ethernet wizard, WAG, Blade Hunter's ndiswrapper, Black addler's driver packages, tempestuous work, etc.

I was about to formally start a Network wizard project that would get the sinergy from all the great work that has already been done.

I think that users should have a single wizard/configuration interface for all their networking configurations.

As with other projects The functionallity will be incremental and will depend on the availability of testing volunteers. Wait for the anouncement.

Posted: Fri 11 Nov 2005, 20:41
by Guest
I'll look into using the WEP with iwconfig, thanks for the link.

My rc.local file is thus:

Code: Select all

swapon /mnt/home/puppyswap.swp
ndiswrapper -i XXXXX.inf
ndiswrapper -l
modprobe ndiswrapper
iwconfig wlan0 essid "XXXX" mode Managed channel 6
dhcpcd -t 20 -h puppypc wlan0
(that swap file line might be a bit different, its the only thing that I don't have access to right now. The rest of my lines are in my gmail for research/access away from this laptop, like right now for example)

should i have a line that says "ndiswrapper -m"? I saw that one somewhere but I'm not sure its function.

Posted: Fri 11 Nov 2005, 20:43
by lefty_crupps
aarg, that last post was me (lefty_crupps) but it was posted as guest. sorry.

Posted: Fri 11 Nov 2005, 20:54
by rarsa
lefty-crups wrote:

Code: Select all

ndiswrapper -i XXXXX.inf 
ndiswrapper -l 
modprobe ndiswrapper
I think that only need to execute those three lines once, not everytime you boot. I'm not 100% sure.

In any case, try calling depmod -ae before the modprobe.

Posted: Fri 11 Nov 2005, 20:56
by lefty_crupps
Yeah, I was told that they only needed to be run once, but they're still in the file until I can verify that they don't need to be run. If i recall correctly, I had to run them after my first reboot to get the card working, so I figured I would be safer to run them always. If I don't need to, I'll take 'em out.

No, it seems that unless i leave them in there, the card isn't powered up. so i will just leave them, for now at least. its not hurting anything.

Posted: Sat 12 Nov 2005, 21:07
by Guest
My latest attempts to use wpa_supplicant with the wait option and eapol_version=2 resulted in the following:

Reading configuration file '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf'
Line: 268 - start of a new network block
ssid - hexdump_ascii(len=6):
64 69 61 6e 65 64 dianed
scan_ssid=0 (0x0)
proto: 0x1
key_mgmt: 0x2
pairwise: 0x8
PSK - hexdump(len=32): [REMOVED]
Line 277: removed CCMP from group cipher list since it was not allowed for pairw ise cipher
Priority group 0
id=0 ssid='dianed'
Initializing interface (2) 'eth0'
EAP: EAP entering state DISABLED
EAPOL: External notification - portEnabled=0
EAPOL: External notification - portValid=0
wpa_driver_ipw_init is called
Own MAC address: 00:12:f0:0b:dd:0a
wpa_driver_ipw_set_wpa: enabled=1
wpa_driver_ipw_set_key: alg=none key_idx=0 set_tx=0 seq_len=0 key_len=0
wpa_driver_ipw_set_key: alg=none key_idx=1 set_tx=0 seq_len=0 key_len=0
wpa_driver_ipw_set_key: alg=none key_idx=2 set_tx=0 seq_len=0 key_len=0
wpa_driver_ipw_set_key: alg=none key_idx=3 set_tx=0 seq_len=0 key_len=0
wpa_driver_ipw_set_countermeasures: enabled=0
wpa_driver_ipw_set_drop_unencrypted: enabled=1
Setting scan request: 0 sec 100000 usec

I still can't get dhcpcd to run. Using static IP I get a little further but can't connect to the internet. SSID is turned on and I doublechecked the hex passphrase.


Posted: Sun 13 Nov 2005, 01:53
by lefty_crupps
OK I now have the laptop at its destination, after successfully working it at my home apartment on an unrestricted network.

This one has two issues that I cannot get around: WEP Encryption and an ESSID "6778 4321" (yes there is a SPACE in it!!!)

I have tried everything that I can think of, and researched this a bunch. I want it to work so I can be done with this machine!

I type:

Code: Select all

# iwconfig wlan0 essid "6778 4321" mode Managed channel 6 key 1234-1234-1234-1234-1234-1234-12
I've tried the SSID with double-quotes, single-quotes, quote-apostrophy-essid-apostrophy-quote, using an under_score instead of the space, no space or underscore at all... and all other combos that i can think of around the essid. Doesn't seem to want to connect in any way that I can see.


The other issue is the WEP 26-char hex key. No matter how I do THAT part, I get the error:

Code: Select all

# iwconfig wlan0 essid "6778 4321" mode Managed channel 6 key 1234-1234-1234-1234-1234-1234-12

Code: Select all

Error for wireless request "set Encode" (8B2A) :
     SET failed on device wlan0 ; Invalid argument.
I've tried using "enc" instead of "key" and I tried adding "restricted" and "restricted [1]" and "open" following the word "key " (per the man iwconfig website) (all these added words are w/o "quote marks"), tried it without the hyphens, with and without quote marks there... but I cannot get past this error! AARG!

phew. I don't know if there are individual errors or related to one another, although they're both iwconfig related...

Anyone have any suggestions for me? please?


Posted: Sun 13 Nov 2005, 03:51
by rarsa
have you tried 64 bit encryption first?
Or using an ASCII key instead of an Hex key?

Posted: Sun 13 Nov 2005, 18:09
by lefty_crupps
no, rarsa, i've not tried 64 bit, because the wireless is already set up. we don't know an ascii code. we might have to change it, huh? I'll give that some thought and float it by the owners...

until then... any other ideas out there?

Posted: Mon 14 Nov 2005, 06:21
by tempestuous
When using iwconfig to add encryption, be sure that there are no hyphens or any other non-hexadecimal characters between the characters of the key.

The space in the SSID should be OK, as long as you use either single-quotation marks or double-quotation marks.

Posted: Mon 14 Nov 2005, 15:07
by Guest
tempestuous, I've tried that, and its still giving me this error:
Error for wireless request "set Encode" (8B2A) :
SET failed on device wlan0 ; Invalid argument.

I'm going to try resetting the whole network tonight with a new ssid and a shorter encryption key...

Should I be using the WAG or Wifi-Beta to set all of this up? My first two attempts at using the produced script (as called by putting ". /ect/rc.d/rc.wireless" in my rc.local file) created Bootup Errors and I had to go in with a live CD to fix it (aka comment out the rc.wireless line in rc.local to avoid the script). I don't want to be playing with that anymore, and the WAG seems to be either beta or just too much for my Pent2 machine.

Thanks again....

Posted: Mon 14 Nov 2005, 15:40
by keenerd
WAG isn't for setting up a driver. It is for connecting to a wide variety of networks. I travel a fair bit, and I made WAG so I could quickly get a connection wherever I was.

If you don't have drivers, you can't use WAG. If you can't connect to a network through the console, using WAG is iffy at best.

The wifi-beta package is a set of precompiled ndiswrappers. It might work, but I prefer tempestuous's set of drivers.

Posted: Mon 14 Nov 2005, 19:46
by lefty_crupps
i've got the pcmcia card up using ndiswrapper and the xp drivers, so the card is up and working on a dhcp, un-encrypted network. its moving from that into the 128bit hex encryption with an ssid-with-a-space-in-the-name that I'm having trouble.

I understand that WAG is used for setting up profiles, but I thought that the script might help set up this wireless profile. It doesn't want to boot past the script, though, so I had to disable the ". /etc/rc.d/wireless.conf" in my rc.local file. It seems that the current setup of that script is hampering my bootup, to the point that i need to boot with a live cd to fix it (comment it out).

thanks all for the help so far...

USB Motorola WU830G driver

Posted: Tue 13 Dec 2005, 16:58
by dickb411
Having no idea what I'm doing but trying to learn, I'm looking for drivers or suggestions for using this usb network adapter with Puppy 1.0.5. I'm running on a laptop with a cruzer micro for storage.

Any help would be appreciated.


Posted: Tue 13 Dec 2005, 17:44
by rarsa
We need to know the Brand, Model and version of the network card you are using. The correct drivers and setup will depend on that information.

Wireless USB Motorola WU830G Adapter

Posted: Tue 13 Dec 2005, 18:57
by dickb411
I am trying to figure out how to connect my laptop using this adapter. I don't quite understand the available information.

I am loading off a Cruzer Micro...should I try to put perl and use perl from this? How??

Any help would be appreciated.


Re: Wireless USB Motorola WU830G Adapter

Posted: Tue 13 Dec 2005, 21:28
by rarsa
dickb411 wrote:I am trying to figure out how to connect my laptop using this adapter. I don't quite understand the available information.
The brand, Model and version of the adapter should be printed on the adapter or on a label on the adapter or on the box where the adapter came or on the manual that came with the adapter.
dickb411 wrote:I am loading off a Cruzer Micro...should I try to put perl and use perl from this? How??
The information about the Cruzer Micro is irrelevant. That has nothing to do with the network. Before we can help you to configure the adapter we need to know what kind of adapter you have.

wireless adapter Motorola WU830U

Posted: Tue 13 Dec 2005, 23:41
by Guest
Thanks for the response.

Motorola WU 830G
Driver version:
I believe the driver is provided to Motorola by Envara
