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nolist in jwmrc

Posted: Mon 10 Mar 2008, 10:01
by nutts4life
Hi there,

Has anybody found a solution to HarryWill's .jwmrc option to stop wbar appearing in the tray?

I've tried all kinds of formats and positions of:


in the .jwmrc file and the wbar entry still appears in my tray.
Has anybody managed to stop this appearing?

I have a feeling it's not working becuase the app is being started from the .jwmrc file itself.



Posted: Mon 10 Mar 2008, 17:01
by prit1
Where do you have the wbar stuff? Is it in .xinitrc, or .jwmrc-tray or .jwmrc?

Anyway, just have it in only one place and try using

Code: Select all

wbar -pos top &
instead of

Code: Select all

wbar -above-desk -pos top &
It worked for me when I removed the -above-desk.

Posted: Tue 11 Mar 2008, 11:17
by nutts4life
I've got the script in .jwmrc-tray and it has -above-desk in the call.

I was under the impression that the -above-desk is essential to keeping the wbar start ontop of the ROX pinboard.

so where is your call? Is it also in .jwmrc-tray?

do you every lose the focus of wbar with -above-desk left out?

do you have the nolist option in your .jwmrc as well?

thanks for your help,


Posted: Tue 11 Mar 2008, 17:07
by prit1
My script is just before the minixcal in the .jwmrc-tray. I didnt have to do anything else.

Code: Select all

      <Swallow name="wbar">
            killall wbar ; wbar -pos top &

The wbar does not lose focus at any time. You can see other wbar options by doing wbar -help from the console.

Yesterday I was playing around with different options and now my wbar looks even better - no border, bigger icons, larger icon spacing, closer to the window border. And using the dummy tray mentioned earlier in this thread, we can prevent other windows from overlapping the wbar.

Posted: Thu 13 Mar 2008, 15:11
by prit1
I thought I will explain the different options I tried with wbar and how I could get the setup as in the screenshot shown below.

This is my current wbar setup: This does just before minixcal in the .jwmrc-tray

Code: Select all

<Swallow name="wbar"> 
killall wbar; sleep 4; wbar -jumpf 0 -pos top -nanim 3 -zoomf 1.8 -idist 10 -isize 38 -bpress -balfa 0  &

jumpf 0 - icons zoom in the downward direction (1 would reverse this)
nanim 3 - number of animated icons. I didnt understand this fully, but I noticed that this helps the wbar from getting elongated too much horizontally.
zoomf 1.8 - the zoom factor for the icons
idist 10 - just to increase icon spacing
isize 38 - to increase icon sizes
bpress - to show icons being clicked when you click on them
balfa 0 - this makes the border disappear.

You can get all the available options by doing wbar -help in the console.

One other interesting thing, is to add a dummy jwm tray if you are using jwm. Using this, other windows will not overlap the wbar.

Code: Select all

<Tray  autohide="false" insert="right" x="500" y="90" border="0" height="1" width="1" >
I got all this information from this thread, by doing wbar -help and from Rhino's MyPup. :)

Here is the screenshot.

Posted: Fri 14 Mar 2008, 04:15
by Eyes-Only
@Prit1: These options are really terrific!! I never would've given it a second thought that wbar could've done all these fabulous things until I read the above post by you and then saw your fantastic screenie in the screenshot thread. Truly remarkable! 8)

Thanks so very much for posting all of the above per my request in the other thread---I really appreciate this more than you'll ever know. I've been really thankful for having wbar as it's made my computer work a lot easier for me. Now with these settings? Far more stunning as well.

Thank you once again Prit1!

Amicalement/In Friendship,


Posted: Fri 14 Mar 2008, 05:18
by prit1

Am glad this helps you. Even I really love the wbar. Thanks should go to the folks on this thread who revealed this application and provided all the required information.

The only thing I am yet to make out is how to make wbar appear automatically on startup. Right now, I have to click on the desktop for the wbar to appear.

Anyone knows how to do this?

Posted: Fri 14 Mar 2008, 06:16
by ttuuxxx
prit1 wrote:@Eyes-only:

Am glad this helps you. Even I really love the wbar. Thanks should go to the folks on this thread who revealed this application and provided all the required information.

The only thing I am yet to make out is how to make wbar appear automatically on startup. Right now, I have to click on the desktop for the wbar to appear.

Anyone knows how to do this?
Hi Prit1,I had it working in icewm by placing these lines

<Swallow name="wbar">
wbar -pos top &

in the /root/.icewm/startup about mid way and worked for me that way

Posted: Fri 14 Mar 2008, 15:11
by prit1
Thanks Ttuuxxx. I will try this. If I remember, I was trying to use the startup script and it kept hanging my system. I will try again. :)

Posted: Fri 14 Mar 2008, 21:13
by Eyes-Only
Hi Prit1,

In all of my "starticewm" files (I have 5 distros installed and use IceWM on each) in "/usr/bin" I have the following line now placed in the coding:

Code: Select all

sleep 1 ; wbar -above-desk -bpress -balfa 0 &
...and wbar starts up just fine. You may want to add the "-pos top" parameter in there somewhere though if you want wbar on top. I run mine on the bottom as I have a "fake gnome-look" to my IceWM in most cases.

Depending upon your processor speed as well you may want to change the "sleep" parameter to make it either 2 or 3, depending upon whether wbar gives you just an iconic menu, or comes up in a windowed background. You'll see what I mean I think. ;)

I start wbar this way in about all of my window managers or desktop environments (I run a lot of different ones), along with a lot of other programmes that run for me in the background, like conky, numlockx, ROX pinboard/desktop (when outside of Puppy), etc.

I hope this has helped?



Posted: Fri 14 Mar 2008, 21:30
by prit1
@Eyes-only: I will give this a try. Is this the same in JWM also? I understand the wbar commands and options, but just the location of where it should be invoked from.

Posted: Fri 14 Mar 2008, 22:06
by Eyes-Only
Hi Prit1,

Well... unfortunately in Puppy there's no real "startjwm" file. :( Myself, I seldom ever use JWM, instead preferring IceWM, KDE, or Fluxbox over JWM anyday.

Now in Puppy, unlike most other distros which install and use JWM, Barry has placed the window manager in "/usr/X11R7/bin/" it would seem (someone correct me if I'm wrong, please?), so it would be a case of going in there and making a simplified "startjwm" file which points to JWM which holds all these start up commands that you have.

If you do this, however, then you'd have to remember that the way to restart JWM would no longer be "xwin JWM" but instead "xwin startjwm", see what I mean Prit1?

So someone else here must have an easier way as I'm known for taking the "most unconventional route" whenever I do something. :( But then and again, I work with a lot of other distros besides Puppy which I fix over for my own use as well and this is basically how I have the "startjwm" on my other distros.

Sorry if I'm now not much help and have compounded and confused the issue.



Posted: Fri 14 Mar 2008, 22:12
by Eyes-Only
Here Prit, this is an example (and for anyone else who's interested) of what I have in my "startjwm" file in Linux Mint Daryna 4.0. This file is found in "/usr/bin" and after being made is set to "executable" as it's a script file:

Code: Select all

#File made by Eyes-Only as a hack to start screensaver, numberlock, and lefthanded mouse in Linux Mint.
#November 27, 2007

if [ -f /root/ ];then
 #this is created by /usr/bin/gxsetshell...
 eval "/root/"

rox -p /root/.config/

numlockx &
southpaw &
conky &
wbar -above-desk -pos top -bpress -balfa 0 &

exec /usr/bin/jwm
Of course, to those who've coded for Puppy some of that will look mightily familiar. But Puppy is where I teethed. LOL!



Posted: Fri 14 Mar 2008, 22:16
by prit1

When I was using -above-desk as a wbar option in JWM, I get WBAR on the task list. To remove this I stopped using this option.

Dont you see this on your task list?

Posted: Fri 14 Mar 2008, 23:18
by Eyes-Only
Sorry it took me a bit to reply here as I was off in another section and forgot I had email Prit. :oops:

It's been awhile since I've used JWM so I'm trying to think... I've never used wbar in Puppy with JWM so I couldn't say, I only use it with IceWM, KDE, and Fluxbox in Puppy, sorry.

Seems so the last time I used it in Linux Mint I didn't get wbar showing on the taskbar---but I DID get conky showing there, which perplexed the life out of me because I have the taskbar setting turned off in the conky configuration file like Pizza showed a long time ago. But no, I don't seem to recall wbar showing in Linux Mint. Of course, we're comparing two different distros here, so just because it didn't show in Mint doesn't mean it shouldn't show in Puppy and need yet another way to be hidden, see what I mean? (Phew! My English is bad tonight I think!)

I hope this somehow helped?



Posted: Sun 16 Mar 2008, 19:58
by magerlab
i installed a version from gslapt it comes with
very nice icons
it works fine and i put it into MU -autostart programm
the only thing i don't like that wbar starts before backgruond is set
so it has black background
is there a way to avoid this?

Posted: Sun 16 Mar 2008, 20:11
by trapster
you can always start it from .xinitrc right before


Code: Select all

sleep 3 ; wbar -above-desk -pos top -balfa 0 &
sleep 3 ; /usr/local/bin/remind &
#v2.11 GuestToo suggested this improvement...
[ -x $CURRENTWM ] && exec $CURRENTWM
exec jwm


Posted: Fri 25 Apr 2008, 00:45
by Meshica7
Hello folks!

Please excuse my lack of Linux knowledge,but I would like to get the bar running on my machine and have not a clue on how to start it.I downloaded the tar and extracted it to my documents folder but have no idea of how to start the program! A walk through would be greatley appreciated. :D



Posted: Sun 04 May 2008, 20:56
by Wolf Pup
Made wbar into a .pet package (overwrites any .wbar in /root , so backup if you dont.)
Needs imlib2 to work.

Posted: Mon 05 May 2008, 20:37
by Eyes-Only
Wow! This is GREAT Wolfpup! Thanks for making this a lot easier for many of us! Thumbs up!

