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Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2007, 18:32
by Dougal
cb88 wrote:it has pci express and the intel video chip is or should be disabled
xorg crashes xvesa doesn't but i have no 3d accelleration it claims that the xorg.conf file is incomplete.
2.14 does the same thing.
Have you got a nVidia card with a TV-out?

Someone mentioned on this forum that in such a case Xorg expects two screen sections.

In your case, the xorg.conf file has the following section:

Code: Select all

Section "ServerLayout"
	Identifier     " Configured"
	Screen      0  "Screen0" 0 0
	Screen      1  "Screen1" RightOf "Screen0"
	InputDevice    "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
	InputDevice    "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
but there is no "Screen1" section later on...

I'd suggest you try and just remove the "Screen1" line from the above (line 81) and see if it works. If not, you might have to create a Screen1 section.

If just removing the "Screen1" line works, please let me know so I'll adjust the xorgwizard appropriately.

Also, you have the "Monitor1" section (lines 118-122), which might need removing.

You also have entries for two cards, nVidia GeForce 6200 and an Intel 945G integrated controller, which might cause problems... if so, try and remove lines 148-168.

I'm including a modified xorgwizard that should leave all those part out, in case you want to try it, but be sure to try it when booting with pfix=ram (boot into Xvesa, put this modified wizard into /usr/sbin, then run "Xorg Video Wizard" from the setup menu), since if it doesn't work selecting "xvesa" in this wizard won't do anything...

Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2007, 20:30
by cb88
could you put in an option to select the card to use if more than on are present and will video out work or does that need something more?
might not test it till later.

Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2007, 21:52
by jeffrey
Further to my problem with country selection throwing a blank line and waiting silently for Enter to be pressed, I got exactly the same result on an Asus PC (as well as the Acer PC and Acer laptop already tested on). I've tried simply pressing Enter whil the defauly "other" is selected and also tried selecting NZ and pressing Enter. In each case it waits for another Enter before proceeding.

On saving to disk (no encryption) and restarting it failed to load the desktop and displayed an error dialog "Attempt to read an XML file as a text file. File '/root/Choices/ROX-Filer/globicons' may be corrupted." every time rox was run or new directories opened in rox.

On a subsequent clean save to disk this did not occur (thankfully) but the Boot Manager started all by itself (and I don't think that it's supposed to). Strange.

Printer Wizard fails with "Usage for Xdialog window displayed". This menu item should probably be removed because it is superceded by CUPS Printer Wizard, which should simply be renamed "Printer Wizard". The first dialog box (purple background) claims that the printer wizard will
start in 3-30s. Make that 80-90s for me! What ever is it doing? I can open SeaMonkey in 10s, type "localhost:631" in a few seconds, and get the printer wizard up an running. 90s is too llooonnnnggggg! (500MHz CPU.)
Apart from these gripes, CUPS is wonderful - thank you Barry - I can now print on my HL2040 too without having to install extra packages (which I think is important for any Linux distribution).

The serial modem was detected fine on ttyS0 with /dev/modem linked to ttyS0. I got PupDial to work once I figured out that the modem command string needs a space between each individual command unlike gtkdial which doesn't have spaces embedded in the string. Nice GUI but I like the way that gtkdial stays present so that I can disconnect the modem. Perhaps your PupDial has the same feature and I just missed it. Ideally one would use a right mouse click on blinky to perform the disconnection. And an active/disabled firewall icon in the system tray would be great too, but those can be new features for a future release.

In conclusion this looks like a noble effort but a flakey release to me.

By the way I checked the md5sum before burning the iso to CD.. Don't know how to check it once it's burnt. Perhaps I'll burn another copy just to check that there's not something wrong with the first burn. Assume that there wasn't unless you hear from me...

Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2007, 00:01
by BarryK
jcoder24 wrote:1) Is it the intention to have both printing system available?
2) If so which one is set to be the default one?
3) How can one switch between the two systems?
That was an error in the Wizard Wizard, as PDQ is no longer there.
I don't think can have both, or rather can, but would have to switch the 'lpr' utility. CUPS has its own lpr, PDQ has lpr as a symlink.
I think though, now that we have migrated to CUPS, there's not much point in switching between them. In future, we will be compiling some apps to specifically use CUPS for printing, so won't be compatible with PDQ.

Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2007, 00:02
by Jesse
Hi Barry,

I also have the boot time problem at the "select your country" dialog.
I scroll down to NZ, option 60, and press enter once and it looks like the selection gets accepted, but nothing happens till I press enter for a second time.

If I choose Australia-west, I only need to press enter once and it continues loading.

I am booting on a computer that only has a cd/dvd drive, no hard disks in it at the moment.

Is it concieveable that hardware detection can indicate presence of a modem (in as-good-as all boot-time cases), so as to know if to ask for a country name?

Is it a good/bad idea to make an assumption about keyboard layout based on the keyboard id string, e.g. is "AT Translated Set 2 keyboard" always a us-keyboard layout?

I notice puppyserialdetect is run after the choose country screen, if you use my edition 1.1g, with -ke option and save the output, you'll have easy access to the keyboard string.


Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2007, 00:11
by BarryK
jeffrey wrote:The serial modem was detected fine on ttyS0 with /dev/modem linked to ttyS0. I got PupDial to work once I figured out that the modem command string needs a space between each individual command unlike gtkdial which doesn't have spaces embedded in the string. Nice GUI but I like the way that gtkdial stays present so that I can disconnect the modem. Perhaps your PupDial has the same feature and I just missed it. Ideally one would use a right mouse click on blinky to perform the disconnection. And an active/disabled firewall icon in the system tray would be great too, but those can be new features for a future release.
Spaces are not supposed to make any difference, at least, that's my understanding. I have used PupDial without any spaces in the init2 string, worked fine. Can you recheck that?

Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2007, 00:22
by BarryK
Jesse wrote:Hi Barry,

I also have the boot time problem at the "select your country" dialog.
I scroll down to NZ, option 60, and press enter once and it looks like the selection gets accepted, but nothing happens till I press enter for a second time.

If I choose Australia-west, I only need to press enter once and it continues loading.

I am booting on a computer that only has a cd/dvd drive, no hard disks in it at the moment.

Is it concieveable that hardware detection can indicate presence of a modem (in as-good-as all boot-time cases), so as to know if to ask for a country name?

Is it a good/bad idea to make an assumption about keyboard layout based on the keyboard id string, e.g. is "AT Translated Set 2 keyboard" always a us-keyboard layout?

I notice puppyserialdetect is run after the choose country screen, if you use my edition 1.1g, with -ke option and save the output, you'll have easy access to the keyboard string.

Jesse, ah ha, your test comparing australia-west is the hint I need to fix that one!

If a modem is detected, the country that you chose in the dialog will be applied to it -- each modem is different though, so it happens in different ways. Some modems only support a subset of the countries.

If we an automatically detect a US keyboard, that will be great. Currently, if you choose say Germany, then the German locale and keyboard are applied. However, US personell working in Germany might not be too happy with that! So, by detecting the US keyboard, we can pop up an extra question, "you can chosen a German locale but probe indicates US keyboard, do you want to choose German or US keyboard?: ".

Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2007, 00:32
by Getnikar
BarryK wrote:Regarding lost clipboard info, I think it was Glipper that kept it persistent, but I had to get rid of Glipper.

I am finding Glipper extremely useful in 2.16. Will there be an equivalent in 2.18?

Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2007, 00:44
by Jesse
Hmm, perhaps we can take a lesson from the windows installer on this one.
It does as much auto-detection as possible, then presents a one page confirmation showing the choices, so with a country selection there could be as many auto selected options as:
keyboard layout,
modem country settings,
puppy language (if puppy gets that far, menu/desktop icon names in that language). Perhaps with a kernel boot option puppy-language=x to set a default to be able to "regionize" an iso.

Such that if you're not using a modem, not connecting to the net, not using keyboard for typing, and not worried about those settings. You can just hit enter once to accept all those detected defaults and get into puppy to play "Tkmines minesweeper" :)

I think if you ask too many questions at boot up, it'll delay it too much for people to be keen to use it.
Just my 2c for the moment :)


Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2007, 01:14
by zygo
I have not had a hd connected while 2.17 was booting. Only files on the CD were (and are) accessible between power on and the desktop showing.

Straight after boot wvdial.conf has 'Modem = ttyS0' but I got the 'no modem found' error when using wvdial from the command line. Usng pupdial always seems to correct this fault -- ie the path is in the string after pupdial closes.

I find that I can connect with 'Baud = 57600' but ppp never starts (according to xnetload) and I get an error about ppp dying error code 16. It seems I need 'Baud = 115200' which is set after the scan button is clicked. In init string 2; spaces seem to be irrelevant and I can even apend M0 for squak-free dialup.

Help refers to cutecom but wouldn't the already installed picocom do the job?

I have a usb numeric pad connected as well as a ps2 full (en-GB) keyboard. I can select (uk) from the locale menu at boot using either using page_down and down keys.

Also my usb-controlled fm radio has a module loaded by the kernel acording to PupScan:
Manufacturer=GemTek Corp
Product=USB FM Radio
VendorID=04b4 ProductID=1002 KERNEL-MODULE=dsbr100
It seems from an internet search that only an xmms plugin called fmradio supports it. There has been a /usr/local/bin/fmradioshell script in puppy for a while -- it checks for the videodev module then runs fmradio. But there doesn't seem to be a current pet version of xmms.

I wish you'd keep dillo in. For help pages; not being able to copy is a pain but it is tiny.

Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2007, 01:37
by kirk
could you run
# lspci -m -n
Yes, I have given rt73 first-go at loading. Need to find out the exceptions to load rt2570 instead.
Posted this last night, must not have taken. Anyway, after booting 217a with a rt2570 plugged in (rt73 driver loaded):

# lspci -m -n
00:00.0 "Class 0600" "8086" "2590" -r03 "2590" "0182"
00:01.0 "Class 0604" "8086" "2591" -r03 "" ""
00:1c.0 "Class 0604" "8086" "2660" -r03 "" ""
00:1d.0 "Class 0c03" "8086" "2658" -r03 "2658" "0182"
00:1d.1 "Class 0c03" "8086" "2659" -r03 "2659" "0182"
00:1d.2 "Class 0c03" "8086" "265a" -r03 "265a" "0182"
00:1d.3 "Class 0c03" "8086" "265b" -r03 "265b" "0182"
00:1d.7 "Class 0c03" "8086" "265c" -r03 -p20 "265c" "0182"
00:1e.0 "Class 0604" "8086" "2448" -rd3 -p01 "" ""
00:1e.2 "Class 0401" "8086" "266e" -r03 "266e" "0182"
00:1e.3 "Class 0703" "8086" "266d" -r03 "266d" "5423"
00:1f.0 "Class 0601" "8086" "2641" -r03 "2641" "0182"
00:1f.2 "Class 0101" "8086" "2653" -r03 -p80 "2653" "0182"
01:00.0 "Class 0300" "1002" "5460" "5460" "2006"
02:00.0 "Class 0200" "14e4" "1677" -r01 "1677" "0182"
03:01.0 "Class 0607" "104c" "8036" "8036" "0182"
03:01.5 "Class 0780" "104c" "8038" "8038" "0182"
03:03.0 "Class 0280" "8086" "4220" -r05 "4220" "2721"
I have no idea what to do about the bcm43xx module. Use Ndiswrapper :)
Not that desperate yet! :lol: If I can get some time with my wife's laptop (computer) I'll see what I can figure out.

As far as encrypted pup_saves, It's broke and I don't know why. I made a new encrypted pup_save in 217a. Won't take the password on reboot. Looks like a losetup problem. It errors with some message about /dev/loop1. But if I boot up a regular pup_save, I can mount the encrypted pup_save from command line, even with using the cryptoloop module, aes module, and losetup from the 217 initrd. I didn't see any changes between the 2.16 and 2.17 init script in the crypto area.

Keep up the good work Barry!

modifing SFS

Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2007, 01:54
by Ted Dog
I rebuilt the sfs file but could not find the mksquash-lzma. nor command line settings to set or not set the lzma option.
On my slowest machine the LZMA caused a hard to live with slowdown.
Also after changing the default background it was overwritten with the wolf wolf new one, have not run into that before. Also on a disk with swap it does not correctly find the SFS on the parts after swap (in my setups swap is between two ext3 partitions. swap on/off changes logic flow somehow.
Also off topic, how can I make a DOTpet I've lost the orginal reference page.
something like this:

some command before...
make install
some command after
result is DOTpet

Thanks, dusting off old printers for a try. Ted

Re: modifing SFS

Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2007, 02:09
by John Doe
Ted Dog can I make a DOTpet I've lost the orginal reference page. ...
There are different ways to do it. Notes are a bit garbled. I tried to clean up the explaination a bit.

Compiling Applications
./configure --prefix=/usr --host=i486-pc-linux-gnu
make CFLAGS="-march=i486" CXXFLAGS="-march=i486"
make install
#or for alien package (or pet)
mkdir /myapp-1.0.0
make install DESTDIR=/myapp-1.0.0
cd /
tar -zcf myapp-1.0.0.tar.gz myapp-1.0.0
#for PET Package, then do:
tgz2pet myapp-1.0.0.tar.gz

Create and Working with PETget
tgz2pet YourPackage.tar.gz
pup2pet YourPup.pup
dir2pet YourDir

taken from here at the bottom

Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2007, 02:32
by PaulBx1
But if I boot up a regular pup_save, I can mount the encrypted pup_save from command line, even with using the cryptoloop module, aes module, and losetup from the 217 initrd. I didn't see any changes between the 2.16 and 2.17 init script in the crypto area.
Weird! I think you are right, it is something with losetup. I think the pup_saves are OK, since this same thing happened with my 2.16.1 pup_save that I have been using for a while.

The only other thing I can think of is the keyboard map being screwed up, such that the password comes out different when typed in during boot than it is while running. This might explain some other problems too.

I tried creating a pup_save with a very simple password, "aaaaaaaaaa" and it still had problems with that too.

Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2007, 02:37
by kirk
I checked the keyboard too. Added a read line to init. It's ok.

Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2007, 03:13
by Henry
I used Yankee Clipper in windows for about ten years it seems, and badly missed having a non-volatile clipboard stacker in Puppy. Was highly pleased when Glipper was introduced. Now it has been removed :-(

Since I do not use Seamonkey or Composer, which I understand it interferes with (I use Opera and Bluefish), I have installed Glipper but would like it to autorun. What's the simple way to do this?


Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2007, 05:27
by Q
Since no one else reported it as a bug i guess it must be my TPA22e ( lucent\agere modem)
for the first time since using puppy linux it froze when using any dial up program .the mouse froze KB froze and it was like i was using windowz :P no othe choice but to do hard shutdown just like windowz (minus the blue screen of death........ yet).

wish i could know what caused this ??!!

Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2007, 09:26
by jeffrey
OK, Barry, I checked the issue with spaces in the init strings and they do work. The problem was actually that I tried pasting my gkdial init strings (of which there are 3) into your pupdial init strings (of which there are only 2). This seems to overflow your string area. I suggest that you try pasting these strings in and see what actually gets saved. I found that pupdial truncated the strings until I shuffled them around a bit.
It's working now thanks...

WebDAV Linux File System (davfs2), please?

Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2007, 10:04
by Greatnessguru

Could Puppy 2.17 include this, please, all preinstalled, configured and ready-to-use?
Perhaps as a PET if need be?

WebDAV Linux File System (davfs2)

WEB-DAV Linux File System(davfs)

# Version 1.2.2 released 2007-07-07

Thank you,


Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2007, 10:55
by gray
Okay, finally managed some free time to test 2.17a.
Initial impression : pretty good, seemed to load quicker and most things work OK. CUPs works great on my epson cx3900. Xorg fails on my nvidia 7600gs, but xvesa is fine. Strangely Xorg works fine on the machine I tried 2.17a with at work using a 7900gtx graphics card. Tried to install nvidia drivers (which fixed xorg on the 7600 in the past) but they dont seem to work on this release - must be the kernel change, probably need to recompile. Wireless (acx100) worked great, including Linneighbourhood.
Only issues I have are trivial cosmetic ones ;-
Hate the 'background' welcome.
Volume is set to zero as default.
Black text on purple background in the printer wizard is dreadful.
Re-mastering is HUGELY SLOW.

For an alpha release this is great.