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New release....

Posted: Mon 27 Apr 2020, 20:07
by Mike Walsh
Evening, kiddiwinks.

Now then; the Vivaldi '3-series' was released around the middle of last week. So; here, for your perusal and enjoyment, are 32- and 64-bit 'portables' of Vivaldi 3.0.1874.32.

Same usage instructions as always. Download, unzip; place the 'Vivaldi-portable' directory anywhere you like. Click to open, click on 'LAUNCH' to fire 'er up....


For anyone who's interested, you can find them here:- ... sp=sharing


32-bit - becb8b823aa053e8bd25287bcced3f75

64-bit - d2930d75dc9090243e06069dfe5824bb

Navigate through and help yourselves to the one you want. Widevine is fully-functional, so NetFlix, Hulu, Spotify, etc., are all on the menu.


Thanks go to all who've assisted during the development of these portable-browsers. Y'all know who you are..!


Mike. :wink:

Re: New release....

Posted: Tue 28 Apr 2020, 04:17
by MochiMoppel
Mike Walsh wrote:Same usage instructions as always. Download, unzip; place the 'Vivaldi-portable' directory anywhere you like. Click to open, click on 'LAUNCH' to fire 'er up....
1) Downloaded 32bit version
2) Unzipped
3) Changed LAUNCH to AppRun to turn the folder into a clickable ROX Application Directory
4) Ran AppRun and received an error:

Code: Select all

# /opt/Vivaldi-portable/AppRun
/opt/Vivaldi-portable/vivaldi/vivaldi-pup: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I stole following libs requested by Vivaldi from Dpup:

I got stuck again when Vivaldi told me that it can't find though I had placed it into Vivaldi's lib folder

Maybe I misunderstood what you mean by "portable".

Posted: Tue 28 Apr 2020, 19:17
by Mike Walsh
@ Mochi:-

Vivaldi seems to use the internal 'lib' directory in a different way to that which I've employed in other Blink-based browsers. It seems to be just for the built-in libffmpeg; hence, I didn't set the wrapper script to search the 'lib' directory for dependencies when I modified it.

I'm assuming you've added those deps from DPup into the 'lib' directory, alongside the native libffmpeg. If that's the case, change the vivaldi-pup wrapper-script from
# Wrapper-script to launch Vivaldi browser - Mike Walsh © Feb 2020 (Fred; thanks for odd bits!)
HERE="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")"
mkdir "$HERE/PROFILE" 2> /dev/null
exec -a "$0" "$HERE/vivaldi-bin" "$@" --no-sandbox --user-data-dir=$HERE/PROFILE --ppapi-flash-path=$HERE/PepperFlash/ --disable-infobars "$@"
# Wrapper-script to launch Vivaldi browser - Mike Walsh © Feb 2020 (Fred; thanks for odd bits!)
HERE="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")"
mkdir "$HERE/PROFILE" 2> /dev/null
# Try to find libraries, etc.

exec -a "$0" "$HERE/vivaldi-bin" "$@" --no-sandbox --user-data-dir=$HERE/PROFILE --ppapi-flash-path=$HERE/PepperFlash/ --disable-infobars "$@" adding the bit I've highlighted in red. That should tell Vivaldi to look in /lib for what you've added.

Let me know what happens, please. That's a direct crib from the 32-bit Iron 'portable' wrapper-script, and I've had reports from other folks that it works there. 'Feedback' is good.....and constructive criticism is appreciated.

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Tue 28 Apr 2020, 20:19
by tallboy
I tried to download and run the latest ordinary Vivaldi in my tahr6.0.6-64.bit. It would not install, I could not even open the .deb package to find what's inside. I tried to search for 'dependencies' in the Vivaldi help pages, no result. As I told them in a message, what really pisses me off is that although half the staff are norwegians, based in the Norway headquarters, they have no norwegian website or help pages. I would really like to have tested the built-in notes and screenshot capabilities. But no. Besides, I have blocked most Google addresses in /etc/hosts, so it is too much work to download the 'portable', Mike.
I guess I'll stay with PaleMoon.

Posted: Tue 28 Apr 2020, 22:55
by Mike Walsh
@ tallboy:-

How about Mediafire, Olaf.....your hosts file OK with them? I can soon upload to there, if you want to give it a try. No skin off my nose, mate.....and with our new high-speed connection, it takes but seconds now, compared to the minutes it used to take..!

Entirely up to you. You're more likely to have luck with it than Mochi; although he runs what was my all-time favourite Puppy, Slacko 560, I can no longer run it, or try things out/test stuff in it. This new UEFI hardware won't have it, and refuses point-blank to boot anything prior to when Puppies started getting outfitted with this efi.img file.....around the start of the 6-series, with Tahrpup. Not for want of trying, either..!

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Tue 28 Apr 2020, 23:09
by Mike Walsh
Give this a try, Olaf:- ... ar.gz/file

Non-Google, AFAIK.....

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Thu 30 Apr 2020, 00:19
by tallboy
Mike, I am happy to report that the latest Vivaldi run like it should, in my 64-bit tahr_6.0.6.
Thanks, mate!

BTW, there is a Vivaldi update today 29. april

Posted: Thu 30 Apr 2020, 12:04
by Mike Walsh
@ tallboy:-

Ah, good, good. I thought it should.

The reason so many of these Chromium-based clones are more popular than their 'parent' is mostly down to the way they're built. Chromium itself is always built using the very newest of everything, so you need a pretty modern, up-to-date system to run it successfully.....and this is what the developers at The Chromium Project automatically assume & take for granted.

Conversely, many of the 'clone' developers take the source code and re-compile it against older dependencies, thus making the browsers more widely accessible to a greater proportion of users; not everybody religiously updates to the very newest of everything the instant it's released. Far from it; left to their own devices, not many would.....and that's why major OS developers prefer to make system updates happen automatically in the background. That way, their 'users' are protected from their own 'foolishness', come what may.....whether they make a conscious effort to upgrade or not.

Mike. :wink:

Vivaldi-portable : 3.0.1874.32 - 32- and 64-bit

Posted: Fri 01 May 2020, 12:15
by xenial.
Hello folks.I usually use pale moon as my main browser but unfortunately the 32bit linux build will stop in november so i decided to peruse around for options.I do have firefox installed also and runs fine and decided to try out vivaldi but i think vanilla chromium would be a better option unless customisation is your thing.

All the best. :D

Re: Vivaldi-portable : 3.0.1874.32 - 32- and 64-bit

Posted: Fri 01 May 2020, 16:12
by Mike Walsh
xenial. wrote:<snip>....I usually use pale moon as my main browser but unfortunately the 32bit linux build will stop in november....</snip>
@ xenial:- Hello.....and Image to the 'kennels'.

Re; the above quote. Indulge me, please (if you would). Where exactly did you dig up that tit-bit of information from.....just out of curiosity? :shock:


Posted: Fri 01 May 2020, 16:39
by xenial.
Hello mike and hope your well in turbelent times.
yes it was mentioned on the PM forum by tobin in the linux section.Not sure about other 3rd party builds but yea it looks like november this year is the cut off date for 32bit linux builds sadly.

Posted: Fri 01 May 2020, 22:18
by Mike Walsh
xenial. wrote:Hello mike and hope your well in turbelent times.
yes it was mentioned on the PM forum by tobin in the linux section.Not sure about other 3rd party builds but yea it looks like november this year is the cut off date for 32bit linux builds sadly.
Any chance you could link me to the thread where Tobin mentioned it? I know there was a lot of discussion around this last November.....but I haven't seen any recent mention of this over at the Pale Moon forum.

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Sat 02 May 2020, 07:41
by xenial.
Hi mike, ... 05#p185905
I know the thread is primarily in regard to basilisk but it would appear it applies to 32bit palemoon also.
32bit linux basilisk has not been available for many months.

best wishes.

Posted: Sat 23 May 2020, 08:46
by xenial.
Everytime vivaldi is open there are 2 instances of a process called "cat" running in task this normal for vivaldi as it is the only browser this occurs on.

Posted: Sat 23 May 2020, 09:51
by Keef
This is part of the vivaldi-snapshot script (near the end):

Code: Select all

# Sanitize std{in,out,err} because they'll be shared with untrusted child
# processes (
exec < /dev/null
exec > >(exec cat)
exec 2> >(exec cat >&2)
Don't ask me to explain it though, as I don't have a clue.

Posted: Sat 23 May 2020, 10:38
by xenial.
I have a basic understanding of the function and i have posted on their forum and nobody seems to know what the function is for over there.!!,,

It is the ONLY browser that has this process running and i am yet to receive an explanation as to WHY it is running and WHAT it is for.

I am waiting for a linux developer over at the vivaldi forum to explain why it is running and only runs in vivaldi.

Posted: Sat 23 May 2020, 11:10
by Semme

Posted: Sat 23 May 2020, 11:36
by step
Semme's link leads to the same page that is referenced in Keef's reply. In that page you can read:
Just a quick thought: is it better to fix this in Chrome itself, or is it worth considering fixing this in the google-chrome launcher script? E.g., changing

exec chrome ...


exec chrome ... > >(exec cat) 2> >(exec cat>&2)

would ensure that stdout and stderr are pipes instead of seekable files, terminals, or what not.

Pros: Simplicity. Trivial change to a shell script, no C++ code to change. Easy for people to workaround for testing if necessary.
Cons: Two extra 'cat' processes running. They would be created as children of the 'chrome' process, which might confuse Chrome?
It turned out that Chrome wasn't confused, so the fix was incorporated in Chrome's launcher script, which Vivaldi has inherited and, likely, adapted.

Posted: Sat 23 May 2020, 12:19
by Semme
:D Didn't go that far back, Mate, but I knew that.

vivaldi 32-bit won't start

Posted: Fri 29 May 2020, 18:10
by mmmrr
hi folks,
thanks for the link to vivaldi 32-bit, mike.
seems to install okay, i click on 'launcher' icon,
nothing. in terminal i enter 'vivaldi' get:
bash: vivaldi: command not found
running precise puppy 571 from dvd on older tosh laptop.
thanks for any help.