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Posted: Sat 18 Feb 2017, 04:22
by slavvo67
Makato recently brought Open Office (now Apache Office) back to my attention. I haven't used it in a while and certainly haven't used the latest. Works very, very well and much faster than Libre.

The only downside that I can see is that there does not seem to be support for .docx documents. Not sure where they've been for about the past 10 years but anyway, it's a solid and fast package.

Should work on RU Xerus and probably on Barry's Quirky Xerus. Version 4.1.3 which is the latest is packaged as a .pet below: ... sp=sharing

Posted: Sat 04 Mar 2017, 02:33
by slavvo67
Thanks to Peasy Firewall Monitor and Plex, I can now stream from my computer to my Roku. I'm having some uploading issues but I'll be posting a link to the Plex pet that I packaged and some easy instructions as soon as I can get it uploaded....

Posted: Sat 04 Mar 2017, 02:59
by slavvo67 ... sp=sharing

The above link is for Plex Media Server packages for RU Xerus or it should work in Quirky Xerus. You should get 3 icons on your desktop. If for some reason they don't install, the scripts are in /root/my-applications/bin.

1. Launch in background (Plexconnect). Necessary for step 2.

2. Launch webpage (Plexman) console to add media, etc. Also, I recommend changing some of the default options like sharing your server..... No thanks Plex...

3. When ur done streaming, this is a shutdown - Plexkill. (shuts item 1 that will otherwise stay running in the background).

Install the Peasy Firewall Monitor. The 64 bit version is on page 3 or so of the following thread: ... 967#945967

Once installed, make sure you choose Build Firewall on Trusted LAN.

So, now you should have Plex running and your LAN open so your Roku can see. Now install the Plex channel on your Roku and start enjoying.

Posted: Thu 06 Apr 2017, 21:04
by slavvo67
Update should be coming by this weekend. See page 1...

Posted: Sat 08 Apr 2017, 17:19
by slavvo67
I just updated LibreOffice and turned off the annoying auto-update and auto-backup items by default. I dislike when programs start running in the background to update themselves or whatever.

The only thing that should update itself is Firefox (I think it's important to keep the browser updated) and it appears that OOTB, it will do a small update to itself.

Doing a final install and test. New upload coming very soon....

Quirky RU Xerus 3.28 now uploaded and available. Read page 1.

Posted: Wed 19 Apr 2017, 17:55
by slavvo67
I've decided to dump Firefox. The latest sound fiasco has been enough for me to rethink this. Those with the most recent RU Xerus64 may notice that there are some sound issues. This was because of an additional install in order to get Firefox sound to work but unfortunately, it created issues elsewhere. So Firefox is once again, dead to me as it was once before.

However, RU Xerus64 has the latest Seamonkey and I am adding the latest Palemoon, which are both Firefox or at least Mozilla derivatives.

Also, the latest Iron for those that want the Chromium type browser, which is my favorite of them all.

Update should be coming this weekend.

Posted: Thu 20 Apr 2017, 22:34
by don570
I was able to install your pet packages for Red Notebook in
Easy linux. It is 64 bit too. ... 251#952251

Posted: Sun 23 Apr 2017, 03:03
by slavvo67
Hi Don570:

I'm so glad to hear that!! BTW, I just added to my personal RU Xerus64 Unetbootin to the desktop along with Mupen64 and Flash Install. Flash Install is different from the other Flash Installer by who?? Shinobar? I didn't make it and I'm not sure who did but it works quite well and links never stop working for it.

I thought that I would be uploading the new version this weekend but not sure if I'll be getting back into WoofQ in order to remove Firefox and add Palemoon.

Anyway, thanks for the continued input.


Posted: Thu 13 Jul 2017, 19:28
by slavvo67
Just a few quick notes:

Seamonkey 2.46 has been acting up on me a little so curious to see if anyone else using RU Xerus or Quirky Xerus are seeing any problems.

Been using Iron as defalult, now and still pretty happy with that....

Recently, I found the need to use GIMP, so I'm thinking of adding it to the next release. It does have quite a few dependencies, though. Still, a very good tool. Maybe I'll make an .sfs out of it.

Dropped of few of the ideas from previous posts for now. Unetbootin wasn't quite working right and I really didn't see the need to have it anyway.

DEVX Right Click Tools and maybe a few other pets......

This might be a weird idea but I decided to include in the distro some .pet packages that will require click to install. For now, I include DEVX and Right Click Tools under /file/downloads as pets. You can always just delete them but I figure it's nice to not run around looking for them as most will probably want them installed at some point.

Anyway, working on a few other items, as well. Next round should be interesting....

Posted: Thu 13 Jul 2017, 20:59
by belham2
slavvo67 wrote:Just a few quick notes:

Seamonkey 2.46 has been acting up on me a little so curious to see if anyone else using RU Xerus or Quirky Xerus are seeing any problems.

Been using Iron as defalult, now and still pretty happy with that....

Recently, I found the need to use GIMP, so I'm thinking of adding it to the next release. It does have quite a few dependencies, though. Still, a very good tool. Maybe I'll make an .sfs out of it.

Dropped of few of the ideas from previous posts for now. Unetbootin wasn't quite working right and I really didn't see the need to have it anyway.

DEVX Right Click Tools and maybe a few other pets......

This might be a weird idea but I decided to include in the distro some .pet packages that will require click to install. For now, I include DEVX and Right Click Tools under /file/downloads as pets. You can always just delete them but I figure it's nice to not run around looking for them as most will probably want them installed at some point.

Anyway, working on a few other items, as well. Next round should be interesting....
Hi Slavvo,

Re; Seamonkey. Strange, seeing your message just now I had to respond. Now that you mention it, I've been trying Seamonkey 2.46 in some of my woof-CE builds, and for no particular rhyme and/or reason, sometimes it does weird stuff. For example, on one xenial build (testing Barry's hints at fixing the 0setup script, after the build finish and I booted into it, I have no ability with Seamonkey 2.46 to drag and drop a web address to make a new bookmark in the bookmark bar. But on other builds, like Tahrs, I don't see this. Also, I've been playing with Barry's new Quirky 8.1.94 the past few hours, and Seamonkey is version 2.48 there and it is not showing any problems (btw, Barry's new build is dam# gorgeous, and it is the most stable Quirk he's ever put out, imho....lots of little problems we identified in previous versions are all gone and/or fixed).

Posted: Tue 21 Nov 2017, 16:07
by bigpup
slavvo67 wrote:I have recently revisited Wine after initially having no use for it. I guess there are those rare occasions where someone would need a Windows program to run in Linux.

Anyway, I got it running in RU Xerus 64 and I can probably upload the package on Wed. or Thurs. (with combined dependencies).

I think it's wine64, meaning 64 bit version. Don't recall if I got the 32 bit version running, as well but I to have aspirations to do that, too.

Keep an eye on the RU Xerus 64 thread under Puppy Derivatives if you're interested.


There are already 64bit and 32bit versions of Wine.
Get them here:

Posted: Wed 22 Nov 2017, 18:09
by slavvo67
Thank you, Bigpup! Problem is, which one? And are the dependencies included? I have the 64bit one complete with dependencies for RU Xerus. Looking to get the 32bit one working, as well.

Posted: Wed 29 Nov 2017, 03:26
by slavvo67
Okay, I have a 32bit version of Wine working in RUXerus64; but I'm still ironing out some of the kinks. Getting some errors so I'm working them out....

Blu Ray

Posted: Thu 25 Jan 2018, 03:57
by slavvo67 ... sp=sharing

The above link is a small package that installs KEYDB.cfg in order for VLC to play BluRay.

Posted: Tue 06 Feb 2018, 03:29
by slavvo67
I think that I have a band-aid solution to the freezing mouse problem - without unplugging it and trying a different USB port (that sometimes works). I know in theory it should work but I haven't frozen my mouse in a while so I'll need some testers that experience the same issue to see if this works in practice. I'd love to get some feedback on this one if anyone is experiencing the same freeze ups with their USB mouse.

Having trouble accessing my cloud drive so I may not get to upload tonight. Coming soon ....


Posted: Sat 24 Feb 2018, 19:01
by slavvo67
As some of you already know, BarryK has reported issues with Retrovol and has replaced it in newer Quirkies.

Here's a bandage for those using RU Xerus64:

Right click on the volume icon (or where the icon would have been if it mysteriously disappeared).

Choose: Config Window --> Tray --> Set Tray Slider to 30: Master Playback Volume and Apply.

Now, even if the volume icon is missing, you should be able to raise and lower volume from the normal icon setting.

Just a bandage for now.



Posted: Wed 07 Mar 2018, 17:06
by slavvo67
Lately, I've been playing around with Minetest, which as some may know is similar to Minecraft. As some of you may also know, some of the mods act up and have not played well.

I recently have gotten Minetest to work well and quite a few mods to work with little or no errors. I intend to share but I don't want to waste my time or space in uploading so please send some responses if you want me to upload and provide links.

I've also been playing around with Redream, which is a Dreamcast emulator. It is very active and I recommend those that are DC fans to check it out. Linux 64bit binaries readily available and a great team working on this.




Posted: Tue 17 Apr 2018, 22:32
by slavvo67 ... sp=sharing

I needed the above pet, SDL2-2.0.8 to run the latest Mednafen. Compiled in RUXerus64.

Way overdue for a new RUXerus but that will have to wait for now...

Posted: Fri 25 May 2018, 20:07
by slavvo67
I probably should have included the pet for Mednafen 1.21.3 (latest) for those interested. I'll attach a link sometime over the weekend.

Posted: Sat 07 Jul 2018, 02:44
by slavvo67
Okay, so my days go by like they are hours....

Anyway, time to wake up the Puppy board a little. The link below is a pet for the latest Mednafen 1.21.3 ... sp=sharing

Below is the Mednafen link if you want to know what it emulates:

Enjoy!!! Look 2 posts above for the SDL required file. BTW, this should work on Barry's Xerus X86_64 and will work perfectly on RU Xerus.

Extra note: For PS1 or Saturn games, the .bin or .img file needs to be in its own sub directory. So, gamename1 (directory) with gamename1.bin inside it. If you don't have the cue file, my front-end makes it for you. Then you can launch with either the cue or bin file; as long as they're in the same directory.

Need bios files for PS1 and Saturn. Not provided in the package; so you will need to download off your game system or websearch..