DLNA Tahr64 Pup – released 26th Nov 2015

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#41 Post by BJF »

I have been faffing about with my new install, making mistakes with addressing the WD hard drive that I want to use as my repository until finally it appeared correctly at the top of the list in the Utilities>Change Repo report.
When I attempt to boot with the stick and the WD drive plugged in the screen flashes briefly with the stick's first line of the parade then defaults to booting up the LXPrecisePup onboard install. If I unplug the WD drive it boots the stick. When plugged in again the WD drive appears as sdc1 on the Desktop with the red cross and can be opened in ROX. But nothing shows up on the television. The movies on the stick played when it was the repo, but the WD drive won't respond and the server isn't found.
I did check the BIOS Boot Order and left it set at USB, then USB or Onboard CDROM, then Onboard HDD.
Does anyone have an idea where I am going wrong here??

Thanks guys.

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DLNA Tahr64 Pup – released 26th Nov 2015

#42 Post by ETP »


Every BIOS is different with many offering the choice between USB Hard Drive & USB Flash stick.
That is not the case with your particular BIOS so you have no option but to boot from the stick and then to plug in the WD later.

Fortunately the solution is very simple.

Edit the file /root/Startup/mountpool.sh and change the sleep 10 line to sleep 100. (On a slower PC 150 may be needed)
Save the file and then reboot ensuring that you save the session.

When it reboots and Wbar pops up at the top of the screen, you will have about 80 seconds to then plug in the WD. It will appear on the bottom row.

When the delay expires you will see the red cross appear on the icon to indicate
that it has mounted & the DLNA server has started.

Modified example follows:

Code: Select all

# This is /root/Startup/mountpool.sh - ETP 24th Nov 2015
# Shinobar's minidlna starter script is placed in /root/noob rather than init.d
# to permit the use of UUIDs which then in conjunction with a global environment variable
# allows for different media repositories to be easily targeted.
# The global environment variable is set by /etc/profile.d/dlna, the final line of which 
# O.O.T.B, targets the UUID of the small 3rd f2fs partition on this stick.
# That partition contains two test files. No setup is required to test whether or not
# DLNA works with any particular TV.
# If it does, the UUID of your main media repository can then be substituted for that
# of the 3rd f2fs partition contained on the final line of the /etc/profile.d/dnla file.
# A utility to display and Change the DNLA Repository can be found at the bottom of the utility menu.
sleep 100
mkdir -p /mnt/pool
mount -U $REPOSITORY /mnt/pool
sleep 1
. /root/noob/minidlna start &
Regards ETP

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Location: Lower Hutt, New Zealand

#43 Post by BJF »

(cue manic giggling) IT WORKS! I set the delay initially to 100 as described and the server didn't appear on the television when I plugged in the drive at the WBar and with the red cross on the Desktop drive icon. Perhaps I was slow. So with a solution close at hand I extended the wait to 120 and following a brief interval the server appeared and I was looking at my trip photos on the big screen. Magic.
Thank you all, and especially ETP, for sorting me out.

Mark this chapter (SOLVED) :lol:

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