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Posted: Mon 14 Jul 2008, 07:33
by dinky
Ok, here's the test version of eeetiger, a version of TigerPup (compiz-fusion) customised for the eeepc. Thanks to dvw86 and everyone else who has made this possible, I've only had to edit a few files. Go to: ... 672#214672 for more details. Cheers!

Posted: Mon 14 Jul 2008, 09:02
by mdisaster2
Great. It really deserves its own thread though ;)

Posted: Tue 15 Jul 2008, 03:22
by dinky
Time time time time When I get some more of the stuff I'll even create it's very own wiki Any punters willing to help?

Posted: Tue 15 Jul 2008, 19:46
by Aitch
One of these any use, dinky? :wink:


Posted: Tue 15 Jul 2008, 22:20
by dinky
Lol...probably not, but thanks for the help... although, anyone who feels like compiling any docs for either eeepc or TigerPup would be very welcome! Cheers.

Wireless Problem still

Posted: Sat 19 Jul 2008, 03:19
by gingerman
dinky wrote:Ok, here's the test version of eeetiger, a version of TigerPup (compiz-fusion) customised for the eeepc. Thanks to dvw86 and everyone else who has made this possible, I've only had to edit a few files. Go to: ... 672#214672 for more details. Cheers!
I''ve posted this before, but maybe you, as a developer can help me out. Can you look at my thread "Wireless Problems on Pupeee."

I can't get any version of Puppy to find my wireless hardware.

Can you tell me how to solve this?

Posted: Sat 19 Jul 2008, 11:01
by dinky
Hi gingerman, wireless isn't my expertise, have you tried posting in the hardware forum? You'll have better luck. Make sure you post what hardware you're using, wireless, etc. Good luck.

PUPeee is the best

Posted: Sun 03 Aug 2008, 21:00
by firak
theks a lot to meke it possible Pup301 on eeepc 701.
I fund it the best- I use it a lot.
On sd card.+ ooffice and opera is complete for me.
Opera is inportatn becouse it fits the size of the websites to the scrren- I use asmall skin for opera cooled breeze.

So - I wil continue to play with othe fersione of puppies, to test on pen drives, but I will stick to puppee301 , for awile.


Good on the 901?

Posted: Wed 13 Aug 2008, 15:59
by capatt
Has anyone gotten Puppee (or any other puplet) to run on the eee 901?


Posted: Wed 13 Aug 2008, 16:23
by Lobster
capatt you might try installing 4.1 Alpha 6 and report back how you get on
The eventual release will support Eeepc and Classmate computers

It will be released in a couple of days or less

Posted: Wed 13 Aug 2008, 17:41
by capatt
I'll definitely give that a shot. Are there instructions anywhere for putting Puppy on a bootable USB (or SD card) with persistent storage? I'll be able to test much more quickly that way.


Posted: Wed 13 Aug 2008, 20:46
by Lobster

Posted: Sun 17 Aug 2008, 16:41
by dmpop

Does anyone know what future plans for Puppeee are? Is the Puppeee project still active? Are there any plans to release a version of Puppeee based on Puppy 4.x?

Thank you!

Kind regards,

Re: Good on the 901?

Posted: Mon 18 Aug 2008, 00:46
by tempestuous
capatt wrote:Has anyone gotten Puppee (or any other puplet) to run on the eee 901?
Your Eee 901 requires the "rt2860sta" wifi driver, and "atl1e" LAN driver. These drivers were tested under Puppy 4.1alpha5 - ... 448#219448
and apparently they are now included in alpha6 as standard.

Posted: Fri 22 Aug 2008, 15:19
by magerlab
I wonder if it's possible to have also drivers for eee pc 701 compiled for a newest kernel that will be in next puppy
i really like this device althogh it has a smaller screen and memory!

the only thing i wish is to have a boot like in xandros -15 sec( i got 30 sec with puppyrus)
and maybe to have a virtual resolution sometimes like described here
and here ... 88#p119488

also i read that opera works better for small screens


Posted: Sun 14 Sep 2008, 11:54
by paulsenior
i would try puppeee for my 701 surf.
I have a question about the Wifi-driver.
Did WPA works?
WEP works perfect on ubuntueee,xubuntu...
But this distros where too big,ii think.
The only problem is,that they cant handle WPA-Keys.

Sorry for my horrible english ;)

I have another Problem.
I tried to install it on a usb-flash-drive, but it wont work.
He ask me where he can find the datas to install it,and i clicked on the cd,where puppeee is booted from.but he said there arent anz datas...


Posted: Sun 14 Sep 2008, 18:14
by Dpup
I have two of the Eee 701 4GB PC's One with XP and other with Linux, but have installed Pupeee beta 4 on USB flash drive for both. Need to mount the CD drive before the installer can see the files for installation on USB flash drive since Pupeee beta 4 is based on earlier release of Puppy Linux. Mounting is not required for newer releases.

Have Pupeee working with the WiFi connection to both WPA and WPA2 TKIP security on DLink and Airlink wireless routers. Both work very well. Also have run Ubuntu and Mandriva Linux for the Eee, but they are very large and take much more time to load, have many features, but I don't need at this time.

I like Pupeee on the Eee because of the very reliable, stable, and consistent operation on USB flash drives without messing up the XP or Eee original Linux. Have installed and tested 1, 2, 4, 8 GB USB SD cards and Pen drives, of various brands and all work, and can swap files between them.

Posted: Wed 24 Sep 2008, 11:59
by LaneLester
I must be missing a step (or two) in using Pupeee on my Eee. I'm running Dingo, clicked the .iso and copied the files from the window that came up to a freshly-formatted fat16 USB flash drive. I ran syslinux on the flash drive and tried to boot it in my Eee. I got the message that it couldn't find a boot image: linux.

Oh, yes, I used fdisk to set the partition to active.

What do I need to do?


Posted: Wed 24 Sep 2008, 12:40
by Lobster
I used fdisk to set the partition to active.
use gparted to 'set the flag' to boot

Hope that helps :)

Posted: Wed 24 Sep 2008, 14:13
by LaneLester
Lobster wrote:use gparted to 'set the flag' to boot

Hope that helps :)
Regretfully, it didn't. Gparted reported that the boot flag was already set.

But thanks anyway!
