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Posted: Tue 08 Oct 2013, 01:09
by Q5sys
edoc wrote:Is it normal for GKrellM to show 173 processes?

EDIT: Powered up fresh this morning & before opening any windows it shows 132 processes. Is that normal?

Last night I looked and saw what appeared to be print processes (daemons) listed but there were no print jobs active active. Lots of "0%" entries in Pprocess, same now.
Yes that many processes are not anything to worry about. And they aren't 'print' processes in the way you think about 'printing' things. To explain this would be WAY beyond the scope of this thread. dbus is a very low level part of a linux distro. It's not something that can explained throughly in a simple explanation.

gcmartin wrote:Anyone else know anything about these PID elements?
Read the dbus man page

Posted: Tue 08 Oct 2013, 02:12
by edoc
Thanks Q5sys ...

I just remembered, I am still running under generic VESA as the problem with finding the proper video driver was set-aside for other matters when I first loaded LH64-602b.

Perhaps that is where the instability in VLC lies?

Upgrade of FF when the offer presents itself in LH64

Posted: Tue 08 Oct 2013, 15:30
by gcmartin
There is a Menu item which can assist all who need to take advantage of the FF Upgrade:
  1. Go to Menu>Internet>Firefox Update Help
  2. Click the Firefox (root) button to Open FF under the root ID (instead of Spot)
  3. When this FF opens, go to Help>About Firefox
  4. On the screen which pops up, Under the version number, FF will show the upgrade status/alert. Click if necessary.
Hope this helps


Posted: Sun 13 Oct 2013, 22:52
by edoc
I am trying to get a Dazzle DVC-100 analog to digital interface to work.

One of the steps in the Linux instructions I found is:

Code: Select all

v4l2-ctl --list-inputs
Console reports: "command not found"

ALSO ...

The instructions for VLC settings include \:
Media -> Stream -> Capture Device:

Capture Mode = Video for Linux 2
However, the only Capture modes offered under Capture Device are "PVR" and "Desktop"

How should I proceed, please?


Re: v4l2-ctl?

Posted: Mon 14 Oct 2013, 02:49
by Q5sys
edoc wrote:I am trying to get a Dazzle DVC-100 analog to digital interface to work.

One of the steps in the Linux instructions I found is:

Code: Select all

v4l2-ctl --list-inputs
Console reports: "command not found"
v4l2 is NOT included in LHP. And to be honest, I only know if it as a 32bit component within the 32bit compat packages.
I dont recall ever seeing a native 64bit package for it.

I stand corrected. You can 'try' this package. It may or may not work for you.

EDIT2: After you install that run the following from the command line.

Code: Select all

ldd /usr/bin/v4l2-ctl
If everything is found... your part of the way there.

Posted: Mon 14 Oct 2013, 03:25
by edoc
You are amazing!


The menu item appeared in Multimedia and opened the V4L2 Test Bench.

The output of your console command:
bash-4.1# ldd /usr/bin/v4l2-ctl (0x00007fff61e00000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f195a9a8000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f195a730000) => /lib/ (0x00007f195a528000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f195a220000) => /lib/ (0x00007f1959f20000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f1959d08000) => /lib/ (0x00007f1959948000)
bash-4.1# ldd /usr/bin/v4l2-ctl (0x00007fff61e00000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f195a9a8000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f195a730000) => /lib/ (0x00007f195a528000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f195a220000) => /lib/ (0x00007f1959f20000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f1959d08000) => /lib/ (0x00007f1959948000) => /lib/ (0x00007f1959728000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f19594e8000)
/lib64/ (0x00007f195abb8000)
<root> ~ => /lib/ (0x00007f1959728000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f19594e8000)
/lib64/ (0x00007f195abb8000)
<root> ~

Code: Select all

v4l2-ctl - C mute
failed as "mute" is not an available "control".

Help doesn't show anything about "mute" in the audio section of v4l2-ctl

Now onward to the VLC settings ...

OpenShot - Status

Posted: Tue 22 Oct 2013, 02:58
by edoc
Current version is 1.43

Based on this page:

... the best-case scenario for OpenShot 2.0 is some time in December ... maybe.

That's a long ways away ... and probably will not happen ... more like January of February according to typical major-revision history ... sigh.

Maybe I will try again to get Avidemux to play nicely ... or hope someone gets OpenShot 1.43 working for LH64-602b?

BTW: Any imminent updates to LH-64 or Raring?

Arista 2-Click Transcoder?

Posted: Tue 22 Oct 2013, 21:55
by edoc
I have an 11g file from converting a VHS tape to AVI via a Dazzle box & VLC.

I really need to reduce that footprint!

The Arista transcoder app for Linux has been recommended as simple and reliable.

A brief review here: ... ool-linux/

Source code:

Anyone tried this in LH64-602b?

PuppyPin and PuppyPinLHP

Posted: Thu 24 Oct 2013, 16:32
by dancytron
Not quite sure if this is a bug or a feature.

In the default window manager of Puppy, when you drag an icon to the desktop or do some other modification, those modifications are put in the file /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin.

LHP does the exact same thing.

However, the file that seems to be what creates the desktop is actually /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPinLHP. So, when you reboot, the desktop returns back to the original setup (losing your changes), unless you manually copy the PuppyPin file to the PuppyPinLHP file.


Backlight with LHP 64 602 beta 2

Posted: Fri 25 Oct 2013, 19:27
by Pete22
My friend asked me to update her Lighthouse. Currently she has LHP 443 on her Gateway NV78. It is old and I want to update her to the x64.version.

Unfortunately this lhp 64 602 beta 2 version allows intel to turn the backlight off at start up. This does not happen with lhp 443. I also found that lupo 528 also keeps the backlight on. Is there any way to get LHP 64 602 to turn the backlight on?

I figured out that I could attach an external monitor to her laptop to change the settings. I found workarounds that are temporary, that needs to be fixed each time the computer is turned on. However my friend is not geeky enough to do it each time.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Posted: Sat 26 Oct 2013, 17:48
by gcmartin
Hi @Pete22 and @Dancytron

This is NOT a specific answer, but more of a request to understand your environment.
  • System run state: Are you running LIveDVD or Frugal or Full install?
  • Monitor: Once you make the changes you indicate, are you running from the laptop's monitor or the additional monitor you attach to get the desktop as you want it permanently?
  • Filesystem: Upon reboot, is your filesystem changes saved in either location that existed before shutdown (for example are changes lost in PuppyPin file or the PuppyPinLHP file or both?
Question for Development
Would a remaster at the time of these kinds of changes automatically save these changes by selecting all and ONLY "default" answers OR is some manual intervention required to save these system state changes? (Seems that in the past, I have had some of state changes lost unless I specifically knew what and where state changes were made and made manual adjustments during the remaster in order to re-create the existing (and running) system.)

An old idea
I have asked this several years ago and @Jamesbond responded with some additions in save sessions and remaster which are very clever. But, I still have wondered if there is a tool in Puppyland, which will create an ISO from your presently running system without the user ever needing to answer questions excepting those to indicate where the target ISO is to be created. This negates any element from things missing or left out in a "Presently Running System State" of a genuine remaster to ISO. Maybe this being an option on present Puppyland Remaster utility might address this if seen as a useful means. This would make clear what the outcome would be versus the current discovery process which exist in the present tool where user review is a requirement. This requirement does not address any learning process, rather, has been a source of confusion when the outcome does NOT match what was running.

Not asking for re-write but rather an understanding of whether this is reasonable?

Posted: Sat 26 Oct 2013, 18:26
by dancytron
gcmartin wrote:Hi @Pete22 and @Dancytron

This is NOT a specific answer, but more of a request to understand your environment.
  • System run state: Are you running LIveDVD or Frugal or Full install?
  • Monitor: Once you make the changes you indicate, are you running from the laptop's monitor or the additional monitor you attach to get the desktop as you want it permanently?
  • Filesystem: Upon reboot, is your filesystem changes saved in either location that existed before shutdown (for example are changes lost in PuppyPin file or the PuppyPinLHP file or both?

**Stuff deleted*
To answer your questions.

Frugal install on hard drive.

It is a Desktop sytem with a single monitor.

My changes are saved automatically to the PuppyPin file, but there are no changes to the PuppyPinLHP file unless I make them manually by copying PuppyPin over the top of PuppyPinLHP.

Posted: Thu 31 Oct 2013, 11:03
by grump
Firstly I have Precise running quite nicely on my newish HP Pavilion 4108au laptop, which is plagued with a Broadcom 4313GN wireless card. I thought to give the 64bit pups a run, but both Fatdog and the beta Lighthouse don't like playing with the Broadcom wireless.

I have got Fatdog to play after some pampering, but Lighthouse just picks it up and drops it straight away. I've followed the instructions in the FAQ and they seem to work - ie it picks up an ip but only holds it for a couple of seconds before disconnecting, that's what the on screen message says anyway.

I made a new post about this some time ago, asking how to compile the source for the Broadcom driver - however it was too hard so I abandoned that project.

I have now retried the latest Fatdog and Lighthouse (yesterday and today) with the same results - I can configure Fatdog to pick up the Broadcom by starting the wl service, but Lighthouse continually drops the connection when I try the same thing.

Any suggestions about how to get a stable wifi connection with Lighthouse?

I'm running Lighthouse live from USB, with the save file in a NTFS partition on the HDD.

Posted: Thu 31 Oct 2013, 16:45
by Eathray
Having a little trouble with my internal mic.

Previously using Lighthouse 514 and the mic worked out of the box. Now using 602, and I can't seem to get the thing working.

It's primarily for my Kiddo's school site. There's a little flash gig to record his answers in French so that the teacher can hear his pronunciation.

I've tried playing with the AlsaMixer, m and space to try to activate mic, capture is active, boost is up... in other words, I don't think it's the mixer. Flash settings are also correct, set to allow for the school site in all places.

It's almost like there's something missing in 602 that was in 514... like a lib or a driver.

Can anyone offer a little direction? I can still boot 514 for the time being, but I do want to get 602 mic working. I'm not quite sure how to proceed or what to look for.

Thanks in advance.

Compaq nc6400
64bit dual-core
1 gig ram, 4gig swap
514 frugal, 602 frugal

Need more info, let me know.


Posted: Wed 06 Nov 2013, 16:47
by Gobbi
Hi , tazoc

Thank you for your work on LHP 602 and also to everyone helping improve it.
I used LHP 514 and also follow Fatdog releases.

I installed the from the Updates and I had no luck with my HD 7870 XT and I was expecting it since ati-13.4-3.8.7 pet didn't work for me in Fatdog 620 either ...
In the early days of FD620 , kirk was kind and compiled a 13.3b3-3.8.7 pet which worked . I kept it and -- since there are pets that work from fatdog in LHP ( I successfully installed FBReader) -- I tried to install it in LHP 602 . It did the job , even I think it did not install properly . I had always attached the Devx.sfs at first .
At that point I did a remaster and hoped to keep the working driver in the new remastered LHP. Usually it's the way I do a custom version , I don't like save files... One could lose or corrupt it...
The remastered LHP did not keep the video driver changes and I thought it could be because the pet was meant for fatdog... ( looking inside both pets I saw the structure was different ...)
Today I installed the downloaded driver from AMD site ati-catalyst-13.11-beta6-linux-x86.x86_64 and looking at the log file I executed also /lib/modules/fglrx/ then aticonfig --initial , restarted X and there it was , the driver was working . I finally loaded Compiz sfs.
I was glad :D but again , doing a remastered ISO I couldn't have my custom version with the ati driver in it :cry: . Maybe it is because of the way LHP is doing the remaster or maybe it is because the driver must be implemented in a particular way and it must be done a proper pet , I don't know ...

If you have some time , could you compile one of those beta drivers in a pet for LHP 602 , please :!:
I am not able to do it :oops:

disabling font smoothing (anti-aliasing)

Posted: Sat 09 Nov 2013, 07:34
by toronado
Is there a way to disable Antialiasing in this version? I used the Puppy Font Appearance Wizard included in PHATSlacko for this purpose. But that doesn't seem to be included in this version.

Posted: Sat 09 Nov 2013, 11:38
by grump
Firstly I have Precise running quite nicely on my newish HP Pavilion 4108au laptop, which is plagued with a Broadcom 4313GN wireless card.

.... the beta Lighthouse does not like playing with the Broadcom wireless.

I can configure Fatdog to reliably pick up the Broadcom by starting the wl service, but Lighthouse continually drops the connection when I try the same thing.

Any suggestions about how to get a stable wifi connection with Lighthouse?

I'm running Lighthouse live from USB, with the save file in a NTFS partition on the HDD.

Just reposting the basic info as I got no response to my earlier posts on this matter. Are there some logs or diagnostics etc I could post to give better info to those who might be able to help?

Lighthouse64 602 Beta2 and gnumeric large spreadsheets

Posted: Thu 14 Nov 2013, 08:53
by pjf
Large spreadsheet support is with gnumeric-1.10 series.

Lighthouse64 602 Beta2 has gnumeric-1.10.17 as salix and slacky packages in the base sfs.

However the installed gnumeric reports it is 1.8.4 and it definitely doesn't have large spreadsheet support.

There appears to be no way to remove packages from the base sfs.

Lack of 1.10 series gnumeric is somewhat of a deal breaker as I have virtually no "small" spreadsheets.

I'd rather not have to use an entire office suite just to manipulate spreadsheets. Kind of defeats the minimalist philosophy.

I have attempted to compile gnumeric-1.10.17, but the support packages usually fail due to outdated packages in the base sfs.

Gnumeric 1.10.17

Posted: Sun 17 Nov 2013, 00:44
by pjf
Successfully compiled Gnumeric 1.10.17 for Lighthouse 64 602 Beta2.

For some drongo reason the install process decided to put - a ELF32 library in /usr/lib64.

Simply copied the the ELF64 from /usr/local/lib into /usr/lib64.

Finally! Large spreadsheet support.

So far so good. :D

PDF - epdfview vs LibreOffice

Posted: Sun 17 Nov 2013, 19:50
by edoc
Why would a PDF display properly in epdfview but not LibreOffice, please?

I'm using Version 4.0 & see that 4.1 is available but not sure of the best way to update in LH64-602b.

Is there a fix?

I need to delete an extra page in the PDF doc and need the editing features of LibreOffice.