Page 20 of 158

Posted: Sat 30 Oct 2010, 22:04
by playdayz
maybe one of the last puppies I'll ever make
Why the heck is that?

Posted: Sat 30 Oct 2010, 22:28
by Stripe
Iguleder wrote:maybe one of the last puppies I'll ever make :cry:
I hope not, I spend many happy hours downloading and using your creations and have learnt lots from them as well.

234 downloaded and running totaly on a EXT4 usb stick looking very good. now time for the hard drives


Posted: Sat 30 Oct 2010, 22:39
by James C
Fresh manual frugal install of 234 on the old P3 test box.Everything working fine on initial boot,as expected.
The firewall status being include on the taskbar is a nice touch, :)

Even though I don't use it,i guess it wouldn't hurt to do like Barry K did and include both Grub4Dos and legacy Grub.A choice never hurts.

On to some more testing......

Posted: Sat 30 Oct 2010, 22:45
by Brown Mouse
James C wrote: The firewall status being include on the taskbar is a nice touch, :)
Still unable to switch it off in 234.

Everything else is looking very fine indeed :D

Posted: Sat 30 Oct 2010, 23:01
by James C
Brown Mouse wrote:
James C wrote: The firewall status being include on the taskbar is a nice touch, :)
Still unable to switch it off in 234.

Everything else is looking very fine indeed :D
Can't turn it off here either.

Posted: Sat 30 Oct 2010, 23:14
by Stripe
James C wrote:
Brown Mouse wrote:
James C wrote: The firewall status being include on the taskbar is a nice touch, :)
Still unable to switch it off in 234.

Everything else is looking very fine indeed :D
Can't turn it off here either.
Works for me with a frugal install on a usb, just right click on the taskbar icon and pick quit


Posted: Sun 31 Oct 2010, 00:01
by Brown Mouse
Stripe wrote:
James C wrote:
Brown Mouse wrote: Still unable to switch it off in 234.

Everything else is looking very fine indeed :D
Can't turn it off here either.
Works for me with a frugal install on a usb, just right click on the taskbar icon and pick quit

Picking 'Quit' removes the icon.It doesn't switch the firewall off.The'Firewall On/Off'tab is meant to do that.

Re: Lucid Puppy 5.2 Base Luci-23 New Version OCT 30

Posted: Sun 31 Oct 2010, 00:15
by yarddog
playdayz wrote:Here is luci-234. Almost all of the pieces are in place now!
Caption reads Lucid Puppy 5.2 Base Base Luci-23 New Version OCT 30

Did You mean for this to read Luci-234 New Version OCT 30 ?


Re: Lucid Puppy 5.2 Base Luci-23 New Version OCT 30

Posted: Sun 31 Oct 2010, 00:24
by ttuuxxx
playdayz wrote:Here is luci-234. Almost all of the pieces are in place now!

The Most Easily Customized Puppy is now even easier

In addition to Quickpet and a well-stocked Puppy Package Manager

A one-stop Firstrun Dialog (shinobar) that can set all options on one screen

SFS-getter (01micko)- one-click (or two) and Open Office, VLC, Gimp, and others, are ready to go--and don’t use any Puppy memory

A nice collection of backgrounds (Menu -> Desktop Settings -> Nathan Wallpaper Setter)

(I am exploring what a background can be, so if you don't like the default, please remember, Menu -> Desktop Settings -> Nathan Wallpaper Setter)

Several new gtk themes (Menu -> Desktop Setting -> Chtheme GTK Theme Chooser - Try the default background with Crux--it’s excessive) And don't forget the Openbox themes (Menu -> Desktop Settings -> Openbox window manager config--there's one named Anchos that goes well with Crux).

A second window manager installed (JWM--WhoDo) and three more tested and configured for luci-234/Lucid 5.2 (Fluxbox, Icewm, XFCE).

Wmswitcher Menu -> Desktop Settings -> wmswitcher) can associate different backgrounds with each window manager

Wow I had to laugh at such a bold statement "The Most Easily Customized Puppy[/b] is now even easier" The you said
"Menu -> Desktop Settings -> Nathan Wallpaper Setter"
"Menu -> Desktop Settings -> Openbox window manager config"
well that's a bit to remember, lol ummm by the way if you ever booted 2.14X for the past 4+ months, It has a little Icon on the DESKTOP called Themes, clicking that will open a gui to set Metacity/Xfce-panel, Backgrounds and Gtk2, Metacity has like 17 themes and Gtk2 has 25 themes, I think that's a bit easier to switch to than having to go to the menu, 2.14X comes with Jwm and metacity which has its own Window manager switcher like the first one ever that puppy had when I built it for puppy 432 . It also has a icewm pet package and soon will have lxpanel/metacity. I know that puppy 5 does have a few improvements but its not the bees knees of Puppy Linux themes/Window managers setters. By the way 2.14X also has the nicest Cups and Puppy package manager GUI also. Next time maybe with a little less bragging and more truth might go a long way.

Refresh rate

Posted: Sun 31 Oct 2010, 00:36
by shinobar
Sorry playdauz the updated firstrun-1.1 to be late for the Luci-234.
The update is for some hardware get black screen with wrong refresh rate.
The one in Luci-234, firstrun-1.0 avoid that but restarting X reverts the refresh rate and gets black screen (with some hardware).

But anyway bigpup proposed attractive solution. Calling for opinion from you all. ... &start=115

It is not only limited with the firstrun(Parsonalize Settings) but relates with xorgwizard and etc.
The problem is xrandr nor monitor probe does not correctly reports the available refresh rate.

Compiz and cairo-dock work in luci-233/234

Posted: Sun 31 Oct 2010, 00:42
by smil99
Compiz and cairo-dock now work in luci233/234 (at least at my end).
Grab them from here:

Nevertheless, bewarned that the installation especially, for compiz is not straightforward. As I posted earlier (page 23 of this thread), I followed tombh's thread: Compiz-Fusion for Puppy 4.0.

As pointed out in that thread,
... there are only 3 main types of card that can run CF; ATI (newer than 7000), Intel (newer than i810) and Nvidia (newer than GeForce2).
Well, my machine uses intel so I had no problem whatsoever.

Now, these are the steps that I took:
1. I installed a fresh luci-233 frugally and the first thing I did was to install O1micko’s
Oh yes, compiz only works in xfce, KDE and gnome :cry:
Might work in Openbox but I didn't succeed trying that.

2. installed the new WmSwitcher (v7) before doing the switch to Xfce. However, fbpnel was still visible with openbox menus. I had to rename /usr/bin/fbpanel to fbpanel-old and after restart, it was gone.

3. Installed for 3D acceleration. (Note: no need to install the as suggested by tombh in the Compiz thread posted above).

4. I then installed openshot. (Note: This version of Openshot contains a mini-python which will also be useful for the compiz ccsm.) You can install only the
or the full python found elsewhere in the forum if you don't want to install Openshot.

5. Installed Compiz. (Note: This version of compiz contains libwnck for better performance of Emerald. It also has the simple-ccsm which is a no-brainer in configuring Compiz. (Hint: I always use the "ultimate" option in simple-ccsm for smooth and better performance of Compiz).

It is now time to tighten our belts as we are going to make some changes to system files.

6. Open the file /etc/profile and add # at the beginning of line 88. That is:

Code: Select all

7. Edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf according to the instructions given here: Compiz-Fusion for Puppy 4.0

8. Add this somewhere near the begining of .xinitrc:

Code: Select all

#start compiz
LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1 compiz --replace --indirect-rendering --sm-disable ccp emerald --replace &
sleep 3
At this point, Compiz should work after restarting the computer. However, I found out that the screen flickers after clicking the right button of the mouse.

To overcome this. I disabled the following lines in /root/.xinitrc:

Code: Select all

/usr/sbin/fixPuppyPin /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin #v1.0.7
if [ -f /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPan1 ];then
rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin -r /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPan1
rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin
They should look like this:

Code: Select all

#/usr/sbin/fixPuppyPin /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin #v1.0.7
#if [ -f /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPan1 ];then
# rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin -r /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPan1
# rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin
(Note: The above lines in /root/.xinitrc must be line113 and lines116 through 120 after pasting the Compiz startup code given in 8.)

Now if you want some further eye-candy, then proceed with the installation of cairo-dock.
9.. Install cairo-dock and add this:

Code: Select all

#start cairo-dock
cairo-dock -o &
just before:

Code: Select all

in /root/.xinitrc.

Restart your machine and enjoy.


Posted: Sun 31 Oct 2010, 01:10
by 01micko
Hi smil99

I am trying right now.. but in the /root/.xinitrc I will suggest to playdayz to make some improvements for compatibility with xfce4 and fluxbox..such as not loading fbpanel!!! does flux do compiz????

The wmswitcher needs improvement too, I'll upload a fixed xfce without wm-switcher and a new wm-switcher soon. I'm thinking to drop lxde support, only because of too much conflict with fbpanel.


Posted: Sun 31 Oct 2010, 01:22
by playdayz
drop lxde support,
Yes. The LXDE-Light I made. Do that. I have already removed it from PPM--it is a different openbox too which makes for even less compatibility.

Posted: Sun 31 Oct 2010, 01:26
by playdayz
I am sorry to offend ttuuxxx. I do that hype b.s. just for fun, like, The Greatest Show on Earth!!!

It looks like you have us on the themes ;-) We have 18 backgrounds though--probably too many.

01mickos sfs-getter in Quickpet for one-click install of sfs's is a good move toward ease of personalizing imho.

Two built-in and 3 added wm's is another move--though maybe also in the excessive range.

And then there is Quickpet in the first place and LupuNews to keep up with latest releases and updates.

Can we call it a tie?

Luci-234 - One of the two most easiest to personalize Puppies ever!!!

Grub and Grub4Dos

Posted: Sun 31 Oct 2010, 01:27
by shinobar
Regarding the Grub and Grub4Dos,
I like to show our experience of Japanese editons for your information.
From the 430JP released October last year, Japanese editions have both Grub(legacy) and Grub4Dos, as the recent Bary's Wary and Quirky do.

But new comers use Grub(legacy) instead of Grub4Dos,
and wonder why the grubconfig do nothing for the frugal installs.
They may also be missing the message given by the univasal installer(even translated in Japanese) how to boot up frugal install.
Anyway, if his PC is Windows pre-installed, he forced to make a frugal install on NTFS, there are no hope with Grub(legacy).

They don't have an idea even to try the Grub4Dos appears next to the Grub(legacy) on the menu.
Maybe because of its unfamiliar name 'Grub4Dos', they thought it a tool manipulating Windows MS-DOS or something.

In the LupQ, i removed the Grub(legacy) from the menu with this reason.
( Actually LupQ has both because one exceptional case requires the grub legacy.
The user interface, grub4dosconfig hides this fact and automatically arranges the grub and grub4dos.)

I guess the menu title of grub4dosconfig can be renamed as 'Grub configuration' hiding the name 'Grub4Dos'.
Because the Grub4Dos is upper compatible with the grub legacy.

Please see also:

Posted: Sun 31 Oct 2010, 01:31
by James C
Just noticed that the default cache setting in Firefox 4 b6 is 250 mb ........isn't that a bit higher than the usual Firefox pet?
Reset mine to 20...... :lol:

Posted: Sun 31 Oct 2010, 01:34
by 01micko
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

This compiz is a blast.. I just minimised my Opera window and watched it fold inta paper plane and fly downwards :lol:

Those blokes (compiz devs) surely have too much time on their hands!


Ok, will ditch lxde from wm-switcher

Posted: Sun 31 Oct 2010, 01:43
by James C
Almost forgot, I've installed Fluxbox and have a different wallpaper for each wm......seems to be working fine.

Somewhere in the midst of changing wm's back and forth I've lost the firewall status indicator in the taskbar though. :lol:

Posted: Sun 31 Oct 2010, 02:00
by smil99
does flux do compiz????
I guess not. :cry:
According to the fluxbox-wiki:
Can I use fluxbox or parts of it with XGL/Compiz/Beryl?
No, you can't. Fluxbox is a windowmanager, compiz and beryl are window managers (combined with a composite manager). So you can only replace fluxbox with one of them. KDE, GNOME and XFCE are desktop environments, which bring a windowmanager (kwin, metacity and xfwm) along. That's why you can use them with compiz, only the windowmanager is replaced.
Fluxbox is not modular, so you can't use the fluxbox menu, toolbar, slit or anything else with compiz. You can read the eyecandy section for some nice effects with fluxbox or switch completely to compiz/beryl and miss all the great features fluxbox has.
So we now have Xfce as the top candidate for compiz.

This compiz is a blast..
It surely is :D . I hope you can come come out with an easy way to install it.


Posted: Sun 31 Oct 2010, 02:04
by ttuuxxx
playdayz wrote:I am sorry to offend ttuuxxx. I do that hype b.s. just for fun, like, The Greatest Show on Earth!!!

It looks like you have us on the themes ;-)

Can we call it a tie?

Luci-234 & 2.14X - are One of the two most easiest to personalize Puppies ever!!!
Ok I can agree with a tie :) would be nice if one day if all the puppy Linux developers got together and built a release. If we took the amount of effort that we put into our personal projects and funneled into a main release it would be tops.