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My wish list and problem details

Posted: Fri 03 Apr 2020, 13:54
by lvds
Hi everyone, I have deleted my previous post as many suggestions were dedicated to
JWMdesk, and I have posted them in the related thread, so it could be easier to follow. ... 61#1054561

Here follow a list of problems I found or suggestions for puppy :

*** As discussed above by others, I second it would be much better to have a windows
selector like QuickPet, running at first run, to let the user select its favorites applications
for office, graphics, internet and email, and download them, rather than have abiword,
gnumeric, mtpaint, homebank, inkscape, claws mail, etc. installed by default. This will
make the distribution lighter and the user happy to find its favorites softwares ! :-)

*** IP Info - Network information -> DNS -> it would be great to have a button so we can edit
/etc/resolv.conf.head and /etc/resolv.conf.tail

and also a button to add openDNS automatically, that is something among the firsts things I usually do,
is to add and into /etc/resolv.conf.head

*** It would be great to be able to set a password to prevent anyone to use your puppy.
I'm not talking about encryption of the home directory and such, just simple set a
password so when puppy boot it will ask for the password. And let the user set it somewhere
into JWMdesk / Options, or maybe into Puppy_Setup...

*** I noticed something weird with urxvt terminal: When I open a terminal with a click on terminal icon in the panel, it is all
good, BUT opening a terminal with the "Urxvt Terminal Emulator" found in Menu -> Utility
open a terminal looking "weird" (not as the first one).

*** Retrovol Sound mixer windows does not display fine when opened
at first run (windows is too short and things inside have no margins ...)

*** Partview display only numbers for total size and free size on
partitions, but not the number for the used size, which
could be written at the place of the actual total size, and
Total size is not written "total" after the number.
sdb1 [ext3] 30G total [|||||||||| 1.4G used / 28.6G free ]

*** Simple GTK Radio could be replaced with odio, see it here

*** support for AppImages, so when a user want to install an AppImage into puppy,
the brand new AppImage software is registered into the menu with other applications.

*** Now, about something very weird behavior into the systray, I will try to explain as much I can the problem:
1. left or right mouse clic on clipboard manager and a little menu open: all good.
2. right mouse click on battery monitor and a little menu open: all good.
3. right mouse click on firewall and a little menu open which is NOT above the panel BUT INSIDE the panel,
which instantly activate the option "turn firewall OFF" when you release the mouse button even if you did not intend to !
4. the same problem stands for the simple network setup icon in the systray: a right mouse clic on the icon
and you de-activate the network Sad even when not intended to do it.
5. left or right mouse clic on cpugraph does not launch the taskmanager
6. right mouse clic on horloge time launch PupClockSet fine but the left mouse click does not launch osmo calendar.

*** StickyJWM would be a great addition too, with a tool inside JWMdesk to
setup averything and shortcuts, see: ... 396#906396

You're doing great and I'm proud to be a puppy user :-)


Posted: Tue 07 Apr 2020, 19:33
by vtpup
My biggest suggestion is to make the next release a Chromebook-friendly Puppy.

There are tens of thousands of Chromebooks in public schools even in my rural state, and parents are now buying them in large numbers as well.

It would be nice to be able to boot something other than the ChromeOS, and break the Google leash.

Note, I have used GalliumOS (lubuntu-ish) extensively on the Acer R11, and all I can say is, it's a very painful user experience compared to any Puppy I've ever tried. I'm grateful at least one alternative OS exists, but man, Puppy would be a breath of fresh air on this box.

Anyway, Chromebooks are a big userbase -- a Puppy which works with them would be a great boon.

Posted: Tue 07 Apr 2020, 21:49
by Burn_IT
I don't think that is the right question to ask since a Chromebook is just hardware with the Chrome OS installed as default. What may be needed is a way to break the initial program load sequence so that a different OS can be selected as well. That may be difficult if the load is burned into the hardware/chips which I suspect it is.

I do not have one and have never used one so I am just guessing from what I have read/heard.

It may take talking Google into opening up the firmware which I suspect will be difficult or expensive given that they seem to have a pretty good stranglehold on the current market.

Posted: Tue 07 Apr 2020, 23:09
by vtpup
There is a well developed independent means for using numerous alternate OS's in most Chromebooks already. Please read, if inrerested:

After using any of those methods, the main issues found with running Puppies on Chromebooks seem to revolve around making the audio work, and to a lesser degree, keyboards and mousepads working well.

Again, as a suggestion I would really like to see some attention to Chromebook needs addressed in the next Puppy, if possible.

Posted: Fri 12 Jun 2020, 11:24
by alibadrelsayed
Looking to see full dpkg in the next release.