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Posted: Sun 12 Feb 2017, 14:33
by fernan
Thanks !! Just tried this, the tablet is working! Using it right now !

Some minor problems with the tablet-screen layout, for sure fixable tweaing some parameters.

It seems that half of my Wacon covers all the screen, and the coordinates are not "absolute" as they were when installed on Mac OSX (I mean, if the cursor is in one side, and I place the pen on the center of the tablet, the cursor stays on that side) So, the 4 angles don't match the screen angles.

Also, the "touch" moves the cursor very slowly, not the same pen speed.

Do you know the parameters to adjust this?

Also, I don't see the pen pressure working on GIMP...

Posted: Sun 12 Feb 2017, 14:51
by fernan
Edited: Figured out one issue: Changed

Code: Select all

# Option "Mode" "Absolute"
Option "Mode" "Relative" 
in xorg.cof, activated the Absolute mode.

Posted: Sun 12 Feb 2017, 19:39
by miriam
fernan, that's interesting. That was the problem I was having (no pressure sensitivity) and why I did the things I wrote about in my post above at Wed 12 Oct 2016, 08:38.

Since than I have had a couple of bad computer crashes, so I've gone back to frugal Puppy Lucid 528. I should set the Wacom tablet up again on it, but I haven't got around to it yet. I'll try again soon. What Puppy are you using?

Posted: Mon 13 Feb 2017, 01:31
by fernan
Running tahrpup 6.0.3 updated to 6.0.5

I'll follow your suggestions in the previous posts regarding pressure sensitivity. I thought with a newer puppy the setup would be easier.

Another thing I discovered: If I startup the computer with the wacon connected, my laptop touchpad loose the "2 finger" scroll. If I startup with the tablet disconnected, and connect it after X started, both devices work.

Posted: Mon 13 Feb 2017, 01:46
by miriam
fernan, that's very interesting. Older Puppies that I've used with the Wacom tablet wouldn't recognise the tablet unless I booted with it connected and switched on.

Posted: Mon 13 Feb 2017, 05:38
by charlie6
Hi fernan and miriam,

just to mention:
1) xorg.conf stylus sction setting:
i have used 3 different wacom tablet types: Graphire, Volito1 and Volito2;
the folowing options differs according to the tablet type:

Code: Select all

      Option        "Threshold" "5" 
      Option        "CursorProx" "5"
for my Volito2, "CursorProx" "5" works the best;
for my Graphire, "CursorProx" "10" works OK;

for my Volito2, "Threshold" "5" works the best;
for my Graphire, i have "Threshold" "42" ;

read across here for more details: ... figuration

I'm using mtpaint instead of Gimp, and could get the stylus the pressure sensitivity setting the tablets parameters inside mtpaint (i suspect Gimp to have a similar tablets setting):

In mtpaint, press Ctrl-p to open the settings dialog box, and select TABLET;
there, parametes SIZE, ..., OPACITY checkboxes need being ticked ON;
device is selected to STYLUS
mode is selected to SCREEN

I have no touch tablet and am not able to tell anything about that.
For tablets pen displacement versus cursors one on screen. I did not get deeper in fine settings . I believe the linuxwaccom documentation could cover specific needs.


Posted: Mon 13 Feb 2017, 11:28
by miriam
Thanks Charlie. I haven't thought to play around with the threshold settings.

Posted: Tue 06 Jun 2017, 00:19
by don570
The xorg driver is included with Hungarian version of Precise puppy distro ... 9&start=75

However, I had to go through the same old ritual of modifying
the xorg.conf file to get it to work. ... 765#956765

Note that the the most up-to-date driver won't compile on older distros.


Posted: Tue 03 Oct 2017, 00:06
by don570
I was able to get my wacom bamboo tablet to work in

I used Charlie6 advice in post above

The xorg.conf needed to be modified as Charlie mentioned.
but I put the rules in /lib/udev/rules.d/ or /etc/udev/rules.d/

Fortunately the tablet device driver wacom.ko was inside the iso.
I have noticed that wacom.ko is not inside some recent distros using the 4.9 kernel. This seems to be a bug.


Re: slacko64-

Posted: Tue 24 Jul 2018, 20:04
by charlie6
don570 wrote:...
I have noticed that wacom.ko is not inside some recent distros using the 4.9 kernel. This seems to be a bug.
Hi don570,
hope you'r doing well ;-)

In Dpup Stretch 7.5 RC3, I could not even build the missing wacom.ko kernel driver as reported here: ... 716#999716

Thanks for any advice !
Best regards

Posted: Tue 24 Jul 2018, 23:31
by don570
I thought that when the kernel is compiled the wacom.ko file is created??

I noticed that the launchpad site still has wacom files available.
Maybe debian linux still has files available?? I can't see any. ... -lts-vivid
/initrd/mnt/tmpfs/tmp/input-wacom-0.41.0/4.5/Makefile:14: *** You requested to build wacom with configure, but wacom is configured as built-in in your kernel config. Stop.
Makefile:1508: recipe for target '_module_/initrd/mnt/tmpfs/tmp/input-wacom-0.41.0/4.5' failed
If you knew how to change the recipe then it might work???
'the recipe' is a text file that the compiler uses. It give paths and options.


Posted: Fri 03 Aug 2018, 05:03
by charlie6
Hi don570, ... 65#1001065
from Dpup Stretch 7.5 RC3 post (continue)
don570 wrote:...I tried modifying my xorg.conf file and all I got was a frozen screen.
I miss time these days to try to give an exhaustive answer.

As I do not know on which Puplet you got this (kernel? 32 or 64 bits...?) in a first time you might ignore the pet I made and revert to the original state. Just try keeping the 69-wacom.rules present in the pet I made (it is in fact identical to earlier wacom.rules).
I assume you are aware that wacom.rules only creates one or two wacom symlinks in /dev/input/ in order the tablet to be recognized by xorg (Inside xorg.conf, the wacom devices related codes have the code "/dev/input/wacom").
If "/dev/input/wacom" is not present while the tablet is connected, just unplug it, wait 5 seconds (the time for the event manager to react) and plug it again. The the "/dev/input/wacom" should be created. If not, the wacom.ko is the culprit.

Otherwise you would have to replace that "/dev/input/wacom" by the right "/dev/input/eventX" X is a number from 1 to 9 which you can find by reading the content of /proc/bus/input/devices, in the paragraph related to the wacom tablet, at the end of the line having "H: Handlers....event8" as an example.

A lot about all this has already been documented in the present thread.
Also usefull to read is the and others about some bugs and fixes. There are some "xsetwacom" line commands described usefull to know more about the wacom tablet.


Posted: Sat 04 Aug 2018, 17:26
by don570
I am using the standard stretch 7.5 installed frugally.
4.9.101 kernel
I was able to compile xf86-input-wacom, but I can't get xorg driver to be recognized.

I will read your post and git instructions and try again.

I tracked down the instructions on git ... figuring-X

Look under Static xorg.conf Setup


Fixed device files with udev ... -with-udev