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Posted: Wed 04 Jun 2008, 09:48
by Aitch

Posted: Thu 05 Jun 2008, 07:50
by mdisaster2
Lobster wrote:
lobster how you enjoying your eee?
So I am using Xandros on the eeepc
Not really sure how to make the above bootable devices - bootable
Been partitioning and setting flags and formatting from Windows
and just getting fed up - nothing seems to make them work . . .
This page has a number of tips about booting from USB thingies:
Hope it helps...

I am especially interested in Method 5 - using a dd-like utility to write a bootable image to usb devices. It would be nice if we could just download a bootable image of Pupeee, burn it on a USB stick (or better still on a SD card), stick the card in the eee and boot... ;)

Booting from USB pen drive!

Posted: Thu 05 Jun 2008, 08:59
by drbongo
Lobster, I had the same problem at first. I used the gparted app on the puppy live disk to reformat the USB pen drive to FAT32 and set the flag to bootable - the universal installer then ran like a dream, same for SD card and internal SSD!


Posted: Thu 05 Jun 2008, 09:38
by Lobster
This page has a number of tips about booting from USB thingies:
Hope it helps...
I don't have access to a windows machine at present
However that is a good link - I think I got rid of everything - including the boot sector and that is the problem . . .

Appreciate the help


Posted: Thu 05 Jun 2008, 10:20
by Aitch
I think I got rid of everything - including the boot sector and that is the problem . .
see the grub stage 1 info here;

I believe installing grub restores damaged mbr, the same as w98 utility in windoze



CAC for Department of Defence

Posted: Sun 08 Jun 2008, 22:57
by Hedgehog
I am having problems compiling the files required for the cac reader. Here are the directions.

I have Pupeee on the internal card on the 4gig Eeepc with 1gig ram ... -on-linux/

I am running into errors, I have never compiled before, so not understanding the error. I also cant copy and paste from the console to show you the errors

Can anybody try to compile these?.

I have devx set up, and it starts compiling, but something is going wrong in the make process.

I started a new post on this at


Posted: Fri 13 Jun 2008, 01:18
by tqwe
whodo i tried ezpup4 with pupee4b on eee took forever did not seem to install properly.tried to uninstall ,created other problems. so i refomatted hdc reinstalled pupee4b all is well now. i may try ezpup3 as it worked well on pupeee3
lobster i used desktop puppy3 to format usb key to fat 16 with gparted, then use universal installer to put pup on key. then you can boot usb key on the eee, use gparted to clean out xandros and delete the rest. create and partion eee to ext3 use univesal installer put puppy on the eee. oh and i ran pupeee4b live cd on desktop with puppy3. i have done the same thing using sd cards. i found out if your sd card or usb key seems to be buggered use gparted to reformat to fat16. once i cleaned out the hdc on my 2 gig eee and put pupeee i went from about 400mbs to 1.4g of free space i am very impressed, take care.

Posted: Fri 13 Jun 2008, 03:37
by Lobster
lobster i used desktop puppy3 to format usb key to fat 16 with gparted
OK many thanks. Might try that sometime, seem to be trying all kinds of weird things to get USB keydrives bootable again . . .

usb modem

Posted: Mon 16 Jun 2008, 15:20
by tqwe
i have us robotics 5637 usb modem. pupeee4 hdc install. usbview sees it.
i tried ndis,loaded all modules non worked. the inf file came off the cd that came with modem. from what i saw this modem works on other linux. i searhed the net and this site for a few days no luck yet. this would make a great usb modem for dial up for th eee. i checked it on win box it works ok.

thank you

Printing HP LJ2600

Posted: Sat 21 Jun 2008, 15:26
by NickS
I've installed pupeee on my EEE and it works really well (mainly I can connect to my wireless network)

The one thing I cant do is get printing to work with my HP LJ2600 (which
I could do with Xanadros). I've downloaded foo2zjs and compiled it (I had to install the devx301.sfs) before I could compile foo2zjs.

I then added to CUPS an hp2600n color lasterjet.

CUPS says that it is installed ok, but it wont print. If I look in the error log (/var/log/cups/error_log) the only error message I get is:

/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip stopped with status 3!

Has anyone got an hp lj2600 to work with puppeee?
Am I doing something stupid?

Posted: Sat 21 Jun 2008, 17:08
by Aitch
i have us robotics 5637 usb modem. pupeee4 hdc install. usbview sees it.

Try typing in a console;

modprobe cdc-acm

then run Pupdial and probe for the modem,

also, look in /dev; & see if ttyACM0, or similar, is there

There is a serial tty setting somewhere, but its not my speciality

Else, see here, its pretty old, but may help ... demdetails

read from:
Bring up an rxvt console. Then type the following command:

cat /proc/pci
good luck



Posted: Sat 21 Jun 2008, 22:43
by tqwe
aitch thank you for your help. i used the bootmanager to load module cdc_acm. the usb modem now powers up if i leave it plugged in and boot or plug it in after. usb still sees it bothways . pupdial does noy see it. as well i did not see ttyacm0 in dev/. thank you

Posted: Sun 22 Jun 2008, 02:49
by Aitch
the usb modem now powers up if i leave it plugged in and boot or plug it in after. usb still sees it bothways...
does that mean you can use it or only just see it?

I can only point you here:- ... 39778a2b51

in the hope it can shed light, though for a different setup

I think someone else may need to take you further if you still need help, as it could be a ttyS0/1/2/3 problem, & may need a command line probe, or it may be incomplete usb modules loading
but you'll have to give clear details as to what is happening, in sequence, as you try things, thanks

NB: I suggest you ask the mods to move this to beginners help as
'usb modem problem in pupeee4'
as otherwise it's a bit of a hijack - see thread title


usb modem

Posted: Sun 22 Jun 2008, 09:11
by tqwe
@aitch thanks i can not use it but usbview sees it.
i did check the links you suggested, no luck.
did not mean to hijack, just thought because its eee related all eee stuff should be in the eee place ?
any way i do appreciate your help i thank you again, tqwe.

Posted: Mon 23 Jun 2008, 09:18
by Sage
Breezy is being distributed with Linux Format August08. This edition also includes some useful reviews of upcoming sub-notebooks.
The lovely Susan has a bone to pick with Barry (p39) re. source code broken link. Is it?

Re: New Pup for the Eeepc based on Puppy 301

Posted: Mon 23 Jun 2008, 18:38
by AngelEee
So is this a new Eee? like thing? where and when will it hit the market? Thanks Angel

dvw86 wrote:
***UPDATE 2/17/08***
I have changed the main server location. Thanks goes to 1ColdBeer. The new location is:

You can still download from the mirror hosted by Caneri.

Well here it is. The first release of ... What do I call it? Pupeee? Whatever the name, this is an iso that I put together for the Asus Eeepc. It should work for the Intel Classmate as well, but I can not test that since I don't have one. It is a basic install of 301 with all the needed drivers installed. It should boot right up without asking for keyboard layout or screen resolution. Sound works right out of the box (the mic works as well). The webcam modules are installed but I have not been able to get it to work. The wireless card will show up the first time you run the connect wizard. The built in Ethernet port drivers are installed but not loaded. It is listed in the "load module" screen though. ACPI drivers are installed for the numlock and scroll lock keys. Volume up, down, mute, and print screen keys work but you have to use the alt key instead of the function key. The screen brightness keys work with the function key. Other additional items include:

Batmon the battery monitor.
A custom JWM-Tray file with auto hide on to help make use of the small screen.
xine extra codecs
English dictionary for Abiword.
A few wallpapers that I liked. My wife took the picture of the default background from our back porch.
A few other things that I may have forgotten.

***UPDATED 2/4/08***
New iso uploaded.

Updates include:
Webcam works! (Be sure to enable it in the bios)
Skype Beta 2 with webcam support.
Better startup script for batmon. (no popup box on first boot)
Rox icons set to automatic size instead of large.
More apps added to the "open with" menu.

***UPDATE 2/21/2008***
New iso uploaded.
It still has the little JWM bug where you have to re-choose the black Vista theme after your second boot (first boot from your pupsave file). This has some requested features and it's not that serious of a bug so I wanted to post it anyways. Updates include:

Trackpad scroll and tap enabled by default.
Asapm battery monitor replaces Batmon.
The shut down bug eliminated (hopefully).
The wireless driver rt2570 is blacklisted since it causes problems on the Classmate. (thanks to Caneri).
New JWM look.

***UPDATE 3/16/2008***
New iso uploaded

Skype is still installed but it is no longer on the desktop. I put it in the start menu instead.
Cleaned up the rest of the start menu a bit. Some of the .desktop files needed modified.
Added icons for the "Open With" menu.
Xmms has been updated to work with ACC files also known as MP4. It still will not work with Apples protected (DRM) ACC files though.
New default wallpaper. (Thanks to Lobster)
Audacity is installed.
Handbrake is installed.
Xplns is installed.
Puppy Control Panel is installed along with murgaLua. This changes a lot of things both now and in the future.
The new Puppy Control Panel gets rid of that annoying JWM bug of having to re-choose the theme.
My Simple Calculator is installed.
sysmsg is installed.
Removed the current gftp server tool as this is now part of the control panel.
Removed the current JWM configuration tool from the start menu since it is now part of the control panel. (It is still in the iso since it is small, but it is not listed in the start menu)
Removed the firewall wizard from the start menu since it is now part of the control panel.
Removed the "Connect" icon from the desktop since it is now part of the control panel.
Removed the network wizard from the start menu since it is now part of the control panel.

Be sure to use a fresh pupsave and delete or rename the old pup_301-eee.sfs file.


Mirrors are welcome :wink:
Size is 139MB


Posted: Thu 26 Jun 2008, 11:14
by tqwe
@aitch i did some more research. it seems with xandros on the eee to get the usr5637 usb modem woking as you suggested they are using ttyacm0. i looked around in the p4 files i do not seem to have this acmo file. is there a way to have it on pupee4.

@ angelee not to sure what you are asking about, the eeepc has been out for awhile,and there are some good linux operating systems for the eee. the best ones that come to mind are pupee4 and breezy.i hope that helps if not give a few more details and you will get some answers here.

Posted: Thu 26 Jun 2008, 13:09
by Aitch
So is this a new Eee? like thing? where and when will it hit the market? Thanks Angel
If you are referring to the referenced pupeee links, pupeee is a freely downloadable alternate operating system to the xandros supplied with the Eeepc

If you are referring to this
It says quite clearly in the link "Negroponte unveils new design for the 2nd generation laptop"
A design is not a marketable commodity for public consumption, unfortunately!


Try typing in a console modprobe cdc-acm or modprobe cdc_acm

this may help; ... d063b5567e

rerwin seems to answer a lot of usb modem problems

or, ... c6907a591c

as Barry seems to be aware of this, if not post it on that page, where he's asking for testers, or on his blog, maybe?


modem sucess

Posted: Sat 28 Jun 2008, 14:12
by tqwe
Just a little update.The Usr5637 usb dialup modem is working.I used info found here by Chriss667 posted in the howto "Internet through a mobile phone.I only added cdc_acm with bootmanager,then typed into terminal the "mknod" 4 lines of code Chriss667 used.I rebooted and installed Wvdial1.5.I ran wvdial it picked up the modem and now i am typing this on the 2geee pupeee4 connecet :wink: :wink: ed through dialup. Thank you Chriss667 and all the others that tried to help me. Tqwe.

Posted: Sat 28 Jun 2008, 17:14
by Aitch
I love it when a plan comes together

well done, glad to have been of assistance
