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Re: non-persistent screen resolution

Posted: Wed 05 Sep 2012, 03:24
by umair
Elroy : Thnx for reply:
I checked the xorg file as u mentioned. The Screen resolution is already set as 1024x768. Here is my the screen section:
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
# Device "Card0"
Monitor "Monitor0"
DefaultDepth 24
#Option "metamodes" "1280x960_60 +0+0" #METAMODES_0
Subsection "Display"
Depth 24
Modes "1024x768x16" #screen0modes
Any Idea ?????
The Screen resolution issue has been solved. I ran xorgwizard and selected the desired resolution manually. restarted the X, and now the screen resolution is set according to my needs (1024x768).
Thnx Elroy n Every One.

USB un-mount problems

Posted: Wed 05 Sep 2012, 13:09
by KJ
mini-jaguar ... Saluki 23 correctly mounts and un-mounts an old Sandisk 128 MB and a Laxar 256 MB USB flash drive for me so i doubt that age of the flash is the problem. I have only had a flash drive fail to unmount if I have mounted a .sfs file on a drive and failed to un-mount that file before I tried to un-mount the flash drive. In addition, the flash drive that is running your OS or an active save file can not be un-mounted. KJ

Posted: Wed 05 Sep 2012, 14:15
by mini-jaguar
Karl, I don't understand most of your post, if it is in fact an answer to mine, but I do agree that installing programs and widgets can make a system unstable. However, the only thing I installed in mine is a single wallpaper, no programs, widgets or packages.

KJ, I am trying to unmount a USB stick which has no o.s. or save file on it. In fact, I usually plug it in after Saluki is already booted.
greengeek wrote:
mini-jaguar wrote:The only possible reason I can think of for the stick which isn't working is that it's only 500Mb and older and there's something missing in Saluki, because it works fine in other distros.
Just a couple of thoughts:
1) Is the behaviour the same when you unmount by rightclicking the desktop icon for that stick, or by using pmount from the menu? (rather than doing it with the file manager open...)
2) Do you have access to a usb hub that you could put between the stick and the eeepc usb port? Maybe there is some oddity about how Saluki drives the hardware of the usb port and a separate hub might "insulate" the stick. I have seen some slow sticks confuse the booting of Saluki so maybe Saluki code is "too fast" for some hardware, or less tolerant of read/write delays at some times.
3) Just noticed that your sdc1 icon is labelled as a "usb disk" where the others are not, The usb sticks on my Saluki 23 install dont show as "usb disk" either. Maybe that stick is formatted in a different way somehow? Maybe the mbr structure is different? Was it created with something like bootflash or mbr.bin originally? I guess you could try changing the format of the mbr, although that might change the symptom and lose the opportunity of identifying what Saluki is doing differently.
1) This is interesting. If I use pmount it goes to that pink screen I posted earlier. However, if I press exit, it simply goes back to the pmount screen (instead of saying it can't unmount, like in the file manager)

If I press exit, it does something completely different. It crashes to a black screen, the only thing on the screen being the cursor, which I cannot move with the touchpad.

2) Does absolutely nothing except maybe for the computer working a little slower when dealing with the USB stick. Bugs in the same manner.

3) That is because sdc1 is the only USB stick, sdb1 is an sD card.
edit: hmm, you may be on to something here, my other USB stick, which unmounts correctly, doesn't show this.

I think the one with problems was reformatted at one time. It's FAT32 I think, but the mbr may have been redone. I have read somewhere that factory USB sticks have this special anti-pirating thing in the mbr against purchased mp3s being copied. I didn't have any on the stick, but laying out a new table will have a different type of mbr. Still very weird that the same USB stick works fine on every other o.s.

Posted: Wed 05 Sep 2012, 19:57
by greengeek
mini-jaguar wrote:I think the one with problems was reformatted at one time. It's FAT32 I think, but the mbr may have been redone. I have read somewhere that factory USB sticks have this special anti-pirating thing in the mbr against purchased mp3s being copied
I thought that this anti-pirating thing (and U3 / Startkey code) only occurred with more recent sticks but I could be wrong.
laying out a new table will have a different type of mbr.
I believe that changing the partition table will not necessarily change the mbr structure. (I used to think that Gparted would write a new mbr during a puppy installation, but I found out when troubleshooting Saluki boot problems that programs like Gparted only write the partition table but don't change the rest of the mbr. I had been accepting the "use existing mbr" option instead of the "use mbr.bin package" option).
Still very weird that the same USB stick works fine on every other o.s.
Yeah, I think Saluki does some slightly different things when it comes to usb handling. I'd be interested to know how that stick behaves if you installed Wary53 or RacyNOP522 on the same hardware in exactly the same way that you installed Saluki. I have seen some odd things happen when certain puppies installed on a usb bus (which the sd card interface is...) try to handle data/control functions on another usb device. I definitely found that the mbr structure affects the timing of events on the usb bus (I have no idea why....)

Just as a sidenote - if I have any problems with a usb stick I now use puppy 431 to reformat the stick, install puppy 431 to it, then scrap the 431 files and just use it for whatever. After months of having boot problems with sticks formatted by other versions of Puppy it just seemed that there was something "special" about the particular combination of Puppy 431's versions of gparted and extlinux (and/or universal installer). There are other ways to "prepare" the stick but using 431 is my current favourite method.

There are various ways to save the mbr or list it's contents - I think it would be interesting to save a copy of the mbr of your problematic stick in case it offered some clues as to why Saluki is struggling with it.

Posted: Wed 05 Sep 2012, 23:16
by sakamoto
Geoffrey wrote:
sakamoto wrote:where are the default xfce4 menu categories defined? i understood that no custom categories were defined as i cannot find anything in the ./config folder

Default xfce4 menu categories are here /etc/xdg/menus/

The corresponding .directory files here /usr/share/desktop-directories

Almost Geoffrey :) These files explaines the categories layout = but i want to modify the specific icons and descriptions used for the Thunar File Manager, Thunar Bulk Rename, Pmount shortcuts as example which are shown under category Filesystem.

So i dont want to edit the categories but those special shortcuts in the specific categories like the example above. Thanks

Posted: Wed 05 Sep 2012, 23:47
by sakamoto
and a last question= where can i change the cursor theme?

Posted: Thu 06 Sep 2012, 01:47
by Geoffrey
sakamoto wrote:
Geoffrey wrote:
sakamoto wrote:where are the default xfce4 menu categories defined? i understood that no custom categories were defined as i cannot find anything in the ./config folder

Default xfce4 menu categories are here /etc/xdg/menus/

The corresponding .directory files here /usr/share/desktop-directories

Almost Geoffrey :) These files explaines the categories layout = but i want to modify the specific icons and descriptions used for the Thunar File Manager, Thunar Bulk Rename, Pmount shortcuts as example which are shown under category Filesystem.

So i dont want to edit the categories but those special shortcuts in the specific categories like the example above. Thanks

If you have a specific icon you wish to use, then place it in /usr/share/pixmaps directory.
To edit the descriptions used, that is the comment in the .desktop files.

Edit the .desktop files located in /usr/share/applications.
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Pmount mount/unmount drives
Icon=harddrive.png <----------------------------------------change the icon here
Comment=Mount and unmount drives<------------ change's description for mouse over in menu
GenericName=Drive Mounter
you can change the mouse theme with Control Panel > Hardware > Mouse Settings, if you want to add new cursor themes, place them in /root/.icons

Is that what you need to know?

Posted: Thu 06 Sep 2012, 06:05
by Geoffrey
Updated xmenumaker to version 2.6.9 ... 652#649652

Posted: Thu 06 Sep 2012, 20:32
by sakamoto
Thank you Geoffrey. Much appreciated!

Posted: Fri 07 Sep 2012, 21:31
by sakamoto
Geoffrey - a last question :lol: do you know how i can change the font of the xfce4 notifications? i know i can change the colors with teh control panel but i am interested in changing the actual font...

edit: I was able to figure this one out - you can edit the notifications font under /usr/share/themes/THEMENAME

but i have a next xfce4 question :D is it possible to hide the descriptions of the shortcuts on the desktop? many thanks

Posted: Sat 08 Sep 2012, 01:09
by Geoffrey
sakamoto wrote:Geoffrey - a last question :lol: do you know how i can change the font of the xfce4 notifications? i know i can change the colors with teh control panel but i am interested in changing the actual font...

edit: I was able to figure this one out - you can edit the notifications font under /usr/share/themes/THEMENAME

but i have a next xfce4 question :D is it possible to hide the descriptions of the shortcuts on the desktop? many thanks
I had a good look around and could find nothing to disable desktop tooltips.

I can only suggest you try elroy's XfcePowerTools, this will allow you the change the size of the tool tip icons on the desktop so they are not so prominent. get from HERE

Posted: Sat 08 Sep 2012, 16:01
by elroy
Hi Sakamoto,

There's two things you can try to "hide the descriptions of the shortcuts on the desktop".

First, open the hidden file /root/.gtkrc-2.0. You'll have to open Thunar, click 'View', and then click 'Show Hidden Files' in order to see it.

Once you've opened the file, at the bottom add the following:

Code: Select all

gtk-enable-tooltips = 0
If this doesn't give you the desired results, or you are getting buggy behavior, re-open the file and remove that line. Then try this out:

Code: Select all

gtk-tooltip-timeout = 9999
The problem with these two solutions is that you end up globally disabling tooltips in Xfce, not just the desktop tooltips.

If you use the XfcePowerTools pet that Geoffrey mentioned, you definitely can make the tooltips smaller, but only to a point. What it actually does is adjust the icon size inside the tooltip, and once the icon isn't visible (if set to 0) the tooltip size will still be governed by the amount of text inside the tooltip. In otherwords, while much smaller, it'll still be visible.

Posted: Sat 08 Sep 2012, 22:15
by sakamoto
i think we should be able to do is straight in the themes config file too

something else, is someone able to create a pup of xfce4-screenshooter ?

i cannot compile as a compiler is missing in saluki

Posted: Sat 08 Sep 2012, 23:23
by Geoffrey
sakamoto wrote:i think we should be able to do is straight in the themes config file too

something else, is someone able to create a pup of xfce4-screenshooter ?

i cannot compile as a compiler is missing in saluki

get the devx_luki_022.sfs from HERE 67.5 MB and rename it to devx_luki_023.sfs

and if you need to compile video drivers,you will also need the kernel_sources-3.2.8-ski.sfs HERE 102.0 MB

I gathered all the files that seem to be for the xfce4-screenshooter, just check it, appears to be all there, hope that helps.


Posted: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 17:41
by elroy

Firefox 15.0.1

Posted: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 17:42
by elroy
Firefox 15.0.1 has been added to the repository.


Posted: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 21:03
by Geoffrey
elroy wrote:Experimental version of Dropbox available here.
The dropbox thunar plugin pet I posted earlier in the year works in Saluki

Sayonara player

Posted: Fri 14 Sep 2012, 20:20
by LucioCarreras
Hi! There's a new version 0.3 of Sayonara player if you are still interested in it. A lot of happened since version 0.1. I would be very happy if it will stay in your repositories.

Atm Sayonara 0.3 is still beta stadium but the final version will be released very soon. I would be very happy, if I could find some testers. :-)

Thanks in advance!



Posted: Sun 16 Sep 2012, 10:43
by Geoffrey
I've compiled Sayonara 0.3, download HERE this will download qt which is a dependency, It appears to run fine, with everything working as it should.

Test please. if there is no feedback I'll assume it's ok and add it to the PPM.


Posted: Sun 16 Sep 2012, 16:16
by elroy
This is actually a nice player. Unfortunately it doesn't offer any of the video formats that I use, so I could only check out the audio. Still checking it out, but so far no problems. It does have some nice features.