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unwanted auto saves

Posted: Sun 26 Aug 2012, 14:00
by KJ
aarf .... there may be some help for your auto save problems discussed on pages 219 ... 223 of this thread.

I've been running a frugal "manual save only" mode (13) in Saluki (and other Puppies) using USB and SD flash drives for a long time with very little problem. Just by setting the save interval to "0" with no "+or-". You can check out /etc/rc.d/rc.shutdown around line # 988 to see if it is set to "0" there. You can also change the time delay before "no save" auto shutdown in this section.

(In Saluki 22) I also had toI open /sbin/pup_event_frontend_d with 'defaulttexteditor' and changed line 9 from ramsaveinterval=30 to:


That fixed the auto save problem for me. ... no problems since June. Hope this helps ....KJ

Posted: Mon 27 Aug 2012, 16:51
by mavrothal
Any news from Jemimah, anyone?
She had "disapeared" before, but is good to know that at least she is "ok" and hopefully on other venues/priorities.

Re: unwanted auto saves

Posted: Mon 27 Aug 2012, 18:11
by aarf
KJ wrote:aarf .... there may be some help for your auto save problems discussed on pages 219 ... 223 of this thread.

I've been running a frugal "manual save only" mode (13) in Saluki (and other Puppies) using USB and SD flash drives for a long time with very little problem. Just by setting the save interval to "0" with no "+or-". You can check out /etc/rc.d/rc.shutdown around line # 988 to see if it is set to "0" there. You can also change the time delay before "no save" auto shutdown in this section.

(In Saluki 22) I also had toI open /sbin/pup_event_frontend_d with 'defaulttexteditor' and changed line 9 from ramsaveinterval=30 to:


That fixed the auto save problem for me. ... no problems since June. Hope this helps ....KJ
thanks KL, i had at look at it but done nothing. Not a huge problem. Reported mainly to note a fix is required in saluki or somewhere.

Re: unwanted auto saves

Posted: Mon 27 Aug 2012, 18:43
by greengeek
aarf wrote: i had at look at it but done nothing. Not a huge problem. Reported mainly to note a fix is required in saluki or somewhere.
Hi aarf, which browser are you using? I've been getting a bit suspicious of some of the self-updating behaviour of browsers lately.

Do you have updating enabled in your browser? I prefer to prevent my browser from ndoing any updates, and I certainly don't want it saving those updates to my savefile. (but I suspect some browsers do exhibit that behaviour...)

Posted: Tue 28 Aug 2012, 00:47
by Geoffrey
mavrothal wrote:Any news from Jemimah, anyone?
She had "disapeared" before, but is good to know that at least she is "ok" and hopefully on other venues/priorities.
I've been putting off saying anything in regard to Jemimah, the last message I received from her was asking me if I would look after the Repo in case she went AWOL again, after she sent me the password I haven't heard from her, she hasn't retrieved any messages from my outbox and there are no post's from her since the 7th of July.

I 've been hoping that she would return before anybody actually asked her whereabouts, but this day had to come, at the moment there is only me and elroy maintaining the repo, as elroy is a moderator on the Saluki forum, he is able to keep it organized removing spam and answering questions to the new members, we have no admin so we are in limbo until Jemimah returns.

If anyone does have any other means of contacting Jemimah, it may pay to give her a call to check on her well being.

At a guess I'd say this maybe due to her failed employment, I'll say no more as it would only be speculation.

Re: unwanted auto saves

Posted: Tue 28 Aug 2012, 02:18
by aarf
greengeek wrote:
aarf wrote: i had at look at it but done nothing. Not a huge problem. Reported mainly to note a fix is required in saluki or somewhere.
Hi aarf, which browser are you using? I've been getting a bit suspicious of some of the self-updating behaviour of browsers lately.

Do you have updating enabled in your browser? I prefer to prevent my browser from ndoing any updates, and I certainly don't want it saving those updates to my savefile. (but I suspect some browsers do exhibit that behaviour...)
at present i am running operamini (outside of pupsave) in java microemulator which wont update itself so not the cause for me here. other times opera from is own partition which also doesnt auto update for linux. occasionally midori whose behaviour i dont know but with my current connection it cant access the internet for updates. ramsaveinterval as above is thirty, even though i did the change to -0 via the gui.

Posted: Tue 28 Aug 2012, 03:53
by starhawk
Of note... jemimah lives in Tampa FL according to her profile. She may have gotten affected by the floods a month or so back... and considering there's a hurricane AND the RNC headed towards that city, I don't want to think about what could happen...

Of note, I'm friends with lookinglass360, who lives in Largo FL and I've not heard from him since the aforementioned flooding as well. Sent him two PMs. I hope he just got his computers wet or something, and that he's OK and out there... I've long since lost his phone # so I can't exactly check up on him.

jemimah's disappearance

Posted: Tue 28 Aug 2012, 08:53
by elroy
I agree with what Geoffrey said concerning jemimah's absence. And to reiterate, until we know, we don't know.

Each and every one of us that have come into contact with jemimah may have reason to be concerned about her, But let's be responsible and not fuel speculation.

Posted: Tue 28 Aug 2012, 09:00
by greengeek
Geoffrey wrote:I'll say no more as it would only be speculation.
Hoping that she's ok. The job change would have been a blow. She's obviously a smart cookie and has quite a talent for knocking up a nice clean bit of code so it's quite surprising that it didn't work out with the SAN thing. Hopefully she'll bounce back. Nasty bit of weather coming that way.

Posted: Tue 28 Aug 2012, 11:31
by Puppyt
jemimah you so rock. Stay safe.
Best Wishes

XfcePowerTools Pet

Posted: Tue 28 Aug 2012, 22:07
by elroy
Change extra Xfce desktop settings that are not available in the Control Panel with an easy to use GUI.

Change the desktop icon grid size, the icon text color, the icon text background color and/or transparency, and more. All without having to restart X Windows, so that you can make changes and see if it's what you want in a timely fashion, and then make more if you so desire.

Details available here.

Posted: Wed 29 Aug 2012, 13:31
by magerlab
unfortunately got this

# xfce_Power_Tools-0.0.3

(gtkdialog:1157): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_spin_button_new_with_range: assertion `step != 0.0' failed

(gtkdialog:1157): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_spin_button_set_value: assertion `GTK_IS_SPIN_BUTTON (spin_button)' failed
ERROR:variables.c:113:variables_new_with_widget: assertion failed: (widget != NULL)
/usr/sbin/xfce_Power_Tools-0.0.3: line 273: 1157 Aborted gtkdialog --center --program=win_main
saluki 023.

xfce_Power_Tools error

Posted: Wed 29 Aug 2012, 16:48
by elroy
magerlab, which language locale does your Saluki use that you experienced this error on?

Posted: Wed 29 Aug 2012, 18:42
by magerlab
Russian locale

xfcePowerTools error

Posted: Wed 29 Aug 2012, 19:17
by elroy
Thanks for the feedback, magerlab.

I suspect it has to do with the locale representation of real numbers. I coded it using 0.0 instead of 0,0 -
a period instead of a comma.

I'll try to get an updated version out soon to address this. Thanks again for the feedback.


Posted: Thu 30 Aug 2012, 14:40
by elroy
I've released a new version of the XfcePowerTools pet that fixes the localization error and a minor .desktop file adjustment. Also redesigned the layout to hopefully be easier to find items and be more visually appealing.

Details available at Saluki-Linux.

Posted: Fri 31 Aug 2012, 11:46
by Geoffrey
Edit: 06/09/2012

Updated to version 2.6.9

The inbuilt editor is now disabled if there is no locale with UFT-8 support.

Added a reset to default for the inbuilt editors color and font settings.

Please test, as before it should be ok, I've tested numerous times.

Here is my latest attempt with xmenumaker, this version has a number of new features and a renewed text editor built with yad.

To begin with this version relies on locale settings to enable the text editor to function correctly.

if you generally don't use .UFT-8 then you will have to enable it once then you can disable it again,
this will be listed in /usr/lib/locale.

Typing locale -a in the terminal will list the locale types, there should be two for your locale one having .UFT-8

Code: Select all

 # locale -a
This is needed else the editor won't be able save all character sets and will possibly break the desktop files.

features of the text editor are the ability to change background and text color as well as the font.

I tried a different approach with this by saving the configuration settings back to xmenumaker thus no separate config file, this appears to work fine.

If you wish you can opt to use the system default text editor and bypass the yad editor by selecting the checkbox.

Added a undo button, this will allow for either the delete or edit's last action to be restored.

On the side menu are buttons to copy to desktop, hide or show a menu entry and add or remove from the Favorites menu.

To use these features a is used, which can be placed anywhere that you wish.

To switch to the custom menu, right-click the Saluki icon on the taskbar and select Properties, Use custom menu file,
then navigate to the where ever you have placed it, I keep mine in /root/.config

Extract the two .directory files, place them in /usr/share/desktop-directories, one for a Development menu the other Favorites menu.

At the moment there are no icons in the Desktop icon switcher allocated from these menu entries,
so I've selcted them from the hicolor theme.

The main Gui as also changed slightly, with error messages for all main entries, the categories now has a full list of entries to choose from, new layout cleaner look.

I will call this more of a version for testing to get some feedback on it's functionality and any bugs, though it should be bug free.

I would suggest at the lest to backup your applications directory.

Or try this with a new save file, I'd hate for anyone to wreck their installation.

At present there is no list for the hidden menu entries, I will add a button to list them in the next version.

Posted: Mon 03 Sep 2012, 10:21
by mini-jaguar
I am currently testing 23 on an Asus eeePC 701, booting from sD card. Seems to work for the most part, but there is a possible bug.

It will not unmount this USB stick I have. Tried about 5 or 7 times, sometimes it even crashes the o.s. altogether.

I'll eventually test with another USB stick, but I would like to say that there is nothing wrong with the one that is making Saluki crash, it works in any and every other o.s., including Windows, MacOS, Ubuntu, several Puppies, Slax, etc.

Strangely enough, my USB hard drive unmounts properly.

Posted: Mon 03 Sep 2012, 13:35
by songzi
Sometimes when I try to change directory to /mnt/home, no file shows up. It seems to be unmounted, but when I quit Saluki, the pupsave file can be saved properly.

I am using Saluki on an Eeepc 900

Posted: Mon 03 Sep 2012, 18:36
by greengeek
mini-jaguar wrote:It will not unmount this USB stick I have. Tried about 5 or 7 times, sometimes it even crashes the o.s. altogether.
Does it make any difference which usb port you use? I have an Acer netbook which behaves differently on one of the ports. Also, what method do you use for the unmount?