Page 17 of 158

Posted: Thu 28 Oct 2010, 14:29
by nooby
Lobster wrote:
Streaming radio and TV worked for me
Just been listening to Radio 4, the Archers came on and I closed the program down but was forced to listen . . .
The way to stop the program was to restart x - but that is not ideal. What is causing this?

something similar did happen to me. I check videos and 233 did lock me to that first video but now when I test using Quirky 1,0 then I can click on the SG-block video and that one summon up the ad ten seconds video and then show the SG video but that did not happen in 233!

loose connection after boot

Posted: Thu 28 Oct 2010, 14:50
by shinobar
Lobster wrote:I am autoconnected on first 'puppy pfix=ram' start
Hum.. but after boot you loose it...
Lobster wrote:i click on setup and then 'connect to internet'.
Of course, you saved the settings and the NetworkWizard as the default connecting tool, right?
And boot again, then you loose the connection, right?

Once you set the NetworkWizard as the default connecting tool, you can right click the 'Connect' icon and 'Autoconnect' on the luci/lucu.
(The recent woof fix is for the case the default connecting tool is not set yet.)
What happens by the 'Autoconnect' ?

On the virtual terminal, type:

Code: Select all

ifconfig -a
Let me know the result

Posted: Thu 28 Oct 2010, 16:22
by Stripe
Hi all
Have been busy making some sfs files for 233 (for frugal installs and running off a usb drive) here is the links if anyone wants them

firefox-3.6.10.lucid-Flash10.1.sfs (15mb) ... ist&num=50

vlc-1.0.6-lite-lucid.sfs (some docs removed 21mb) ... ist&num=50

vlc-1.0.6+streamtuner-lucid.sfs (full VLC with streamripper as well 28mb) ... ist&num=50


Puppy Desktop Windowbox at Startup

Posted: Thu 28 Oct 2010, 16:35
by gcmartin
@Playdayz and @Shinobar
Playdayz has made a major contribution to all of us as he keeps up running stably with current versions of Linux software in a very neat package. Its an enormous task and should be acknowledged and rewarded. Thanks again, playdayz. Our Puppy community looks to this as the beacon.

In the last 2 months, Shinobar has done 5 very excellent contribuitons to Puppyland. He's done
  • QuickSet
  • Grub4DOS on LiveCD
  • One-time Startup Windowbox on Puppy Desktop
  • his work here in 5.2
I, personally, see this as contributions to the maturing of Puppy into a full feature entity on our LANs.

I am not just "tooting a horn", here as what I have to say may directly be realized thru his desktop utility.

I have one request for consideration: In a LAN community with Linux and Windows machines there should be a unique (one and only one) name for every single machine on the network. This is NOT my request as much as it is The International Standard (and has been for over 25 years). There are a number of reasons for this but this is not the place to cover those. Just that it is a standard and we should consider it.

I offer that there are 2 methods (there are others I'm sure) which can be presented to assist newbies with this:
  • Allow Shinobar's Desktop Startup Utility to present a Hostname option that is pre-filled with "PuppyPC" where any user can select a different name
  • Autogenerate a unique hostname. one-time, at 1st boot time when LiveCDs or frugal installs are deployed
  • etc...
Hope this helps all of us in some small way.

Posted: Thu 28 Oct 2010, 17:30
by playdayz
The Gimp-2.6.10 pet and sfs with have been uploaded to ibiblio. ...
I also uploaded a Gimp-Help pet with 15MB of Help, En only, but there are 1MB NLS Help files available at ...
I combined the Gimp and Gimp-Help into Gimp-Full for sfs. ... -Lucid.sfs
I am uploading the vlc 106 with streamtuner to the place for sfs's that will appear on the sfs-getter eventually.

Thanks stripe.

Trio's Pet (SFS) maker >

Posted: Thu 28 Oct 2010, 20:19
by nancy reagan
Is Trio's SFS/Petmaker not useable here anymore ?

Posted: Thu 28 Oct 2010, 21:41
by Lobster
Of course, you saved the settings and the NetworkWizard as the default connecting tool, right?
And boot again, then you loose the connection, right?
Once you set the NetworkWizard as the default connecting tool, you can right click the 'Connect' icon and 'Autoconnect' on the luci/lucu.
(The recent woof fix is for the case the default connecting tool is not set yet.)
What happens by the 'Autoconnect' ?
The setup from clicking on the 'connect icon' is different to what happens when running from setup.
When using the connect icon the autoconnect is ticked with its own dialog. Finished. This the better and quicker option I will be using in Luci-234

From the 'setup icon' option there are two more dialogs including a 'set this as default connection' option. I do use the autoset. As I say if I use Dougals wizard it does not remain set and I may have to reconnect. Barrys method remains set

Code: Select all

 # ifconfig -a
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:1E:90:4B:C6:1B  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:256132 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:220417 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
          RX bytes:271429008 (258.8 MiB)  TX bytes:19548016 (18.6 MiB)
          Interrupt:32 Base address:0x8000 

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback  
          inet addr:  Mask:
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:38 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:38 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 
          RX bytes:1900 (1.8 KiB)  TX bytes:1900 (1.8 KiB)

hope this is of some help
Many thanks for your efforts

Posted: Thu 28 Oct 2010, 22:22
by playdayz
Is Trio's SFS/Petmaker not useable here anymore ?
I think this will suit Pet & SFS Making Beginners, not for advanced ones

Lobster. Good news. I try to test everything but I always *use* Barry's SNS.

xchat is in lupu repo
Would people want to see Xchat replace ayttm?
Could someone preconfigure Xchat like ayttm to automatically connect to the Puppy chat line?

Posted: Thu 28 Oct 2010, 23:02
by yarddog
playdayz wrote: posted to lucid pet packages 10-19-2010

Seamonkey 2.0.9 just released on October 20, 2010. Would this be a job for iguleder?

one thing i noticed tonight, my version of seamonkey 2.0.8 auto upgraded to 2.0.9. fyi

I try to stay up with those yarddog. But for the ones that will auto-update like Seamonkey I don't worry too much. But post when you see a new one and I'll try to get it. Thanks.
just noticed that seamonkey 2.0.10 is available. fyi

mtpaint and wacom tablet

Posted: Thu 28 Oct 2010, 23:14
by don570
To Playdayz

I got a note from Dmitry Groshev the maintainer of mtpaint and
he gave me a long explanation why recent versions of mtpaint
don't work properly with the wacom tablet's pressure sensitivity.

Basically he blames a change made in GTK+ 2.18.0 and higher
and he points out that lucid puppy quickset uses version 2.20.0

The older versions of mtpaint (i.e. version 3.31) aren't affected
and therefore work fine with the tablet's sensitivity.

But the good news is that he is working on a code change in
how mtpaint window events are handled so look for that
in the future.


Posted: Thu 28 Oct 2010, 23:22
by playdayz ...

Could those who are interested in a chat client give this one a try please. There will be an Xchat-gnome on the menu, but you can also enter xchat in a terminal. Thanks.


And thanks don570, that is good information to have.

Posted: Thu 28 Oct 2010, 23:41
by Lobster
tried xchat

click on IRC and connect
and then type in /join #puppylinux
otherwise you get stuck in the ubuntu channel

When I clicked on channels initially it crashed
but the above worked and I got through . . .

Posted: Thu 28 Oct 2010, 23:50
by Lobster
Would people want to see Xchat replace ayttm?
No. Very strangely (considering IRC is the simplest format) Ayttm works with a variety of IM clients not just IRC - Xchat only works with IRC.

The problem is people clicking on chat can chat instantly but not click on links (that crashes ayttm) The simplest solution is linking the chat icon to an online chat URL eg. or

Posted: Fri 29 Oct 2010, 00:10
by scsijon
playdayz, do you have another repositry please as is just giving me timeouts. :( :(

ps, having been given space and band in exchange for maintaining a couple of sites, I'm setting an iso repositry up, but unfirtunately it's not ready yet.

Posted: Fri 29 Oct 2010, 00:13
by playdayz ...

Thank you Lobster. Could people try this pet of Ayttm 0.6.2. It is the Ubuntu version and I am thinking/hoping that perhaps it would be more stable than the current one.

You can install it right over the current one and if it is the code in the program that is the problem maybe it will be better behaved.

I appreciate this help as I have never been a chatter, so I have no accounts or anything. Thanks.

Posted: Fri 29 Oct 2010, 00:16
by playdayz
playdayz, do you have another repositry please as is just giving me timeouts. Sad Sad
What are you trying to get scsijon?

Openshot-1.2.2 available for luci-233

Posted: Fri 29 Oct 2010, 00:54
by smil99
I knocked together a workable Openshot-1.2.2 for luci-2.3.3.
Get it from here:
Openshot thread


Posted: Fri 29 Oct 2010, 01:09
by playdayz
I knocked together a workable Openshot-1.2.2 for luci-2.3.3.
Get it from here:
Openshot thread
smil99, You are going to be Lobster's person of the the year!

Compiz works in luci-233

Posted: Fri 29 Oct 2010, 01:28
by smil99
Compiz works in luci-233!

I followed the steps outlined in this thread to make it work:
Compiz-Fusion for Puppy 4.0

I am sure 01micko or Iguleder can come out with an easy way to install it. One thing for sure is it only works with Xfce. I am using O1micko's Xfce beta pet.


I will upload the version of Compiz that I am using when I get back from work.

Also, cairo-dock works. Will upload that one too.

Posted: Fri 29 Oct 2010, 01:35
by scsijon
playdayz wrote:
playdayz, do you have another repositry please as is just giving me timeouts. Sad Sad
What are you trying to get scsijon?
the iso and dev of 233 from page1