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Posted: Fri 04 Jul 2014, 11:18
by saintless
Thank you, Fred!
I will add the changes and test it again.
Maybe I miss something, but the script seems to work correct for me as it is uploaded for live-boot-2x and puppy initrd boot. I will recheck later again after the changes.

Edit: No, I actually have tested and proper working the old version of RemasterDog. The uploaded script with /tmp has even defrent workdir . It is "/mnt/$DRV/$WRKDIR" in old one and "$WORK" in the new one. I will recheck all again for errors.

Edit2: It should be OK now. This is what happens when I do copy/paste from previous version of script ;)
Thanks, Fred! ... tmp.tar.gz


Posted: Fri 04 Jul 2014, 14:27
by anikin
Hi Toni, Fred and everyone,

Please, have a look at this command on line 58

Code: Select all

mount -t tmpfs -o "remount,nosuid,size=${result}%,mode=1777" tmpfs /tmp
I changed it as follows:

Code: Select all

mount -t tmpfs -o "remount,nosuid,size=60%,mode=1777" tmpfs /tmp
but it doesn't seem to do anything, tmpfs size remains unchanged. The same command run in the terminal without 'remount':

Code: Select all

mount -t tmpfs -o "nosuid,size=60%,mode=1777" tmpfs /tmp
gives me an increase of tmpfs size.

Posted: Fri 04 Jul 2014, 14:54
by fredx181
anikin wrote:Hi Toni, Fred and everyone,

Please, have a look at this command on line 58

Code: Select all

mount -t tmpfs -o "remount,nosuid,size=${result}%,mode=1777" tmpfs /tmp
I changed it as follows:

Code: Select all

mount -t tmpfs -o "remount,nosuid,size=60%,mode=1777" tmpfs /tmp
but it doesn't seem to do anything, tmpfs size remains unchanged. The same command run in the terminal without 'remount':

Code: Select all

mount -t tmpfs -o "nosuid,size=60%,mode=1777" tmpfs /tmp
gives me an increase of tmpfs size.
This on Wheezy, right? (because on Jessie or Sid it's different).
The size of /tmp is set in /etc/default/tmpfs and default is 70%.

Code: Select all

If I do this the size of my /tmp is decreased (from the default 70 to 60%

Code: Select all

mount -t tmpfs -o "remount,nosuid,size=60%,mode=1777" tmpfs /tmp
When doing this:

Code: Select all

mount -t tmpfs -o "remount,nosuid,size=80%,mode=1777" tmpfs /tmp
The size is increased (I have 1G of RAM, so 80% is 800M:

Code: Select all

root@dog:~# df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
.. stuff deleted..
tmpfs           802M   28K  802M   1% /tmp
Better not do this (as your last code) because then /tmp becomes empty, with bad consequences:

Code: Select all

mount -t tmpfs -o "nosuid,size=60%,mode=1777" tmpfs /tmp

Posted: Fri 04 Jul 2014, 15:28
by anikin
Yes, I'm testing it in Wheezy and the command in the script does nothing for me. In etc/defaults everything is commented out here. If I remember correctly, tmpfs is set to 20% in initrd.

Code: Select all

# Size limits.  Please see tmpfs(5) for details on how to configure
# tmpfs size limits.
#LOCK_SIZE=5242880 # 5MiB

Posted: Fri 04 Jul 2014, 17:25
by fredx181
Hi anikin,
[quote]Code:# Size limits.

Posted: Fri 04 Jul 2014, 18:04
by anikin
I'm in SID now and see a slightly different picture:

Code: Select all

root@debian:~# mount -t tmpfs -o "remount,nosuid,size=70%,mode=1777" tmpfs /tmp
mount: /tmp not mounted or bad option
There was no error message in Wheezy, it just didn't work. The same command without remount gives no errors and works as expected:

Code: Select all

root@debian:~# mount -t tmpfs -o "nosuid,size=70%,mode=1777" tmpfs /tmp
root@debian:~# df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
rootfs         1009M   14M  995M   2% /
udev             10M     0   10M   0% /dev
tmpfs           404M  1.2M  403M   1% /run
/dev/shm        166M  161M  4.9M  98% /lib/live/mount/medium
/dev/loop0      161M  161M     0 100% /lib/live/mount/rootfs/filesystem.squashfs
tmpfs          1009M     0 1009M   0% /lib/live/mount/overlay
tmpfs          1009M     0 1009M   0% /lib/live/mount/overlay
aufs           1009M   14M  995M   2% /
tmpfs          1009M     0 1009M   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs          1009M     0 1009M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs           100M  4.0K  100M   1% /run/user
tmpfs           5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
/dev/sdc1       7.4G  6.2G  806M  89% /media/sdc1
tmpfs           1.4G     0  1.4G   0% /tmp
This leads me to think, the /tmp option in remasterdog should be kept, but all space calculation thrown out. Leave it to the user to decide where to do the remastering. The worst thing, that can happen in /tmp due to lack of space, mksquashfs will throw out a complaint and stop. That happened to me.

Posted: Fri 04 Jul 2014, 18:09
by saintless
Hi, Fred.
Nothing changed in Jwm version for tmpfs size. This is the original /etc/default/tmpfs from debian-live-7.4-i386-standard.iso:

Code: Select all

# Configuration for tmpfs filesystems mounted in early boot, before
# filesystems from /etc/fstab are mounted.  For information about
# these variables see the tmpfs(5) manual page.

# /run is always mounted as a tmpfs on systems which support tmpfs
# mounts.

# mount /run/lock as a tmpfs (separately from /run).  Defaults to yes;
# set to no to disable (/run/lock will then be part of the /run tmpfs,
# if available).

# mount /run/shm as a tmpfs (separately from /run).  Defaults to yes;
# set to no to disable (/run/shm will then be part of the /run tmpfs,
# if available).

# mount /tmp as a tmpfs.  Defaults to no; set to yes to enable (/tmp
# will be part of the root filesystem if disabled).  /tmp may also be
# configured to be a separate mount in /etc/fstab.

# Size limits.  Please see tmpfs(5) for details on how to configure
# tmpfs size limits.
#LOCK_SIZE=5242880 # 5MiB

# Mount tmpfs on /tmp if there is less than the limit size (in kiB) on
# the root filesystem (overriding RAMTMP).
But for me the command also works on Jwm version.

Code: Select all

df -h
tmpfs           124M  3.1M  121M   3% /tmp

Code: Select all

mount -t tmpfs -o "remount,nosuid,size=80%,mode=1777" tmpfs /tmp

Code: Select all

df -h
tmpfs           199M  3.1M  196M   2% /tmp

Posted: Fri 04 Jul 2014, 18:19
by fredx181
Hi Toni,
Edit2: It should be OK now. This is what happens when I do copy/paste from previous version of script Wink
Thanks, Fred! ... tmp.tar.gz
It's ok now and you are welcome Toni!

Here's debdog-install-portable for possible use from puppy or (hopefully) any other distro.
Tested on Precise Puppy and my Debian Wheezy full install.
Please test on other puppy versions, it could be that some more libraries are needed.
debdoginstall.tar.gz (portable folder) ... sp=sharing
And DebianDog-Installer (Same as above but packed as portable app-image) ... sp=sharing
Make it executable:

Code: Select all

chmod +x DebianDog-Installer
Also made small fix for debdog-install for DebianDog:
When choosing bootloader, installing it could fail when there's some (probably harmless) gtk-warning that has to do with the gtk-theme used. Fixed.
Attached new debdog-install: debdog-install.tar.gz


Posted: Fri 04 Jul 2014, 18:39
by fredx181
anikin wrote:I'm in SID now and see a slightly different picture:
root@debian:~# mount -t tmpfs -o "remount,nosuid,size=70%,mode=1777" tmpfs /tmp
mount: /tmp not mounted or bad option
They changed things on SID: /tmp is not anymore mounted as tmpfs (not loaded in RAM)
This leads me to think, the /tmp option in remasterdog should be kept, but all space calculation thrown out. Leave it to the user to decide where to do the remastering. The worst thing, that can happen in /tmp due to lack of space, mksquashfs will throw out a complaint and stop. That happened to me.
If all is well it should give message when not sufficient space left in /tmp.
For Jessie or Sid it's useless (maybe that's what you mean) so should be changed when we upgrade in the future.
Toni wrote:Hi, Fred.
Nothing changed in Jwm version for tmpfs size. This is the original /etc/default/tmpfs from debian-live-7.4-i386-standard.iso:
Ok, I see, maybe I changed it in openbox version without remembering (I'm getting older :) )
Looks like the default is 50% with the commented out TMP_SIZE=


Posted: Fri 04 Jul 2014, 18:54
by saintless
Hi, Fred.
fredx181 wrote:Looks like the default is 50% with the commented out TMP_SIZE=
Yes, it is 50% from what I see on my PC.
fredx181 wrote:Here's debdog-install-portable for possible use from puppy or (hopefully) any other distro.
Tested on Precise Puppy and my Debian Wheezy full install.
Please test on other puppy versions, it could be that some more libraries are needed.
debdoginstall.tar.gz (portable folder) ... sp=sharing
And DebianDog-Installer (Same as above but packed as portable app-image) ... sp=sharing
Make it executable:

Code: Select all

chmod +x DebianDog-Installer
I have only KDPup installed and it works without anything extra needed. I will try to test it on another puppy tomorrow.
Maybe it is best to post it in pets section?
Also made small fix for debdog-install for DebianDog:
When choosing bootloader, installing it could fail when there's some (probably harmless) gtk-warning that has to do with the gtk-theme used. Fixed.
Attached new debdog-install: debdog-install.tar.gz
Added to next version changes post.


Posted: Fri 04 Jul 2014, 20:09
by anikin
They changed things on SID: /tmp is not anymore mounted as tmpfs (not loaded in RAM)

Looks like the change occurred earlier in Wheezy.
A quick google search shows, there some nuances regarding tmpfs ... announced quite some time ago in Wheezy release note:
2.2.12. Temporary filesystems

In previous releases, temporary (tmpfs) filesystems were mounted on /lib/init/rw, /dev/shm/ and optionally on /var/lock and /var/run. /lib/init/rw has been removed, and the others have been moved under /run. /var/run and /var/lock were configured using RAMRUN and RAMLOCK in /etc/default/rcS. All these tmpfs filesystems are now configurable using /etc/default/tmpfs; the old settings are not migrated automatically.
Old location New location Old setting New setting
/etc/default/rcS /etc/default/tmpfs
/lib/init/rw /run N/A N/A
/var/run /run RAMRUN N/A
/var/lock /run/lock RAMLOCK RAMLOCK
/dev/shm /run/shm N/A RAMSHM

The migration of data to the new locations will occur automatically during the upgrade and will continue to be available at the old and new locations, with the exception of /lib/init/rw. No action is required on your part, though you may wish to customize which tmpfs filesystems are mounted, and their size limits, in /etc/default/tmpfs after the upgrade is complete. Please see the tmpfs(5) manual page for further details.

If you have written any custom scripts which make use of /lib/init/rw, these must be updated to use /run instead.

/tmp is not a tmpfs by default. If you chose to use this feature, please note that:

the contents of /tmp are not preserved across reboots; /var/tmp exists for this purpose;

the maximum size of /tmp may (depending upon your specific system) be smaller than before. If you find that there is insufficient free space, it is possible to increase the size limits; see tmpfs(5).

Applications which create excessively large temporary files may cause /tmp to run out of free space. It should be possible to configure a different location for those files by setting the TMPDIR environment variable.

If desired, the defaults may also be overridden with an entry in /etc/fstab, for example:

tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nodev,nosuid,size=20%,mode=1777 0 0
==> ... ew.en.html

Posted: Fri 04 Jul 2014, 22:03
by stemsee
fredx181 wrote:Here's debdog-install-portable for possible use from puppy or (hopefully) any other distro.
Tested on Precise Puppy and my Debian Wheezy full install.
Please test on other puppy versions,
Does it perform a frugal install only?

Posted: Sat 05 Jul 2014, 10:24
by fredx181
anikin wrote:Quote:
They changed things on SID: /tmp is not anymore mounted as tmpfs (not loaded in RAM)

Looks like the change occurred earlier in Wheezy.
A quick google search shows, there some nuances regarding tmpfs ... announced quite some time ago in Wheezy release note:
Yes, you are right, by furher looking at it I noticed that it's set to yes in my /etc/default/tmpfs (as you can see it defaults to no):

Code: Select all

# mount /tmp as a tmpfs.  Defaults to no; set to yes to enable (/tmp
# will be part of the root filesystem if disabled).  /tmp may also be
# configured to be a separate mount in /etc/fstab.
By commenting it out and rebooting I get the same error as you had:

Code: Select all

root@dog:~# mount -t tmpfs -o "remount,nosuid,size=80%,mode=1777" tmpfs /tmp
mount: /tmp not mounted or bad option
Also /tmp doesn't appear now in df -h as mounted.

So to make /tmp mounted as tmpfs, try to set it to yes in /etc/default/tmpfs.
Remasterdog needs changed because of this, don't know how yet, at least a warning I think.
Or change /etc/default/tmpfs in next release.

Btw, still it's strange that Toni could remount /tmp without error while he has everything commented out in /etc/default/tmpfs


Posted: Sat 05 Jul 2014, 10:53
by fredx181
stemsee wrote:
fredx181 wrote:Here's debdog-install-portable for possible use from puppy or (hopefully) any other distro.
Tested on Precise Puppy and my Debian Wheezy full install.
Please test on other puppy versions,
Does it perform a frugal install only?
Yes, but I'll add full install later today.


Posted: Sat 05 Jul 2014, 11:48
by saintless
Hi, Fred.
fredx181 wrote:Btw, still it's strange that Toni could remount /tmp without error while he has everything commented out in /etc/default/tmpfs
It is not strange. It is boot method difference. We should start report some more information when some problem appear. Like what is the boot code which turns to be very important.
I use live-boot-2x and seems mounting /tmp as tmpfs happens inside initrd1.img (squeeze boot). /etc/default/tmpfs is not important for live-boot-2x. It does not read this file.
If I use live-boot-3x, porteus-boot or puppy-initrd-boot I get the same error as you and Anikin.

I don't have enough RAM to test /tmp with RemasterDog. If there is any change needed for Jwm version in /etc/default/tmpfs for RemasterDog (with choose /tmp option) to work, please, write what is needed.


Posted: Sat 05 Jul 2014, 13:07
by fredx181
Hi Toni,
It is not strange. It is boot method difference. We should start report some more information when some problem appear. Like what is the boot code which turns to be very important.
Ah, thanks for clearing that up and yes it would save us some time and confusion if we would give more info.
I don't have enough RAM to test /tmp with RemasterDog. If there is any change needed for Jwm version in /etc/default/tmpfs for RemasterDog (with choose /tmp option) to work, please, write what is needed.
Just this in /etc/default/tmpfs makes it the same for all boot-methods I think:

Code: Select all


Posted: Sat 05 Jul 2014, 15:36
by saintless
fredx181 wrote:

Code: Select all

OK, Fred. Added to next version changes. I will change it also to TMP_SIZE=50%VM

BTW Zaz works for me without installing 87Mb libgl1-mesa-dri. Manually copy from deb package /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/dri/ (13,7Mb) does the same job on my hardware.

About menu entry to install flashplugin-nonfree - do we really need this if it will execute simple:

Code: Select all

apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree
Such script should download and install flushplugin-nonfree and then remove the menu entry and run update-menus. It is easy but what is the point if we can't make it smaller as ffmpeg2sfs for example? Is there alternative smaller version of flashplugin-nonfree to provide as option with menu entry instead?


Posted: Sat 05 Jul 2014, 15:55
by anikin
Life is good again. Not that tmpfs was a big deal, though. My further search on trusty Google reveals, that some users, like myself, are confused about how it's managed in Wheezy and Debian. Unlike you guys, I don't use a save/persistence option and am entirely dependent on remastering, that's why I panicked. The thing is, that DebianDog plus remasterdog (+ SID and Testing), plus your effort will work wonders ... and I've learnt something new, that's another thing, that matters.

Posted: Sat 05 Jul 2014, 17:47
by stemsee
Yes, but I'll add full install later today.

Good oh! I started it up and wasn't sure whether to proceed and test install to a partition that was populated with recent projects ... so not knowing whether frugal or full install would ensue I aborted. I can't wait to try your full install solution for puppy ... and 'all?' linux 'live?'distros...

Posted: Sat 05 Jul 2014, 18:00
by fredx181
Hi Toni,
apt-get -install flashplugin-nonfree

Such script should download and install flushplugin-nonfree and then remove the menu entry and run update-menus. It is easy but what is the point if we can't make it smaller as ffmpeg2sfs for example? Is there alternative smaller version of flashplugin-nonfree to provide as option with menu entry instead?
One reason could be that we make it easier to install flashplayer if it's in the menu.
To make it smaller maybe this:

Code: Select all

Then extract and copy to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins.(16.6 Mb)
I don't know if flash works with Dillo btw.
Or maybe older flashplayer v10 from here:
It's only 12 Mb and works fine for me.
