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Infinality fonts for Debian Wheezy (and DebianDog-Wheezy):

Posted: Sun 08 Mar 2015, 14:17
by saintless
Thanks to Keisha (and infinality fonts creators) we have infinality fonting for Debian Wheezy.

How to install infinality:

Download all 9 deb packages from here in some folder (/tmp/infinality for example): ... nfinality/
Install them all by typing in terminal:

Code: Select all

sudo dpkg -i /tmp/infinality/*.deb
Then prevent upgrading the infinality patched packages by copy/paste or typing:

Code: Select all

sudo apt-mark hold libcairo2 cairo-perf-utils fontconfig-config libcairo-gobject2  libcairo-script-interpreter2 libfreetype6
It is recommended to reboot the computer now but you will see the fonts difference just after installing the packages.

If you need for compiling or other reason libcairo2-dev install this deb with right click Install option menu: ... ality/dev/
Or by typing:

Code: Select all

dpkg -i /path-to-package
Fix missing dependencies with:

Code: Select all

apt-get -f install
And prevent libcairo2-dev upgrade by typing:

Code: Select all

sudo apt-mark hold libcairo2-dev
How to setup infinality better read here (skip the install part - use the instruction in this post) and here.

The packages above include infinality patches added from Keisha but separated in official Debian Wheezy packages to prevent dpkg database conflicts after installing infinality in Debian Wheezy.

Configuration changes for xterm and xfce4-terminal after installing infinality packages posted here.

Mirror link for Infinality-Wheezy packages.

For DebianDog-Jessie try:

Infinality-Jessie packages - extract the archive and follow the instruction from Readme.txt
Mirror link for Infinality-Jessie packages.
Some more information about infinality for Jessie read here and here.


configuration information for infinality

Posted: Sun 08 Mar 2015, 16:04
by Keisha
At Toni's suggestion, I am reserving this message slot for any further information that develops, concerning the configuration of infinality fonting for Debian(Dog) Wheezy. You should use Toni's install procedure, given in the above message, whose .deb's conform rigorously to the Debian packaging architecture, and not the procedure I posted at ... 685#832685 whose .deb's are not in full compliance (since I am a Debian packaging novice). However, you can consult that message for several tips on how to configure infinality, i.e. how to add new fonts and where to obtain bohoomil's "infinality-ultimate" collection of free fonts.

The one complaint I have seen so far involves fonting in the Terminal. For myself, I have solved this problem by this procedure:

1. Use Synaptic to install rxvt-unicode-256color.

2. Rename /usr/bin/xterm as /usr/bin/xterm--original and instead made /usr/bin/xterm be a symlink to /usr/bin/urxvtcd.

3. Then I installed (via synaptic) the Luxi fonts including my favorite terminal font, Luxi Mono.

4. Then I imported the configuration file /root/.Xdefaults from my pre-existing install of UnicornPup. It includes the following lines:

Code: Select all

Rxvt.keysym.0xFF50: \033[1~
Rxvt.keysym.0xFF57: \033[4~

Rxvt*saveLines: 1000


! fonts
! run "fc-list" for a list of available fonts
rxvt.font: xft:Luxi Mono:style=Regular:pixelsize=14,000000
urxvt.font: xft:Luxi Mono:style=Regular:pixelsize=14,000000

urxvt.scrollBar: True
urxvt.scrollTtyOutput: False
urxvt.scrollTtyKeypress: True
urxvt.secondaryScroll: True
urxvt.saveLines: 1000

5. And then repointed ROX-Filer (Options-->Menus-->Terminal emulator program) and the xfce-panel "Terminal Emulator" (Properties-->Edit-->Command) to use urxvtcd as the terminal emulation utility.

configuration information for infinality, #2

Posted: Sun 08 Mar 2015, 16:35
by Keisha
Reserving this slot too, since the one above grew so large.

just in case

Posted: Sun 08 Mar 2015, 17:10
by Keisha
Just in case, I'll reserve this one too :)

started DD wireless howto thread

Posted: Wed 11 Mar 2015, 03:31
by mcewanw
I've started a DebianDog wireless configuration HowTo thread here: ... 212#833212

Didn't want to clutter up the main DD howto thread on what could be a big topic eventually. I needed to get wireless going on a couple of my machines but could only find a few posts about that in existing DD threads, hence my starting the above one. If such a thread already exists though, please let me know and I'll close the above one and move my examples across.

Cheers, William

Posted: Wed 11 Mar 2015, 09:57
by saintless
Thank you, William!
We have only one or two posts about lan and wireless here. Separate Howto thread looks better.
Added in Related links first post in the main thread.


HowTo use xhippo - multimedia player/recorder/internet radio

Posted: Mon 27 Apr 2015, 21:47
by mcewanw
HowTo use xhippo is covered in some detail in the DebianDog utilities thread related to that application here: ... 271#842271


How to install Scratch version 2.x into DebianDog or MintPup

Posted: Thu 23 Jul 2015, 11:47
by mcewanw
My two sons like to play/program with Scratch. Rather than just downloading the old Scratch version 1.4 I installed Scratch 2 on their DebianDog (openbox-wheezy) and MintPup systems. Problem is, an offline installation of Scratch 2 editor requires Adobe Air to be also installed on your system.

For the DebianDog-openbox-wheezy system I basically used the instructions from here: ... x/?lang=en

However, I had to modify these instructions with the following two additions:


Code: Select all

apt-get update && apt-get install libgnome-keyring0
Note that program 'locate' wasn't installed on my system but I didn't need to use the locate command (mentioned in above link) to find libgnome-keyring files - they were already in the required /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu location.

2. Since I found that the Scratch 2 installation program I downloaded had the name Scratch-437.air rather than just Scratch.air, I had to use the following Scratch install line instead of that from the url above:

Code: Select all

/opt/Adobe\ AIR/Versions/1.0/Adobe\ AIR\ Application\ Installer /{absolute path to downloadfolder}/Scratch-437.air
Note that when typing/copying the above commandline into a terminal you must replace {absolute path to downloadfolder} with that actual absolute path to where you have install program Scratch2-437.air stored (or whatever it is called on your system).


For MintPup (Linux Mint 17.1) base iso, I had to use an alternative method for installing Adobe Air. Unfortunately, when I tried the above instructions to run adobe air installer the necessary adobe accept license condition window didn't appear, and no error message appeared in the terminal to help me find out what the problem was. It turns out that some Adobe Air necessary dependencies were missing (as I discovered from the alternative adobe air install method below).

Rather than myself tracking down what was missing, I found that the auto-installation script available from the link below, automatically found all the missing dependencies and successfully installed Adobe Air in MintPup for me, The same script claims to be able to install Adobe Air on any of Ubuntu 15.04/14.04/14.10/12.04/Linux Mint 17.1/17/13: ... buntu.html

(Note that I opened a terminal at a directory of my own choice that I had made to hold the installation files. From that terminal, I then ran the wget command given in above link to fetch the provided Adobe Air installation shell script,, into that directory location).

I haven't studied the script, though doing so should reveal what the likely missing dependencies are.

After installing Adobe Air in MintPup, the other instructions already given above, including the need to install libgnome-keyring0 and Scratch-437.air, worked fine on my system.

Note that I cannot guarantee this all works on a freshly installed MintPup since I have only tested it on my MintPup installation, which already has many extra applications installed (same goes for my DD-openbox-wheezy installation).

After installing Scratch 2 on DD-openbox using the above instructions I noted that a menu item for it had automatically been created in Menu -> Accessories. In MintPup base, as far as I noticed, no menu item was automatically created on installation. However, for both systems, I dragged the program from "/opt/Scratch 2/bin/Scratch 2" onto the desktop to provide a desktop icon for starting up the Scratch version 2 executable.


Creating bootable usb flashstick of MintPup from MS Windows

Posted: Fri 07 Aug 2015, 03:52
by mcewanw
Tested with MintPup but should work with DebianDog too: ... 512#859512


Posted: Mon 31 Aug 2015, 04:59
by mcewanw
Hardly needs to be explained here, but just commenting that Kingsoft Office/WPS successfully installed per the following description onto MintPup. ... 262#862262

Very nice and fast and works well with docx etc. Much faster than LibreOffice and can use interface like MS Office ribbon bar. Only issue I know of is that it doesn't use odf formats (though can apparently export to odf) but most of the world uses MS office docx, xlsx etc anyway, so fine for me...

EDIT: Aah, but I've just read that it puts watermark on printed docs after 30 days? I don't know if that is the case ... but if only on printed docs watermark, could still be useful. Also, I can't see that issue mentioned for this version - maybe they removed that limitation?

EDIT2: I should mention that as far as I know from later testing, no watermark appears on printed docs afterall, so seems fine.


Lumina Desktop i386 deb packages for DebianDog and MintPup

Posted: Fri 18 Sep 2015, 05:35
by saintless
Lumina Desktop for DebianDog and MintPup.

More information about Lumina read here, here, and here.



All i386 deb packages available for download here.
Information about the packages read here.

How to install:
In DebianDog-Jessie, DebianDog-Wheezy, DebianDog-Squeeze and MintPup:

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install lumina-desktop-debdog
Click System --> Start Lumina for more information how to setup the system to auto-start Lumina desktop or read the same information here.

Lumina version included in each repository is:
DD-Jessie - latest version 0.8.7 (qt5).
MintPup - version 0.8.4 (qt5).
DD-Wheezy - version 0.7.2 (qt4).
DD-Squeeze - version 0.7.2 (qt4) - (lumina-fm and lumina-search not included - can't compile with QT4.6).

Different version in each repo is the safe choice and keeps sources.list untouched without need to upgrade qt5 version available at the moment in official repositories.

You can install safe any Lumina-qt5 version in DD-Wheezy after adding backports repo in /etc/apt/sources.list:

Code: Select all

deb wheezy-backports main

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get update
sudo dpkg -i /path-to-deb-package
sudo apt-get -f install
In MintPup to install lumina 0.8.5 and later you need to add Utopic repository but this will upgrade libc6 and fontconfig-config breaking compatibility with some packages from Trusty repo (not recommended).


Porteus-boot needs logout menu to execute wmreboot and wmpoweroff commands to save the changes properly. As workaround in each package added logout-lumina script. You can create logout-lumina desktop icon as described here or use from the menu Logout-Lumina entry to reboot and shutdown with porteus-boot.


Edit: DebianDog-Squeeze repo updated with lumina-desktop-debdog package compiled with QT4.6. Read above how to install it with apt-get. Also available for download here: lumina-desktop-debdog_0.7.2-0-squeeze-qt4_i386.deb
This deb has dependencies only from official Squeeze repo and will not break in any way the package manager.
Lumina-fm (file manager) and lumina-search not included here (I can't compile both with QT4.6). Change the default file manger to xfe or rox from Desktop Settings as described here (clicking System --> Start Lumina after installing the package will open the same text).


The changes in lumina-0.7.2 source code for compiling with QT4.6 available here.
It could be done much better with sure since I know nothing about QT programming but Lumina works well in DD-Squeeze and installing all dependenices + QT4.6 takes around 40Mb.
Readthe information about this package before installing in DD-Squeeze.


Posted: Sun 22 Nov 2015, 11:04
by fredx181
Below doesn't work anymore for 32 bit Iceweasel/Firefox.
Probably because google-chrome has dropped 32 bit support.

How to run latest flashplayer in Iceweasel/Firefox on DebianDog/MintPup

Official flashplayer from Adobe for linux is at version 11
Google-Chrome has it's own flashplayer bundled (pepperflash) which is currently at version 19

To be able to use pepperflash on Iceweasel/Firefox you can install the 'freshplayerplugin'
See here:

Install freshplayerplugin from terminal:

# Jessie (adds around 55 MB disk space, that is on a clean install of DebianDog)

Code: Select all

# Add the jessie-backports repository:
echo -e '\ndeb jessie-backports main contrib' >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update
apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash
# Wheezy (adds around 48 MB disk space, that is on a clean install of DebianDog)
As there's no freshplayerplugin available on wheezy, I've made my own package, compiled using instructions from github freshplayer page

Code: Select all

# First download freshplayerplugin:
wget --no-check-certificate
# Add the wheezy-backports repository
echo -e '\ndeb wheezy-backports main contrib' >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update
apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree
# From terminal in directory where is inside downloaded 'freshplayerplugin_0.0.1-ddwheezy+git20151121_i386.deb'
dpkg -i freshplayerplugin_0.0.1-ddwheezy+git20151121_i386.deb
apt-get -f install
# Mintpup (adds around 20 MB disk space, that is on a clean install of MintPup)

Code: Select all

# First download freshplayerplugin:
wget -r -e robots=off -nd -l1 -A "freshplayerplugin_*webupd8~trusty_i386.deb"
apt-get update # Might be required
# Is forgotten to add ca-certificates as dependency of pepperflashplugin-nonfree?
apt-get install ca-certificates
apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree
dpkg -i freshplayerplugin_*webupd8~trusty_i386.deb
apt-get -f install
To be able to get updates for the freshplayerplugin (trusty) add to /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb trusty main

Inside /var/cache/pepperflashplugin-nonfree/ there's latest google-chrome .deb.
To clean up, just remove it, it's not needed anymore (unless you'd like to install google-chrome)


Usb audio configuration settings

Posted: Fri 22 Jan 2016, 07:40
by saintless
Usb-headphones problem solution from rufwoof shared here.
rufwoof wrote:Another problem I'm experiencing in both Wheezy and Jessie is that firefox running youtubes has no sound. I use usb headphones that usually get allocated to card 2 in Tahr. With alsa settings all up and with mplayer set to gnetcom (the usb headphones) and after having set mplayer as the default player for mp4's then they play fine (video/sound ok). Load web page with some wav's and I can play those also. Go to youtube and load up a video - see the video ok, but no sound. Reading around it seems like firefox and youtubes are a problem. That equally applies to me whether using HTML5 or flash for viewing youtubes in firefox. I did also try the desktop gtk youtube player and that also had just video, but no sound. I suspect that's down to not being associated to the right card. Usually in alsa when you F6 to select the card it sets that card as the default, but I suspect that isn't holding true for DD. In Tahr I did code
options snd-usb-audio index=2
at the end of /etc/modprob.d/alsa_base.conf to ensure correct association, but don't know where to do likewise in DD.

SOLVED. Not quite sure what did the trick, but the changes I made were to run alsamixer and note the card number of my headphones (which were Card 1 in DD)


Code: Select all

# Which soundcard to use

Code: Select all

defaults.pcm.card 1
defaults.pcm.device 0

Code: Select all

options snd-usb-audio index=1
added after the last line

Add a video mode

Posted: Sat 23 Jan 2016, 02:46
by rufwoof
I use a 32" TV as my monitor. DD Jessie (OpenBox version) however booted to a default choice of 1024x768 resolution and didn't (at least for me) include the 1366x768 TV resolution by default.

So ...

In a terminal window run cvt for the desired resolution, in my case it was a 720p TV that supports 1366x768 at 60Hz

Code: Select all

root@jessie:~# cvt 1366 768 60
# 1368x768 59.88 Hz (CVT) hsync: 47.79 kHz; pclk: 85.25 MHz
Modeline "1368x768_60.00"   85.25  1368 1440 1576 1784  768 771 781 798 -hsync +vsync
Its the 'modeline' that we're interested in here.

Also run xrandr

Code: Select all

DVI-I-1 connected 1368x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 0mm x 0mm
   1368x768_60.00  59.88*+
   1024x768      60.00  
   800x600       60.32    56.25  
   848x480       60.00  
   640x480       59.94  
DVI-I-2 connected 1368x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 1920mm x 1080mm
   1368x768_60.00  59.88*+
   1920x1080     50.00 +
   1280x1024     75.02    60.02  
   1280x768      59.87  
   1024x768      75.08    70.07    60.00  
   800x600       72.19    75.00    60.32    56.25  
   640x480       75.00    72.81    60.00  
   720x400       70.08  
In my case I have a nvidia card and that shows it has two outputs, DVI-I-1 and DVI-I-2

With a record of those two we can now edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf.

If no xorg.conf currently exists then create one by exiting X and run the command

Xorg -configure

and then restart X again (startx). Note that's a big X. That will create a in your home directory (/root). In that there will likely already be a 'Monitor' section and you need to append the Modeline as produced by the cvt command earlier and perhaps change the 'Identifier' to match that shown by the xrandr command run earlier. In my case I have two so I created two Monitor sections in i.e. snippets taken out of my look like :

Code: Select all

Section "Monitor"
	Identifier   "DVI-I-2"
	VendorName   "Monitor Vendor"
	ModelName    "Monitor Model"
Modeline "1368x768_60.00"   85.25  1368 1440 1576 1784  768 771 781 798 -hsync +vsync
Option "PreferredMode" "1368x768_60.00"

Section "Monitor"
	Identifier   "DVI-I-1"
	VendorName   "Monitor Vendor"
	ModelName    "Monitor Model"
Modeline "1368x768_60.00"   85.25  1368 1440 1576 1784  768 771 781 798 -hsync +vsync
Option "PreferredMode" "1368x768_60.00"
Save that /root/, then copy it into /etc/X11/xorg.conf (assuming one didn't exist before, otherwise you would directly edit that existing version), and you're ready to restart X (exit X and run 'startx' command).

Doesn't work and stays out at the command prompt? Then something was wrong with xorg.conf - simply
cd /etc/X11
and rename xorg.conf to something else
mv xorg.conf xorg.conf.bad
and run the startx command again - which will startx up using system defaults. Edit and correct/repeat as necessary until it does work.

Once in X you can open a terminal and run lxrandr and that will show a window that looks something like the attached (image below).

EDIT : It would appear that using 1280/720 is a good choice. The TV can be set to either 4:3 (old square style TV mode) or 16:9 'widescreen'. 1280 is exactly 80 times 16 and 720 is exactly 80 times 9 i.e. a direct mapping with no remainder. With other (available) choices there's some rounding involved (scaling). Lower resolution - but more direct mapping - and to my eyes at least, clearer fonts/appearance. Accordingly I've use the modeline produced from cvt 1280 720 60 as the values used in xorg.conf.

Jessie's tray network icon not working? Try this

Posted: Mon 25 Jan 2016, 21:23
by rufwoof
Having got sound working properly and tweaked the resolution as per the last two posts, the only other thing I had to change was that the network icon in the tray wasn't working correctly for me. So I swapped that out for a alternative as per this posting ... 633#883633

Tray clock format

Posted: Mon 25 Jan 2016, 21:36
by rufwoof
In DD Jessie Openbox, right click the tray clock and select Properties and then you can choose from some preset formats, or use a custom format.

I personally like the %a %d %b %R custom format choice as that displays three character day of week, day of month, three character month and then the time

Change window border size in openbox/xfce

Posted: Tue 26 Jan 2016, 20:45
by rufwoof
In DD jessie openbox/xfce the themes windows have a very narrow border of just 1 pixel width, which makes resizing a window using just the mouse a bit of a hit and miss affair (you can always use the alt-right mouse combination to resize a window, but that might mean having to pick up the keyboard if in laid-back mouse only mode :) ).

To widen the borders a little to make resizing that bit easier you need to change the theme. In the attached image I opted to change the Alpha theme for openbox, which is located in /usr/share/themes/Alpha/openbox-3/themerc. Changing the border width value from 1 to 4 is a reasonable choice IMO. After making and saving edits use the Menu, Applications, Settings, Customize look and feel (widget tab) to switch to the Alpha (or whatever) theme, Apply (to save) and I usually also restart X.

Change console font size

Posted: Tue 26 Jan 2016, 21:15
by rufwoof
I've a nvidia card in my PC, but I'm using the inbuilt graphics acceleration rather than compiling and using the proprietary nvidia driver. With the nvidia choice when the PC boots the console fonts stay at a large/readable size. With the in-built nouveau however the console fonts reduce down to quite a small size and remain small i.e. if I exit X to the console (or use ctrl-alt-F1 or ctrl-alt-F2 (ctrl-alt-F3 on mine returns to the desktop)).

After a bit of hunting around I found these instructions to change the console font size :

in a terminal window run

Code: Select all

sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup
and select the UTF-8, then select combined latin, slavic,cyrillic,greek, then Terminus, and then I selected the 16x32 font size choice. Exit X and at the console command prompt run 'setupcon' and the console font size will be larger than before (16x32).

With that done on my PC the first part of bootup (BIOS) has large text size, then switches to small for a bit, and then adjusts to the above setting level, which stays at that size thereafter i.e. if I exit X to the console.

Synaptic Libre Menu text and icon size

Posted: Tue 26 Jan 2016, 21:39
by rufwoof
When I first installed Libre from Synaptic the menu text and icons were horrible, too small and blocky.

Having since used the menubar's Tools, Options choice, selected the View choice from the available options in the left hand window, and modified both the Scaling (that adjusts the size of the menubar text - I set mine to 145%) and picking the Large Icons choice, Libre now looks so much better (the attached scaled down image doesn't do it any justice as in practice it looks really sharp and polished).

Non-Free Firmware Debian URL/Link

Posted: Thu 28 Jan 2016, 22:14
by rufwoof
A problem with only including free firmware as per Debian is that your hardware support might not be included. There is however a CD image you can download

Debian Link to firmware CD (non-free) ... ch/iso-cd/ for the 'current' version.

To note - it was slow to download for me.