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Puli 3.8.3 bark 6

Posted: Tue 04 Nov 2014, 22:50
by gjuhasz

Let me proudly announce the new Puli 3.8.3 bark 6

Many unique and tricky features. See details on the first page.

Have fun!



Puli bark 6

Posted: Thu 06 Nov 2014, 23:15
by gjuhasz
Let me proudly announce Puli 3.8.3 bark 6
Have fun!



Puli 3.8.3 bark 6

Posted: Wed 12 Nov 2014, 15:57
by Dpup
Installed bark 6 to USB flash boot, works fine, however noticed that the versions of openssl and bash are not current. Are there patch files or updates that can or should be installed?

I think the openssl update is probably the most critical if computer is going to be used for online banking or shopping.

Thanks for all the work on this release !!!

UPDATE 11/12/14 afternoon...
I looked some more, modified /profiles/common/loadsfs to install bash 4.2.53 and openssl 1.0.1j build of Oct 16. Both appear to load fine.

I thought that the update patches were already installed as part of the new bark 6 release.

Any additional comments are welcome. Very different than anything I have seen to date.

Re: Puli 3.8.3 bark 6

Posted: Wed 19 Nov 2014, 23:29
by gjuhasz
Dpup wrote:
Installed bark 6 to USB flash boot, works fine, however noticed that the versions of openssl and bash are not current. Are there patch files or updates that can or should be installed?

I think the openssl update is probably the most critical if computer is going to be used for online banking or shopping.

Thanks for all the work on this release !!!
UPDATE 11/12/14 afternoon...
I looked some more, modified /profiles/common/loadsfs to install bash 4.2.53 and openssl 1.0.1j build of Oct 16. Both appear to load fine.

I thought that the update patches were already installed as part of the new bark 6 release.

Any additional comments are welcome. Very different than anything I have seen to date.

Dear Dpup,

Thanks for interesting in Puli.

About security patches: Puli bark 6 is still based on Ubuntu Precise Pangolin LTS, kernel 3.8.3 thus I applied those security updates Ubuntu published for Precise. (Be sure they responded to all discovered vulnerabilities in time.) So, the concerned modules in Puli are up-to-date, despite of (according to Ubuntu's patching conventions,) they manifest their "old" version number.
To prevent incompatibilities, i did not upgrade to a newer kernel version in bark 6. The existing v3.01 is patched, of course.

For details, please take a look in the posts above where I listed the patches available for bark 5 (in the patch folder at
The same set is built into bark 6 along with many new features. Don't hesitate to visit the above referenced or other testing sites to verify.

I decided to apply security patches in the future for Puli bark 6, too, until the official (Canonical) support for Precise LTS expires.

I would appreciate if you could share your experience with me.

FYI: I am writing this from a new Puli based on Trusty Tahr, kernel 3.14.20. Beta will be uploaded soon. Final version arrives by Christmas Eve.

Have fun!



Bark 6

Posted: Tue 25 Nov 2014, 13:51
by Dpup
Thanks for your reply. Tested and confirmed that recent patches are installed in the previous version numbers.

Now testing using Puli Bark 6 on multiple computers, Laptop HP6833US, Acer D150 netbook, Asus 1000HD netbook, Asus 1000HE netbook etc... All on a single USB boot thumb drive, Multiple full backups, multiple secure wifi routers used at different physical locations. I boot from USB thumb drive restore from backup for the computer being used, then select the desired secure router. All working well, and most amazing is the very tiny amount of space used on the thumb drive for all those full backups, Puli is unique in this regard.

Thanks again for making and sharing such a remarkable and useful Puppy derivative.


Re: Bark 6

Posted: Thu 25 Dec 2014, 18:59
by gjuhasz
I am writing this from a new Puli based on Trusty Tahr, kernel 3.14.20. Beta will be uploaded soon. Final version arrives by Christmas Eve.
As promised, the new Puli 6.0 is available. See the new thread among Puppy Projects at

I plan to continue supporting Puli 3.8.3 until Dec 31, 2015.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!



puli 3.8.3 not stored in smokey repository

Posted: Wed 17 Aug 2016, 06:49
by Pelo
puli 3.8.3 not stored in smokey repository. Precise version should be kept available, would it possible to provide it again.
don't do it for me, wait more demands. It's an idea (FFMPEG Included free of charge, no need to take corrective actions with precise version)
As i have tahrpup in my multiboot pendrive, puli would be the Puppy precise player.
Netsurf downloaded for a try with Puli 6.0.4 ( where link is dead)
Netsurf always ask me if i agree, i don't know, i don't understand what Netsurf asks. Yes i want Google, it's simple, isn'it ? kicked out :!:

Posted: Wed 17 Aug 2016, 09:21
by Robert123

open retrovol, and make the necessary change.

Posted: Wed 17 Aug 2016, 23:21
by Pelo
Read the topic, to know how to set well puli.
Audio master is deactivated, capture too. microphone too. that has to be known. open retrovol, and make the necessary change.
Puli was supported by gjuhasz up to 2015 and replaced by a Tahr version.Robert 123 gives the link to load it however. Personaly i decide to run precise puppies beside tahrpup versions, because in fact in my computer that make a difference, more apps are available with precise (more apps where available with DPUP Exprimo too) and that is what i am looking for.
Precise is the version still in use for most of our french Puppies (ToopPy, Triton, and ASRI EDU 310). I will get help in my native language near the devs, is needed.
Puli 3.8.3 is easy to install, and pupsaves are running well, however saving in puli is a different process, that is what i am going to learn, to use it as a puli.
PPM is working well. Wireless is easy using SNS. French keyboard, once choosen, kept active at reboot.
I use laptops, because you can move in the house, our outside. Wireless then can be weak, i bought a dongle to be able to compute outside; i will check if a driver is available for puli.
Elinks for me is not a browser easy. I loaded on the fly a Seamonkey version but i was told not to use Seamonkey. I installed Firefox on a new pupsave.
I am use to usb pendrives, so i installed puli as multiboot beside Tahr and Xenial puppies. Devs need help from users for and feed back for these just released versions.
3.8.3 provides Abiword and Gnumeric included, that is enough for me; i was working for the boss with EXCEL and Word. I am not loose with these too. I don't worlk typing at home, Puppy is just for pleasure, no need of Libre office.

New ! for me.

Posted: Thu 18 Aug 2016, 00:12
by Pelo
b. The network_tray icon becomes red while suspicious connections are active. They are logged in /var/log/suspicious_connections file.
bark bark ok

a. According to the profile name, Puli makes hackers crazy. It disables the network periodically to prevent their session become effective.
Crazy would be too much :)
Does that mean that other Puppies are not secured ???

password recovered

Posted: Sun 04 Sep 2016, 15:09
by Pelo
password recovered.
pAVrecord was not included in Puli, so transfered from my tool case. Unfortunately version is only 9.0.4.
I must admit that Puli makes me some trouble with password and pupsave. My purpose is not at all to stole some private data in my own computer.
To pass through the defence wall is funny.. when i succeed.

Any Puppy can enter Puli without any difficulty, open the main sfs for destroying everything inside, or include a spy application.
It's a joke, i would not break a Puppy Linux with another one :!: ... But i could
Puli tries something different, that is nice, even if i don't really need to protect myself from external attacks (Attack pup was a similar Puppy as Puli)
People wanting to know what Puli looks like before downlading and burn ISO on a CD or DVD, could look at the video done with pAVrecord. Downloading package Decibel from the PPM is the subject, but my goal was to show that pAvrecord does the job, when Simple Screen Recorder cannot be used.
:) 11 M can be used by Puli, Last news...
"A következő szavak mellőzésre kerültek a keresési kifejezésből: puli
Legalább egy keresendő szót meg kell adnod. Minden szónak, a jokerkaraktereket nem számítva, legalább 3 karakter és legfeljebb 14 karakter karakterből kell állnia.
" Puli is not made in Hungaria, where does it come from, then ? USA, hum, I am sure NO.

pAVrecord 9.0.5 installed for mcewanw project

Posted: Tue 06 Sep 2016, 09:09
by Pelo
pAVrecord 9.0.5 installed for mcewanw project. Perfect with H264 codec..pAVrecord topic.
Puli users can choose the best screen cast ! SSR or pAVrecord.
My choice is done.

wex is a screen recorder

Posted: Thu 08 Sep 2016, 00:26
by Pelo
wex is a screen recorder on test by mcewanw. It wont'work with Puli 3.8.3. But Simple screen Recorder is perfect (Dpup package installed successfully).

No problem for videos you tube and tv Programs

Posted: Mon 31 Oct 2016, 15:04
by Pelo
Griffith installed (movie collection) for transfer of my gnumeric file for movies. No problem for videos you tube and videos for Announcement of evening TV program.
I am Checking Gnome-Mplayer, which does not list songs well from CDS.
This bug has been existing since 2013, at least. I feed back soon for Puli.

Puppy Linux technician able to repair Gnome Mplayer

Posted: Mon 31 Oct 2016, 15:18
by Pelo
we are searching for a Puppy Linux technician able to repair Gnome Mplayer (songs list). Puli no better than all Puppies.
Is that possible no one user wrote to the forum to complain !

PPM some tries with jukeboxes

Posted: Tue 17 Jan 2017, 09:17
by Pelo
PPM some tries with jukeboxes
Goggles Music player in addition to Gnome-mplayer : nothing wrong.
You must update PPM before using it.

Please try the latest version of Puli

Posted: Tue 31 Jan 2017, 17:43
by gjuhasz

Thank you for playing with this old version of Puli.
However, Precise Pangolin, the Ubuntu version it is based on is not supported anymore.
Thus, let me encourage you to use the latest Puli, built on Trusty Tahr (better saying, its parent is Tahrpup 6.0.5 CE while its main features are unique)
I see only advantages of Puli 6.0.5 against 3.8.3, and this is why I have removed 3.8.3 from my web folder.

Have fun!



top with tahrpup, lib FFmpeg are missing,

Posted: Fri 03 Feb 2017, 15:27
by Pelo
I play old version because i decided to stop with tahrpup, lib FFmpeg are missing, and i change my mind to X-tahr and xenialdog. I am interested in apps, firmware in Precise puppy fits well my computer Medion P7624, bought 2012
And we cannot change all the time our Puppy with a brand new one. There are to many. I like my Puli, i keep it as it is.
I unsterstand that devs prepare Puppy Linux for the Future. Unfortunately software is getting less and less, since Ubuntu stop development. Packages are Debian. Use Debian Puppies !
And i should say that old ones were prettier than last ones. A tahrpup and a Slacko soon will be reduced to change kernels, without caring to apps software.
why to keep Precise ?
Users make Puppies fit their own needs by adding software or deleting fat (useless fat, as proved by Mistfire and X-Slim Slacko).

new virtual keyboard

Posted: Fri 05 May 2017, 03:43
by Pelo
new virtual keyboard / Argolance and Médor were asking me the Magyar file for virtual keyboard to be used with their xvkbd pets. It just as been provided on topic (slaxen 6.3.2) by gjuhasz
Merci for Médor. I am running my Puli 3.8.3.
I install this pet XVkbd on it (de suite)
"Thank you for playing with this old version of Puli. " Old for devs only, Adult for users (full featured for their computers)
Puppies just born need to be grown, under care of their creator, on brand new computers with tactile screen, bluetooth, and wireless. .. 3D :!: