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Posted: Sun 03 Feb 2013, 03:06
by Yogi

Works in Quirky 1.1. Thanks a bunch!

Posted: Sat 16 Feb 2013, 15:33
by simargl

Yweather 0.1a - taskbar weather app

Posted: Sun 17 Feb 2013, 10:12
by Monsie
Hi vovchik,

I modified your Pet so that it would get the weather for my location only, and then installed it. It works fine. So, I did not need to compile the source-code for Wary. :)

Thanks very much for this great little utility. I really like the fact that I can get my weather information at a quick glance by simply mousing over the icon in the tray instead of having to open the application and/or have it take up a bunch of space on my screen, --but that is a matter of user preference for me.


Posted: Mon 21 Apr 2014, 23:56
by Moat
Bump for this excellent little app. Just installed and working perfectly in Precice 5.7.1 retro w/Openbox_LxPanel.

This seems like it should be a standard inclusion in all Puppies - weighs almost nothing (file size and CPU overhead) and takes just the tiniest snippet of bandwidth to download such a useful amount of info... actually more info as offered by Weather Station in Pwidgets, but at a small fraction of the bandwidth.

Great applet!! :)


*edit to add screenshot to show dialup data transferred in Pwidget "Download" window - the fatter "blip" being Pwidget's data, the following small "blip" being Yweather's...

Posted: Fri 05 Sep 2014, 15:40
by Rope
I tried the pet in Slacko 5.7 and get this error

# yweather 551801 c
Could not open library cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Do I have to install library From where?


Posted: Fri 05 Sep 2014, 16:46
by Semme
If you, or anyone quite frankly, are running Slacko as a full-blown desktop, keeping the devx loaded is a good idea.

Posted: Fri 05 Sep 2014, 17:17
by Rope
Semme wrote:If you, or anyone quite frankly, are running Slacko as a full-blown desktop, keeping the devx loaded is a good idea.
Could you explain more semme? I never used the devx. Thanks.

Posted: Fri 05 Sep 2014, 17:41
by Semme
Besides a build environment, it contains numerous libs that, for their size, are omitted in the base iso.

It also contains your missing libs and other items that compromise most distros in the 700mb range.

It's easy to live with Pup "as is" until you want something outside the base, then you need :!: libs.

PS - You can dwnld the correct devx from within the menus..

Posted: Sat 06 Sep 2014, 01:32
by Rope
thanks semme

Posted: Sat 06 Sep 2014, 02:09
by Semme
That mean you got it working?

Posted: Sun 07 Sep 2014, 21:54
by Rope
Semme wrote:That mean you got it working?
No, I did not try again but will consider the devx sfs now that I see the importanvce.

Posted: Mon 16 Feb 2015, 07:15
by Moat
Hi vovchik -

I love your Yweather app, and use it every day!

One very minor tweak request, if you don't mind...

I can never remember the script location for entry of the WOEID (in '/usr/local/bin', of course) - always having to use pfind to dig it up. Seems it would be nice to have the '/usr/local/bin' path included in the right-click "Help" window's text, just as a handy reference. That's all...

Otherwise - a great, fast and light little weather script!


Posted: Mon 16 Feb 2015, 11:49
by Jasper
Hi Moat,

Re Yweather - I wonder if gRun might be of interest to you:

to try it - open your console/terminal and type


if it opens - Yweather is likely the only app beginning with "y" so type


yw [at most, to show the full description]

then press Enter or click OK.

My regards

Posted: Mon 16 Feb 2015, 21:08
by Moat
Thanks, Jasper... but it appears grun is a search-able application launcher (just installed and tried it) that's similar to the one I already have installed in Precise 5.7.1 (Prun?), available via the menu.

I have no trouble actually launching Yweather (I've created multiple .desktop entries in /usr/share/applications for such, so available via the menu as well) - just have trouble remembering where to enter/modify the weather location code (/usr/local/bin) in case I'm traveling about with the laptop and want to check the local weather.

Probably beyond this noob, but it'd be neat solution if I could actually open the executable and find the help text within, for modifying myself... Tried a few hex editors (probably barking up the wrong tree, there...), but it was all Greek to me!


Posted: Mon 16 Feb 2015, 21:37
by Jasper
Hi again,

When on the move to say, Wogga Wogga why not use your browser and just type:

weather wogga

My regards

PS I also enjoy Yweather, but only for my home location.

Posted: Tue 17 Feb 2015, 22:35
by 8Geee
A Pfind search on Slacko 5.7-nonpae finds ---> copy this symlink, remove the .0

Take the first symlink on the list, copy it, but edit the name WITHOUT the .0, then OK.

Posted: Mon 28 Mar 2016, 19:31
by Moat
I hope vovchik doesn't mind... :oops:

As of a few days ago, Yahoo changed it's weather feed API, and now requires an authentication key. This broke Yweather.

Googling around, I managed to find an alternate Yahoo weather URL that still works;

Code: Select all
I managed to re-compile Yweather with this new URL (using the source code from vovchik's first post), and it works again! 8) I also did a little editing of the Help text, in order to add some useful information without making the Help window too large.

Executable attached, for those whom are interested. Just remove the fake .tar.gz extension, right-click choose "permissions" and select "a+x (Make executable/searchable)", and use it to replace the yweather binary executable in /usr/local/bin - should work!

Being such a noob at compiling, the attached executable is huge in comparison to the original (87k vs. 14k) - but it's still quite small, so... no big matter (to me). Many here can do a much better job of compiling Yweather, no doubt. I did try vovchik's compiling options from this post - ... 483#679483 - but ended up with a Yweather that wouldn't quit from the right-click menu. So I just stuck with this attached one, which appears to function fine.


Posted: Mon 28 Mar 2016, 21:03
by musher0
Good work, Moat! Great initiative!
I have my weather forecast again!

About the size: I stripped it like so:

Code: Select all

strip --strip-unneeded yweather
and it shaved 10k off it. Now down to 74K.

Also, vovchick said he upx'd it. So I did too.
Final result is attached: 20K!

I hope this helps.


Posted: Mon 28 Mar 2016, 21:48
by Moat
Excellent, musher0! :) Your zipped executable works a treat!

This noob will try those compile/compression options you mentioned, and see where it leads...



Posted: Mon 28 Mar 2016, 22:50
by Moat
Moat wrote:This noob will try those compile/compression options you mentioned, and see where it leads...
Neato - I was able to shave mine down to 21k. That UPX is one powerful compression utility!
