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Posted: Mon 10 Oct 2011, 09:23
by Lobster
Have fun and, perhaps, find enlightenment...
I need all the help I can get . . . :)
I ran the Einstein sequence and now am going for meditation/Epsilon in Slacko rc++
Good job. Works well.

I find (personally) one of the best is the
Schumann resonance

Interestingly (slightly off topic) UFO abductees tend to be
susceptible to power cables (sets off visions)

. . . as for enlightenment. I find chanting or music
can elevate or otherwise change mood very efficiently :)

What I really need is a sequence that entrains
ones brain to another dimension or time line . . . :wink:

Many thanks Vovchik 8)

Puppy Linux
Free your Mind . . . or lose it completely . . .

Posted: Sat 09 Mar 2013, 10:54
by Puppyt
Cheers Vovchik - this works straight off the bat with pemasus' dPup Exprimo 5.X.15. Nice surprise! I have been using Lobster's Puppy sbagen on this setup for ages (worked fab), but after a recent glitch in my pupsave I opted to find what else has been happening in the binaural beats field. Just found this - dunno how I never saw it earlier. Big Thanks :-)

Posted: Sun 30 Oct 2016, 04:56
by Puppyt
vovchik wrote: I am working on version 0.2c, which will allow for user-supplied sequences... vovchik
Hallo vovchick! I am about to re-enter an intensive study period and thought I might revisit the possibility of using binaural beats to assist my grey matter. I found your pet in Puppus Dogfellow's repository ... 760#730760, and found to my delight that it worked OOTB in TahrPup64 with the 32-bit compatibility pet added. Cheers!

Then I did a quick squiz at the latest evidence-based research on the use of binaural beats - these recent peer-reviewed papers appear positive, and I'm especially interested in some learning effects described therein:
1. Hommel, B., Sellaro, R., Fischer, R., Borg, S., & Colzato, L. S. (2016). High-Frequency Binaural Beats Increase Cognitive Flexibility: Evidence from Dual-Task Crosstalk. Frontiers in Psychology, 7.
2. McConnell, P. A., Froeliger, B., Garland, E. L., Ives, J. C., & Sforzo, G. A. (2014). Auditory driving of the autonomic nervous system: Listening to theta-frequency binaural beats post-exercise increases parasympathetic activation and sympathetic withdrawal. Frontiers in Psychology, 5.
3. Reedijk, S. A., Bolders, A., Colzato, L. S., & Hommel, B. (2015). Eliminating the Attentional Blink through Binaural Beats: A Case for Tailored Cognitive Enhancement. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 6.
4. Reedijk, S. A., Bolders, A., & Hommel, B. (2013). The impact of binaural beats on creativity. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7.
5. Ross, B., Miyazaki, T., Thompson, J., Jamali, S., & Fujioka, T. (2014). Human cortical responses to slow and fast binaural beats reveal multiple mechanisms of binaural hearing. Journal of Neurophysiology, 112(8 ), 1871–1884.
6. Young, C.-W., Tsai, C.-Y., Zheng, S.-R., Wang, L.-P., Chen, H.-W., & Ay, C. (2014). Investigate the effect of eeg for relaxation using binaural beats. Yilan, Taiwan: 7th ISMAB. Retrieved from
7. Zampi, D. D. (2016). Efficacy of Theta Binaural Beats for the Treatment of Chronic Pain. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 22(1), 32–38. back I went to the SBaGen database ( to check out any theta- focused .sbg file submissions for playback and inclusion in my learning environment. I found that while I can download the sbg files offered and open them as text to see the working innards, I am unable to get Zensound to "see" the new files and I have to 'gut' (comment out) examples of your splendid collection to paste in the new code. Writing to ask whether you have inklings to include the feature I quoted from the ancient history of this thread,
With Best Wishes

Posted: Sun 30 Oct 2016, 13:17
by backi
Hi Puppyt !

Thanks for your interesting tips and references . :D

Posted: Mon 04 Mar 2019, 21:30
by 666philb
with the help of OscarTalks there's now a 64bit version of zensound. ...
it should work in most 64bit pups or extract and manual install for dogs